We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

Tora Bora is in Afghanistan, dumbass!

Stop posting this bullshit you are making up as you go!

Yes, and Colin Powell went on TV to drum up support for the war, using artist renditions of what he imagined was in Tora Bora. A WMD factory that was delivering them to Iraq.
It was all lies of course.

There was a continuity of people, culture, language, customs, beliefs, values, etc. in Iraq always.
The Ottoman Empire rules over them, but they still existed as a sort of state within the empire.
If you look at a map, obviously the Iraq culture is centered on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, both of which join and reach the ocean in Kuwait.

So obviously Kuwait was the important seaport of Iraq.
But the British navy was good at illegally capturing seaports with their powerful navy.
Iraq claimed they had no WMD until after we invaded.
Only then did they try to threaten us with them.
But since we knew they actually did not have any, we ignored them.
No chemical or bioweapons HazMat equipment dispensed.
There were many factions of Kurds.
For example, when the supposed gas attack on Halabja occurred, Saddam actually was allied with Kurdish troops who were on the ground, and Saddam only provided air support. Their mutual enemy was the Iranians, and it was the Iranians who gassed Halabja.
The Kurds were not really much trouble for Saddam, since they tended to also be Sunni, so were not aligned against each other like the Shia Iranians were.

The Highway of Death was wrong because Iraq had gotten permission to invade Kuwait from ambassador Glasspie first, then when we ordered Saddam to leave, he negotiated a white flag retreat.
By bombing the Iraq troops retreating under a white flag, we committed about the single works war crime possible. We talked them into leaving, and then gunned them down once in the open. We could not have done that if they had stayed in Kuwait. We also likely used banned thermobaric weapon, (air fuel dispersion bombs known for their fatal concussions).

The evidence is the people were killed so fast they could not even fall down.

I merely highlighted all of your lies for you. I am a Gulf War veteran. How about you?
Illegal sanctions? Do tell why they were illegal!

Read the 1906 Hague Conventions that later turned into the Geneva Conventions.
Economic warfare against civilian commerce was to be totally illegal.
That is why submarine warfare considered illegal at first.
The law was first intended to prevent the old Medieval practice of starving out cities.
But if you look at our own constitution, there is no authority to impose economic sanctions.
It is not legal and never could be.
It would be denying people a right to their own political beliefs.
When the constitution gives authority to "regulate", they meant to "keep regular", which means preventing restrictions, not causing them.
I merely highlighted all of your lies for you. I am a Gulf War veteran. How about you?

Gulf war veterans actually are all guilty.

Anyone looking at a map will quickly notice that Kuwait is the stolen beach front of Iraq.


The fact the British were able to capture and steal Kiwait away from the Iraqis, does not make it right.
The Kuwaitis are culturally Iraqi, but the Emir of Kuwait is a fake and is actually Bedouin.
Yes, and Colin Powell went on TV to drum up support for the war, using artist renditions of what he imagined was in Tora Bora. A WMD factory that was delivering them to Iraq.
It was all lies of course.

Why would he drum up support for the war? You said it was in Iraq you fucking dumbass!

Where is you link to all those pretty diagrams?

You said: "Everything the Bush administration said to get support for the invasion of Iraq was all lies."
Gulf war veterans actually are all guilty.

Anyone looking at a map will quickly notice that Kuwait is the stolen beach front of Iraq.


The fact the British were able to capture and steal Kiwait away from the Iraqis, does not make it right.
The Kuwaitis are culturally Iraqi, but the Emir of Kuwait is a fake and is actually Bedouin.
I'm sorry, but you are one of the dumbest MF on this forum.
Property taxes are an attempt to be as fair as possible, since in an agricultural economy, land means wealth.
Yes the rich do pay more, which is the socialism I was defending.
Seems you agree?
You said that Taxpayers who pay for schools do it based on "ability to pay", which is the most fair and efficient.

That is a lie!

Will you please stop with the bullshit?
Wrong. Everyone was in the House. That is what a "joint session" means.
There was no one in the Senate.
The senators were all in the House.
The protestors never got within 100' of any representative.
Oh for fucks sake:

Here is a picture of the well in the US House of Representatives:

Here is a picture of the well of the US Senate:


Here is a picture of the insurrectionists:

Dude, you don't know shit.
Read the 1906 Hague Conventions that later turned into the Geneva Conventions.
Economic warfare against civilian commerce was to be totally illegal.
That is why submarine warfare considered illegal at first.
The law was first intended to prevent the old Medieval practice of starving out cities.
But if you look at our own constitution, there is no authority to impose economic sanctions.
It is not legal and never could be.
It would be denying people a right to their own political beliefs.
When the constitution gives authority to "regulate", they meant to "keep regular", which means preventing restrictions, not causing them.
There was no Hague Convention of 1906, as it took place in 1907.

There is nothing contained therein in regards to economic warfare or even sanctions. Where are you getting this bullshit?

Keep trying if you want, I have a history degree and know the truth. All you have are lies!
Everyone with any brain cells at all is a socialist.
If not for socialism, then all roads would have to have toll boths, there would be no public schools, etc.
How many civilians have been murdered by their own socialist governments? Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam...?
It happened after the "magic negro commie" took office and started deliberately dividing us.
This country has never been unified. And stop pretending it was unified until Obama because that's a damn lie. Obama won and you racists lost the last bit of your minds.
Gulf war veterans actually are all guilty.

Anyone looking at a map will quickly notice that Kuwait is the stolen beach front of Iraq.


The fact the British were able to capture and steal Kiwait away from the Iraqis, does not make it right.
The Kuwaitis are culturally Iraqi, but the Emir of Kuwait is a fake and is actually Bedouin.

The Emir of Kuwait was the uncle of Abdul Aziz ibn Saud and a sophisticated statesman.
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