We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?


And we might be better off because of it.

Those schools aren't free, we pay for them.

Would you rather pay less to dumb your kid down to the lowest common denominator and have her subjected to an endless stream of lefTARD propaganda?

Or would you rather pay a little more and give your child a real education?

Taxpayers who pay for schools do it based on "ability to pay", which is the most fair and efficient.
Socialism is always the most fair and efficient.
Very unlikely.
It is a war crime to dump bodies in the ocean when you could return them to relatives.
Whether or not Osama bin Laden is dead or not, the main goal of the US seemed to be to ensure no one could speak to him.
Coming from the guy who didn't know the insurrectionists got into the well of the Senate and didn't know what was happening there at the time.... I laugh at your assessment.
We wanted to make sure there was never another 9/11 attack. Powell explained why we needed to go after the bad guys in Iraq. Anti-war liberals came out of the woodwork. We haven't had unity since.

Powell was just lying.
Remember all the diagrams of all the weapons industries hidden in Tora Bora?
Turns out there was no one there and never was.
It was just an old mine no one used any more.
Everything the Bush administration said to get support for the invasion of Iraq was all lies.
Coming from the guy who didn't know the insurrectionists got into the well of the Senate and didn't know what was happening there at the time.... I laugh at your assessment.

There was nothing happening in the Senate at the time.
If there has been any senators there, than the protestors would have been kept out or shot.
The reason I did not think they had gotten anywhere beyond the public areas, is that they never got near the House.
As soon as they got within 100' of the House, Ashli Babbit was shot and killed, and they all immediately left.
Kuwait was stolen from Iraq around 1895 by the British, the emir was a foreign Bedouin and did not represent any legal authority. Kuwait was slant drilling to steal Iraqi oil, was violating all sorts of treaties, etc.
Saddam was not stockpiling any WMD, he was not violating any cease fire accords, etc.
The Kurds were the trouble makers because they were using Iraq to attack Turkey.
I can support what Bush I did except for the "Highway of Death".

But Bush II did everything totally wrong.
Saddam was about our best Mideast ally.

Iraq didn't exist until 1921, so how it possible for the British to steal it from a country that does not exist?

The Iraqis claimed they had WMDs.

The Kurds were trouble for Saddam and the Turks!

Where are you coming up with all this bullshit?

What was wrong with the Highway of Death?
A world wide spike in gas prices isn’t the Democrats fault.

Yes it is, because the US cut off the Russian oil and gas supplies, with illegal economic sanctions, and that is entirely what made the world prices go up for oil and gas.
Powell was just lying.
Remember all the diagrams of all the weapons industries hidden in Tora Bora?
Turns out there was no one there and never was.
It was just an old mine no one used any more.
Everything the Bush administration said to get support for the invasion of Iraq was all lies.
Tora Bora is in Afghanistan, dumbass!

Stop posting this bullshit you are making up as you go!
Bush invaded Iraq and then Afghanistan.
Junior Bush invaded Afghanistan first (December 2001) and then Iraq (March 2003). The sudden change of focus toward Iraq was when the unity changed to disunity.
Iraq didn't exist until 1921, so how it possible for the British to steal it from a country that does not exist?

The Iraqis claimed they had WMDs.

The Kurds were trouble for Saddam and the Turks!

Where are you coming up with all this bullshit?

What was wrong with the Highway of Death?

There was a continuity of people, culture, language, customs, beliefs, values, etc. in Iraq always.
The Ottoman Empire rules over them, but they still existed as a sort of state within the empire.
If you look at a map, obviously the Iraq culture is centered on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, both of which join and reach the ocean in Kuwait.
So obviously Kuwait was the important seaport of Iraq.
But the British navy was good at illegally capturing seaports with their powerful navy.
Iraq claimed they had no WMD until after we invaded.
Only then did they try to threaten us with them.
But since we knew they actually did not have any, we ignored them.
No chemical or bioweapons HazMat equipment dispensed.
There were many factions of Kurds.
For example, when the supposed gas attack on Halabja occurred, Saddam actually was allied with Kurdish troops who were on the ground, and Saddam only provided air support. Their mutual enemy was the Iranians, and it was the Iranians who gassed Halabja.
The Kurds were not really much trouble for Saddam, since they tended to also be Sunni, so were not aligned against each other like the Shia Iranians were.

The Highway of Death was wrong because Iraq had gotten permission to invade Kuwait from ambassador Glasspie first, then when we ordered Saddam to leave, he negotiated a white flag retreat.
By bombing the Iraq troops retreating under a white flag, we committed about the single works war crime possible. We talked them into leaving, and then gunned them down once in the open. We could not have done that if they had stayed in Kuwait. We also likely used banned thermobaric weapon, (air fuel dispersion bombs known for their fatal concussions).
The evidence is the people were killed so fast they could not even fall down.
Except a joint session of Congress where they were counting the electoral votes.

Wrong. Everyone was in the House. That is what a "joint session" means.
There was no one in the Senate.
The senators were all in the House.
The protestors never got within 100' of any representative.
There was a continuity of people, culture, language, customs, beliefs, values, etc. in Iraq always.
The Ottoman Empire rules over them, but they still existed as a sort of state within the empire.
If you look at a map, obviously the Iraq culture is centered on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, both of which join and reach the ocean in Kuwait.
So obviously Kuwait was the important seaport of Iraq.
But the British navy was good at illegally capturing seaports with their powerful navy.
Iraq claimed they had no WMD until after we invaded.
Only then did they try to threaten us with them.
But since we knew they actually did not have any, we ignored them.
No chemical or bioweapons HazMat equipment dispensed.
There were many factions of Kurds.
For example, when the supposed gas attack on Halabja occurred, Saddam actually was allied with Kurdish troops who were on the ground, and Saddam only provided air support. Their mutual enemy was the Iranians, and it was the Iranians who gassed Halabja.
The Kurds were not really much trouble for Saddam, since they tended to also be Sunni, so were not aligned against each other like the Shia Iranians were.

The Highway of Death was wrong because Iraq had gotten permission to invade Kuwait from ambassador Glasspie first, then when we ordered Saddam to leave, he negotiated a white flag retreat.
By bombing the Iraq troops retreating under a white flag, we committed about the single works war crime possible. We talked them into leaving, and then gunned them down once in the open. We could not have done that if they had stayed in Kuwait. We also likely used banned thermobaric weapon, (air fuel dispersion bombs known for their fatal concussions).
The evidence is the people were killed so fast they could not even fall down.
Yeah. That's the Neo-Cons for you And the Demtard Neo-Libs are exactly the same way. They just screwed their own Senator, who gave them the winning vote on a crucial bill. These fuckers are soulless, they're barely human

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