"Wearing masks won't prevent people from catching COVID-19."

Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?

your links literally disprove your argument. You see that right?

In the 1918 flu pandemic the flu killed 50 million people, dumbass.
Let me guess, you didn't graduate anywhere near the top of your class even if it was special ed.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
It's funny how quickly people walk away when you prove right in their faces that mask wearing and economic shutdown is going to last forever, using the same logic for COVID on other diseases.

Actually the opposite. that mask wearing can prevent economic shutdown.

If you can cut the R0 by wearing masks, then once you get it below 1, the virus will die off.
You know what else can prevent economic shutdown?

Not doing it.

Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?

your links literally disprove your argument. You see that right?

In the 1918 flu pandemic the flu killed 50 million people, dumbass.
Let me guess, you didn't graduate anywhere near the top of your class even if it was special ed.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
It is a deadly virus.

Why no mask mandates and economic shutdown?

50 million people is NOTHING???
Will COVID mutate and come back around, like the flu?

(trap question)(take the bait)(you are proving my case)
Every virus mutates, it's unknown if the mutation will change the effectiveness of a vaccine, or the legality of the virus.

The short answer is nobody knows.
And, thus, this shutdown and mask mandate is PERMANENT, right?
It’s funny to read this and see you thinking that your proving things that you are clearly not proving. Is this the twilight zone section?
It’s funny to read this and see you thinking that your proving things that you are clearly not proving. Is this the twilight zone section?

What is it you think he's not proving? trump, we get it. wear a mask or what? what is it you wish to do if I don't wear a fking mask? come on big guy what is it?
The flu mutates like a motherfucker.

Are you telling me that COVID will mutate and keep coming back around year after year?

(note: this is a trap)
No I’m not saying that. I’m dealing with the now and what’s actually happening. You seem to be shifting the conversation.
He's saying that like previous outbreaks, from bird flu, to swine flu, to SARS to MIRS, that there will always be a new killer virus every so many years. So why bother trying.
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?
The flu mutates like a motherfucker.

Are you telling me that COVID will mutate and keep coming back around year after year?

(note: this is a trap)
No I’m not saying that. I’m dealing with the now and what’s actually happening. You seem to be shifting the conversation.


Calm down tonto... now you are completely off topic and making assumptions about what you think the government will do. Let’s get back to the subject, shall we?
Will COVID mutate and come back around, like the flu?

(trap question)(take the bait)(you are proving my case)
Every virus mutates, it's unknown if the mutation will change the effectiveness of a vaccine, or the legality of the virus.

The short answer is nobody knows.
And, thus, this shutdown and mask mandate is PERMANENT, right?
It’s funny to read this and see you thinking that your proving things that you are clearly not proving. Is this the twilight zone section?
If a virus with a 99.7% survival rate can shut the entire nation down and force masking, why not other viruses?

If your authoritarian government can use emergency powers to FORCE mask wearing for this virus, it can do the same FOREVER!!!

Am I NOT making the point????

Hell, 2018 is plenty of justification for you commie to say, WEAR A MASK during the next HINT of a flu outbreak!!!
So, going out when you are sick is to get TREATMENT, not to test, right?

Either way, you and your ilk are advocating a serious breach in liberty PERMANENTLY.

You do know that any treatment STARTS with a test. The first thing they do when you get to the ER is to take you vitals, take blood samples.

It's test test test, before they start a treatment.
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?

your links literally disprove your argument. You see that right?

In the 1918 flu pandemic the flu killed 50 million people, dumbass.
Let me guess, you didn't graduate anywhere near the top of your class even if it was special ed.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
Why would I be making fun of your intelligence when it's abundanty clear that you're as dumb as a fucking fence post?
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?
The flu mutates like a motherfucker.

Are you telling me that COVID will mutate and keep coming back around year after year?

(note: this is a trap)
No I’m not saying that. I’m dealing with the now and what’s actually happening. You seem to be shifting the conversation.


Calm down tonto... now you are completely off topic and making assumptions about what you think the government will do. Let’s get back to the subject, shall we?
It's not what I THINK government will do. It's what government has repeatedly PROVED it will do.

The subject is GOVERNMENT FORCE when it's for our own good (allegedly).

This is why we need separate governments. The authoritarians can go live like subjects and the rest of us can live free.
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?

your links literally disprove your argument. You see that right?

In the 1918 flu pandemic the flu killed 50 million people, dumbass.
Let me guess, you didn't graduate anywhere near the top of your class even if it was special ed.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
It is a deadly virus.

Why no mask mandates and economic shutdown?

50 million people is NOTHING???
Because it’s not a threat to overwhelm our medical system. He have methods and means to identify avoid prevent and treat the flu. People can wear masks or get a shot or treat the illness in a manageable way. It’s amazing to me that you are asking these questions and that you don’t understand the difference between the flu and CoVID
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?

your links literally disprove your argument. You see that right?

In the 1918 flu pandemic the flu killed 50 million people, dumbass.
Let me guess, you didn't graduate anywhere near the top of your class even if it was special ed.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
It is a deadly virus.

Why no mask mandates and economic shutdown?

50 million people is NOTHING???
there were mask mandates, and businesses and taverns and churches and even some schools, were closed during the 1918 flu epidemic, silly one! And we lost 650,000 I believe, even with the shutdowns.... mostly those serving in the army in WW1 as our biggest group, and when they returned home, it spread like wildfire....
You do know that any treatment STARTS with a test. The first thing they do when you get to the ER is to take you vitals, take blood samples.

It's test test test, before they start a treatment
no they don't. ever been to an ER? I have many of fking times. I needed stiches, never once took my blood. you're so full of shit your eyes are brown. ahhh the layers of stupid you generate.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
Not sure about your intelligence level but you can improve the quality of this thread by learning how to selectively quote people without stretching the page 19 miles long.
You too.
It is a deadly virus.

Why no mask mandates and economic shutdown?

50 million people is NOTHING???
there were mask mandates, and businesses and taverns and churches and even some schools, were closed during the 1918 flu epidemic, silly one! And we lost 650,000 I believe, even with the shutdowns.... mostly those serving in the army in WW1 as our biggest group, and when they returned home, it spread like wildfire....
Yeah, and so, what changed between now and then?

How did science suddenly change after March 8?

How has this virus been able to behave like no other virus?

Like I said:

  • You can contract the virus and not know.
  • You can be infected and have NO symptoms.
  • You can spread the virus even if you have no symptoms of infection.
  • You can spread the virus and not actually be infected.
  • You can spread the virus to others if you don't wear a mask, but wearing a mask will not protect others from you.
  • You can contract the virus, recover, the get it AGAIN (something viruses NEVER do).

It is the PERFECT authoritarian tool.

To start, this is a new virus (hence the term novel), so it doesn't seem strange for assumptions about it to end up being incorrect.

To go to your points:
  • You can contract the flu and not know
  • You can be infected with the flu and have NO symptoms
  • You can spread the flu even if you have no symptoms of infection
  • The flu is also believed to be able to be spread through contact, so it would also be possible to spread it without being infected
  • I'm not sure why you're saying wearing a mask won't protect others. Isn't that the basic point of masks with COVID?
  • You can contract the flu, recover, and get it AGAIN
There are also other diseases which can be spread by someone asymptomatic. Examples would include chlamydia or hepatitis.

While the COVID-19 virus is apparently acting somewhat differently from other respiratory viruses, you are making it seem completely different in ways it is not.
Well, then, because the flu virus kills more people than COVID, the mask thing will be PERMANENT, right?

The same justifications apply.

Either this is bullshit or the perfect cover to permanently destroy America's economy (with more lockdowns and forced quarantine)....conveniently allowing the communists to take over and replace.

If you can't connect the dots (or refuse to do so) no need to discuss it further.
What data tells you that the flu kills more than Covid?

About 270,000 since 2014.

You really don't think they will use this same shit on the flu or the next pig virus going forward?
Flu has killed 270k since 2014 (6 years) and in 3 months there are 130k dead from COVID. Are you still claimIng that the flu is more deadly?

your links literally disprove your argument. You see that right?

In the 1918 flu pandemic the flu killed 50 million people, dumbass.
Let me guess, you didn't graduate anywhere near the top of your class even if it was special ed.
Haha, you think I’m comparing COVID-19 to the 1918 flu?! And you trying to make fun of my intelligence?! Wow... well thanks for the laugh
Why would I be making fun of your intelligence when it's abundanty clear that you're as dumb as a fucking fence post?
If that’s true then why did you compare Covid to the 1918 flu. If you thought that had relevance to my point then you’re just straight up retarded.
Because it’s not a threat to overwhelm our medical system. He have methods and means to identify avoid prevent and treat the flu. People can wear masks or get a shot or treat the illness in a manageable way. It’s amazing to me that you are asking these questions and that you don’t understand the difference between the flu and CoVID
it's a virus. we've had viruses our entire existence. you will never rid our world of viruses. the flu is a virus, it kills hundreds of thousands of people. This Wuhan virus was supposed to kill 80% of us. it didn't and instead of being a man and stating that was an error you keep layering on more stupid. stop it already you look foolish.

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