We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

1. staying in Afghanistan beyond the six-month mark
2. needless war in Iraq
3. the housing market collapse of 2007-2008
4. Obama
5. Trump
6. race riots
7. a pandemic resulting in a million American deaths
8. re-opened southern border
9. inflation

...etc... etc... etc...

It's been a busier couple-of-decades than we realize sometimes... unfortunately.
This country has never been unified. And stop pretending it was unified until Obama because that's a damn lie. Obama won and you racists lost the last bit of your minds.
You wrongly and stupidly assume we hated that communist shit because he is black.

This is the very essence of playing the race card.
This is a perfect example of why we couldn't be unified for very long. The left will make sure the enemy is always their fellow Americans instead of the real enemy, radical muslims.

The left doesn't consider the right their "enemies". That's the biggest difference between left and right.

Republicans think that Democrats hate them and Democrats don't hate Republicans. Republicans are projecting their own hate onto their "enemies". Democrats are Americans who love their country, and the ONLY way Republicans can get elected these day is to demonize the left.

Republicans have no ideas, no platform, and plans for the country other than to destroy the left. All they're running on is fear and hate. Instead of using the DOJ to fight crime and injustice, Donald Trump tried and failed to prosecute his Democratic "enemies". Every attempted prosecution failed because Democrats had committed no crimes. But lives and careers were destroyed at every turn.

The Republican war on half the American population is a war on democracy and the rights of people who aren't white men. Overturning Roe was the final straw and the people are now prepared to fight for their rights. If it takes the wiping the Republican Party out politically, so be it, but this Republican terrorism of the left must end or your nation will be destroyed.

This is what happened in South America in the 1970's. The right violently destroyed the left. Leftist leaders were jailed and tortured murdered. Especially the lawyers and the university professors. Just like Republicans are now going after leftist lawmakers and the entire US education system as "leftist indoctrination systems". Dictators were installed, and it took generations for the left to rise again, by which time military dictators and oligarchs were firmly in control, and all dissent was quashed in a reign of terror.

You're one more Trump Presidency away from the same fate.
How many civilians have been murdered by their own socialist governments? Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam...?

We condemn the leaders of these counties for killing their own people, we invade those countries and kill the same people.
You wrongly and stupidly assume we hated that communist shit because he is black.

This is the very essence of playing the race card.

Given your racist anti-Obama posts, you can see how we'd get confused about that.

As for the rest of the Republican Party, at least 30% of them, who still believe Obama was born in Kenya, racism was definitely a factor in their hatred of Obama. The election of a white Democrat as President hasn't ignited nearly the backlash from Republicans that Obama's election caused.

When Obama was elected, the economy was shedding 800,000 people were unemployed, the stock market had crashed and it wasn't recovering, and the world economy was on the verge of collapse.
Democrats are socialists. Time to get honest.

So are Republicans. Social security is socialism. Public Schools are socialism. A standing army is socialism.

How many civilians have been murdered by their own socialist governments? Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam...?

More than 100,000 Iraqi's were killed in the Iraq war. Including both military and civilians. Something like 120,000 Afghanis died in the War in Afghanistan.

More than 6 million died in the Holocaust, and estimates are between 40 and 50 million died in World War II. There are all of the leftist murders in South America, India, South Africa, and throughout the British colonies.

Authoritarian dictators on both sides of the political spectrum murder their citizens with impunity. Allende in Chile and Stalin in Russia are two sides of the same coin.

Such murderous rampages do NOT take place in democracies on either side of the political spectrum unless a dictator seize control and suspends democratic freedoms, which is precisely what Trump tried to do on January 6th.

The number of people that the USA has killed or murdered is well into the millions, even before you include the genocide of native American peoples (nearly 3 million died). WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Trail of Tears - how many people has the USA killed or murdered?
You wrongly and stupidly assume we hated that communist shit because he is black.

This is the very essence of playing the race card.

Given your racist anti-Obama posts, you can see how we'd get confused about that.

As for the rest of the Republican Party, at least 30% of them, who still believe Obama was born in Kenya, racism was definitely a factor in their hatred of Obama. The election of a white Democrat as President hasn't ignited nearly the backlash from Republicans that Obama's election caused.

When Obama was elected, the economy was shedding 800,000 people were unemployed, the stock market had crashed and it wasn't recovering, and the world economy was on the verge of collapse. Instead of working with the new President to save the nation, Republicans made a pact not to pass anything so he would have nothing to run on for a second term. That was about as blatantly racist as you can get.
We should never have been unified, because bin Laden was right that the US is evil.
We have been invading, murdering, and stealing oil in the Mideast for over 100 years.

Bush and Hillary agreed, but they were BOTH lying.
You and Bin laden are wrong.

this is why you consistently lie about everything to paint the US as evil.
Given your racist anti-Obama posts, you can see how we'd get confused about that.

As for the rest of the Republican Party, at least 30% of them, who still believe Obama was born in Kenya, racism was definitely a factor in their hatred of Obama. The election of a white Democrat as President hasn't ignited nearly the backlash from Republicans that Obama's election caused.

When Obama was elected, the economy was shedding 800,000 people were unemployed, the stock market had crashed and it wasn't recovering, and the world economy was on the verge of collapse. Instead of working with the new President to save the nation, Republicans made a pact not to pass anything so he would have nothing to run on for a second term. That was about as blatantly racist as you can get.
They hated him because of his politics few believed he was born in Kenya and that is not a racist belief to begin with
I believe he is referring to the lies Bush promoted about Saddam.
Like there was supposed to be a room somewhere with meat hooks, that people were hung from and tortured. Turned out it never happened, and the meat hooks were only used to hang meat.
The anthrax was real in that Cheney had sent anthrax to Saddam during Saddam's war with Iran.
But Iraq was never able to weaponize it since that requires grinding in very fine.
There many such rooms

Cheney never sent Iraq Anthrax
Very unlikely.
It is a war crime to dump bodies in the ocean when you could return them to relatives.
Whether or not Osama bin Laden is dead or not, the main goal of the US seemed to be to ensure no one could speak to him.
It is not a war crime at all.
Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil and selling it to Iraq's customers at a huge discount, causing Iraqi to be on the brink of bankruptcy from borrowing for the war with Iran.
That made the Iraq invasion of Kuwait legal.
That makes Desert Storm illegal.
It did not make the Iraqi invasion legal.

Desert Storm was legal
No she didn’t. Hillary didn’t publish it. Trump did.

That's a fucking lie.
3 major economic crashes in 40 years. American Republicans hold the record on fiscal irresponsibility and incompetence.

Biggest crash of my life was caused by Bill Clinton pandering for votes with his CRA idiocy (Community Redevelopment Act). I know Carter created CRA, but Clinton weaponized it. Everyone including illegal aliens get a house, no need for credit, no need to have a job or any ability to repay. We'll just bundle your loan with government securities - what could wrong?

Besides, when it all fucking blows up, the next guy will be in office.

A world wide spike in gas prices isn’t the Democrats fault.


No one believes your lying ass, ChiCom Lady
Everyone with any brain cells at all is a socialist.
If not for socialism, then all roads would have to have toll boths, there would be no public schools, etc.

Only the stupid are socialist.

Public schools and roads are not socialist

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