But all drug laws and Prohibition and motorcycle helmet laws and gun laws and lots of others like mask mandates always, always SAY they are laws to protect OTHER PEOPLE.

And there is something to that sometimes. Take alcohol: drunk men constantly beat up women and children and drive drunk and kill people. Everyone knows that. Prohibition was because of that. And to stop the Europe-like explosion of saloons on EVERY block in EVERY city because of the big influx of European immigrants at that time.

It's a puzzlement.

That is about the best argument I have ever read.
However, I still disagree, because I think drunks are not inherently abusive, but just more immediate.
And that the causes of anger and violence come from the economic stresses of society.
I think DUI deaths come from the utter lack of mass transit and local saloons.
If there were saloons on every block, as there likely should be, then no one would DUI.
We are currently still the world's elite superpower. But the Dumbocrats have made sure that China and Russia were able to close the gap. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the cancer that is the left-wing ideology causes either (or both) to surpass us.
Biden is working hard to let Russia and China crush our dollar. What happens when you have a President that is bought and paid for.
If there were saloons on every block, as there likely should be, then no one would DUI.
As a born Prohibitionist, if I'd lived back then, I can't agree with that! :)

Prohibition was the first feminist cause, and taken up as soon as we got the vote. It must have really scared men at the time.
As a born Prohibitionist, if I'd lived back then, I can't agree with that! :)

Prohibition was the first feminist cause, and taken up as soon as we got the vote. It must have really scared men at the time.

Prohibition was evil.
It was trying to dictate the values and actions of others.
It is contrary to human nature, which is being artificially stressed in order to make higher profits.
The normal time spent by individuals on survival is only about 2 hours a day, in primitive societies.
In a high tech modern society, we spend over 10 hours a day working for survival.
This is very unnatural and is induced by constant stress.
Alcohol is a shield against that artificial stress that is deliberately intended to generate greater profits.
Prohibition was evil.
It was trying to dictate the values and actions of others.
It is contrary to human nature, which is being artificially stressed in order to make higher profits.
The normal time spent by individuals on survival is only about 2 hours a day, in primitive societies.
In a high tech modern society, we spend over 10 hours a day working for survival.
This is very unnatural and is induced by constant stress.
Alcohol is a shield against that artificial stress that is deliberately intended to generate greater profits.
Ten hours a day working for survival? I'll have to think about that. I'm not sure you are wrong, in a sense.
But the point is that the real legal authority is an abstraction based on the defense of inherent individual rights, IF you believe in a democratic republic.
That makes 0 sense. You're just throwing out words in a desperate attempt to convince people you're "smart". If you actually believe in a "democratic republic", then the real authority is the people.

Not "abstract" ideas.
Again, you have to be wrong to claim that legality is based merely on legislation,
You're wrong. You know you're wrong. You said something stupid. Have the humility and maturity to just admit it and move on.
because then the SCOTUS could not rule against particular legislation on high abstract principles.
The written law (specifically the US Constitution) forms the Supreme Court as part of the Judicial Branch as part of the "checks and balances" of creating three branches.

So yet again, you're point defeats itself.
Al Qaeda is a Saudi organization that we an ally of the US since at least 1979, and was requested by the CIA to join the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, against the Soviets.
As usual, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Al Qaeda came from the Mujahideen.
Osama bin Laden was NOT the founder of al Qaeda and did not lead it then.
Has absolutely nothing to do with the current conversation. Stop rambling in hopes of masking your previous misinformation.
The US invaded Afghanistan for the same reason it lied and invaded Iraq.
Wars mean munitions and oil profits for a few.
You should stop getting your "info" from the plot of fictional Hollywood movies. It's making you look silly.

There is no oil in Afghanistan. And we didn't take any oil from Iraq 🤡
The reason the entire planet goes to shit when the Democrats are in charge is because weakness really does invite aggression. Right now, both Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China) smell blood in the water thanks to the weakness and incompetence of the Democrats.

Both sides are committed to ensuring the other can overthrow independent/sovereign nations. But it gets worse...

Xi wouldn't dream of invading Taiwan if Donald Trump were still President. He was absolutely terrified of President Trump (and rightfully so - the world couldn't read Trump and as such, viewed him as a "loose cannon" - something Trump predicted would be advantageous during his campaign).

At some point, there will be bloodshed over this and as always, the blood will be on the hands of the Democrats. We are the world's elite superpower. When we project strength, our enemies stay in line. When the Democrats project weakness, cowardice, and incompetence, our enemies pounce.

I agree, weakness does invite aggression. This was demonstrated by Obama when he allowed Putin to simply take Crimea, but this was even more evident when he got his guy into the white house. Trump was literally wheeling and dealing with Putin behind closed doors making backroom deals to leave NATO and hand over Ukraine on a silver platter.
That’s because conservatives understand that weakness invites aggression. And only a fuck’n idiot invites aggression against themselves. Something the low-IQ left only understands once there is a crisis and it’s too late:

Intelligent people realize that objective is to be so powerful, so unbeatable, so awesome in size, scope, and power, nobody would dare even think about invading. Much less actually attempt it.
Unless of course that invasion happened slowly and nonviolently over time until the children of those invaders eventual seize your country demographically and Democratically. Then you cucks will lay down and let it happen. 😁
That Lie has been debunked. It was Obama, Biden and Clinton that not only colluded with Russia and paid $13 Million for a dirty dossier, but they used it to defraud FISA and attack our Democracy with 3 COUP attempts. The little insurrectionists failed, but they were only buying time for their Hero to come to the party with COVID19. The Democrat Party is in bed with both China and Russia.

And to set the record straight, Biden practically begged Putin to attack Ukraine.

Let me ask you this:

You are on a date with a hot babe.

Things are going well, and she looks at you, and tells you that you can have a "minor incursion" in to her private territory and she wouldn't stop you.

Well, what are you gonna do?

This is what Biden said to Putin.
Nope. It was Paul Singer the republican hedge fund billionaire.
The Spanish American war, WWI, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were totally illegal.
We are totally corrupt and evil in our use of military force.
Iraq was 100% justified as well. You are absolutely bombing here (no pun intended).
It was trying to dictate the values and actions of others.
No stupid, it wasn’t. Wrong as usual. If you think anybody in Washington gives a flying fuck about “morals” or “values”, you’re far more clueless than you’ve proven thus far.

Prohibition - like laws against drugs and gambling - was enacted due to the crimes that were occurring as a result of drunk imbeciles such as yourself. Most notably, violent drunks going home and beating their wives.

Will you please stop fucking talking? You’re 100% wrong on everything you post and you just keep embarrassing yourself. You’re a fucking mountain of misinformation.
Prohibition was evil. It was trying to dictate the values and actions of others.
Can you ask a trusted adult to show you how to use Google? A millisecond search would save you a world of embarrassment.
Obama divided America.
  • It was Barack Obama who stood on the world stage and insisted over and over and over that the United States was a "racist" nation to divide the US racially
  • It was Barack Obama who stated "the police acted stupidly" before knowing the facts
  • It was Barack Obama who said "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin"
  • It was Barack Obama who demonized the wealthy to divide the US by class
  • It was Barack Obama who said "the Republicans can come along, but they have to sit in the back" as if conservatives were second-class citizens, to divide the US politically
Donald Trump was a uniter (which is why I can give examples and you can't). Obama was successful in brain-washing you low-IQ types. Sad.
Thanks for the laughs and lies for the man you have your nose up his ass.

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