Zone1 Weighing human souls – The 21 Grams Theory


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If somebody today wants to prove existence of soul he/she/another 127 sexes would be immediately blamed as crazy, Nazi, fascist, antisemitic etc.
A hundred years ago it was still possible although satanists begun to take power in decision-maker offices and media
Just imagine the existence of soul can be scientifically proved
The next step would be acceptance of God and his commandments in the Holy Bible
Can our satanic lying 'rulers' allow it?

The 21 Grams Theory was a hypothesis of Dr. Duncan MacDougal who suggested that human souls have mass. He conducted various tests in 1901 to measure the weight of a soul.

On 10 April 1901, an unusual experiment was about to occur in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dr. Duncan MacDougall was going to prove that the human soul had mass, and was, therefore, measurable.

Experiments Conducted on Dying Patients​

Dr. MacDougall conducted this experiment on six dying patients placed on specially made Fairbanks weight scales just prior to their deaths. Dr. MacDougall’s intention was to weigh each body before and after death to determine any differences measured by the delicate scales. The patients were selected based upon their imminent death. Two patients were suffering from tuberculosis, 5 were men and one was a woman.

21 grams article on Duncan MacDougall
Article on Duncan MacDougall
In the company of four other doctors, Dr. MacDougall carefully measured the weight of his first patient prior to his death. Once the patient died, an interesting event occurred.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Dr. Duncan MacDougall”]Suddenly, coincident with death, the beam end dropped with an audible stroke hitting against the lower limiting bar and remaining there with no rebound. The loss was ascertained to be three-fourths of an ounce.[/blockquote]

The experiment continued on the next patient with the same results. Dr. MacDougall felt he was on to something extraordinary. A quote from the 11 March 1907 New York Times article captures the historic moment:

“The instant life ceased the opposite scale pan fell with a suddenness that was astonishing – as if something had been suddenly lifted from the body. Immediately all the usual deductions were made for physical loss of weight, and it was discovered that there was still a full ounce of weight unaccounted for”.

All Patients Lost Weight After Death​

21 grams theory
The average weight loss upon death appeared to be 21 grams.
All five doctors took their own measurements and compared their results. Not all the patients lost the same weight, but they did lose something that could not be accounted for. Unfortunately, only four of the six patient’s results could be used due to mechanical failures or the patient dying prior to the test equipment being in place.

But what about the consistent weight loss? The doctors took everything into account, from the air in the lungs to bodily fluids. It still could not be explained. An interesting variation occurred on the third patient, who maintained his same weight immediately upon death. But after one minute, he lost about an ounce of weight. Dr. MacDougall explained this discrepancy as follows:

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Dr. Duncan MacDougall”]I believe that in this case, that of a phlegmatic man slow of thought and action, that the soul remained suspended in the body after death, during the minute that elapsed before its freedom. There is no other way of accounting for it, and it is what might be expected to happen in a man of the subject’s temperament.[/blockquote]

Human Souls Weigh 21 Grams​

Following the experiment and consulting with the other attending physicians, the average weight loss of each person appeared to be ¾ of an ounce. Dr. MacDougall concluded a human soul weighed 21 grams.

Dr. MacDougall conducted the same experiment on 15 dogs. The experiments showed no change in weight following their death. MacDougall concluded that this may signify only humans have souls.

H. LaV. Twining, a physics teacher at Los Angeles Polytechnic High School, attempted the same experiment on mice in 1917. His conclusion was in line with that of Dr. MacDougall. There was no deviation of weight when the mice died.

Dr. MacDougall was a respected physician of Haverhill and the head of the Research Society that was conducting work in this field for six years prior to the experiment. Although considered unethical in modern times, these experiments spark a lot of criticism, ranging from the methodology used to various religious implications

Validation of the 21 Grams Theory​

Dr. MacDougall admitted more research needed to be conducted. However, following these experiments, Dr. MacDougall diverted his attention to obtaining the ability to photograph the soul leaving the human body. Unfortunately, following his soul weight experiments, Dr. MacDougall failed to establish any further scientific breakthroughs. Dr. Duncan MacDougal passed away in 1920.

I do believe in souls, but I do not believe this experiment was successful, or proved anything. A soul would not be trapped by phlegm, it's a soul, supernatural. The experiment was shoddily run by the looks of it, and four people are hardly enough test subjects for this kind of experiment.

The simple fact of the matter is, that it cannot be proven that we have souls, it is something that we can only accept by faith.
I do believe in souls, but I do not believe this experiment was successful, or proved anything. A soul would not be trapped by phlegm, it's a soul, supernatural. The experiment was shoddily run by the looks of it, and four people are hardly enough test subjects for this kind of experiment.

The simple fact of the matter is, that it cannot be proven that we have souls, it is something that we can only accept by faith.
A soul would not be trapped by phlegm. What then would trap it?
Nothing can trap a soul, it's supernatural. Like Jesus walking through walls, supernatural things/beings do not operate by the rules of the physical/mortal world.
Actually, they do. They simply know how to walk through walls. I saw that on an original Superman TV show 1950's version... Also, God traps souls or spirits in Spirit Prison where Jesu went to preach, 1Peter 3:18-22. We call many things supernatural but they are actually very natural. We just don't understand them right now. Take the Virgin Mary birth of Jesus. It was known as supernatural or immaculate conception. Today, it's just invitro-fertilization in which the Holy Ghost performed with Father in Heaven's sperm with Mary's egg.
Actually, they do. They simply know how to walk through walls. I saw that on an original Superman TV show 1950's version... Also, God traps souls or spirits in Spirit Prison where Jesu went to preach, 1Peter 3:18-22. We call many things supernatural but they are actually very natural. We just don't understand them right now. Take the Virgin Mary birth of Jesus. It was known as supernatural or immaculate conception. Today, it's just invitro-fertilization in which the Holy Ghost performed with Father in Heaven's sperm with Mary's egg.

You base your philosophy on 1950's Superman???
If somebody today wants to prove existence of soul he/she/another 127 sexes would be immediately blamed as crazy, Nazi, fascist, antisemitic etc.
A hundred years ago it was still possible although satanists begun to take power in decision-maker offices and media
Just imagine the existence of soul can be scientifically proved
The next step would be acceptance of God and his commandments in the Holy Bible
Can our satanic lying 'rulers' allow it?

The 21 Grams Theory was a hypothesis of Dr. Duncan MacDougal who suggested that human souls have mass. He conducted various tests in 1901 to measure the weight of a soul.

On 10 April 1901, an unusual experiment was about to occur in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dr. Duncan MacDougall was going to prove that the human soul had mass, and was, therefore, measurable.

Experiments Conducted on Dying Patients​

Dr. MacDougall conducted this experiment on six dying patients placed on specially made Fairbanks weight scales just prior to their deaths. Dr. MacDougall’s intention was to weigh each body before and after death to determine any differences measured by the delicate scales. The patients were selected based upon their imminent death. Two patients were suffering from tuberculosis, 5 were men and one was a woman.

21 grams article on Duncan MacDougall
Article on Duncan MacDougall
In the company of four other doctors, Dr. MacDougall carefully measured the weight of his first patient prior to his death. Once the patient died, an interesting event occurred.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Dr. Duncan MacDougall”]Suddenly, coincident with death, the beam end dropped with an audible stroke hitting against the lower limiting bar and remaining there with no rebound. The loss was ascertained to be three-fourths of an ounce.[/blockquote]

The experiment continued on the next patient with the same results. Dr. MacDougall felt he was on to something extraordinary. A quote from the 11 March 1907 New York Times article captures the historic moment:

All Patients Lost Weight After Death​

21 grams theory
The average weight loss upon death appeared to be 21 grams.
All five doctors took their own measurements and compared their results. Not all the patients lost the same weight, but they did lose something that could not be accounted for. Unfortunately, only four of the six patient’s results could be used due to mechanical failures or the patient dying prior to the test equipment being in place.

But what about the consistent weight loss? The doctors took everything into account, from the air in the lungs to bodily fluids. It still could not be explained. An interesting variation occurred on the third patient, who maintained his same weight immediately upon death. But after one minute, he lost about an ounce of weight. Dr. MacDougall explained this discrepancy as follows:

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Dr. Duncan MacDougall”]I believe that in this case, that of a phlegmatic man slow of thought and action, that the soul remained suspended in the body after death, during the minute that elapsed before its freedom. There is no other way of accounting for it, and it is what might be expected to happen in a man of the subject’s temperament.[/blockquote]

Human Souls Weigh 21 Grams​

Following the experiment and consulting with the other attending physicians, the average weight loss of each person appeared to be ¾ of an ounce. Dr. MacDougall concluded a human soul weighed 21 grams.

Dr. MacDougall conducted the same experiment on 15 dogs. The experiments showed no change in weight following their death. MacDougall concluded that this may signify only humans have souls.

H. LaV. Twining, a physics teacher at Los Angeles Polytechnic High School, attempted the same experiment on mice in 1917. His conclusion was in line with that of Dr. MacDougall. There was no deviation of weight when the mice died.

Dr. MacDougall was a respected physician of Haverhill and the head of the Research Society that was conducting work in this field for six years prior to the experiment. Although considered unethical in modern times, these experiments spark a lot of criticism, ranging from the methodology used to various religious implications

Validation of the 21 Grams Theory​

Dr. MacDougall admitted more research needed to be conducted. However, following these experiments, Dr. MacDougall diverted his attention to obtaining the ability to photograph the soul leaving the human body. Unfortunately, following his soul weight experiments, Dr. MacDougall failed to establish any further scientific breakthroughs. Dr. Duncan MacDougal passed away in 1920.

My soul weighs 176 pounds today.

And God formed dust from the earth into a man and he blew into his face a breath of life, and the man became a living soul. -- Gen 2:7
I refuse to accept that higher animals don't have souls.
In fact, more of them deserve Heaven and are better beings than most humans.
Elephants, for example?
I would agrue pretty much all mammals.
Sentient, full emotional range, ability to learn outside of basic insinct, empathy, a sense of self, even the ability to love.

We really don't understand what makes us conscious, so the notion that we believe ours to be superior to other species is misguided.
JMHO, of course.
I would agrue pretty much all mammals.
Sentient, full emotional range, ability to learn outside of basic insinct, empathy, a sense of self, even the ability to love.

We really don't understand what makes us conscious, so the notion that we believe ours to be superior to other species is misguided.
JMHO, of course.
For me it is still in the realm of wondering. One of those wondering trails is thinking about if all other sentient animals avoided the original sin, and so that struggle is ours alone. Sounds like you have even deeper thoughts about it.
I do believe in souls, but I do not believe this experiment was successful, or proved anything. A soul would not be trapped by phlegm, it's a soul, supernatural. The experiment was shoddily run by the looks of it, and four people are hardly enough test subjects for this kind of experiment.

The simple fact of the matter is, that it cannot be proven that we have souls, it is something that we can only accept by faith.

A simple question, why bodies lost 21 gram?
No, I'm not. I quoted scripture. You want to believe PAGANIZED "Christianity." I believe the Scriptures. I was instructed by Christ, not a church

You're completely right, we shall trust the Holy Bible which proofs body and soul are separate

The Hebrew word translated here as "living being" is "nephesh", which is translated elsewhere as "soul". In fact, some translations (the KJV being the most popular) translate this verse as "man became a living soul". Thus, this verse supposedly proves that man has no soul and that the soul is a living human body. However, this argument is based on the simple fallacy that a word used in a certain way in one verse must be used in the same way everywhere else. Since the word "soul" in Genesis 2:7 does not refer to the part of the person that remains after death, they argue that it cannot mean that anywhere else, which is simply linguistically absurd! Words can mean different things in different contexts, and the word "soul" clearly refers to our abiding spiritual self in some contexts, even if it does not in others.




A simple question, why bodies lost 21 gram?
21 grams is equal to 0.7 ounces. That's 0.04 pounds. That's barely perceptible. You mean to tell me, that they got the math right back in that era, even taking into account loss of oxygen, gas in the tissues, etc? There is so much room for error, and not enough knowledge about the human body after death. Besides, a soul is a supernatural thing. Who says it has any weight at all?
21 grams is equal to 0.7 ounces. That's 0.04 pounds. That's barely perceptible. You mean to tell me, that they got the math right back in that era, even taking into account loss of oxygen, gas in the tissues, etc? There is so much room for error, and not enough knowledge about the human body after death. Besides, a soul is a supernatural thing. Who says it has any weight at all?

Why animals lose nothing, but only humans?

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