Welcome our newest mod, Meister!

O geez, if Kat is accepting, eh..I am prepared to deal with it.
A new mod? Uh oh....I better get on his good side.

All your posts are belong to us.

But who would want those 997/1000 wrong posts though?
I don't know. Perhaps no one, perhaps everyone, perhaps this man:

View attachment 221158

For being Mr. "Mega Testo-Stero 9999" man, he sure looks like he has some moobs. IMO, he could use a Bro.
I don't know about those things, but seeing how they haven't locked this thread yet and banned us, perhaps we should just wait in the shadows for a while and see what pops out!
All your posts are belong to us.

But who would want those 997/1000 wrong posts though?
I don't know. Perhaps no one, perhaps everyone, perhaps this man:

View attachment 221158

For being Mr. "Mega Testo-Stero 9999" man, he sure looks like he has some moobs. IMO, he could use a Bro.
I don't know about those things, but seeing how they haven't locked this thread yet and banned us, perhaps we should just wait in the shadows for a while and see what pops out!

Well, we'll see what happens.
..... and NO, you can NOT tie him up anywhere. He has ninja skills none of you are aware of ..... yet!


Ya know, if you were really proud of this it would not come out at 6 on a Sunday....

Besides, isn't he a recycled mod?

Oh, and I now have rope for sale.

May the insanity come slowly Meister.

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