Wearing a Trump MAGA Hat Is Free Speech

You're correct that this is a victory - and I don't mean to be a doomer:

But we really needed the justice system to tell us wearing a hat is a right enshrined in American citizenship?

That says a lot about how far the commies have pushed the envelope.

Welcome to 2023.
Wearing political statements at work in schools? WTH? Oh it's a teachers only meeting....
And it took a court to declare it. This is a big win for MAGA. The hat also stands for American pride, patriotism and nationalism.

It's Pure American as apple pie!

If you have kids, let them wear a MAGA hat to school when they return for the holidays.

this is about wearing one to a teacher meeting where no students are present
Not everybody who is of MAGA is an asshole you know. (Even though Trump is no matter what he has done for this country.) Maybe you should do what I do and give people a chance before jumping to conclusions. Who knows? You might actually like even me if you got a chance to know me. ;)
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet
A MAGA by any other name would be just as crazy.
Meanwhile Democrats think women dancing naked in front of strange men drinking beer is free speech.
What the hell is that. Most Republicans also support that lol. Thanks to the GOP religious nuts for the 8 billion people in the world which is now falling apart at an incredible rate. They blocked birth control and any talk of abortion around the world in foreign aid. Great job!
I don't and never did. :dunno: I don't see TFG as anything but a grifter and an overall shitty human being.

Like I said before I can't argue with you on the fact that I don't think he's a very good or nice person and I can see why you're upset with him, but I also believe that there's more to life than politics and you shouldn't let that come between you and family and friends. Just some friendly advice, do with it what you will but I do hope the best for you. 😊
I agree with everything you said except this part right here. Depending on the child's age of course, but too young would seem more like brainwashing then as kids generally just aren't all that interested in politics and don't have much an opinion about them. It isn't all that different to me than indoctrinating them with LGBTQIA stuff.

schools have already politicized and transitized everything in schools. For years they have been promoting left wing news sites and left wing sites in general and denying the ability to read conservative sites in schools. That's right...they have the means to do that IN schools. PLUS, teachers are mostly left wingers. Leftist teachers discriminate and are just plain ugly to the few conservative teachers they have. Actually..you'd be pretty surprised at what goes on in public government run schools. The one good thing IS...there are still lots of boys and some girls who are not propagandized.
schools have already politicized and transitized everything in schools. For years they have been promoting left wing news sites and left wing sites in general and denying the ability to read conservative sites in schools. That's right...they have the means to do that IN schools. PLUS, teachers are mostly left wingers. Leftist teachers discriminate and are just plain ugly to the few conservative teachers they have. Actually..you'd be pretty surprised at what goes on in public government run schools. The one good thing IS...there are still lots of boys and some girls who are not propagandized.
True, if you believe conservative means lying lol. At any rate, this thread is about a teachers only meeting and not about wearing it in front of students. In other words the usual easily misinforming GOP garbage
Like I said before I can't argue with you on the fact that I don't think he's a very good or nice person and I can see why you're upset with him
I'm not upset with him. I already know who he is. I'm the kind of person who puts a bullet in the head of people like him. Bad people will eventually get there just desserts. If it's not me, than someone else. That's just the way it is.There is no room in this world for bad people like him and myself to coexist.
True, if you believe conservative means lying lol. At any rate, this thread is about a teachers only meeting and not about wearing it in front of students. In other words the usual easily misinforming GOP garbage
I don't think a democrat should be bringing up the word 'lying'. LOL I've given you exactly what happens in schools. You don't want to give any credence to it because it is perfectly fine as far as you're concerned. There are a lot of us out here that do not like the influence the left has on our children WITH NO boundaries put on these people.

Sure thing!

Forcefully stifle him through government censorship and mandates? (Which, if you vote Democrat, you are absolutely enabling.)

Nope. Fuck off.
No, I'd let my objections be known first hand. Right in the face of the speaker. Is that not my right?
I'm not upset with him. I already know who he is. I'm the kind of person who puts a bullet in the head of people like him. Bad people will eventually get there just desserts. If it's not me, than someone else. That's just the way it is.There is no room in this world for bad people like him and myself to coexist.

Is it not my right to object to your use of your first amendment rights if I see fit?

Now hold up there! Now what you're talking about is illegal. It's one thing to simply have an opinion about somebody,.. but wanting to murder somebody and take away the freedom of speech is another. I wouldn't do it, but you know that one comment you made about Trump, somebody could report you for that and you could wind up in serious trouble for it and yes I'm telling you this because I care enough to let you know that you really should think about what you're saying.

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