"WE WANT TRUMP!" You didn't see this reported by the media

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The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

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People hate Trump in the UK. There was no such crowd cheering Trump during this visit.
The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

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People hate Trump in the UK. There was no such crowd cheering Trump during this visit.

I’ve seen his rallies around the country, and they line up for a day before. There are as many inside as outside. I wouldn’t go and see anybody for any reason, but there are tons of people that do.

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I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

OKTexas is right. I'm black and as far as putting my country first, I'm down with that. But putting America first does not mean treating other nations as less. Because the bottom line is that earth is the only planet that we definitively know life exists. Lastly WTF are white "nationalists" uprising for?

The way other nations act toward the US determines how they should be treated. There are a little less than 160 nations on earth, there's no reason we should be paying the majority of the costs for international organizations like the UN.

I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

OKTexas is right. I'm black and as far as putting my country first, I'm down with that. But putting America first does not mean treating other nations as less. Because the bottom line is that earth is the only planet that we definitively know life exists. Lastly WTF are white "nationalists" uprising for?

The way other nations act toward the US determines how they should be treated. There are a little less than 160 nations on earth, there's no reason we should be paying the majority of the costs for international organizations like the UN.

I agree with you there.
A Rally in England - thousands gather in support of President Trump, silence from the media. This is beautiful to see and says an awful lot about the turning tide. They cannot hide the truth.

Well, surprise surprise surprise! You mean the same media that covered up the 5 black men, so called house of Israel, race baiting and focused instead on a white catholic school boy in a MAGA hat that just...smiled? That media? Oh the one that always plays up police shootings and downplays the massive black on black violence? That media? just so that we are straight here.

Don't lecture Americans about our constitution.

Damn shame that Canadian knows more about our constitution than you do.
I'm willing to bet neither you, nor she, can quote anything in our Constitution that mentions anything about the media or press having any sort of defined role in our government or society.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Now be quiet.

That doesn't define their roll in government or society. The printing press was not prevalent in American society at the time of the founding. I took news weeks to cross the States, nothing was instantaneous then. Modern media wasn't even a dream in that era. And yes there were politically biased news papers then, at least they didn't project themselves as being objective.


Yes it does. Media is media and what they had at that time was modern for those times.

And the Constitution doesn't define their roll. Period.

I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

OKTexas is right. I'm black and as far as putting my country first, I'm down with that. But putting America first does not mean treating other nations as less. Because the bottom line is that earth is the only planet that we definitively know life exists. Lastly WTF are white "nationalists" uprising for?

The way other nations act toward the US determines how they should be treated. There are a little less than 160 nations on earth, there's no reason we should be paying the majority of the costs for international organizations like the UN.


Yes, there is. How much of the wealth of the world is owned and controlled by the United States of America. That's what you whiney conservatives keep forgetting. You pay the most because you HAVE the most. Because your corporations operate throughout the world and then ship their profits home to the USA.
The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

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People hate Trump in the UK. There was no such crowd cheering Trump during this visit.

I’ve seen his rallies around the country, and they line up for a day before. There are as many inside as outside. I wouldn’t go and see anybody for any reason, but there are tons of people that do.

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Everybody loves a trainwreck. And there's always his base. The only reason why he has an 80% approval rating among Republicans is that people are leaving the Republican Party in droves. Moderates, non-racists and especially women. Trump's base is all that will be left soon and he'll have 100% approval among Republicans, but fewer and fewer people will vote for him a second time, now that the damage from his tax cuts are kicking in.
The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.
Actually that is an outright lie... Trump is polling at 56% across the pond... and not a peep from the MSM-Liberal smear merchants.
Actually that is an outright lie! Tramp is polling 21% favorable as of April 2019.

Donald Trump's popularity in the U.K. remains far, far lower than Barack Obama's
United Kingdom residents have an overwhelmingly unfavorable view of President Donald Trump, with recent polls showing only 21 percent of Great Britain having a positive opinion of the United States leader.
Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

A major revolt of whites? Where?

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Look it up. The citizens of white nations want their countries back...They’ve realized that paying brown people to fuck their homelands up isn’t really working all that well. Weird huh?
I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

OKTexas is right. I'm black and as far as putting my country first, I'm down with that. But putting America first does not mean treating other nations as less. Because the bottom line is that earth is the only planet that we definitively know life exists. Lastly WTF are white "nationalists" uprising for?

The way other nations act toward the US determines how they should be treated. There are a little less than 160 nations on earth, there's no reason we should be paying the majority of the costs for international organizations like the UN.


Yes, there is. How much of the wealth of the world is owned and controlled by the United States of America. That's what you whiney conservatives keep forgetting. You pay the most because you HAVE the most. Because your corporations operate throughout the world and then ship their profits home to the USA.

Poor little commie bitch, we have no obligation to support shit holes that prefer to kill each other over developing a modern economy. Furthermore some of the developed countries would be shit holes if we weren't buying their goods. So sing your little tale of woes elsewhere, I ain't buying.

The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.
Actually that is an outright lie... Trump is polling at 56% across the pond... and not a peep from the MSM-Liberal smear merchants.
Where did you get this 56 percent rating from?
This rhread is so full of lies and misinformation it's pathetic. From the OP lie and fake news, this garbage thread is laced with misinformation and outright lies. Like Trump and his administration, his supporters feel free to lie and promote fake news and misinformation about everything and anything, without shame or guilt. Just a cult of liars and dishonest, immoral dregs of society.
I find it pathetic you can't just accept good news without inserting race into it.


Agreed. He is a disgraceful excuse for an American, a conservative, a republican, a Christian, a human being, or any of the aforementioned.

That's awesome, I'm totally cool with that...I find it pathetic that so many nutless cucks are scared shitless to discuss or address anything with regard to ethnicity....all nutless fools are owned by the PC movement...I get that.
Remember, I'm extreme, I'm that guy hoping to distance himself from the sackless pukes who have got their asses handed to them for decades. You cucks just sit there on your hands like you've done for years and ride the coattails of this new age Republican....We got your sorry asses..we'll carry all you pussies.

I'm perfectly fine discussing evolutionary divergence.

When folks aren't educated to know that all humans experience life the same, they are ignorant, and thus, they FEAR the other.

Biologists and Anthropologists have noted, this is a totally normal reaction. What really bugs me, is the elite ruling class journalists brainwash folks to make it seem like it is just the reverse. I had a liberal friend of mine just the other day on her FB, post a meme saying that HATE is learned. Factually, it is not, it is empathy and love that is learned.

HATE, fear, suspicion, it is all a product of ignorance. If folks go into the armed forces or off to University, they get exposed to many different life styles and different types of people, THEY LEARN EMPATHY. Folks may not like differences, but they understand the life of different people.

Folks that never leave their cloistered community, do not get it.

Biologists have even noted, that among animal species, like wolves, or lions, different sub-groupings are preferential to in-groups, versus out-groupings, IT IS NATURAL. It takes exposure and education to the out-group to overcome fear and suspicion. This is only ever done if there is some evolutionary or economic advantage in doing so.

The left would make all of society believe that babies are born accepting of the out-group, and are raised to hate and fear the out group by ignorant red necks, when, in fact, it takes exposure to different groups and different types of people to condition empathy and love. It takes a very affluent society to make diversity and multiculturalism work.

. . . IN CONCLUSION, more than likely, you have never served in the military, nor have you been forced to live in a dorm or shipped off far away and been exposed to many different types of people much more diverse than yourself.

We understand your fear and suspicion of the OUT-GROUP.

I have no problem understanding or discussing the dynamics of relations between IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP exchanges.

I don't think you really know anything beyond your fear and suspicion. Nor do I think you have an interest in learning love and empathy either, for it would confer no evolutionary or economic advantage to you in the short term.

Evolution of in-group favoritism


That’s deep..real deep, tearjerker type shit right there.
Like I said, while you old-schoolers are sitting in the corner reading you Bibles, turning simple shit in super complexities and fantasizing about some fairytale bullshit world loaded with rainbows and butterflies I’ll be on the front line and in the trenches dealing with the real world shit...and carrying you noble fools. It’s all good bud..we are totally fine with that.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Tell me you grew up, enrolled in the military and went through basic training with many different types of folks.

Or better yet, tell me you lived in a college dorm with someone of a wildly different background than you and there were gay men on your floor.

Go ahead, tell me I am wrong, tell me you had these experiences and that you DID learn empathy and you do know what you are talking about. . . .

I grew up in Southern California, born and raised....attended public schools my whole life, completed my undergrad at USC where I dormed for 2 1/2 years. I’m not sure how that changes much...I have an amazing ability to see things as they are and not for why they are the way they are. I won’t fall into that trap...that shit is for the unaccountable excuse makers.
Look, I know many people who prefer and insist on staying blinded by their own nobility and frankly I’m not so sure I see a whole lot of bad in that....I simply prefer to view things in total clarity...no spin, no self manipulation and no blur. Call me shallow...I like that.

Oh yeah? I'll bet you've never met a LGBT person of color in your life. Probably not even a LGBT person, or a person of color person, or even a midget. You haven't lived man, how can you say you know stuff, when you things like that?
Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

The left winger commie protest crowd was 98% white .
According to them thats a big racist no no in empty headed leftwing nazi land

the right doesnt have that problem come one come all ....just dont be a poser rino/ cuck ...cause we really do despise your uni party globo homo traitorous asses ...Stay with your nazi commie authoritarian racist lefttarded pals
Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

The left winger commie protest crowd was 98% white .
According to them thats a big racist no no in empty headed leftwing nazi land

the right doesnt have that problem come one come all ....just dont be a poser rino/ cuck ...cause we really do despise your uni party globo homo traitorous asses ...Stay with your nazi commie authoritarian racist lefttarded pals

How could anyone resist such a heartfelt invitation?
The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

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People hate Trump in the UK. There was no such crowd cheering Trump during this visit.

I’ve seen his rallies around the country, and they line up for a day before. There are as many inside as outside. I wouldn’t go and see anybody for any reason, but there are tons of people that do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Everybody loves a trainwreck. And there's always his base. The only reason why he has an 80% approval rating among Republicans is that people are leaving the Republican Party in droves. Moderates, non-racists and especially women. Trump's base is all that will be left soon and he'll have 100% approval among Republicans, but fewer and fewer people will vote for him a second time, now that the damage from his tax cuts are kicking in.

So everyone that voted for him is a racist? And exactly what is a moderate? I don’t know anyone leaving. Who do you like for 2020 so far? You don’t think with all the free stuff they are talking about, your taxes aren’t going up if they get in. How would you know what Republicans aren’t voting for him. Any of them told you, they like any candidate from the pending freak show. This is exactly the talk that was heard before. And you all couldn’t have been more wrong. You haven’t stopped crying since. If everyone loved a train wreck, hilly would be in right now.

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Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

The left winger commie protest crowd was 98% white .
According to them thats a big racist no no in empty headed leftwing nazi land

the right doesnt have that problem come one come all ....just dont be a poser rino/ cuck ...cause we really do despise your uni party globo homo traitorous asses ...Stay with your nazi commie authoritarian racist lefttarded pals

How could anyone resist such a heartfelt invitation?

Feelings and emotions rule!

Im shocked !

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