Weatherman Fired for slip of the tongue

White supremacists don't get fired. They get transferred.

That's all that will happen to him. He'll be fine. Some other channel will pick him up

He'll be fine.

The thing is if he's says shit like this at work on air, just imagine how he talks off air ?

It's like when Hank Williams talked shit about Obama but then he got called back
Or the official who called Michelle Obama and "ape" she got her job back

So now he's a white supremacist?
I suspect that he is. Why ? Because I can't prove it. So because there is no master list of who is and isn't a white supremacist then I'm duty bound to suspect all white people.
This right here is solid gold.

Yeah, 24 karat insanity.
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but do you honestly believe the guy is a racist and deliberately chose to ruin his career by deliberately calling MLK a "coon"?
He hasn't ruined his career at all. He'll be picked up somewhere else.

Way worse white supremacists than this Weatherman have been rewarded by the system of white supremacy

Mark Fuhrman in the OJ case admitted on tape that he frames black ppl. He pleaded the 5th when asked in court if he framed OJ. He talked about killing all black people. But Fox News said "Hey ! That's our guy !!"


So now he's doing fine on Fox and Fuhrman still gets book deals.
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

That qualifies you to know this guy's mind?
So basically you want to perpetuate your own victimhood
To tell my nieces and nephews that they can be anything they want to be if they try hard enough is nice, but unless I warn them about the obstacles in their path. I’m ill-suiting them for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires. If a person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They may overestimate the extent to which white people will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racism can steel ourselves against the headwinds in our way.

White people in here are always talking about how they are victims of taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.
instead of rising up
Black are rising up all the time.

We have to

We have enough experience with the system of white supremacy to know that it has never done much to improve our situation

But I see very little self-reflection in the white community. Rarely do you spend time dealing with your own racism which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.

And of course rising up from being bought and sold, to raped, to having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods means for nothing. Right ?

Does not surviving the concerted attempt to destroy or at least subjugate one’s people say something about the character of those who manage the feat ? Does not leading a struggle for freedom, and the advancement of human dignity not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world ?

Since when has survival been seen as such an unimpressive accomplishment?

This, in a nation that has made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing should be rewarded one million dollars.
on your own to be better human beings, and contribute to society in a positive manner.
Well we have seen how whites have reacted to when black people have tried to become better humans and contribute to society in the past

Even when black people are nowhere near whites, whites still aren’t satisfied.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century.


A black community working and thriving and living independent of whites and taking care of their own affairs, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Black degradation is essential in a system of white supremacy.

That's why the likes of Godboy and others kill me with that "It's black culture" lie

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut Black business development off at the knees.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Look at the Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.



Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white people with the aid of the US government. When you talk about Black economic empowerment, development and self improvement. It is not as if Black people have not shown themselves to be more than capable of achieving this. The fact is black people have always been prevented.

This aspect does not only apply to America it applies on a global scale too. Its not just Black communities which have been prevented from organically growing and developing. Its countries and states too.

Growth of ones own community can no longer be considered in isolation it has to be within an agreed shard global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place restrictions will ultimately always apply.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

That qualifies you to know this guy's mind?
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?
So basically you want to perpetuate your own victimhood
To tell my nieces and nephews that they can be anything they want to be if they try hard enough is nice, but unless I warn them about the obstacles in their path. I’m ill-suiting them for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires. If a person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They may overestimate the extent to which white people will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racism can steel ourselves against the headwinds in our way.

White people in here are always talking about how they are victims of taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.
instead of rising up
Black are rising up all the time.

We have to

We have enough experience with the system of white supremacy to know that it has never done much to improve our situation

But I see very little self-reflection in the white community. Rarely do you spend time dealing with your own racism which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.

And of course rising up from being bought and sold, to raped, to having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods means for nothing. Right ?

Does not surviving the concerted attempt to destroy or at least subjugate one’s people say something about the character of those who manage the feat ? Does not leading a struggle for freedom, and the advancement of human dignity not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world ?

Since when has survival been seen as such an unimpressive accomplishment?

This, in a nation that has made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing should be rewarded one million dollars.
on your own to be better human beings, and contribute to society in a positive manner.
Well we have seen how whites have reacted to when black people have tried to become better humans and contribute to society in the past

Even when black people are nowhere near whites, whites still aren’t satisfied.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century.


A black community working and thriving and living independent of whites and taking care of their own affairs, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Black degradation is essential in a system of white supremacy.

That's why the likes of Godboy and others kill me with that "It's black culture" lie

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut Black business development off at the knees.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Look at the Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.



Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white people with the aid of the US government. When you talk about Black economic empowerment, development and self improvement. It is not as if Black people have not shown themselves to be more than capable of achieving this. The fact is black people have always been prevented.

This aspect does not only apply to America it applies on a global scale too. Its not just Black communities which have been prevented from organically growing and developing. Its countries and states too.

Growth of ones own community can no longer be considered in isolation it has to be within an agreed shard global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place restrictions will ultimately always apply.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.
Powerful and true. I tell every Black person that will listen that "whites will discriminate against you simply because you are Black. You will have to work 10x as hard to get to the same place a white person gets to. You just have to never give up. I know it sucks but the other alternative is curl up into a fetal position and fade away. Which one would you rather do?"
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?
Whites that deny the guy is a racist will have an excuse for anything the guy does. He could be walking around with a confederate flag on his chest and a necklace made of fossilized ears of Black lynching victims and they would find an excuse.
Seems to be a huge difference between coon and king and not simply that he "jumbled a couple of words."

The previous word was "Luther" and the following word was "King". It seems clear to me that it was a simple twist of the tongue, i.e., accidentally putting the two together: "Koong". It's like trying to say "Toy boat" three times fast.

So now we're at the stage in this country where people like BillyBloom judge all conservatives as racist by mere virtue of being conservative and people get fired for pronouncing a word incorrectly. And liberals and Democrats say we're being paranoid.
Let me try....

Toy boat, Toy boat, Toy Coon

Yea, happens all the time
These racist pawns here want you to believe that a young man deliberately chose to ruin his career in media by saying black people are coons. That's how sick they are.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?

Irrelevant. Whatever would make me say he is racist is not the point. The point would be: Would I be justified in my assessment? Personally, I don't think accusations of racism are justified in this case. At the very least, I think those accusing him should look into it further rather than jump to conclusions because it happens to sound like a word they don't like.

Having said that, you don't know whether he is racist or not. You have summarily and unilaterally labeled him as racist for something that may have been entirely accidental. But you never bothered to wait for facts or information and you dismissed his explanation out of hand.
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?
Whites that deny the guy is a racist will have an excuse for anything the guy does. He could be walking around with a confederate flag on his chest and a necklace made of fossilized ears of Black lynching victims and they would find an excuse.

But he's not doing any of those things, is he? All he did was get tongue tied for a moment and ran two words together that just happen to sound like "coon". Do you at least acknowledge that it could have been a slip up?
Pretty sure he didnt say it deliberately. Its just what he was thinking and used to saying off air.

And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?

Irrelevant. Whatever would make me say he is racist is not the point. The point would be: Would I be justified in my assessment? Personally, I don't think accusations of racism are justified in this case. At the very least, I think those accusing him should look into it further rather than jump to conclusions because it happens to sound like a word they don't like.

Having said that, you don't know whether he is racist or not. You have summarily and unilaterally labeled him as racist for something that may have been entirely accidental. But you never bothered to wait for facts or information and you dismissed his explanation out of hand.
Once again.

So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?

Simple question.
Seems to be a huge difference between coon and king and not simply that he "jumbled a couple of words."

The previous word was "Luther" and the following word was "King". It seems clear to me that it was a simple twist of the tongue, i.e., accidentally putting the two together: "Koong". It's like trying to say "Toy boat" three times fast.

So now we're at the stage in this country where people like BillyBloom judge all conservatives as racist by mere virtue of being conservative and people get fired for pronouncing a word incorrectly. And liberals and Democrats say we're being paranoid.
Let me try....

Toy boat, Toy boat, Toy Coon

Yea, happens all the time

Are you fucking kidding me? I used that as an example of a tongue twister. In no way did I suggest that one could get "coon" from the toy boat twister for Christ's sake.
Do you believe the guy deliberately said "coon"?
I don't know what's in this man's heart.

I just know what came out of his mouth.

He said "Coon" and he got fired for it.

That's all I know.

On another subject, do YOU believe that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya?
Obama isn't the topic. Do you believe the punishment fit the crime?
Absolutely the punishment fit the crime.
Slip of the tongue is now a crime. Did you ever read a book titled "1984"?
And that's where you check with his colleagues, because he's around them all the time. If he was a racist, they would know. Arm chair quarterbacking doesn't cut it.

Not a single one of us, by reading this article, have any clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Yet we see the usual suspects pontificating like they have known the guy his entire life.
Bullshit. I had a friend that was racist. He was my roommate when I was in the military. I didnt find out for years that he was racist until I started dating this blonde chick.

First off, what part of his post exactly is bullshit? The fact remains that you have no clue as to whether this guy is a racist or not. Secondly, this is not your former roommate, this is somebody else entirely. Thirdly, are we to assume that he is racist because you don't know if he is or not?
So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?

Irrelevant. Whatever would make me say he is racist is not the point. The point would be: Would I be justified in my assessment? Personally, I don't think accusations of racism are justified in this case. At the very least, I think those accusing him should look into it further rather than jump to conclusions because it happens to sound like a word they don't like.

Having said that, you don't know whether he is racist or not. You have summarily and unilaterally labeled him as racist for something that may have been entirely accidental. But you never bothered to wait for facts or information and you dismissed his explanation out of hand.
Once again.

So what would he have to do for you to say "Yup. This guy is racist" ?

Simple question.
Corroborating evidence and witnesses, certainly not a slip of the tongue.
Do you believe the guy deliberately said "coon"?
I don't know what's in this man's heart.

I just know what came out of his mouth.

He said "Coon" and he got fired for it.

That's all I know.

On another subject, do YOU believe that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya?
Obama isn't the topic. Do you believe the punishment fit the crime?
Absolutely the punishment fit the crime.
Slip of the tongue is now a crime. Did you ever read a book titled "1984"?
Slip of the tongue is not a crime dummy. He got fired not sentenced to prison. Yep I read 1984, Animal Farm, and Keep the Aspidistra Flying.
Seems to be a huge difference between coon and king and not simply that he "jumbled a couple of words."
He didn't jumble a couple of words. He jumbled one word, and that one word begins with the same inflection as the one he used. Do you agree he should be fired for being a racist?
Here’s some free advice for folks who don’t want to lose their job.... don’t use the word, “coon,” at work.

Simple, no?

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