"Wearing masks won't prevent people from catching COVID-19."

I'm slightly paraphrasing, but that's what he said.

(Very short clip )

Yes. It's an impossible one-way street.

Because , authoritarians can't FORCE everybody to wear a fucking mask if there is any wiggle room for personal choice.

It's the perfect scam.

Donald Trump pressures schools to open this fall, threatens to cut of funding. Gee, speaking about Authoritarians ...
This is wear the mental retardation that I spoke about comes in. See that little logo on your video that says 60 minutes? Well you can do a quick google search and see that this interview was on March 8th. You can also see that the CDC changed its mask policy on April 3 and you can even learn about why they did it. Haha, you people crack me up
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.
What changed?! A lot. This thing was just starting here in March. It had just hit a fever pitch in Italy as their medical facilities got overwhelmed. They shouldn’t have lied to us about the masks even if it was to help doctors and nurses. they were scrambling then to understand the disease and how to best stop it. We are now months down the road. Why do I need to explain this to you? It’s all pretty basic.
This is wear the mental retardation that I spoke about comes in. See that little logo on your video that says 60 minutes? Well you can do a quick google search and see that this interview was on March 8th. You can also see that the CDC changed its mask policy on April 3 and you can even learn about why they did it. Haha, you people crack me up
Slade3200 comments speak for themselves.
Well done sir.
A typo is your best comeback?! Haha. Give me a break. Go take a nap.
It cracks me up seeing people go by wearing masks
in their cars. I'd say that's some serious paranoia there.

I'd guess most of the time the people forget to take the masks off when they get in the car. I've seen that quite a few times. :p

There are several reasons to leave the mask on. It limits touching the mask, so it minimizes contact transfer.

It amazing when you consider that doctors and nurses wear a mask for 8, 12 even 16 hours.
This is wear the mental retardation that I spoke about comes in. See that little logo on your video that says 60 minutes? Well you can do a quick google search and see that this interview was on March 8th. You can also see that the CDC changed its mask policy on April 3 and you can even learn about why they did it. Haha, you people crack me up
Slade3200 comments speak for themselves.
Well done sir.
A typo is your best comeback?! Haha. Give me a break. Go take a nap.
That was worse than an average, typical typo, but speaking of lame comebacks, just read your first comment, Clyde.
Donald Trump pressures schools to open this fall, threatens to cut of funding. Gee, speaking about Authoritarians ...
No more "authoritarian" than the pro mask Karen squad.
If children are immune from Covid virus who does it benefit to have them miss school and all the myriad
advantages of learning in a classroom environment?
If children are immune from Covid virus who does it benefit to have them miss school and all the myriad
advantages of learning in a classroom environment?
Because children have teachers, and parents, and grandparents. They are "super spreaders" so even if they suffer few effects it's no different from letting measles or mumps run rampant through the schools.
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
I said nothing about whether I wore a mask or not. Its obvious you’re avoiding the questions I asked. So can you answer them or not?
Thought we were talking about the Coronavirus?
We are.
So are you wanting people to wear masks all the time, to prevent the spread of all germs?
I really don't care if anyone wears a mask or not, just don't come anywhere near me.
It seems like a simple thing to me. Its not like you're being asked to fight in World War 2 or anything.
When you sneeze in the car, if it is the daytime it won’t live long outside your body, because of sun rays. Also most people if they are worried about the virus, would do better spraying the inside of the vehicle, rather than wear a mask that would not be that effective because the mask is designed to stop the air transmission not surface. So when you are wearing a mask alone in a car, you are being silly and uninformed.

The rest of tour post has nothing to do with the issue of wearing a mask in a car or not.
You don’t need a mask if someone is not within six feet of you. So in a car alone, you don’t need a mask. It is called science.

The job of a mask is most importantly to keep a person from viral shedding into the air, and onto surfaces.
Without a mask, if get into a car that a person without a mask was in, every surface you touch can be contaminated.

The six foot rule only applies to direct person to person transfer. It doesn't protect from touching surfaces.

No duh, you use disinfectant in the car, the mask in the car is useless, unless you have other people that are not family or close friend.
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
This is wear the mental retardation that I spoke about comes in. See that little logo on your video that says 60 minutes? Well you can do a quick google search and see that this interview was on March 8th. You can also see that the CDC changed its mask policy on April 3 and you can even learn about why they did it. Haha, you people crack me up
Slade3200 comments speak for themselves.
Well done sir.
A typo is your best comeback?! Haha. Give me a break. Go take a nap.
That was worse than an average, typical typo, but speaking of lame comebacks, just read your first comment, Clyde.
I see you’re still avoiding the topic. Obviously because you don’t have any more substantive points. I’m not interested in playing childish insult games so I’ll just take my cookie and go home now
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

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