We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

There was a continuity of people, culture, language, customs, beliefs, values, etc. in Iraq always.
The Ottoman Empire rules over them, but they still existed as a sort of state within the empire.
If you look at a map, obviously the Iraq culture is centered on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, both of which join and reach the ocean in Kuwait.
So obviously Kuwait was the important seaport of Iraq.
But the British navy was good at illegally capturing seaports with their powerful navy.
Iraq claimed they had no WMD until after we invaded.
Only then did they try to threaten us with them.
But since we knew they actually did not have any, we ignored them.
No chemical or bioweapons HazMat equipment dispensed.
There were many factions of Kurds.
For example, when the supposed gas attack on Halabja occurred, Saddam actually was allied with Kurdish troops who were on the ground, and Saddam only provided air support. Their mutual enemy was the Iranians, and it was the Iranians who gassed Halabja.
The Kurds were not really much trouble for Saddam, since they tended to also be Sunni, so were not aligned against each other like the Shia Iranians were.

The Highway of Death was wrong because Iraq had gotten permission to invade Kuwait from ambassador Glasspie first, then when we ordered Saddam to leave, he negotiated a white flag retreat.
By bombing the Iraq troops retreating under a white flag, we committed about the single works war crime possible. We talked them into leaving, and then gunned them down once in the open. We could not have done that if they had stayed in Kuwait. We also likely used banned thermobaric weapon, (air fuel dispersion bombs known for their fatal concussions).
The evidence is the people were killed so fast they could not even fall down.
Saddam was never given permission by anyone

He illegally invaded and the Highway of death involved very little death but was in fact legal

They were not under a white flag.
Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil and selling it to Iraq's customers at a huge discount, causing Iraqi to be on the brink of bankruptcy from borrowing for the war with Iran.


And the Bush dynasty was heavily tied to Kuwait oil.

That made the Iraq invasion of Kuwait legal.
That makes Desert Storm illegal.

Here you go off the rails.

War is the abandonment of law and diplomacy. There is one, and only one law in war - kill the enemy. Anyone who tells you different is trying to kill you.
There was a continuity of people, culture, language, customs, beliefs, values, etc. in Iraq always.
The Ottoman Empire rules over them, but they still existed as a sort of state within the empire.
If you look at a map, obviously the Iraq culture is centered on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, both of which join and reach the ocean in Kuwait.
So obviously Kuwait was the important seaport of Iraq.
But the British navy was good at illegally capturing seaports with their powerful navy.
Iraq claimed they had no WMD until after we invaded.
Only then did they try to threaten us with them.
But since we knew they actually did not have any, we ignored them.
No chemical or bioweapons HazMat equipment dispensed.
There were many factions of Kurds.
For example, when the supposed gas attack on Halabja occurred, Saddam actually was allied with Kurdish troops who were on the ground, and Saddam only provided air support. Their mutual enemy was the Iranians, and it was the Iranians who gassed Halabja.
The Kurds were not really much trouble for Saddam, since they tended to also be Sunni, so were not aligned against each other like the Shia Iranians were.

The Highway of Death was wrong because Iraq had gotten permission to invade Kuwait from ambassador Glasspie first, then when we ordered Saddam to leave, he negotiated a white flag retreat.
By bombing the Iraq troops retreating under a white flag, we committed about the single works war crime possible. We talked them into leaving, and then gunned them down once in the open. We could not have done that if they had stayed in Kuwait. We also likely used banned thermobaric weapon, (air fuel dispersion bombs known for their fatal concussions).
The evidence is the people were killed so fast they could not even fall down.
Some of what you say I know to be true so that lends credibility to your other statements. That, and your manner of speaking (allowing for uncertainty).

I don't know why the fact the Iraqis were fleeing when they were pulverized by US-led forces didn't register as morally wrong before, but it was. They were leaving peacefully as demanded.

Your suspicion of the use of thermobaric weapons on the retreating Iraqis is supported by that horrific picture.

You seem well-informed and your statements reasonable on this topic.

Good post! 👍🏻
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The left doesn't consider the right their "enemies". That's the biggest difference between left and right.

Republicans think that Democrats hate them and Democrats don't hate Republicans. Republicans are projecting their own hate onto their "enemies". Democrats are Americans who love their country, and the ONLY way Republicans can get elected these day is to demonize the left.

Republicans have no ideas, no platform, and plans for the country other than to destroy the left. All they're running on is fear and hate. Instead of using the DOJ to fight crime and injustice, Donald Trump tried and failed to prosecute his Democratic "enemies". Every attempted prosecution failed because Democrats had committed no crimes. But lives and careers were destroyed at every turn.

The Republican war on half the American population is a war on democracy and the rights of people who aren't white men. Overturning Roe was the final straw and the people are now prepared to fight for their rights. If it takes the wiping the Republican Party out politically, so be it, but this Republican terrorism of the left must end or your nation will be destroyed.

This is what happened in South America in the 1970's. The right violently destroyed the left. Leftist leaders were jailed and tortured murdered. Especially the lawyers and the university professors. Just like Republicans are now going after leftist lawmakers and the entire US education system as "leftist indoctrination systems". Dictators were installed, and it took generations for the left to rise again, by which time military dictators and oligarchs were firmly in control, and all dissent was quashed in a reign of terror.

You're one more Trump Presidency away from the same fate.
If Democrats loved this country they'd secure the border and stop dividing us by race, sex, and income.
More than 100,000 Iraqi's were killed in the Iraq war. Including both military and civilians. Something like 120,000 Afghanis died in the War in Afghanistan.

More than 6 million died in the Holocaust, and estimates are between 40 and 50 million died in World War II. There are all of the leftist murders in South America, India, South Africa, and throughout the British colonies.

Authoritarian dictators on both sides of the political spectrum murder their citizens with impunity. Allende in Chile and Stalin in Russia are two sides of the same coin.

Such murderous rampages do NOT take place in democracies on either side of the political spectrum unless a dictator seize control and suspends democratic freedoms, which is precisely what Trump tried to do on January 6th.

The number of people that the USA has killed or murdered is well into the millions, even before you include the genocide of native American peoples (nearly 3 million died). WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Trail of Tears - how many people has the USA killed or murdered?
You're confused. We didn't kill our own citizens in wars. Moron.
Mosquitoes are blood suckers. But that doesn't mean fleas are not.

Where we went wrong is with nation building. Afghanistan and Pakistan both should have been bombed into glass.

Then walk away - no help to "rebuild" so that contractors can get rich, leave them bleeding in the dirt.
So your solution was to kill 260m people... then walk away...

Right we know where you stand...

Do you think there would be blow back?

On another note Timothy McVeigh was raised in Pendleton NY, should we take out the whole county or will the town do?
So your solution was to kill 260m people... then walk away...

Right we know where you stand...

Do you think there would be blow back?

On another note Timothy McVeigh was raised in Pendleton NY, should we take out the whole county or will the town do?
Warmongers never learn.
The Patriot Act was unleashed against American's by the Dimm's AND Covid resulted in the State trashing the Constitution.

The Patriot Act was passed October 24, 2001, when the White House, House, and Senate were all held by Republicans, for the first time since 1954.

This is what Republicans do. They pass odious legislation that does great damage to the Country, and then then blame Democrats for it.

They blamed Obama for his terrible response to Hurricane Katrina. It happened in 2005, three years before he took office. They blamed Democrats for the 2008 Crash because they took the House in 2006, long after the no down payment act of 2005, the tax cuts and ballooning deficits, and two off the books wars sealed the fate of the world's economy. The blamed Bill Clinton for the Housing Bubble because he signed the Bill changing the banking regulations authored and passed by the Republican House and Senate in late 1999, post-impeachment, which allowed Wall Street to take down the world economy.

Then they blamed Obama for the 2008 Crash, which happened 3 months before his election. Now they're blaming Joe Biden for high gas prices and inflation, even though that's happening all over the world.

January 6th trashed the Constitution. Covid lockdowns were simply reasonable public health measures in a plague. The same way people have fought disease which brings death to many since the dawn of time - stay home and stay safe.

Republicans don't have any common sense whatsoever.
The Patriot Act was passed October 24, 2001, when the White House, House, and Senate were all held by Republicans, for the first time since 1954.

This is what Republicans do. They pass odious legislation that does great damage to the Country, and then then blame Democrats for it.

They blamed Obama for his terrible response to Hurricane Katrina. It happened in 2005, three years before he took office. They blamed Democrats for the 2008 Crash because they took the House in 2006, long after the no down payment act of 2005, the tax cuts and ballooning deficits, and two off the books wars sealed the fate of the world's economy. The blamed Bill Clinton for the Housing Bubble because he signed the Bill changing the banking regulations authored and passed by the Republican House and Senate in late 1999, post-impeachment, which allowed Wall Street to take down the world economy.

Then they blamed Obama for the 2008 Crash, which happened 3 months before his election. Now they're blaming Joe Biden for high gas prices and inflation, even though that's happening all over the world.
O was no different from W. Both ruled exactly the same. Corporatist warmongers authoritarian assholes.
The Patriot Act was passed October 24, 2001, when the White House, House, and Senate were all held by Republicans, for the first time since 1954.

This is what Republicans do. They pass odious legislation that does great damage to the Country, and then then blame Democrats for it.

They blamed Obama for his terrible response to Hurricane Katrina. It happened in 2005, three years before he took office. They blamed Democrats for the 2008 Crash because they took the House in 2006, long after the no down payment act of 2005, the tax cuts and ballooning deficits, and two off the books wars sealed the fate of the world's economy. The blamed Bill Clinton for the Housing Bubble because he signed the Bill changing the banking regulations authored and passed by the Republican House and Senate in late 1999, post-impeachment, which allowed Wall Street to take down the world economy.

Then they blamed Obama for the 2008 Crash, which happened 3 months before his election. Now they're blaming Joe Biden for high gas prices and inflation, even though that's happening all over the world.

January 6th trashed the Constitution. Covid lockdowns were simply reasonable public health measures in a plague. The same way people have fought disease which brings death to many since the dawn of time - stay home and stay safe.

Republicans don't have any common sense whatsoever.

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