We are currently still the world's elite superpower. But the Dumbocrats have made sure that China and Russia were able to close the gap. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the cancer that is the left-wing ideology causes either (or both) to surpass us.

We are NOT supposed to be a "super power".
We are ONLY supposed to just be too tough for anyone to try to invade.
But the US spends 10 times what anyone else does on military, because we are totally corrupt and are illegally extorting, invading, and murdering people all over the globe.
The Spanish American war, WWI, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were totally illegal.
We are totally corrupt and evil in our use of military force.
It does not matter who was president.
The Ukraine does not have a right to the ethic Russian provinces like Donetsk and Crimea who used to always be part of Russia until Khrushchev gave them away in 1955 in a secret corrupt deal.
The Ukraine also does not have a right to steal oil like they did.
And by treaty, it is illegal for them to try to join NATO like they did.
So the US should join Russia in order to punish the Ukraine for their illegal transgressions.
The Ukraine does not have a right to the ethic Russian provinces like Donetsk and Crimea who used to always be part of Russia until Khrushchev gave them away in 1955 in a secret corrupt deal.
You sound like an imbecile. If Khrushchev “gave them away in 1955” then Russia and Putin does not have a right to them. Period. End of story.
But the US spends 10 times what anyone else does on military
That’s because conservatives understand that weakness invites aggression. And only a fuck’n idiot invites aggression against themselves. Something the low-IQ left only understands once there is a crisis and it’s too late:
Within a week of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany would vastly increase its spending on defense.
Intelligent people realize that objective is to be so powerful, so unbeatable, so awesome in size, scope, and power, nobody would dare even think about invading. Much less actually attempt it.
The Spanish American war, WWI, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were totally illegal.
Afghanistan? Bwahahaha!! Not even you believe that. Even Vladimir Putin himself picked up the phone on 9/11 and told us “anything you need”.

Stop with your trolling. You’re only wasting your own time.
The Spanish American war, WWI, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were totally illegal.
Libya? You clearly weren’t born yet so I’ll give you leeway on this one. Muammar Gaddafi blew up commercial airlines with Americans on them.

When you kill Americans, you have absolutely justified/authorized military strikes against your nation.

Weakness INVITES aggression​

You sound like an imbecile. If Khrushchev “gave them away in 1955” then Russia and Putin does not have a right to them. Period. End of story.

Khrushchev did not have the right to give them away.
They instead had the inherent right of self determination.
Russia and Putin are irrelevant.
It is the people in the Crimea and Donetsk who matter only, not anyone else.
Really? Says who? Where is that written?

Take your time. I’ll wait. :popcorn:

A super power is one who extorts or harms other nations, and that is inherently illegal to any democratic republic, which have to believe all individuals have inherent rights and be free of extortion by super powers.
That’s because conservatives understand that weakness invites aggression. And only a fuck’n idiot invites aggression against themselves. Something the low-IQ left only understands once there is a crisis and it’s too late:

Intelligent people realize that objective is to be so powerful, so unbeatable, so awesome in size, scope, and power, nobody would dare even think about invading. Much less actually attempt it.

The way to deter aggression is defensive universal weapons ownership and training.
A strong offensive military causes the Domino Theory effect where countries become forced to be more aggressive, proactively.
Afghanistan? Bwahahaha!! Not even you believe that. Even Vladimir Putin himself picked up the phone on 9/11 and told us “anything you need”.

Stop with your trolling. You’re only wasting your own time.

Afghanistan was controlled by the Taliban, who had been our ally since 1979, and they would never have been involved in the 9/11 attack.
That was the Saudis, and the Taliban offered to arrest and extradite him to Saudi Arabia, many times.
The US attack on Afghanistan was totally illegal and immoral.
Libya? You clearly weren’t born yet so I’ll give you leeway on this one. Muammar Gaddafi blew up commercial airlines with Americans on them.

When you kill Americans, you have absolutely justified/authorized military strikes against your nation.

The US illegally tried to murder Qaddafi in his palace, and murdered his granddaughter.
The whole Gulf of Sidra incident was deliberate violation of international law by the US.
Gulfs are NOT considered international waters.
And it all started over a German disco/bar bombing that everyone else says was Iranians, not Libyans.
Reagan was the worst world criminal.
Khrushchev did not have the right to give them away.
It doesn't matter. He did. Over 70 years ago. It happened. You cannot undo it.

So, as usual, you could not be more wrong.
A super power is one who extorts or harms other nations, and that is inherently illegal to any democratic republic, which have to believe all individuals have inherent rights and be free of extortion by super powers.
Psst...there is literally no such thing as "inherently illegal". If there is no law against it, then it is legal by any standard.

You continue to make shit up when something doesn't fit what you want it to fit.
The way to deter aggression is defensive universal weapons ownership and training.
A strong offensive military causes the Domino Theory effect where countries become forced to be more aggressive, proactively.
Bwahahaha!! You continue to make shit up. There is no such thing as "defensive military" vs. "offensive military". A missile is a missile. A fighter jet is a fighter jet. A machine gun is a machine gun.

All of them are for defense (but can of course, be used offensively as Putin has illustrated).
Exactly. Can we ALL agree if Trump were in charge this invasion would NEVER have happened?
I'm sure even the forum's leftwingers could agree Trump would be far superior than the senile incontinent vegetable Biden has been.
Hmm. Sounds unconvincing.
It doesn't matter. He did. Over 70 years ago. It happened. You cannot undo it.

So, as usual, you could not be more wrong.

Yes you not only can but should undo the corrupt absorption.
You must ALWAYS support the principle of self determination, and NOT the corrupt secret deals of dictators.
The people of Donetsk and Crimea do not speak the same language as Kyiv, and are being abused by Kyiv.
So Kyiv is the dictator that needs to be defeated, in order to protect the inherent rights of the native Russian citizens of Donetsk and Crimea.
Afghanistan was controlled by the Taliban, who had been our ally since 1979, and they would never have been involved in the 9/11 attack.
You continue to just make shit up. They granted Al fucking Qaeda sanctuary. We told them, "surrender Al Qaeda and we leave you alone. Don't, and you're a part of them. You're either with us or you're against us".

They chose to continue sanctuary for Al Qaeda.
That was the Saudis, and the Taliban offered to arrest and extradite him to Saudi Arabia, many times.

The US attack on Afghanistan was totally illegal and immoral.
It wasn't "Saudis" imbecile.
  1. Where did Al Qaeda reside? Afghanistan
  2. Where did Al Qaeda recruit? Afghanistan
  3. Where did Al Qaeda train? Afghanistan
  4. Where did Al Qaeda launch operations from? Afghanistan
  5. Where were Al Qaeda bases? Afghanistan
Furthermore, at no point did the Taliban offer to "arrest" any member of Al Qaeda and "extradite" them to Saudi Arabia. The Taliban declared Al Qaeda under "Pashtunwali". It's a cultural code which means they literally must die to protect their "guests". Which is why they did die. They refused to surrender Al Qaeda.

Literally everything you say is 100% pure bullshit.
Yes you not only can but should undo the corrupt absorption.
It was given away 70 years ago. It cannot be undone and invading under the guise of "taking back was was mine but was given away" is unimaginable corruption.

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