"WE WANT TRUMP!" You didn't see this reported by the media

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A Rally in England - thousands gather in support of President Trump, silence from the media. This is beautiful to see and says an awful lot about the turning tide. They cannot hide the truth.

Let's see...that video is from donnie's visit this last week, you say?
A Rally in England - thousands gather in support of President Trump, silence from the media. This is beautiful to see and says an awful lot about the turning tide. They cannot hide the truth.

They didn't cover it because it didn't happen.
Video of 'We Love Trump' Chant is From 2018 - FactCheck.org

It's from an actual pro Trump rally in 2018.

Doesn't matter. Trumpicans are shameless. Dupes and scam victims always refuse the truth. Suckers born every minute.

This from a Russia Russia Russia Tard...….....

What a flucking Hoot....

Lying op comes from who?
The Corporate Media has a 94% rate of negative reports on Trump.

Doesn’t fit their narrative. CNN is lobbying the Democrats HARD for impeachment to save their ratings. CNN is hemorrhaging cash and laying off hundreds of people. They don’t pay their freelance journalists for 90 days!!

View attachment 264446

Don't forget about the other side of the story...

Interesting piece about corporate control of local TEE VEE.

I believe that pales in comparison to the tentacles of the CFR media consolidation though. That corporate/government control of the public mind in cooperation with the foundations of America even had a special congressional investigation. . . it is well known among folks that study the destruction of American values.

This is a minor nuisance. One which would have never been allowed if the former had been taken seriously.

I think it is more than a minor nuisance. There is an inherent mistrust in national news and the national media. But people tend to trust their local news shows far more and the fact they are reading off the same script across the nation makes them not all that local anymore

I suppose?

I stopped watching local news before I graduated from High School and never looked back. I viewed it to have about as much importance as my high school's paper.

I never really cared how many local folks have been robbed or that old Mrs. Smith reached 100.

. . . and if the local news is giving me info on National or International News?


Most all of local broadcast news is liberal/leftist slanted, and that in my opinion is a huge problem for many. The many who say they don't watch local news anymore for that very reason, makes me think that liberal biased news platforms are somehow padding the numbers found in the ratings.

Conservatives need to immediately invest in more radio super strong signal towers in order to reach their constituents better. Not sure how liberal/leftist radio got so much stronger than conservative radio, but it did.
A Rally in England - thousands gather in support of President Trump, silence from the media. This is beautiful to see and says an awful lot about the turning tide. They cannot hide the truth.

They didn't cover it because it didn't happen.
Video of 'We Love Trump' Chant is From 2018 - FactCheck.org

It's from an actual pro Trump rally in 2018.

Doesn't matter. Trumpicans are shameless. Dupes and scam victims always refuse the truth. Suckers born every minute.

This from a Russia Russia Russia Tard...….....
What a flucking Hoot....

No, this rhread is based on a fake story, a lie, and you guys shamelessly continue to run with it.

Well, none of them are really very bright, so it's kinda to be expected.
I find it pathetic you can't just accept good news without inserting race into it.


Agreed. He is a disgraceful excuse for an American, a conservative, a republican, a Christian, a human being, or any of the aforementioned.

That's awesome, I'm totally cool with that...I find it pathetic that so many nutless cucks are scared shitless to discuss or address anything with regard to ethnicity....all nutless fools are owned by the PC movement...I get that.
Remember, I'm extreme, I'm that guy hoping to distance himself from the sackless pukes who have got their asses handed to them for decades. You cucks just sit there on your hands like you've done for years and ride the coattails of this new age Republican....We got your sorry asses..we'll carry all you pussies.

I'm perfectly fine discussing evolutionary divergence.

When folks aren't educated to know that all humans experience life the same, they are ignorant, and thus, they FEAR the other.

Biologists and Anthropologists have noted, this is a totally normal reaction. What really bugs me, is the elite ruling class journalists brainwash folks to make it seem like it is just the reverse. I had a liberal friend of mine just the other day on her FB, post a meme saying that HATE is learned. Factually, it is not, it is empathy and love that is learned.

HATE, fear, suspicion, it is all a product of ignorance. If folks go into the armed forces or off to University, they get exposed to many different life styles and different types of people, THEY LEARN EMPATHY. Folks may not like differences, but they understand the life of different people.

Folks that never leave their cloistered community, do not get it.

Biologists have even noted, that among animal species, like wolves, or lions, different sub-groupings are preferential to in-groups, versus out-groupings, IT IS NATURAL. It takes exposure and education to the out-group to overcome fear and suspicion. This is only ever done if there is some evolutionary or economic advantage in doing so.

The left would make all of society believe that babies are born accepting of the out-group, and are raised to hate and fear the out group by ignorant red necks, when, in fact, it takes exposure to different groups and different types of people to condition empathy and love. It takes a very affluent society to make diversity and multiculturalism work.

. . . IN CONCLUSION, more than likely, you have never served in the military, nor have you been forced to live in a dorm or shipped off far away and been exposed to many different types of people much more diverse than yourself.

We understand your fear and suspicion of the OUT-GROUP.

I have no problem understanding or discussing the dynamics of relations between IN-GROUP and OUT-GROUP exchanges.

I don't think you really know anything beyond your fear and suspicion. Nor do I think you have an interest in learning love and empathy either, for it would confer no evolutionary or economic advantage to you in the short term.

Evolution of in-group favoritism


That’s deep..real deep, tearjerker type shit right there.
Like I said, while you old-schoolers are sitting in the corner reading you Bibles, turning simple shit in super complexities and fantasizing about some fairytale bullshit world loaded with rainbows and butterflies I’ll be on the front line and in the trenches dealing with the real world shit...and carrying you noble fools. It’s all good bud..we are totally fine with that.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Tell me you grew up, enrolled in the military and went through basic training with many different types of folks.

Or better yet, tell me you lived in a college dorm with someone of a wildly different background than you and there were gay men on your floor.

Go ahead, tell me I am wrong, tell me you had these experiences and that you DID learn empathy and you do know what you are talking about. . . .

I grew up in Southern California, born and raised....attended public schools my whole life, completed my undergrad at USC where I dormed for 2 1/2 years. I’m not sure how that changes much...I have an amazing ability to see things as they are and not for why they are the way they are. I won’t fall into that trap...that shit is for the unaccountable excuse makers.
Look, I know many people who prefer and insist on staying blinded by their own nobility and frankly I’m not so sure I see a whole lot of bad in that....I simply prefer to view things in total clarity...no spin, no self manipulation and no blur. Call me shallow...I like that.
Ah...University of Spoiled Children......
A Rally in England - thousands gather in support of President Trump, silence from the media. This is beautiful to see and says an awful lot about the turning tide. They cannot hide the truth.

They didn't cover it because it didn't happen.
Video of 'We Love Trump' Chant is From 2018 - FactCheck.org

It's from an actual pro Trump rally in 2018.

Doesn't matter. Trumpicans are shameless. Dupes and scam victims always refuse the truth. Suckers born every minute.

This from a Russia Russia Russia Tard...….....
What a flucking Hoot....

No, this rhread is based on a fake story, a lie, and you guys shamelessly continue to run with it.

Well, none of them are really very bright, so it's kinda to be expected.

Actually, it seems a handful of posters flood this board with threads that are based on lies and misinformation. This one is a good example.
You don't carry anything but ignorance. You're no better than any other race baiter on this board.


The difference is; I speak the truth and the truth as it relates to ethnicity scares the piss out of nutless cowards. Like I said, embrace your cowardice and programming.... it’s been working so well.

Yeah, you keep deluding yourself, you're great for a good belly laugh.


Look bud, I’m not making this up...nothing I said was untrue..it just scared you, and you, like many who’s asses are owned by PC are scared shitless to talk about anything race related. You know if it gets talked about and facts are exposed you’ll be forced to change your play stupid, hear nothing, say nothing ignorant position on the matter....I know your type...I have you pegged.

Actually you have no clue who I am. I'm probably the least PC person on this board. I've been called a racist and bigot by virtually every commie on this board. You are just a race baiter, no better than any other on this board. Deal with it, own it.


You don't carry anything but ignorance. You're no better than any other race baiter on this board.


The difference is; I speak the truth and the truth as it relates to ethnicity scares the piss out of nutless cowards. Like I said, embrace your cowardice and programming.... it’s been working so well.

Yeah, you keep deluding yourself, you're great for a good belly laugh.


Do you think he is a real poster, or an administrative sock to engage the real membership and troll up the page views?

Either way, I really don't give a shit, I call out overt race baiters when ever I see them.


I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

I'm a nationalist, but it has nothing to do with my being white. I just put my country over all others. Also if you don't know the difference between discussion and race baiting, I'm not here to educate you, I simply pointed it out.

They didn't cover it because it didn't happen.
Video of 'We Love Trump' Chant is From 2018 - FactCheck.org

It's from an actual pro Trump rally in 2018.
Doesn't matter. Trumpicans are shameless. Dupes and scam victims always refuse the truth. Suckers born every minute.

This from a Russia Russia Russia Tard...….....
What a flucking Hoot....
No, this rhread is based on a fake story, a lie, and you guys shamelessly continue to run with it.
Well, none of them are really very bright, so it's kinda to be expected.
Actually, it seems a handful of posters flood this board with threads that are based on lies and misinformation. This one is a good example.
Yes, but just like any good con man, one tells the lie and the others swear to it.
Interesting piece about corporate control of local TEE VEE.

I believe that pales in comparison to the tentacles of the CFR media consolidation though. That corporate/government control of the public mind in cooperation with the foundations of America even had a special congressional investigation. . . it is well known among folks that study the destruction of American values.

This is a minor nuisance. One which would have never been allowed if the former had been taken seriously.

I think it is more than a minor nuisance. There is an inherent mistrust in national news and the national media. But people tend to trust their local news shows far more and the fact they are reading off the same script across the nation makes them not all that local anymore

Both FOX and Sinclair claim that their open conservative bias is in response the extreme left wing bias in other outlets. But the reality is that both networks have become a massive propaganda machine for the Republican Party and their putting out a proveably false narrative, but one which sells Trump’s lies to the public unquestioningly. That’s not the role of the media under the constitution.


Don't lecture Americans about our constitution.

Damn shame that Canadian knows more about our constitution than you do.
I'm willing to bet neither you, nor she, can quote anything in our Constitution that mentions anything about the media or press having any sort of defined role in our government or society.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Now be quiet.
How many in this thread only read the OP and went all in on this video being of the last week? :71:
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The Corporate Media has a 94% rate of negative reports on Trump.

Doesn’t fit their narrative. CNN is lobbying the Democrats HARD for impeachment to save their ratings. CNN is hemorrhaging cash and laying off hundreds of people. They don’t pay their freelance journalists for 90 days!!

View attachment 264446

Don't forget about the other side of the story...

Interesting piece about corporate control of local TEE VEE.

I believe that pales in comparison to the tentacles of the CFR media consolidation though. That corporate/government control of the public mind in cooperation with the foundations of America even had a special congressional investigation. . . it is well known among folks that study the destruction of American values.

This is a minor nuisance. One which would have never been allowed if the former had been taken seriously.

I think it is more than a minor nuisance. There is an inherent mistrust in national news and the national media. But people tend to trust their local news shows far more and the fact they are reading off the same script across the nation makes them not all that local anymore

I suppose?

I stopped watching local news before I graduated from High School and never looked back. I viewed it to have about as much importance as my high school's paper.

I never really cared how many local folks have been robbed or that old Mrs. Smith reached 100.

. . . and if the local news is giving me info on National or International News?


Most all of local broadcast news is liberal/leftist slanted, and that in my opinion is a huge problem for many. The many who say they don't watch local news anymore for that very reason, makes me think that liberal biased news platforms are somehow padding the numbers found in the ratings.

Conservatives need to immediately invest in more radio super strong signal towers in order to reach their constituents better. Not sure how liberal/leftist radio got so much stronger than conservative radio, but it did.

Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

A major revolt of whites? Where?

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I think it is more than a minor nuisance. There is an inherent mistrust in national news and the national media. But people tend to trust their local news shows far more and the fact they are reading off the same script across the nation makes them not all that local anymore

Both FOX and Sinclair claim that their open conservative bias is in response the extreme left wing bias in other outlets. But the reality is that both networks have become a massive propaganda machine for the Republican Party and their putting out a proveably false narrative, but one which sells Trump’s lies to the public unquestioningly. That’s not the role of the media under the constitution.


Don't lecture Americans about our constitution.

Damn shame that Canadian knows more about our constitution than you do.
I'm willing to bet neither you, nor she, can quote anything in our Constitution that mentions anything about the media or press having any sort of defined role in our government or society.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Now be quiet.

That doesn't define their roll in government or society. The printing press was not prevalent in American society at the time of the founding. I took news weeks to cross the States, nothing was instantaneous then. Modern media wasn't even a dream in that era. And yes there were politically biased news papers then, at least they didn't project themselves as being objective.

The reality is that Trump is wildly unpopular in the UK. But sure, there are some people there who like him.

Like the shit ton of people flooding the streets? That was a stadium size group of people. Almost looked like when the Phillies won the World Series. Did you see the group? That’s why Hillary lost.

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I’m not real sure how pointing out an obvious uprising of white nationalists around the globe is “race-baiting”....I suppose I kinda figured we all had the balls to discuss all matters here...Do you?

OKTexas is right. I'm black and as far as putting my country first, I'm down with that. But putting America first does not mean treating other nations as less. Because the bottom line is that earth is the only planet that we definitively know life exists. Lastly WTF are white "nationalists" uprising for?
Yep, the fake news MSM would never cover such an event. It goes against their narrative that Europe hates Trump.


The truth is, that crowd was comprised of all white people, that event wasn't even reported by Fox....there's a major revolt taking place worldwide among whites right now and that's scaring the fuck out of everybody. The shit may soon hit the fan.

A major revolt of whites? Where?

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He's probably referring to these people:
And all the INCELs out there.
Hilarious how Trump suckers and dupes fell for this manufactured fake news and blamed other media for not covering a non-existent event.

Trump can’t win. Another great YouTube video.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Both FOX and Sinclair claim that their open conservative bias is in response the extreme left wing bias in other outlets. But the reality is that both networks have become a massive propaganda machine for the Republican Party and their putting out a proveably false narrative, but one which sells Trump’s lies to the public unquestioningly. That’s not the role of the media under the constitution.


Don't lecture Americans about our constitution.

Damn shame that Canadian knows more about our constitution than you do.
I'm willing to bet neither you, nor she, can quote anything in our Constitution that mentions anything about the media or press having any sort of defined role in our government or society.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Now be quiet.

That doesn't define their roll in government or society. The printing press was not prevalent in American society at the time of the founding. I took news weeks to cross the States, nothing was instantaneous then. Modern media wasn't even a dream in that era. And yes there were politically biased news papers then, at least they didn't project themselves as being objective.


Yes it does. Media is media and what they had at that time was modern for those times.
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