We Were Right About the ‘Pride’ Movement

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Why is it that the only folks who whine and worry about gay and transgender folks are Conservatives, right wingers, Republicans, etc. The rest of America doesn't even pay attention to that bullshit, as long as, it doesn't affect us.
The only ones that have the guts to say something ever cross your mind? They are not all conservatives. And how can Americans not pay attention? It is everywhere. Why don't they participate in the society and STFU.
Christians and conservatives began warning DECADES ago that the “Pride” and rainbow movement was not what it presented itself to be. It was never about “tolerance” but rather domination. It was never about “acceptance” but rather forced affirmation. In just a short time, the false rainbow movement has gone from asking for acceptance to flaunting Satan worship at pride marches across the globe. Oh, and in Seattle this week, men without clothes on rode bicycles in front of children… with no pushback. People are waking up to this and America is tired. I’m continuing to pray that God puts a stop to this. Our children and the soul of our nation deserve better.

When the whole "gay marriage" thing started years ago naming a civil union between homos as a "marriage," i tried to tell people then that the real aim to all of this was pedophilia--- going after the children, but few took me seriously. Now they openly admit it.

Once again, the GOP-controlled Right was caught asleep with a board shoved up their collective asses--- a day late and a dollar short unprepared as usual.
No shit. How about this. ALL kiddie diddlers get killed. No matter who they are.

All in favor, say aye!

I say AYE!
When the whole "gay marriage" thing started years ago naming a civil union between homos as a "marriage," i tried to tell people then that the real aim to all of this was pedophilia--- going after the children, but few took me seriously. Now they openly admit it.
I was one of those...Thought it was ridiculous hyperbole.

Never will belive them again.
The calendar has nothing to do with anything....You're a fucking depraved retrograde, time period notwithstanding.
Telling that you're more interested in time than that there were more than 11,000 emergency-room visits for gunshot injuries among children and teens under the age of 18.
Christians and conservatives began warning DECADES ago that the “Pride” and rainbow movement was not what it presented itself to be. It was never about “tolerance” but rather domination. It was never about “acceptance” but rather forced affirmation.

In just a short time, the false rainbow movement has gone from asking for acceptance to flaunting Satan worship at pride marches across the globe. Oh, and in Seattle this week, men without clothes on rode bicycles in front of children… with no pushback.

People are waking up to this and America is tired. I’m continuing to pray that God puts a stop to this. Our children and the soul of our nation deserve better.
We were right that it was all about targeting gays.
No shock you think you know how best to raise other people's children.

Different culture, moron. But keep on with your moral relativism.

Just an FYI, in some cultures it's appropriate to steal the woman you want from her family.

In other cultures it's considered proper to murder a daughter who has brought perceived shame on your family.

If you want to live under those rules, MOVE THERE!
We were right that it was all about targeting gays.

Liar, we don't care about normal queers. We only care about pedophiles, whether they are gay, or straight.

Different culture, moron. But keep on with your moral relativism.

Just an FYI, in some cultures it's appropriate to steal the woman you want from her family.

In other cultures it's considered proper to murder a daughter who has brought perceived shame on your family.

If you want to live under those rules, MOVE THERE!
So you get to decide what cultures are moral and which are not? Quite a responsibility you have there. Were the children in that culture harmed by what they saw or are our children harmed by what we hide from them?
History shows that your pasty, white ass has been the most evil MF the world has ever known. Where were all you right wing cocksuckas when white priest were molesting little boys, you were quiet as hell when that was going on. Now you want us to believe that you cowards care about children, GTFO here with that bullshit. I noticed none of you cowards have had to say anything about Jim Jordan and all the molesting stories that were going on at OSU when he was the wrestling coach, quiet as hell on that, aren't you?you voted for
So the only time you care about children is when the left does something but churches can molest kids all day long and to you it's a whataboutism.

Just as I expected.

There are more disgusting things in life don't you worry.
i'm sure you would know .
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