Wearing a Trump MAGA Hat Is Free Speech

It is.

It's the "cancel" part where you use the state as force to inhibit speech you do not prefer that you lose all liberty minded citizens.

But clearly you prefer to ignore that.
When what you have to say has little value to the benefit of society, why should we care about your voice?
Now hold up there! Now what you're talking about is illegal. It's one thing to simply have an opinion about somebody,.. but wanting to murder somebody and take away the freedom of speech is another. I wouldn't do it, but you know that one comment you made about Trump, somebody could report you for that and you could wind up in serious trouble for it and yes I'm telling you this because I care enough to let you know that you really should think about what you're saying.
Well, now we appreciate the brevity of the situation. Trump is a symptom of our entitled society that I give less than any fucks about. I know and deal with bad men all the time. It's how good men dispatch those meaning to do society harm that cements our legacy.
And it took a court to declare it. This is a big win for MAGA. The hat also stands for American pride, patriotism and nationalism.

It's Pure American as apple pie!

If you have kids, let them wear a MAGA hat to school when they return for the holidays.

It is a bad idea in general...

They have now opened the door for hats that are:
  • pro NAZI
  • pro Russia
  • pro Vietcon
  • pro Iran
  • pro PLO
  • holocaust denying
  • pro China
  • pro KKK
All weird a fringe political groups... Be a man at keep that shit at home..
I HAVE ALWAYS given that right to people i do not agree with. I walk away. Unfortunately the left has seen fit to carry it past the point of physical violence. The LEFT has actually killed people over the right to free speech and thought.
Good for the LEFT. You are obsessed with the LEFT. Change the fucking record

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