We Went from Flatten the Curve to NAZI Germany Quickly

conflicting facts,
You don't have "conflicting facts".

We have facts, and then we have the crap that you kids try to push as facts. What kellyann immortalized as "alternative facts".

You only care about facts when it suits your agenda. I can promise you illegals and asylum seekers who are flooding over our borders aren’t wearing masks. Where is the outrage? Does the science not apply to them? You are being taken for a ride.
Show me illegals "flooding over our borders" first.
Revealed: 104 terrorist border crossings. “Critics laughed at former President Donald Trump when he claimed that terrorists, ‘some real bad ones,’ had crossed the border just as he was selling Congress on paying for a border wall. But it turns out that Trump was correct that in the waves of illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border in the last decade were dozens of terrorists and terror sympathizers.”
Real news, not this RWNJ infotainment crap.
Your ignorance is hilarious.
So as I said before, you can't back any of this up.
The Nazis wrote a letter to an old Jewish German married couple. "Because you are a Jew you will be arrested. Our bus will come at 12.12 12 o'clock to bring you in prison". At 12.12. 12 o'clock they stood there with two suitcases, the bus came, they entered and the bus brought them into an extermination camp.

And now stop the totally idiotic bullshit which you continously say.

Are you saying that Jews willingly went to extermination camps?

No, idiot. This is only an example of a single case - and is difficult to understand. There are more than only one solutions why they did do so.

I say "you" don't know what you speak about. I say the situation under Hitler for Germans, who were Jews, and Germans, who were not Jews, is not comparable with the flat nonsense here.

It's more than only stupid to call the political party "democrats" of the USA Nazis. And it's much more stupid than only totally stupid to compare the will to protect others and oneselve with masks in case of a virus infection during a world wide pandemic with the terror, hopelessness, delusions and brutality of the Nazi-regime.

That might be true if this were a real pandemic, but it's not. We've been lied to, the numbers manipulated, and freedoms and businesses put under the boot of the government even more than usual, all in order to manipulate the voting in November. We'll see how it continues to play out in order to determine what the intention is, Nazi Germany took years to get to it's final stage.
conflicting facts,
You don't have "conflicting facts".

We have facts, and then we have the crap that you kids try to push as facts. What kellyann immortalized as "alternative facts".

You only care about facts when it suits your agenda. I can promise you illegals and asylum seekers who are flooding over our borders aren’t wearing masks. Where is the outrage? Does the science not apply to them? You are being taken for a ride.
Show me illegals "flooding over our borders" first.
Revealed: 104 terrorist border crossings. “Critics laughed at former President Donald Trump when he claimed that terrorists, ‘some real bad ones,’ had crossed the border just as he was selling Congress on paying for a border wall. But it turns out that Trump was correct that in the waves of illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border in the last decade were dozens of terrorists and terror sympathizers.”
Real news, not this RWNJ infotainment crap.
Your ignorance is hilarious.
So as I said before, you can't back any of this up.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know how to use Google.
Seems like there is a pretty easy way not to be easily identified on camera...
This you in October 2020


Nice tits on the little brunette

You'll never see a kid pick up a mask and blow his brains out!
No, kids are too busy committing suicide thanks to Democrats policies.

Not with masks they don't. It wasn't Dem policies that brought us the Trump Pandemic.
so trump created the virus? hahahahahaahahahahaaha dude your steroids stopped working. did all the demofks become so stupid they don't know how to be a human being anymore?
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

You're right, it isn't.

It's politics.

Ah, my bad. Forgot you tRumplings have the self-preservation instincts of a suicidally depressed lemming.

Carry on.

why do you care? were you there? were you threatened? it seems no one there cared, so why is it your business? steroid boy!!!
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

why are there still cigarettes and booze and cars and airplanes and food? why?
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

If they called the celebration a riot it would have been okay. Prog politicians...and Prog women...it would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The cops though will do their duty on this.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

If they called the celebration a riot it would have been okay. Prog politicians...and Prog women...it would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The cops though will do their duty on this.

the cops won't do shit.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

this is inciting a riot/ insurrection..
Your freedom NOT to wear a mask ends exactly one nanosecond before you put another human being at-risk due to your ignorance and selfishness.

How dare leave your house without wearing a hermetically-sealed space suit. Your silly mask doesn't work. You are putting other human beings at risk...

PS: I bet you don't even use your turn signal.
Your freedom NOT to wear a mask ends exactly one nanosecond before you put another human being at-risk due to your ignorance and selfishness.

How dare leave your house without wearing a hermetically-sealed space suit. Your silly mask doesn't work. You are putting other human beings at risk...

PS: I bet you don't even use your turn signal.
the mere fact he is breathing is a threat to me
If you think wearing a mask is ridiculous, but you wear one anyway, I think you watch too much CNN...


Wear a mask if you want; that's cool. Stay home forever if you want, that's cool. It's called freedom.

Like heck I will wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face which I do not need for months. It is a fundamental right to make your own medical decisions.

I have a working immune system that is much more effective than any mask or even the vaccines....




Dr. El Guapo demonstrates the effectiveness of masks, including double masks...



Your freedom NOT to wear a mask ends exactly one nanosecond before you put another human being at-risk due to your ignorance and selfishness.
Dufus thinks a mask makes him safe.

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