We were so unified after 9/11, what happened?

So your solution was to kill 260m people... then walk away...


Most Brits come off as stupid - you more than most.

What was the objective in Afghanistan? The claim was that we were getting payback for 9-11. If that's the objective, turn Kabul into a smoldering crater and go home. Do the same with Islamabad since they were equally involved.

We were there to PUNISH the Muzzie Beasts and make clear the PRICE of fucking with us.

20 years and thousands of American lives, and we failed that one simple task.

Right we know where you stand...

Do you think there would be blow back?

Only if they wanted another round. I don't give a fuck if the Taliban loves us, they need to fear what will happen if they go against us. Cowardly Joe showed them the opposite.

On another note Timothy McVeigh was raised in Pendleton NY, should we take out the whole county or will the town do?

McVeigh was put down like the rabid dog he was. Why has Peter Strzok not been treated the same? Why does Al Qaeda Terry Nichols still draw breath?

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