Welcome To Joe Biden's America

Just imagine if a right wing group did something like this.

But since they are far leftists the media is celebrating it.
Do a little research on Orgeons history... you’ll find some stuff

I am talking today...
Yes and I’m talking a few years ago in Oregon when a right wing group did the same thing.

When did a right-wing group take over part of a city, and declare it sovereign?
haha, when did a group do all that in the heart of Seattle? Oh right, you got me!! Nice one.

Now back to reality, I just referred to an extreme right wing group who took similar actions in orgeon. He didn’t seem aware. Now he is

"Similar actions". The ability of leftists to lie to themselves never ceases to amaze me.
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.
How the fuck do you know how I was doing the Obama years?
That fucker almost ruined this country and we were lucky to survive
Haha, all the economic numbers that Trump brags about as the best ever where all trending and teed up for him when he took over. If your financially happy under Trump then you we’re living under similar conditions under Obama. I can’t help your mental state if you me partisan hate took over. That’s a you problem

Business leaders have made it clear that Trump has been awesome for business vs Obama's anti business policies so suck it.
Trump has been good for business. He cut taxes and deregulated. Dow has been surging... dow also surged under Obama and again, all the economic areas that Trump brags about were going that way for years under Obama. If you’re doing fine now you were doing fine then
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.
How the fuck do you know how I was doing the Obama years?
That fucker almost ruined this country and we were lucky to survive
Haha, all the economic numbers that Trump brags about as the best ever where all trending and teed up for him when he took over. If your financially happy under Trump then you we’re living under similar conditions under Obama. I can’t help your mental state if you me partisan hate took over. That’s a you problem

Business leaders have made it clear that Trump has been awesome for business vs Obama's anti business policies so suck it.
Yeah shutting down gov't for a record 30+days giving billions to farmers to make up for his AH tariffs bashing corporations that didn't kiss his ass were real good for business
Even with COVID, the economy is booming; do try and converse with some actual White Collar Professionals now and then.
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.

Lib please all Obama and asshole Dems wanted to do was raise my taxes and demonize me for being successful and tell me I'm not paying my fair share. Obama and Dems can rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
I very much doubt you are part of the top 10% of earners who they say those things about. Nice try

Top 3% :itsok:
I don’t believe you

That's because you are a hack left wing talking points parrot.

Just imagine if a right wing group did something like this.

But since they are far leftists the media is celebrating it.
Do a little research on Orgeons history... you’ll find some stuff

I am talking today...
Yes and I’m talking a few years ago in Oregon when a right wing group did the same thing.

When did a right-wing group take over part of a city, and declare it sovereign?
haha, when did a group do all that in the heart of Seattle? Oh right, you got me!! Nice one.

Now back to reality, I just referred to an extreme right wing group who took similar actions in orgeon. He didn’t seem aware. Now he is

"Similar actions". The ability of leftists to lie to themselves never ceases to amaze me.
What did I lie about?. Save some time and make a real argument so I dont have to waste a post asking for you to explain yourself. Let’s be grown ups.
Seattle is what liberal leadership looks like. Show of hands who wants to elect liberals to run their city like Seattle where thugs and losers run amok burning, looting, and destroying property? Do you want to raise your kids in a city like Seattle?
Which city of Seattle’s size would you choose to raise your kids in?

Seattle, you know before dumb fuck liberals from California moved up and took it over.
So you’re choosing Seattle? Really?

Since time machines don’t exist, is Seattle your final answer?

I was born here, you weren't.
I have family, there and have been going since I was in diapers and I also lived there for a summer. But who gives a shit?! You’re not answering my question
You seem to know a lot about Seattle. Can you post some pictures of its parks and public spaces from 30 years ago and today so readers can get a clear picture?
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.
How the fuck do you know how I was doing the Obama years?
That fucker almost ruined this country and we were lucky to survive
Haha, all the economic numbers that Trump brags about as the best ever where all trending and teed up for him when he took over. If your financially happy under Trump then you we’re living under similar conditions under Obama. I can’t help your mental state if you me partisan hate took over. That’s a you problem

Business leaders have made it clear that Trump has been awesome for business vs Obama's anti business policies so suck it.
Trump has been good for business. He cut taxes and deregulated. Dow has been surging... dow also surged under Obama and again, all the economic areas that Trump brags about were going that way for years under Obama. If you’re doing fine now you were doing fine then

Of for Christ sake. You and the rest of you Obama fan boys who credit Obama with economic growth stop lying. The economy grew in spite of Obama's tax increase anti business policies and you know it. Stop lying out your big fat lying liberal mouths. :eusa_hand:
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.
How the fuck do you know how I was doing the Obama years?
That fucker almost ruined this country and we were lucky to survive
Haha, all the economic numbers that Trump brags about as the best ever where all trending and teed up for him when he took over. If your financially happy under Trump then you we’re living under similar conditions under Obama. I can’t help your mental state if you me partisan hate took over. That’s a you problem

Business leaders have made it clear that Trump has been awesome for business vs Obama's anti business policies so suck it.
Trump has been good for business. He cut taxes and deregulated. Dow has been surging... dow also surged under Obama and again, all the economic areas that Trump brags about were going that way for years under Obama. If you’re doing fine now you were doing fine then
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.

Lib please all Obama and asshole Dems wanted to do was raise my taxes and demonize me for being successful and tell me I'm not paying my fair share. Obama and Dems can rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
I very much doubt you are part of the top 10% of earners who they say those things about. Nice try

Top 3% :itsok:
I don’t believe you

That's because you are a hack left wing talking points parrot.
Haha, says the guy pretending to be top 3%. How pathetic is that?! Grow up

Just imagine if a right wing group did something like this.

But since they are far leftists the media is celebrating it.
Do a little research on Orgeons history... you’ll find some stuff

I am talking today...
Yes and I’m talking a few years ago in Oregon when a right wing group did the same thing.

When did a right-wing group take over part of a city, and declare it sovereign?
haha, when did a group do all that in the heart of Seattle? Oh right, you got me!! Nice one.

Now back to reality, I just referred to an extreme right wing group who took similar actions in orgeon. He didn’t seem aware. Now he is

"Similar actions". The ability of leftists to lie to themselves never ceases to amaze me.
What did I lie about?. Save some time and make a real argument so I dont have to waste a post asking for you to explain yourself. Let’s be grown ups.
Grownups acknowledge the truth and dont have to twist and redefine words to make their point.

Just imagine if a right wing group did something like this.

But since they are far leftists the media is celebrating it.
Do a little research on Orgeons history... you’ll find some stuff

I am talking today...
Yes and I’m talking a few years ago in Oregon when a right wing group did the same thing.

When did a right-wing group take over part of a city, and declare it sovereign?
haha, when did a group do all that in the heart of Seattle? Oh right, you got me!! Nice one.

Now back to reality, I just referred to an extreme right wing group who took similar actions in orgeon. He didn’t seem aware. Now he is

"Similar actions". The ability of leftists to lie to themselves never ceases to amaze me.
What did I lie about?. Save some time and make a real argument so I dont have to waste a post asking for you to explain yourself. Let’s be grown ups.
You're asking for the near impossible
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.
How the fuck do you know how I was doing the Obama years?
That fucker almost ruined this country and we were lucky to survive
Haha, all the economic numbers that Trump brags about as the best ever where all trending and teed up for him when he took over. If your financially happy under Trump then you we’re living under similar conditions under Obama. I can’t help your mental state if you me partisan hate took over. That’s a you problem

Business leaders have made it clear that Trump has been awesome for business vs Obama's anti business policies so suck it.
Trump has been good for business. He cut taxes and deregulated. Dow has been surging... dow also surged under Obama and again, all the economic areas that Trump brags about were going that way for years under Obama. If you’re doing fine now you were doing fine then

Of for Christ sake. You and the rest of you Obama fan boys who credit Obama with economic growth stop lying. The economy grew in spite of Obama's tax increase anti business policies and you know it. Stop lying out your big fat lying liberal mouths. :eusa_hand:
The economy always grows in spite of government. Trump has loosened the grip but there is still a grip, that’s how it works.
I’d think a 3%er would know that. If your gonna say your up there you should do a better job pretending to act like it.

Just imagine if a right wing group did something like this.

But since they are far leftists the media is celebrating it.
Do a little research on Orgeons history... you’ll find some stuff

I am talking today...
Yes and I’m talking a few years ago in Oregon when a right wing group did the same thing.

When did a right-wing group take over part of a city, and declare it sovereign?
haha, when did a group do all that in the heart of Seattle? Oh right, you got me!! Nice one.

Now back to reality, I just referred to an extreme right wing group who took similar actions in orgeon. He didn’t seem aware. Now he is

"Similar actions". The ability of leftists to lie to themselves never ceases to amaze me.
What did I lie about?. Save some time and make a real argument so I dont have to waste a post asking for you to explain yourself. Let’s be grown ups.
Grownups acknowledge the truth and dont have to twist and redefine words to make their point.
Agreed. What do you think I’m twisting and redefining?
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.

Lib please all Obama and asshole Dems wanted to do was raise my taxes and demonize me for being successful and tell me I'm not paying my fair share. Obama and Dems can rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
I very much doubt you are part of the top 10% of earners who they say those things about. Nice try

Top 3% :itsok:
I don’t believe you

That's because you are a hack left wing talking points parrot.
Haha, says the guy pretending to be top 3%. How pathetic is that?! Grow up

Your wealth envy is noted, tissue?
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.

Lib please all Obama and asshole Dems wanted to do was raise my taxes and demonize me for being successful and tell me I'm not paying my fair share. Obama and Dems can rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
I very much doubt you are part of the top 10% of earners who they say those things about. Nice try

Top 3% :itsok:
I don’t believe you

That's because you are a hack left wing talking points parrot.
Haha, says the guy pretending to be top 3%. How pathetic is that?! Grow up

Your wealth envy is noted, tissue?
I don't envy the rich. Money isn’t that important to me. I just think you’re lying
The choice this November is clear, the Biden/Seattle ticket or the Trump/Law and Order ticket.
Easy choice... Biden

Meh, waste your vote if you wish.
Blues You republicans have ALMOST talked me into voting for trump I so much want to see the rest of the shit he'll bring down on your dumb heads Honestly speaking I want to see you guys in the pain trump brings, I want to laugh in your stupid faces

I'm doing quite well under Trump's leadership thank you very much.
I hate to break it to you but you were probably doing just as good under Obama’s except for your partisan hate clouding up your mind.

Lib please all Obama and asshole Dems wanted to do was raise my taxes and demonize me for being successful and tell me I'm not paying my fair share. Obama and Dems can rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
I very much doubt you are part of the top 10% of earners who they say those things about. Nice try

Top 3% :itsok:
I don’t believe you

That's because you are a hack left wing talking points parrot.
Haha, says the guy pretending to be top 3%. How pathetic is that?! Grow up

Your wealth envy is noted, tissue?
Want to bash ? Bash away blues
+$97,965.50 (1.05%)
Day Change
+$1,661,936.40 (21.29%)
YTD Change
This owns it. And it's got a big D by its name.


Don't stare at that ugly fuck too long.... you may get a little light-headed.

Through the proper application of the Transitive Property (If A=B and B=C, then A=C), yes, this is Beijing Biden's vision of America. Duly noted.
Poster child for failed Democrat leadership in our nation's cities.

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