We will be in WWIII soon, just because you Marxists couldnt stand mean tweets from President Trump.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015

Way to go you arsewipes, lets vote in War Mongering Joe, because President Trump used mean tweets against you idiots, You think, Russia and China, who are now working together are scared of the NATO and US who are spineless fagots who sniff each others hair and touch little girls? The Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight thanks to Joe Biden and you morons who stole the election and put him there. When the Shrooms start to happen, maybe you will be there to get a taste of it.


Way to go you arsewipes, lets vote in War Mongering Joe, because President Trump used mean tweets against you idiots, You think, Russia and China, who are now working together are scared of the NATO and US who are spineless fagots who sniff each others hair and touch little girls? The Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight thanks to Joe Biden and you morons who stole the election and put him there. When the Shrooms start to happen, maybe you will be there to get a taste of it.

So you Republicans want to abandon our ally? You think we should just let Hitler, I mean Putin take Ukraine?
Good point. Everything would be worse if Trump got a second term. Remember when we gave Bush a second term? He created the Great Recession. Greatest recession since the Great Depression.

And the economy at the end of Trump's watch was even worse. You think he would have gotten us out of the hole he put us in?
So you Republicans want to abandon our ally? You think we should just let Hitler, I mean Putin take Ukraine?
our Ally? We have an open border where millions of diseased illegals are crossing every fucking day, yet we cant get funding to finish the wall, and get more border agents to monitor it, while we gave 113 billion dollars with no strings attached to a guy who cant beat the Russians. Now we have China working with Russia and we get worthless NATO to work with US on the other side. Eventually like with Vietnam, we are going to side with the losers like we did before....Thank you LBJ.....
Good point. Everything would be worse if Trump got a second term. Remember when we gave Bush a second term? He created the Great Recession. Greatest recession since the Great Depression.

And the economy at the end of Trump's watch was even worse. You think he would have gotten us out of the hole he put us in?
That great recession you moron was the fault of Andrew Cuomo. Fuck you dickheads are stupid as fuck.

Here's what really caused the housing crisis
“Under Clinton’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ‘credit-deprived’ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.

What’s more, in the Clinton push to issue home loans to lower income borrowers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made a common practice to virtually end credit documentation, low credit scores were disregarded, and income and job history was also thrown aside. The phrase “subprime” became commonplace. What an understatement. … Tragically, when prices fell, lower-income folks who really could not afford these mortgages under normal credit standards, suffered massive foreclosures and personal bankruptcies.”
Can someone tell me what this "mean tweets" thing that I keep seeing is?

This is you, right?

We've been talking about his behaviors, tweets and rhetoric for four years.

These people showed up ready to go. And they definitely went.

We just spent four years being humiliated by the words, tweets and behaviors of a person who acted like a spoiled ten year boy virtually 24 hours a day. Every single day. Damn near every time he opened his mouth in public or tweeted on his phone.

I'm loving this sobbing over Biden. I probably shouldn't be, but I am.

Amazing how much free time a President has in a day when he's not consumed by golf and posting embarrassing, childish, ignorant tweets!

When will you realize that your posting history is available on this board to everyone who knows how to use the "search" function?

Way to go you arsewipes, lets vote in War Mongering Joe, because President Trump used mean tweets against you idiots, You think, Russia and China, who are now working together are scared of the NATO and US who are spineless fagots who sniff each others hair and touch little girls? The Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight thanks to Joe Biden and you morons who stole the election and put him there. When the Shrooms start to happen, maybe you will be there to get a taste of it.

Fiery but mostly peaceful . . . and a tad radioactive.
Every major military conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodrow Wilson promised Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he had a stroke and his wife sent Doughboys to fight for the quiche eating surrender monkeys in France. FDR apparently didn't have a freaking clue about world events until "The Day of Infamy" and we ended up saving the surrender monkeys in France again. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea under an illegal E.O. and mismanaged the conflict so badly that we lost anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in a three year quagmire that the media called "the Forgotten War". LBJ thought he had a better idea. He faked a crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the freaking war. Just when it looked like we would win the thing he tearfully threw in the towel. Now we have a doddering old fool with his thumb on the nuclear button. Are they planning to blame Trump when the shit hits the fan?
Yes. How does giving Ukraine 200 Billion Dollars benefit American People? Let EUROPE fund that war.

When we were in Iraq Russia gave a lot of help to Iraq. Why not return the favor?

So basically you're saying we should let Russia grow and become bigger and an even bigger threat than they are now? Fuck that. They are weak right now. They don't even have nukes. Or if the do they are old and have cobwebs on them. Their shit is weak. And we need to keep it that way.

Last night I was watching a SNL from right before Bush invaded Iraq. We didn't listen to Russia, France or anyone else who told us not to invade. We pretty much did the same thing Russia's doing now. Only maybe for different reasons. Clearly we wanted the oil. Russia want's the territory?

Anyways, if Trump was in charge he would most likely be doing the same thing Biden is doing now.

OR, Trump might turn his back on them like he did our allies when they were fighting with Turkey. Remember that?

And then our relationship with Turkey even fell apart because of Trump

Yes. How does giving Ukraine 200 Billion Dollars benefit American People? Let EUROPE fund that war.

You Republicans always want to claim that your leaders will be TOUGH with Russia and North Korea and China. Here Joe is fighting back when Russia misbehaves and you now want Biden to be pussy.

I guarantee if Biden was a pussy, you would be saying he should be helping Ukraine.

I believe the Ukraine issue is too important to just turn our backs on Ukraine. I think you're just playing politics with this. TBH.

We can't isolate and let China and Russia grow in power. Can we? Should we? At least we aren't sending soldiers.
You Republicans always want to claim that your leaders will be TOUGH with Russia and North Korea and China. Here Joe is fighting back when Russia misbehaves and you now want Biden to be pussy.

I guarantee if Biden was a pussy, you would be saying he should be helping Ukraine.

I believe the Ukraine issue is too important to just turn our backs on Ukraine. I think you're just playing politics with this. TBH.

We can't isolate and let China and Russia grow in power. Can we? Should we? At least we aren't sending soldiers.
Maybe you don't get it. I am against ALL Foreign War. We should be at war with Mexico. THAY are invading our Border. Not Ukraine. Frankly ,I don't give a shit what Russia does. Economically they are Pipsqueaks.
When we were in Iraq Russia gave a lot of help to Iraq. Why not return the favor?

So basically you're saying we should let Russia grow and become bigger and an even bigger threat than they are now? Fuck that. They are weak right now. They don't even have nukes. Or if the do they are old and have cobwebs on them. Their shit is weak. And we need to keep it that way.

Last night I was watching a SNL from right before Bush invaded Iraq. We didn't listen to Russia, France or anyone else who told us not to invade. We pretty much did the same thing Russia's doing now. Only maybe for different reasons. Clearly we wanted the oil. Russia want's the territory?

Anyways, if Trump was in charge he would most likely be doing the same thing Biden is doing now.

OR, Trump might turn his back on them like he did our allies when they were fighting with Turkey. Remember that?

And then our relationship with Turkey even fell apart because of Trump

If Trump was President the Russians would never have invaded.

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