Nope. It was Paul Singer the republican hedge fund billionaire.
You sound like an imbecile. This is settled fact. One F.B.I. agent already pled guilty in a court of law over it.

As stated by The Original Tree stated: it was Obama, Hitlery, and the Democrats who colluded with Russia to impact our elections.

Dirty Hitlery hired law firm Perkins Coie to commission former British Mi-6 agent Christopher Steele of Fusion GPS who went to the Russians for the fake “Trump Dossier”.
Trump was literally wheeling and dealing with Putin behind closed doors making backroom deals to leave NATO and hand over Ukraine on a silver platter.
That never happened. Which is why Putin had to wait for a Dumbocrat to be in the White House and invade.
However, I still disagree, because I think drunks are not inherently abusive, but just more immediate.
Nobody said they were. You are so damn illiterate.

There are silly drunks and there are angry drunks. Angry drunks get very mad and violent when they get drunk. And those people do very nasty things when they are drunk. And that’s what prohibition was trying to curb, you illiterate clown.
You sound like an imbecile. This is settled fact. One F.B.I. agent already pled guilty in a court of law over it.

As stated by The Original Tree stated: it was Obama, Hitlery, and the Democrats who colluded with Russia to impact our elections.

Dirty Hitlery hired law firm Perkins Coie to commission former British Mi-6 agent Christopher Steele of Fusion GPS who went to the Russians for the fake “Trump Dossier”.
They didn't collude with Russia. Putin was already past his charm offensive. Most of the dossier was accurate and known before Christopher steel was hired... Except for the peeing prostitutes stuff. Trump had a nasty reputation for decades. What is the name of the FBI agent? Was he working in Russia? Paul Singer hired the law firm.
If there were saloons on every block, as there likely should be, then no one would DUI.
Astounding stupidity. Like saying “there should be an Apple store on every block”.

There isn’t even enough demand to keep a “saloon” (what is this 1841?!?) open on every block. The free market couldn’t even support something so stupid.

Do you see what happens? You start with an ignorant and uninformed position and then you are forced to make outrageous proposals to support your original ignorant and uninformed position.
That never happened. Which is why Putin had to wait for a Dumbocrat to be in the White House and invade.
Why do you think Trump kept calling the Russian embassy for a back channel to the Kremlin?
They didn't collude with Russia.
This is settled fact. Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats colluded with the Russians. No matter how many times you deny reality, it will not alter reality. It will just make you look foolish.
  • Democrats believe they land the "bombshell" when an email surfaces showing a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and an attorney from Russia. Unfortunately for the Democrats, that backfires in a major way when pictures surface showing the Russian attorney is in the inner circle of the Obama Administration. Worse yet, evidence surfaces showing that Natalia Veselnitskaya (the Russian attorney) cold-contacted Donald Trump Jr. out of the blue. How does she get the personal contact information of a high-profile individual such as that? The answer, of course, is obvious - high level individuals within the Obama Administration.
  • But the bad news for the Democrats didn't stop there. Records show that the Obama Administration allowed Natalia Veselnitskaya into the country without a Visa. That is some damning evidence. Obviously she was here for nefarious purposes. It's looking more and more like for the express purpose of framing President Trump.
Click the links and educate yourself
You sound like an imbecile. This is settled fact. One F.B.I. agent already pled guilty in a court of law over it.

As stated by The Original Tree stated: it was Obama, Hitlery, and the Democrats who colluded with Russia to impact our elections.

Dirty Hitlery hired law firm Perkins Coie to commission former British Mi-6 agent Christopher Steele of Fusion GPS who went to the Russians for the fake “Trump Dossier”.
And nothing happens in Russia without Putin knowing about it. Like the $145 Million Putin funneled to Hillary, Biden, and Obama in exchange for approving the Uranium One deal.
So instead of warning Putin/Russia that any cyberattacks will result in overwhelming military (or cyber) action against them, Joe Biden warns the American people.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. He literally gave them the green light. Weakness Invites Aggression.
Weakness Invites Aggression. And the entire world knows that Joe Biden and the Democrats are physically, mentally, and morally weak.
When the Democrats project weakness, cowardice, and incompetence, our enemies pounce.

If Joe Biden projects weakness why is Joe Biden’s military Kickin’ the ass crap out of Vladimir Putin’s military in a geopolitical superpower smack down over another like the world has never seen and destroying the Russian economy to boot.
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Putin had to wait for a Dumbocrat to be in the White House and invade.

“had to” ???? Why? Putin counted on NATO being divided, but Biden was strong on defending democracy and uniting NATO against resurgent worldwide fascism under Trump.

See here:

Having taken these essential steps to reinforce the democratic foundation of the United States and inspire action in others, I will invite my fellow democratic leaders around the world to put strengthening democracy back on the global agenda. Today, democracy is under more pressure than at any time since the 1930s. Freedom House has reported that of the 41 countries consistently ranked “free” from 1985 to 2005, 22 have registered net declines in freedom over the last five years.​

Diplomacy also requires credibility, and Trump has shattered ours. In the conduct of foreign policy, and especially in times of crisis, a nation’s word is its most valuable asset. By pulling out of treaty after treaty, reneging on policy after policy, walking away from U.S. responsibilities, and lying about matters big and small, Trump has bankrupted the United States’ word in the world.​

He has also alienated the United States from the very democratic allies it needs most. He has taken a battering ram to the NATO alliance, treating it like an American-run protection racket. Our allies should do their fair share, which is why I’m proud of the commitments the Obama-Biden administration negotiated to ensure that NATO members increase their defense spending (a move Trump now claims credit for). But the alliance transcends dollars and cents; the United States’ commitment is sacred, not transactional. NATO is at the very heart of the United States’ national security, and it is the bulwark of the liberal democratic ideal—an alliance of values, which makes it far more durable, reliable, and powerful than partnerships built by coercion or cash.​

As president, I will do more than just restore our historic partnerships; I will lead the effort to reimagine them for the world we face today. The Kremlin fears a strong NATO, the most effective political-military alliance in modern history. To counter Russian aggression, we must keep the alliance’s military capabilities sharp while also expanding its capacity to take on nontraditional threats, such as weaponized corruption, disinformation, and cybertheft. We must impose real costs on Russia for its violations of international norms and stand with Russian civil society, which has bravely stood up time and again against President Vladimir Putin’s kleptocratic authoritarian system.
If Joe Biden projects weakness why is Joe Biden’s military Kickin’ the ass crap out of Vladimir Putin’s military in a geopolitical superpower smack down over another like the world has never seen
WTF are you talking about, propaganda asshat? Our military isn't even fighting. At all. 🤦‍♂️
and destroying the Russian economy to boot.
1. Militaries don't destroy economies you fucking propaganda clown
2. The entire world has sanctions on Russia. Joe Biden is just following the pack.
“had to” ???? Why?
Yes clown, had to.

Why? Because Trump would have annihilated him and he knew it. So he waited until the physically, mentally, and morally weak Dumbocrats were in charge.
Putin counted on NATO being divided, but Biden was strong on defending democracy and uniting NATO against resurgent worldwide fascism under Trump.
"Uniting NATO" :lmao:

(Psst...asshat...NATO agreements are in place and required. He "united" nothing you propaganda clown)
Because Trump would have annihilated him and he knew it
How was Trump going to do that. Trump believes Putin’s explanation that Russian tank regiments rolled into Ukraine as peacekeepers . He called Putin savvy and genius for lying like that.

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