We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

The U.S. was snookered by the "Bush League".
The "founding fathers" knew why the central government shouldn't have a standing army. If it hadn't been there, all dressed up and ready to go, Cheyney&Co. wouldn't have been able to do what they did.
He’s a psychopath.

The invasion of Iraq was stupid. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions, but the Israelis had Clean Break Strategy and the British had Operation Mass Appeal. 9/11 provided an excuse.
It happened after the "magic negro commie" took office and started deliberately dividing us.
Nah you could see it in the crowds like the clip I linked to. It was the the Rabid Right Wing Radio effect. It had it's roots in the Clinton years. Then it flexed it's muscle under Bush, came out of the Closet under Obama, and was full Flame On for the Trumpyberra.
We were United until mainstream media claimed it was Baby Bush’s fault even though the operation was hatched and in full swing under Clinton prior to Bush taking office.
The UN huffed and puffed regarding Iraqi cease fire accords, Clinton was to busy banging Monica, and lobbing cruse missiles at abandoned factories, while Saddam and his henchmen eradicated the Kerds and his opposition. Papa Bush blinked, failed to follow through, and Saddam exposed how weak and divided we were. Perfect storm.
We were United until mainstream media claimed it was Baby Bush’s fault even though the operation was hatched and in full swing under Clinton prior to Bush taking office.
The UN huffed and puffed regarding Iraqi cease fire accords, Clinton was to busy banging Monica, and lobbing cruse missiles at abandoned factories, while Saddam and his henchmen eradicated the Kerds and his opposition. Papa Bush blinked, failed to follow through, and Saddam exposed how weak and divided we were. Perfect storm.

Clinton wasn't tricked into attacking Iraq. Papa Bush did the right thing to shoo Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and stop there. Morons didn't know anything about the Middle East.
It happened after the "magic negro commie" took office and started deliberately dividing us.

Obama didn't divide you. He was elected and the Republican Party lost its mind and created birtherism and the Tea Party, glorifying both gullibility and economic ignorance - two hallmarks of the current iteration of the Republican Party.
Obama didn't divide you. He was elected and the Republican Party lost its mind and created birtherism and the Tea Party,

Hillary Clinton created birtherism, dumbshit.

glorifying both gullibility and economic ignorance - two hallmarks of the current iteration of the Republican Party.
The $7 gas proves who the economically ignorant fucktards are.
Obama didn't divide you. He was elected and the Republican Party lost its mind and created birtherism and the Tea Party, glorifying both gullibility and economic ignorance - two hallmarks of the current iteration of the Republican Party.
The Democrat party and their media divided the American people. Anyone who disagreed with an Obama idea was labeled a "racist".
Objectively, Bin Ladin won.

He got us to value safety over liberty.
Identity politics happened via Obama in 2012. Splitting the country and training people to think of their race, sex, gender-identity, etc. first instead of simply being an American.. all the while elevating victimhood status as some untouchable pinnacle of society.
The Democrat party and their media divided the American people. Anyone who disagreed with an Obama idea was labeled a "racist".
We were United until mainstream media claimed it was Baby Bush’s fault even though the operation was hatched and in full swing under Clinton prior to Bush taking office.
The UN huffed and puffed regarding Iraqi cease fire accords, Clinton was to busy banging Monica, and lobbing cruse missiles at abandoned factories, while Saddam and his henchmen eradicated the Kerds and his opposition. Papa Bush blinked, failed to follow through, and Saddam exposed how weak and divided we were. Perfect storm.
Who are the Kerds and how were they eradicated?

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