We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

It happened after the "magic negro commie" took office and started deliberately dividing us.
You must be very young since you are unaware of the division of the Bush years.

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!

TRUMP: I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had WMDs, by saying all sorts of things that happened not to be true.

Hillary Clinton created birtherism, dumbshit.

The $7 gas proves who the economically ignorant fucktards are.

No she didn’t. Hillary didn’t publish it. Trump did.

3 major economic crashes in 40 years. American Republicans hold the record on fiscal irresponsibility and incompetence.

A world wide spike in gas prices isn’t the Democrats fault.
No she didn’t.

Yes she fuckin did, dimtard

Hillary didn’t publish it. Trump did.

Hillary used it first, in her primary campaign against Obama. Yes she did

3 major economic crashes in 40 years. American Republicans hold the record on fiscal irresponsibility and incompetence.

Hillary is the original birther.

A world wide spike in gas prices isn’t the Democrats fault.

I'm sorry, but I think you left a lot of words out of that post.




I believe he is referring to the lies Bush promoted about Saddam.
Like there was supposed to be a room somewhere with meat hooks, that people were hung from and tortured. Turned out it never happened, and the meat hooks were only used to hang meat.
The anthrax was real in that Cheney had sent anthrax to Saddam during Saddam's war with Iran.
But Iraq was never able to weaponize it since that requires grinding in very fine.
When did this occur?

All the time.
Going back a couple hundred years, we have Manifest Destiny that excused us trying to wipe of the natives with smallpox.
Then there were the 2 illegal invasion of Mexico.
The Monroe Doctrine was illegal and resulted in the US establishing dozens of dictators.
The Spanish American war based on lies like that they sank the USS Maine.
WWI was based on lies of Germans barbecuing children, when in reality Russia and France started the war, not Germany or Austria.
There are US back dictators like Diem in Vietnam, Samosa in Nicaragua, Batista in Cuba, etc.
Is there any time when the US was not supporting dictators to abuse other countries?
Yes it is.
The gas price spike was caused by the US deliberately starting war in the Ukraine by giving Zelensky all those missiles so he could fight Russia.
Your boss Putin started that war asshole
I believe he is referring to the lies Bush promoted about Saddam.
Like there was supposed to be a room somewhere with meat hooks, that people were hung from and tortured. Turned out it never happened, and the meat hooks were only used to hang meat.
The anthrax was real in that Cheney had sent anthrax to Saddam during Saddam's war with Iran.
But Iraq was never able to weaponize it since that requires grinding in very fine.
You mean the lies about Saddam provided by a defector?

The anthrax samples supplied by a private company in the 1980s? The Japanese weaponized anthrax in the 1930s and used it in Manchuria. The Iraqis are dumber than the Japanese prior to WWII?

Cheney had nothing to do with that. He was a Congressman from Wyoming at the time.
All the time.
Going back a couple hundred years, we have Manifest Destiny that excused us trying to wipe of the natives with smallpox.
Then there were the 2 illegal invasion of Mexico.
The Monroe Doctrine was illegal and resulted in the US establishing dozens of dictators.
The Spanish American war based on lies like that they sank the USS Maine.
WWI was based on lies of Germans barbecuing children, when in reality Russia and France started the war, not Germany or Austria.
There are US back dictators like Diem in Vietnam, Samosa in Nicaragua, Batista in Cuba, etc.
Is there any time when the US was not supporting dictators to abuse other countries?
Couldn't answer the question I see. Typical dumbass!

Try rereading my post and see if you think you answered my question.
We were United until mainstream media claimed it was Baby Bush’s fault even though the operation was hatched and in full swing under Clinton prior to Bush taking office.
The UN huffed and puffed regarding Iraqi cease fire accords, Clinton was to busy banging Monica, and lobbing cruse missiles at abandoned factories, while Saddam and his henchmen eradicated the Kerds and his opposition. Papa Bush blinked, failed to follow through, and Saddam exposed how weak and divided we were. Perfect storm.

Kuwait was stolen from Iraq around 1895 by the British, the emir was a foreign Bedouin and did not represent any legal authority. Kuwait was slant drilling to steal Iraqi oil, was violating all sorts of treaties, etc.
Saddam was not stockpiling any WMD, he was not violating any cease fire accords, etc.
The Kurds were the trouble makers because they were using Iraq to attack Turkey.
I can support what Bush I did except for the "Highway of Death".
But Bush II did everything totally wrong.
Saddam was about our best Mideast ally.
Everyone with any brain cells at all is a socialist.


If not for socialism, then all roads would have to have toll boths, there would be no public schools, etc.
And we might be better off because of it.

Those schools aren't free, we pay for them.

Would you rather pay less to dumb your kid down to the lowest common denominator and have her subjected to an endless stream of lefTARD propaganda?

Or would you rather pay a little more and give your child a real education?
WTF are you talking about?

Are you intentionally trying to be stupid or what?

Oil is "fungible", meaning that if you sanction any source, like Russia, then all oil greatly increases in prices.
So the world wide oil price increase was caused by the US deliberately causing the war in the Ukraine and the US economic sanctions we placed against Russian oil and gas.

He's fish food.

As your President put it:

GM is alive, OBL is dead. Obama got him.

Very unlikely.
It is a war crime to dump bodies in the ocean when you could return them to relatives.
Whether or not Osama bin Laden is dead or not, the main goal of the US seemed to be to ensure no one could speak to him.

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