"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

The irony of the situation is hilarious! The Tea Party, who is protesting runaway spending, and the rest of the republican party, which keeps complaining about unemployment, have, together, managed to lay off almost a million people, but sometime today, will pass a bill that pays their salary anyway!

You can't make stuff like this up!
The irony of the situation is hilarious! The Tea Party, who is protesting runaway spending, and the rest of the republican party, which keeps complaining about unemployment, have, together, managed to lay off almost a million people, but sometime today, will pass a bill that pays their salary anyway! You can't make stuff like this up!
To make omelettes, you've gotta break a few eggs?
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if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

Should I point out that the ranger was not an anonymous source, but an unnamed one? The difference is the reporter, for whatever reason, didn't use his, or her, name, not that he was cited anonymously.
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Remember when Democrats supported jobs?

Me either.
Republicans are already making life for Americans hard. Why do they want to make it harder?

Wasn't the two unpaid for wars
the trillions in debt
the Bush tax cuts
the votes for drugs bill
the cuts in education
the investment in Iraq over America
the jobs moved to China
the cuts in food stamps for children and the diabled


How much more do they want us to suffer?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0lFyFJeZSY]Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer? - YouTube[/ame]
Obama didn't want the shutdown, he's stated repeatedly that he was against it.

The GOP on the other hand is very glad they shut it down..............hell..............some were even saying they were hoping to get enough GOP's in the House to be able to do it, some even campaigned on it.

Sorry, but the government shutdown is strictly the fault of the GOP.

Too bad they can't blame the Dems and make it stick......................there is too much video footage of it out there showing they wanted it.

2014 is going to be good for the Dems, because this shutdown is in the memory of America, and it's fresh enough that they won't forget it in a year.

Sorry........................but the reason for the shutdown is the GOP, and the more they try to fund things that they see on the news that makes them look bad (because they didn't think it through) is only going to look worse in the elections.

I mean shit....................the GOP wrote their own attack ads when they did this and said stupid crap.
In the minds of the public, the GOP owns this shutdown and the polls clearly show the public does not agree with house republicans which means a deal will be struck soon and the Congress will move on to the next battle, the debt ceiling.

wrong, that is only IN YOUR left/libearls/Democrats....DREAMS

AND THIS THREAD is about your government TRAMPLING all over you shutting you off from YOUR COUNTRY and the things in it

but it's no surprise some of you making excuses FOR IT
When a Fox News poll shows public support is weak for house republicans, the GOP needs to take notice.
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

They sure are crying a lot over something they've been calling for for awhile.

Want to point out any place I ever called for the government to attack small business?
When a Fox News poll shows public support is weak for house republicans, the GOP needs to take notice.

In other words, the recipients are pissed off that someone dare question their sense of entitlement.

Sounds like some at least are finally heading the right direction.
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

They sure are crying a lot over something they've been calling for for awhile.

Want to point out any place I ever called for the government to attack small business?
Don't expect a cogent answer...if at all...
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Remember when Democrats supported jobs?

Me either.
Only in the guise of UNION support...which is on the wane...The Progressives are in a pickle they can't explain their way out of except to blame others...
Remember when Repubs were mocking the shutdown saying no one is hurt by it, where is the kaboom and deaths. 3 days Repubs now see it affects people and they don't like it.

Now ask again...Who does the shutdown hurt?

Remember when Democrats supported jobs?

Me either.
Only in the guise of UNION support...which is on the wane...The Progressives are in a pickle they can't explain their way out of except to blame others...

Well, Obama looked like a hero to the UAW when he had the US Government bail out Chrysler and GM...
NOw the unions are most unhappy over Obamacare. A decision Obama made without any hesitation to throw the unions under the bulldozer.
Same thing applies to the Keystone Pipe line. An estimated 20,000 mostly union jobs are on hold perhaps permanently because Obama is making a political calculation.
His choice....Piss off a few hundred thousand union workers who are likely to vote other than democrat next time or a few million enviro-wackos who would rather slit their jugular veins than vote GOP, sitting out the next election in protest?..The math did not work out well for the workers.
When the bill comes in for ObamaCare and the public realizes that it is another massive entitlement program funded by redistribution --- they will remember that it was the Repubs who asked the Dems to fix it BEFORE it broke and further devasted the economy and the budget...
if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

How long would he have a job if he gave his name and address? If they were as nasty as making it as difficult as possible, even closing non governmental places, (which can be easily checked from the story) they certainly would fire an individual who spoke out to national press on the impropriety of it all.

What's the implication here, that the White House sent a memo to all the park rangers to treat everybody like shit?

Taking care of parks and wildlife, park rangers treat everything like shit.
Will Obama come down from the Great White House Mountain to personally tip over the wheelchairs of those World War II vets who again storm the barbed wire? This time not the barbed wire erected by honest, admitted Nazis rather than that erected by His storm troopers?

Or will He just cower inside His little fence?

("H" capitalized 'cause Messiahs - real orimagined - and their acolytes seem to think that's their due)

Obama is playing a sick game with the lives of others...So is Reid and the Democrats.

Obummertude has just begun. :eusa_think:
I've heard people talking about this situation and they are now blaming "the government" or Obama by name. Not the GOP.

Man on the street may just not be blaming the Republicans for this, we'll have to wait to see what the 2014 elections bring.
The Washington Times is owned by the Moonies.


Chris is misinformed.
The Wash Times is now owned by Herring Broadcasting.
In any event, it makes no difference. The Unification Church save for its influx of cash to keep the paper in business had little influence over editorial content.
The Church did however insist on a Conservative editorial bias.
Story content as always is a freedom of the press issue.
By comparison, Current TV is now owned by Al-Jazeera...
I hear no libs whining about that.
I've heard people talking about this situation and they are now blaming "the government" or Obama by name. Not the GOP.

Man on the street may just not be blaming the Republicans for this, we'll have to wait to see what the 2014 elections bring.

In my view the words "I will not negotiate" pretty much sums it up.
BTW, the House sent a bill to the Senate that guarantees back pay for all furloughed federal workers. In addition to that Bill, funding for the DoD and ALL 400,000 civilian Pentagon workers has been approved by the House. Those workers will be back on the job tomorrow, Monday 107..
That is HALF of furloughed federal employees.
The democrats gripe fest is running out of steam.
They will have to make a deal or face the wrath of the voters.
any bets they won't find anything wrong with this?

Obama compares Republicans to kidnappers in weekly address, says he won’t ‘pay a ransom’


President Obama White House presserPresident Obama resorted to name-calling and insults during his weekly address to the American people Saturday morning, comparing Republicans in the House of Representatives to kidnappers who “demand ransom” and “hold our democracy or our economy hostage.”

The President discussed the government shutdown, which heads into a fifth day, as lawmakers on Capitol Hill adjourned to vote on a series of mini-funding bills with plans to work through the weekend. Obama read several stories from citizens nationwide who felt the effects of the shutdown and encouraged Republicans to pass a budget.

“The American people don’t get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their job. Neither does Congress,” the President said. “They don’t get to hold our democracy or our economy hostage over a settled law.”

Obama continued, reiterating his no-negotiations stance and said he would not “pay a ransom” to meet House Republicans’ demands.

“That’s why I won’t pay a ransom in exchange for reopening the government. And I certainly won’t pay a ransom in exchange for raising the debt ceiling,” the President said. “For as reckless as a government shutdown is, an economic shutdown that comes with default would be dramatically worse.”

While President Obama continues to tow his hard line, Republicans in the Senate answered back in their weekly address, delivered by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) on Saturday morning.

Cornyn reiterated Senate Democrats’ failure to pass bills delaying Obamacare by one year, abolish the medical device tax and force members of Congress to receive coverage under Obamacare.

Meanwhile, the Texas Republican continued, President Obama has vowed to veto a series of bills funding veterans’ programs, the National Institutes of Health and national parks and monuments.

all of it here
Obama compares Republicans to kidnappers in weekly address, says he won?t ?pay a ransom?

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