We Went from Flatten the Curve to NAZI Germany Quickly

BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

If they called the celebration a riot it would have been okay. Prog politicians...and Prog women...it would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The cops though will do their duty on this.

the cops won't do shit.

The other day while leaving a store with a big masks required sign on the door, I held the door for a cop who was entering the store. We smiled at each other. It's nice to see smiles. They are part of the fundamental right of free expression. Not to mention being a human.

I think I am going to start paying it forward and picking up the order of someone behind me in the checkout line as long as they are not wearing a mask.
The Nazis wrote a letter to an old Jewish German married couple. "Because you are a Jew you will be arrested. Our bus will come at 12.12 12 o'clock to bring you in prison". At 12.12. 12 o'clock they stood there with two suitcases, the bus came, they entered and the bus brought them into an extermination camp.

And now stop the totally idiotic bullshit which you continously say.

Are you saying that Jews willingly went to extermination camps?

No, idiot. This is only an example of a single case - and is difficult to understand. There are more than only one solutions why they did do so.

I say "you" don't know what you speak about. I say the situation under Hitler for Germans, who were Jews, and Germans, who were not Jews, is not comparable with the flat nonsense here.

It's more than only stupid to call the political party "democrats" of the USA Nazis. And it's much more stupid than only totally stupid to compare the will to protect others and oneselve with masks in case of a virus infection during a world wide pandemic with the terror, hopelessness, delusions and brutality of the Nazi-regime.
What’s the difference between Democrats and Hitlers NAZIS ...

I gave you a long incomplete list of similarities. Name one difference between today’s Democrats and Hitlers NAZIS
If you believe, what you (¿or someone else?) wrote there then you believe in empty political phrases without substance.
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... Dufus thinks a mask makes him safe.

Why do you think use docters a mask during an operation? The main reason to wear a mask is not to infect others! In this way you are able to slow down the speed of the pandemic. The lower the speed the less victims.
... Dufus thinks a mask makes him safe.

Why do you think use docters a mask during an operation? The main reason to wear a mask is not to infect others! In this way you are able to slow down the speed of the pandemic. The lower the speed the less victims.
There’s no virus in an operating room idiot. The mask isn’t useful for a virus. It’s useless. I’m still waiting for one of you peckerwood’s to show they are
conflicting facts,
You don't have "conflicting facts".

We have facts, and then we have the crap that you kids try to push as facts. What kellyann immortalized as "alternative facts".

You only care about facts when it suits your agenda. I can promise you illegals and asylum seekers who are flooding over our borders aren’t wearing masks. Where is the outrage? Does the science not apply to them? You are being taken for a ride.
Show me illegals "flooding over our borders" first.
Revealed: 104 terrorist border crossings. “Critics laughed at former President Donald Trump when he claimed that terrorists, ‘some real bad ones,’ had crossed the border just as he was selling Congress on paying for a border wall. But it turns out that Trump was correct that in the waves of illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border in the last decade were dozens of terrorists and terror sympathizers.”
Real news, not this RWNJ infotainment crap.
Your ignorance is hilarious.
So as I said before, you can't back any of this up.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know how to use Google.
Not my job, Son. You made the claim, you back it up.

Or you could just admit you're talking outta yer ass.

BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

You're right, it isn't.

It's politics.

Ah, my bad. Forgot you tRumplings have the self-preservation instincts of a suicidally depressed lemming.

Carry on.

why do you care? were you there? were you threatened? it seems no one there cared, so why is it your business? steroid boy!!!

Spreading the virus threatens everyone.

Why do you still not get that? It's not a difficult concept, and everyone has been telling you about for a year.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

why are there still cigarettes and booze and cars and airplanes and food? why?

False equivalency is still false.

Quit it.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

If they called the celebration a riot it would have been okay. Prog politicians...and Prog women...it would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The cops though will do their duty on this.

Who is prescribing all of you the stupid pills?

Lets just start...

Experts say wear a mask as it reduces the chance of infection... I could explain to you why but you are not interested...

Fauci, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, and the CDC all said don't wear masks. Did you believe them then?

Politicians make unconstitutional orders requiring masks, and then they fail to follow their own orders. Do you believe them?

Hours after Biden issued an executive order on federal property, he broke his own order by posing for pictures with people who do not live in his own household, maskless, on federal property...

His press secretary ignores the order every day. Most Dems speaking in the Senate today did the same. They remove their mask to speak while indoors. If masks worked, that would undoubtedly be the most important time to wear a mask.

Masking has not done squat to control the spread. Nothing has worked. Viruses will be viruses, and sheep will be sheep.

But continue to believe the experts. They make big bucks (Fauci made over $400k last year), so they have to pretend to be doing something meaningful...

BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

If they called the celebration a riot it would have been okay. Prog politicians...and Prog women...it would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The cops though will do their duty on this.

Who is prescribing all of you the stupid pills?

Says Dufus who claims there’s no way for him to find out how many illegals are arrested at the border each year.
... Dufus thinks a mask makes him safe.

Why do you think use docters a mask during an operation? The main reason to wear a mask is not to infect others! In this way you are able to slow down the speed of the pandemic. The lower the speed the less victims.
There’s no virus in an operating room idiot. ...

Your body is full of bacteriae and this bioms contain also viri. Without this viri of your body the bacteriae in your body would not be in balance.

And for the respectless "idiot" it could be a good idea for you to go into a church and to lighten three candles: one for me and one for all other known and one for the unknown idiots all over the worlds. I had a problem in the last time to do so on my own. Thank you.

Not not to forget: Sand in a motor is bad. On the other side is sand on a beach a very nice thing. So use a mask when you meet other vulnerable motors, machine minded man.
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The Nazis wrote a letter to an old Jewish German married couple. "Because you are a Jew you will be arrested. Our bus will come at 12.12 12 o'clock to bring you in prison". At 12.12. 12 o'clock they stood there with two suitcases, the bus came, they entered and the bus brought them into an extermination camp.

And now stop the totally idiotic bullshit which you continously say.

Are you saying that Jews willingly went to extermination camps?

No, idiot. This is only an example of a single case - and is difficult to understand. There are more than only one solutions why they did do so.

I say "you" don't know what you speak about. I say the situation under Hitler for Germans, who were Jews, and Germans, who were not Jews, is not comparable with the flat nonsense here.

It's more than only stupid to call the political party "democrats" of the USA Nazis. And it's much more stupid than only totally stupid to compare the will to protect others and oneselve with masks in case of a virus infection during a world wide pandemic with the terror, hopelessness, delusions and brutality of the Nazi-regime.

That might be true if this were a real pandemic, but it's not. ...

In Germany died about 30% more of the people who are older than 80 years last year (compared with the average death rate of the 4 years before Corona came). Many others - also young people - died. Many have big long term problems after an infection with Sars-CoV-2. And I do not speak about the Germany on planet Earth II in the Andromeda galaxy. Here died on covid-19 every day between 800-1200 people during the last weeks - yesterday 835, if I remember well. Now slowly this situation comes under control again, after we had tried to see all this problems more relaxed some weeks ago and we had to correct this stupidity. ... Ahm ... What did I like to say? ... In the USA is no pandemic? Are you sure or are you dead? ...
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BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

no one's business. there is no law.

Public safety is everyone's business. That's why it's public.

Public safety isn’t about mandate, otherwise cigarettes would be gone. Who do you think you are interfering in anyone’s life? You didn’t give a rats ass about the homeless rats in San Fran or la, shitting in the streets? You’re just an asshole. Thanks for confirming that

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