We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

The Mega split began when the "Magic Negro" Beat John "Baby Daddy" McCain.
No…. Way before that Black LA Times writer coined the term. Democrats never forgave Bush for winning a tight election over Gore. They demonized Cheney and called Bush a War Criminal for a War they supported. Bush tried to extend an olive Branch to Pelosi in ‘97 when Democrats took the House but in typical Pelosi fashion, she needed an enemy.

We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?​

We wanted to make sure there was never another 9/11 attack. Powell explained why we needed to go after the bad guys in Iraq. Anti-war liberals came out of the woodwork. We haven't had unity since.
What happened?

Bush Rove Cheney and Rumsfeld decided to use that unity for political gain

And failed miserably
We wanted to make sure there was never another 9/11 attack. Powell explained why we needed to go after the bad guys in Iraq. Anti-war liberals came out of the woodwork. We haven't had unity since.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Those anti-war liberals were right
Objectively, Bin Ladin won.

He got us to value safety over liberty.
Usama Bin Laden planned this for 5 yrs while Willy was getting sucked off and did not give a shit. He could have killed him several times but was getting jizz on a blue dress

Then he handed it over to the disastrous Cheney and his Chimp and 8 mos later boom

Wish Gore would have won
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Those anti-war liberals were right
Wish Gore would have won and 9/11 happened under him and Clinton, which it would have happened anyway no matter who was there

Sandy Berger desperately tried to hide this by his bosses instructions

History sucks huh Dr Lesh
Looks like Muslims would have gotten away with attacking us on 9/11 if liberals were in power when it happened. Thankfully Republicans were in power so we could exact some revenge.
Wish Gore would have won and 9/11 happened under him and Clinton, which it would have happened anyway no matter who was there
I DO wish Gore had won. 9/11 MIGHT have happened anyways but maybe not. The Clinton/Gore Admin certainly took Al Queda more seriously than the Bush crew did.

But we WOULD not have invaded Iraq
I DO wish Gore had won. 9/11 MIGHT have happened anyways but maybe not. The Clinton/Gore Admin certainly took Al Queda more seriously than the Bush crew did.

But we WOULD not have invaded Iraq
Doubt if anyone could have stopped 19 ants under the radar. Clinton pitted the FBI and CIA against each other as he began the weaponization of our agencies. If the CIA and FBI were on the same page, 911 would never had happened. Clinton is totally responsible for 91. That is why if Gore won his legacy would be shit

I knew when Clinton was elected, the moral spiral of this country would go down. I wish his mother miscarried him in a toilet bowel
This is a perfect example of why we couldn't be unified for very long. The left will make sure the enemy is always their fellow Americans instead of the real enemy, radical muslims.

Bush immediately started two wars. One for Clean Break Strategy and the other for ENRON.
We wanted to make sure there was never another 9/11 attack. Powell explained why we needed to go after the bad guys in Iraq. Anti-war liberals came out of the woodwork. We haven't had unity since.
Shit. Torture, followed by the anthrax. Powell was a lying sack of shit, and so were every one of the Neo-Cons.
Objectively, Bin Ladin won.

He got us to value safety over liberty.

We should never have been unified, because bin Laden was right that the US is evil.
We have been invading, murdering, and stealing oil in the Mideast for over 100 years.

Bush and Hillary agreed, but they were BOTH lying.
America wasn't "unified" at all. A republican was in office and the media was determined to protect the Clinton administration and destroy the Bush administration.
No silly girl. He invaded Afghanistan then Iraq.

Actually Bush helped the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, but did not invade.
It was the Northern Alliance that beat the Taliban, and the US only supplied air support.
Bush invaded Iraq first for some bizarre reason, in 2003.
And then only in 2008 did Bush shift troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.

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