"We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."

if the park ranger that supposedly made this accusation was not anonymous, or could show anything at all that democrats or obama said what he says they did, then maybe I would believe the story, but right now, it looks like, and smells like, and walks like a fabrication.....

How long would he have a job if he gave his name and address? If they were as nasty as making it as difficult as possible, even closing non governmental places, (which can be easily checked from the story) they certainly would fire an individual who spoke out to national press on the impropriety of it all.
Yes... I was thinking exactly the same thing... perhaps we need to see a few other examples of Federal Employees (who were not furloughed) being told to make life difficult for people before we can believe one anonymous ranger, but...

Politicians being what they are - on both sides of the aisle - I would not be surprised in the slightest to learn that the Obama Administration is doing just that - rubbing as much salt into the wounds of The Shutdown as may be practicable in order to make folks are-the-more angry at the Republicans, whom Obama has gone out of his way to blame for all of this...

Obama has always struck me as a bit cavalier - one of the 'swells' and not in very close touch with The People - but the look on the guy's face while delivering some of his Shutdown speeches on road trips this past week was a look of downright arrogance...

Although the Washington Times has more of a Conservative bent than some papers, with a couple of changes of ownership in recent times, they have more legitimacy than I might once have been willing to accord to them, and they have no reason to lie about such a thing...

As a 'placeholder' until something to the contrary surfaces, I'm quite ready to believe that the Obama Administration is telling its surviving workers to make things difficult for The People as a political tactic, as this anonymous ranger has supposedly disclosed...

of course they are. the left EVERYWHERE is the scum of the earth. and their contempt to the ordinary people is showing always when they lose control over their fake "empathy"
If you wanna go by polls, then what about the ones that show that the majority don't favor repeal or shutting down the gov't. over it?

They also demand a compromise from the Gov't. Is that happening............

No it isn't. Both sides draw a line in the sand.

In a fight, their are 2 sides. Both sides are fighting. Both sides refuse to give in. Both sides are responsible.

Now the people must decide who's to blame, and the Dems are raising holy hell to ensure that it isn't them as always.

As is the other side. And by the looks of things it doesn't look like they're winning.

Could that be the real cause of all this bitterness?

wow, WE the PEOPLE are ALL LOSING with this Fascist Federal Government and you are worried about that

just shallow
Prickiness tools down.
SAD isn't it? A POTUS that inflicts PAIN on people to get his own way?

It isn't sad. This is a commonly used liberal practice.
Whenever there are objections , votes or protests that result in government not being able to spend money or increase taxes, the politicians think of ways to inflict as much pain as possible..
"Don't want to let us do what we want? We'll show YOU!"

YES. That is the exact description of the policies of the LEFT - everywhere.

p.s. have to spread more reputation - therefore giving it HERE.
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Yes Sheeple .......... go with that, Obama directly ordered the parks to do that.

You're a fucking liar shitstain. If your contribution to discussion is an outright lie, then crawl back under your rock. It's moist there and you know what the sun does to your skin.
You, of all people, shouldn't be berating anyone for lying, Mr. "The Fen River is in Texas".
Yes Sheeple .......... go with that, Obama directly ordered the parks to do that.

You're a fucking liar shitstain. If your contribution to discussion is an outright lie, then crawl back under your rock. It's moist there and you know what the sun does to your skin.
You, of all people, shouldn't be berating anyone for lying, Mr. "The Fen River is in Texas".

I never respond to dean anymore..
I consider his posts to be that of the drunk uncle at the family gathering.
Ya sort of cringe at everything he posts, but cannot help reading.
"...Both sides are responsible..."



HA!! This really hits a nerve with you libs. Good. It should.
Prickiness tools down.
SAD isn't it? A POTUS that inflicts PAIN on people to get his own way?

It isn't sad. This is a commonly used liberal practice.
Whenever there are objections , votes or protests that result in government not being able to spend money or increase taxes, the politicians think of ways to inflict as much pain as possible..
"Don't want to let us do what we want? We'll show YOU!"

Sad that there are far too many that sell their liberty to tyranny.
Just imagine if this country had a leader.

The La La Times of all OP pages:

"A vast scholarly literature spanning more than six decades exists on the subject of leadership. The characteristics of effective leaders have been pored over, cataloged and debated. Among them, one trait stands out as axiomatic: Effective leaders take responsibility for problems around them; they do not shift blame to others. As Winston Churchill put it, "The price of greatness is responsibility."
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Just imagine if this country had a leader.

The La La Times of all OP pages:

Obama is ducking a leader's duty - latimes.com
"A vast scholarly literature spanning more than six decades exists on the subject of leadership. The characteristics of effective leaders have been pored over, cataloged and debated. Among them, one trait stands out as axiomatic: Effective leaders take responsibility for problems around them; they do not shift blame to others. As Winston Churchill put it, "The price of greatness is responsibility."

At the bottom of the article:

Arthur C. Brooks is president of the American Enterprise Institute. He is the author of "The Road to Freedom: How to Win the Fight for Free Enterprise."

SAD isn't it? A POTUS that inflicts PAIN on people to get his own way?

It isn't sad. This is a commonly used liberal practice.
Whenever there are objections , votes or protests that result in government not being able to spend money or increase taxes, the politicians think of ways to inflict as much pain as possible..
"Don't want to let us do what we want? We'll show YOU!"

Sad that there are far too many that sell their liberty to tyranny.

that LOOKS like where we are headed, it seems the Progressives/commies like Obama and his comrades in arms saw this AND has taken FULL advantage of it

it make me ill to see our people just sit back and ALLOW THIS...and not just that BUT AGREE WITH THEM over the people in this country
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Obama didn't want the shutdown, he's stated repeatedly that he was against it.

The GOP on the other hand is very glad they shut it down..............hell..............some were even saying they were hoping to get enough GOP's in the House to be able to do it, some even campaigned on it.

Sorry, but the government shutdown is strictly the fault of the GOP.

Too bad they can't blame the Dems and make it stick......................there is too much video footage of it out there showing they wanted it.

2014 is going to be good for the Dems, because this shutdown is in the memory of America, and it's fresh enough that they won't forget it in a year.

Sorry........................but the reason for the shutdown is the GOP, and the more they try to fund things that they see on the news that makes them look bad (because they didn't think it through) is only going to look worse in the elections.

I mean shit....................the GOP wrote their own attack ads when they did this and said stupid crap.
In the minds of the public, the GOP owns this shutdown and the polls clearly show the public does not agree with house republicans which means a deal will be struck soon and the Congress will move on to the next battle, the debt ceiling.
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Obama didn't want the shutdown, he's stated repeatedly that he was against it.

The GOP on the other hand is very glad they shut it down..............hell..............some were even saying they were hoping to get enough GOP's in the House to be able to do it, some even campaigned on it.

Sorry, but the government shutdown is strictly the fault of the GOP.

Too bad they can't blame the Dems and make it stick......................there is too much video footage of it out there showing they wanted it.

2014 is going to be good for the Dems, because this shutdown is in the memory of America, and it's fresh enough that they won't forget it in a year.

Sorry........................but the reason for the shutdown is the GOP, and the more they try to fund things that they see on the news that makes them look bad (because they didn't think it through) is only going to look worse in the elections.

I mean shit....................the GOP wrote their own attack ads when they did this and said stupid crap.
In the minds of the public, the GOP owns this shutdown and the polls clearly show the public does not agree with house republicans which means a deal will be struck soon and the Congress will move on to the next battle, the debt ceiling.

wrong, that is only IN YOUR left/libearls/Democrats....DREAMS

AND THIS THREAD is about your government TRAMPLING all over you shutting you off from YOUR COUNTRY and the things in it

but it's no surprise some of you making excuses FOR IT
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You're a fucking liar shitstain. If your contribution to discussion is an outright lie, then crawl back under your rock. It's moist there and you know what the sun does to your skin.
You, of all people, shouldn't be berating anyone for lying, Mr. "The Fen River is in Texas".

I never respond to dean anymore..
I consider his posts to be that of the drunk uncle at the family gathering.
Ya sort of cringe at everything he posts, but cannot help reading.

OMG...rdean is Joe Biden!! :eek:
Just imagine if this country had a leader.

The La La Times of all OP pages:

Obama is ducking a leader's duty - latimes.com
"A vast scholarly literature spanning more than six decades exists on the subject of leadership. The characteristics of effective leaders have been pored over, cataloged and debated. Among them, one trait stands out as axiomatic: Effective leaders take responsibility for problems around them; they do not shift blame to others. As Winston Churchill put it, "The price of greatness is responsibility."

At the bottom of the article:

Arthur C. Brooks is president of the American Enterprise Institute. He is the author of "The Road to Freedom: How to Win the Fight for Free Enterprise."

So? Does that mean Obama is really a great leader after all?


No... not bullshit... insofar as I can see it, anyway...

It seems to me that BOTH sides (Republican AND Democrat) bear responsibility for this Government Shutdown mess...

The Republicans for not resisting ObamaCare more effectively (if they objected to it so much) and then waiting until the last minute prior to implementation before taking a firm stand, and then taking this Shutdown route, and for holding the Nation's purse-strings hostage to their agenda...

The Democrats for shoving an ill-conceived and hastily-cobbled-together healthcare bill down the Nation's throat at the speed of light and handing-out exemptions to civil service and elected leadership and granting implementation-delays to Big Business - all while forcing the Little Guy to stick to the original timetable...

And BOTH of them unwilling to compromise in any meaningful way...

BOTH sides are full of shit clean up to their ears in this...

Not just the Left...

Not just the Right...

BOTH sides...

Sorry if that doesn't meet with your agenda, but I callz 'em da way I seez 'em.

The first step towards reconciliation on any issue is to explore the full range of culpability issues; including long-standing root-issues, not just the most recent actions.

The bipartisan blame-sharing scenario outlined above is, admittedly, simplistic, but it is also accurate and honest.

If you believe that Democrats do not share in this mess (including its root causes) then your partisanship may be blinding you to the truth.

BOTH sides are full of shit in conjuring-up and dealing-with this mess...

BOTH sides...

No... not bullshit... insofar as I can see it, anyway...

It seems to me that BOTH sides (Republican AND Democrat) bear responsibility for this Government Shutdown mess...

The Republicans for not resisting ObamaCare more effectively (if they objected to it so much) and then waiting until the last minute prior to implementation before taking a firm stand, and then taking this Shutdown route, and for holding the Nation's purse-strings hostage to their agenda...

The Democrats for shoving an ill-conceived and hastily-cobbled-together healthcare bill down the Nation's throat at the speed of light and handing-out exemptions to civil service and elected leadership and granting implementation-delays to Big Business - all while forcing the Little Guy to stick to the original timetable...

And BOTH of them unwilling to compromise in any meaningful way...

BOTH sides are full of shit clean up to their ears in this...

Not just the Left...

Not just the Right...

BOTH sides...

Sorry if that doesn't meet with your agenda, but I callz 'em da way I seez 'em.

The first step towards reconciliation on any issue is to explore the full range of culpability issues; including long-standing root-issues, not just the most recent actions.

The bipartisan blame-sharing scenario outlined above is, admittedly, simplistic, but it is also accurate and honest.

If you believe that Democrats do not share in this mess (including its root causes) then your partisanship may be blinding you to the truth.

BOTH sides are full of shit in conjuring-up and dealing-with this mess...

BOTH sides...

Very silly. The GOP for not resisting?

The ACA IS a Democratic compromise.

No exemptions to civil service and elected leadership. That is a lie.

Fuck off.
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It's hard to get payback when we're not paying in the first place. SUPPORT PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.

Hey, genius:

We're 17 TRILLION dollars in the hole now. Where's the money coming from?

Sheesh. Why is the ONLY solution progs insist on spending money we don't have?

Hey! The Bernanke can just keep Printing Mo Mo Mo Monies!

Easy Peasy!
And progressives just don't understand the end result of that:

If any of you think any politician actually cares about you then you're either delusional or just plain stupid.

it is one thing NOT TO CARE, it is absolutely different to INTENTIONALLY MAKE IT DIFFICULT.

if you don't understand that you are either delusional or just plain stupid :eusa_whistle:

To any politician we are nothing but tools to be used to advance their own quest for power.

If we are inconvenienced by being used it is nothing to them.

As I said they don't care.

It's not a difficult concept.

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