We Wouldn't Be In This Mess With Iran If


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?
The CIA performs a military coup in Iran in 1953 & sets up the SAVAK, to terrorize Iranian citizens
1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

The US Navy shoots down an Iranian airliner in 1988 killing 290 people on board the plane
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

The US surrounds Iran with nearly four dozen military bases
US Encircles Iran with 45 Bases, But Is Concerned With Iran's Activities in Syria - American Herald Tribune

The US & the P5+1 agree to the JCPOA: In 2018 POTUS Trump unilaterally withdraws from the agreement.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

Let's just say, for the sake of debate, that Iran did all of the above things to the US. Would the US have any reason to trust Iran?

It is members that post such OPs that are being dishonest about the real aggressor.

Iran does not, and never will, have ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to have any trust in the US; period.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?

What bullshit?
Trump said that US policy is that Iran may not have nuclear weapons, period. The JCPOA 10-year delay is bullshit.
The CIA performs a military coup in Iran in 1953 & sets up the SAVAK, to terrorize Iranian citizens
1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

The US Navy shoots down an Iranian airliner in 1988 killing 290 people on board the plane
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

The US surrounds Iran with nearly four dozen military bases
US Encircles Iran with 45 Bases, But Is Concerned With Iran's Activities in Syria - American Herald Tribune

The US & the P5+1 agree to the JCPOA: In 2018 POTUS Trump unilaterally withdraws from the agreement.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

Let's just say, for the sake of debate, that Iran did all of the above things to the US. Would the US have any reason to trust Iran?

It is members that post such OPs that are being dishonest about the real aggressor.

Iran does not, and never will, have ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to have any trust in the US; period.

Talk about the real "aggressor"?! Who is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world? I don't want Iran's trust, I want Iran's behavior.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?

What bullshit?
Trump said that US policy is that Iran may not have nuclear weapons, period. The JCPOA 10-year delay is bullshit.
How's that working out?
The CIA performs a military coup in Iran in 1953 & sets up the SAVAK, to terrorize Iranian citizens
1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

The US Navy shoots down an Iranian airliner in 1988 killing 290 people on board the plane
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

The US surrounds Iran with nearly four dozen military bases
US Encircles Iran with 45 Bases, But Is Concerned With Iran's Activities in Syria - American Herald Tribune

The US & the P5+1 agree to the JCPOA: In 2018 POTUS Trump unilaterally withdraws from the agreement.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

Let's just say, for the sake of debate, that Iran did all of the above things to the US. Would the US have any reason to trust Iran?

It is members that post such OPs that are being dishonest about the real aggressor.

Iran does not, and never will, have ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to have any trust in the US; period.

Mosaddegh was a communist and a USSR sympathizer who STOLE the oil companies away from their rightful owners by nationalizing them and who was ILLEGALLY in power anyway. moron

Instead of being deposed, he should have been killed.

The civilian flight? Iran was told not to fly over a FUCKING COMBAT ZONE you blithering, simpering fucking IDIOT.

Especially with your IFF (identification friend or foe) turned off.

It's scumbags like you that make conversation in here impossible. You just simply talk out of your fucking ass.

It isn't that you're a pacifist, a liberal thinker or an accommodater.

You HATE America.

To non-America-Haters in here -- All you gotta do is read the post of dimocrap scum in here and you can see I'm right.

dimocrap FILTH hate America.

Doesn't matter what we do, they hate America. It's our fault.

Unless, of course, THEIR people are in charge.

Then, they can do no wrong.

What do they call people that hate their own Country unless THEY'RE in charge??


Sounds right to me.

Now go back to bed and cuddle up with your boyfriend, scumbag
The CIA performs a military coup in Iran in 1953 & sets up the SAVAK, to terrorize Iranian citizens
1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

The US Navy shoots down an Iranian airliner in 1988 killing 290 people on board the plane
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia

The US surrounds Iran with nearly four dozen military bases
US Encircles Iran with 45 Bases, But Is Concerned With Iran's Activities in Syria - American Herald Tribune

The US & the P5+1 agree to the JCPOA: In 2018 POTUS Trump unilaterally withdraws from the agreement.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

Let's just say, for the sake of debate, that Iran did all of the above things to the US. Would the US have any reason to trust Iran?

It is members that post such OPs that are being dishonest about the real aggressor.

Iran does not, and never will, have ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to have any trust in the US; period.
......the only point you give that is worth anything is the CIA crap .....all the others are irrelevant .....
..airliners have been shot down before---many mistakes are made
USS Stark incident
KAL airliner shot down
List of airliner shootdown incidents - Wikipedia
the US military has accidentally killed it's OWN --many times
..so we have bases all over ??!!!---hahahahahahah---all over the WORLD
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'

Don't blame Carter for the Shah of Iran and the abuse he piled on his people. Before there was Saddam Hussein in the Middle East, there was the Shah of Iran. One of the most brutal dictators who ever lived, but he was a avowed anti-communist. "Better dead than red" was the motto after WWII. The USA installed him as the leader of Iran and they kept him on the Peacock Throne for 38 years where he abused and murdered people at will.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | shah of Iran

Iranians weren't "emboldened" by "Carter's weakness", they were fed up with the horror show that was the American-backed despot in control of their country. They overthrew the bum and ran him out of the country, and they attacked the embassy of the nation which forced them to accept him as their ruler.

The Iranians have good and valid reasons for hating the United States. If you were an Iranian, you would hate America too.
This "mess" was created by Iran. Not Carter, not Trump, not any American president.
Some of them have handled it wrong but it wasn't started by them.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?

What bullshit?
Trump said that US policy is that Iran may not have nuclear weapons, period. The JCPOA 10-year delay is bullshit.

OldLady thinks all Islamo-Nazi dictators should have all the nuclear missiles they want, do whatever they want to anybody they want, while the U.S. disarms and has a big pot party. Note she actually thinks Trump started the 'bullshit', not Iran.
This "mess" was created by Iran. Not Carter, not Trump, not any American president.
Some of them have handled it wrong but it wasn't started by them.
We stuck our nose in and denied them the right to handle their own affairs as a nation in the 1950's. It caused a poor attitude toward us. I realize it was a long time ago, but it seems we are doing it again. The Ayatollah is a nutcase and man, oh man, would I like to be a fly on the wall if Trump gets the meeting with him that he has supposedly requested. Talk about legendary. Two nuts spraying spit at each other.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?

What bullshit?
Trump said that US policy is that Iran may not have nuclear weapons, period. The JCPOA 10-year delay is bullshit.

OldLady thinks all Islamo-Nazi dictators should have all the nuclear missiles they want, do whatever they want to anybody they want, while the U.S. disarms and has a big pot party. Note she actually thinks Trump started the 'bullshit', not Iran.
Tell me more about what "I" think; it's quite amusing.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'

Don't blame Carter for the Shah of Iran and the abuse he piled on his people. Before there was Saddam Hussein in the Middle East, there was the Shah of Iran. One of the most brutal dictators who ever lived, but he was a avowed anti-communist. "Better dead than red" was the motto after WWII. The USA installed him as the leader of Iran and they kept him on the Peacock Throne for 38 years where he abused and murdered people at will.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | shah of Iran

Iranians weren't "emboldened" by "Carter's weakness", they were fed up with the horror show that was the American-backed despot in control of their country. They overthrew the bum and ran him out of the country, and they attacked the embassy of the nation which forced them to accept him as their ruler.

The Iranians have good and valid reasons for hating the United States. If you were an Iranian, you would hate America too.

Canadian deviant makes up some spin or other. lol she claims some rubbish that the Shah was worse than the terrorist regimes supported by the Soviets, and IRan under the Soviets would be, well, like Canada or something. She's a liar,, of course, and she knows better, like most degenerate commie terrorist fans.
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?

What bullshit?
Trump said that US policy is that Iran may not have nuclear weapons, period. The JCPOA 10-year delay is bullshit.

OldLady thinks all Islamo-Nazi dictators should have all the nuclear missiles they want, do whatever they want to anybody they want, while the U.S. disarms and has a big pot party. Note she actually thinks Trump started the 'bullshit', not Iran.
Tell me more about what "I" think; it's quite amusing.

I talked about what you said, so you want to change the subject? I don't blame you. Can't admit Iran is at a fault for anything, can you? Will you lose your membership in the Hillary Clinton Fan Club? You like that Iran is pitching in to support your Party.
This "mess" was created by Iran. Not Carter, not Trump, not any American president.
Some of them have handled it wrong but it wasn't started by them.
We stuck our nose in and denied them the right to handle their own affairs as a nation in the 1950's. It caused a poor attitude toward us. I realize it was a long time ago, but it seems we are doing it again. The Ayatollah is a nutcase and man, oh man, would I like to be a fly on the wall if Trump gets the meeting with him that he has supposedly requested. Talk about legendary. Two nuts spraying spit at each other.
.....I totally agree --the US has put it's nose in too many places too many times...but the big problem was caused when Iran committed an act of war by invading our embassy ....punk college kids/etc caused the problem
This "mess" was created by Iran. Not Carter, not Trump, not any American president.
Some of them have handled it wrong but it wasn't started by them.
We stuck our nose in and denied them the right to handle their own affairs as a nation in the 1950's. It caused a poor attitude toward us. I realize it was a long time ago, but it seems we are doing it again. The Ayatollah is a nutcase and man, oh man, would I like to be a fly on the wall if Trump gets the meeting with him that he has supposedly requested. Talk about legendary. Two nuts spraying spit at each other.

WE stuck our nose in???

You are a seriously stupid human being.

Iran Nationalized Britain's Oil Industry, stole ALL their equipment, didn't pay them a penny for it while they were cozying up to Joe Stalin and Malenkov.

But it's our fault, right? We were helping MI-6, so we were the bad guys, huh?

Not the scumbags who stole BILLIONS of dollars of equipment from people who built their Oil Industry from shit to successful. Then refused to give them a fucking penny for it.

But it's our fault.

dimocraps are scum
First off, if Jimmy The Peanut had never been president, Iran wouldn't have had the balls to attack and occupy our Embassy.

You can believe what you will, but that is fact. The coward Ford wasn't much better, but anybody with a pulse would have been better than that walking cadaver

Second, and more recently, we've got THE worst president in human history that completely abrogated his responsibilities as POTUS during Iran's Green revolution.

This piece of garbage goes around the MidEast talking shit about an 'Arab Spring' giving the people in that area false hope and then -- Like the cowardly dimocrap he is (and they all are) runs away when the time to act is upon him.

obama was, and still is, a craven coward. You just don't trust a craven coward. Especially a dimocrap craven coward. But.... That's just about all of them.

You ought to read this. It is not the last word on the subject, but it is somewhere to start for those few who are interested.

Why Obama Let Iran's Green Revolution Fail
The president wanted a nuclear deal, not regime change.

One of the great hypotheticals of Barack Obama's presidency involves the Iranian uprising that began on June 12, 2009, after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced the winner of contested presidential elections. What if the president had done more to help the protesters when the regime appeared to be teetering?

Me: What hypotheticals? dimocraps aren't even aware of the Green Revolution. It's down the memory hole. A failing by a dimocrap scum president that shall not be talked about. These scum don't talk about anything not presented to them by the media.

It's well known he was slow to react. Obama publicly downplayed the prospect of real change at first, saying the candidates whom hundreds of thousands of Iranians were risking their lives to support did not represent fundamental change. When he finally did speak out, he couldn't bring himself to say the election was stolen: "The world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was."

But Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.

Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."

more at the link

This is why you just don't give power to dimocrap scum, people. They screw up everything they touch. Look what The Rapist did by not allowing our people to take out Usama bin Floatin'
Pretty convenient you have sidestepped the bullshit by the CURRENT president, though, huh?
Can't bring yourself to talk about what he's up to at the moment, can you?

What bullshit?
Trump said that US policy is that Iran may not have nuclear weapons, period. The JCPOA 10-year delay is bullshit.

OldLady thinks all Islamo-Nazi dictators should have all the nuclear missiles they want, do whatever they want to anybody they want, while the U.S. disarms and has a big pot party. Note she actually thinks Trump started the 'bullshit', not Iran.
Tell me more about what "I" think; it's quite amusing.

I talked about what you said, so you want to change the subject? I don't blame you. Can't admit Iran is at a fault for anything, can you? Will you lose your membership in the Hillary Clinton Fan Club? You like that Iran is pitching in to support your Party.
It's not my party. I didn't say Iran was not at fault here. IF they mined the Straits and did damage to those ships, IF (which seems likely) they shot down our drone outside their territory, they did wrong. They're pissed as hell about sanctions again, which Trump reimposed without any evidence of their violating the agreement as far as nuclear product.
Trump's little fairy tale about singlehandedly saving 150 people has one thing right in it--we should not be bombing Iran for this, not unless they escalate and unless there is unrefutable EVIDENCE (not say so from a very interested party, the US military) that Iran is the aggressor.
This "mess" was created by Iran. Not Carter, not Trump, not any American president.
Some of them have handled it wrong but it wasn't started by them.
We stuck our nose in and denied them the right to handle their own affairs as a nation in the 1950's. It caused a poor attitude toward us. I realize it was a long time ago, but it seems we are doing it again. The Ayatollah is a nutcase and man, oh man, would I like to be a fly on the wall if Trump gets the meeting with him that he has supposedly requested. Talk about legendary. Two nuts spraying spit at each other.
.....I totally agree --the US has put it's nose in too many places too many times...but the big problem was caused when Iran committed an act of war by invading our embassy ....punk college kids/etc caused the problem
Is that why we are now trying our bestest to dethrone the shah?

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