Weakest Speaker Of The House Ever ? Remains to be seen......

The two main parties are not the same. But both those and other parties are full of the self-serving ambitious individuals who will have government be yet further invasive while not really serving the public interests well. You could choose either party with that resulting.
The two main parties are not the same. But both those and other parties are full of the self-serving ambitious individuals who will have government be yet further invasive while not really serving the public interests well. You could choose either party with that resulting.
Generalized nonsense.
[ When all else fails, revenge is the only thing Republicans seem to be about these days. Do not think about the issues, think about how powerful you are as Speaker to stop anything which is needed ]

When Speaker Kevin McCarthy suggested recently he might stop the FBI from relocating its downtown headquarters to a new facility planned for the Washington suburbs, it was more than idle thinking about an office renovation.

The nod from the Republican speaker is elevating a once-fringe proposal to upend the FBI in the aftermath of the federal indictment of Donald Trump over classified documents and the Justice Department’s prosecution of his allies, including some of the nearly 1,000 people charged in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol.

Moving from far-right corners into the mainstream, the emerging effort to overhaul the nation’s premier law enforcement agency is rooted in increasingly forceful conservative complaints about an overly biased FBI that they claim is being weaponized against them.

“This is a pretty dramatic reversal of what the politics would have been 50 years ago,” said Beverly Gage, a historian at Yale who won a 2023 Pulitzer Prize for her biography of the legendary FBI director, “G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century.”

The shifting attitudes among Republican members of Congress toward the FBI underscore the way Trump’s personal grievances have become legislative policy. Once the party of law and order, Republicans are now antagonists of federal law enforcement, undermining a storied institution and attacking Justice Department officials whose work is foundational to American democracy.

(full article online)

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McCarthy has unwittingly created a situation that will highlight everything wrong with republican rule. Why he even wants the job now is beyond me. All the blame and no way to do anything about it? He's an idiot.
Boehner didn’t want it

Ryan didn’t want

McCarthy can’t do it
Republicans are reaching unheard-of levels of Being in Disarray after GOP hardliners refused to bring a Pentagon funding bill up for a vote, increasing the likelihood of a government shutdown on Oct. 1. "This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want to burn the whole place down. It doesn't work!" whined McCarthy to the media, while other members of the party texted reporters to say that the GOP caucus is in "f*cking chaos" and a "total sh*tshow." Republicans are entirely incapable of governing. Let's hope voters will remember this abject failure to fulfill the most basic requirement of their jobs come next November.

(full article online)

House GOP members are preparing a motion to expel Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., amid his renewed threat to pursue a motion to vacate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The House Republican members will seek to expel Gaetz if the ethics committee report comes back with findings of guilt, Fox News has learned. One member told Fox News the report is mostly written but does not know what it contains. Yet following threats to vacate McCarthy, the member said of Gaetz, "No one can stand him at this point. A smart guy without morals."

It takes a two-thirds vote to expel. And Republicans are treading on thin ice with their majority. The House is down to 433 members. It’s unclear where things stand with federally indicted Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y. If you were to have members expelled, retire or die, the majority could be right on the edge for the GOP.

During an appearance on CNN Sunday morning, Gaetz said he planned "to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week."

"I think we need to rip off the Band-Aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. Look, the one thing everybody has in common is that nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy. He lied to Biden. He lied to House conservatives," Gaetz told CNN "State of the Union" host Jake Tapper. "Kevin McCarthy's goal was to make multiple contradictory promises to delay everything back up against shutdown politics and at the end of the day, blow past the spending guardrails he had agreed."

McCarthy has unwittingly created a situation that will highlight everything wrong with republican rule. Why he even wants the job now is beyond me. All the blame and no way to do anything about it? He's an idiot.
You leftists are the most ignorant pieces of wasted flesh in human history. Democrats can do nothing but fuck the country up. Right now it's oct. 3 it's almost as bad as it can get.

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