Welcome to tyranny.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

Life is a life-threatening risk, that's true, but - and that's a very bigt fat "but" - what is your risk and what's the risk of others? Nobody is able to be happy about the own wrongdoing, who risks the life of others. The mentality is the same like the mentality of murder and not the mentality of family members and/or friends and neighbors.

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." said Immanuel Kant.

So if you will die on covid-19 after 4 weeks of respirations in a clinic - or if you will die earlier and much more suffering in the gutter - do you still think it's okay to say: "Life is a risk". Why do you think your freedom is more important, than the freedom of someone, who is a member of a risk group? And by the way: You don't know what will happen, so: Who pays in case you have to go in a clinic on your own? And who pays your funeral? Should you not first pay this money to your health insurance or to an adequate public institution? And what is with the freedom of the people, who are not able to pay this money? ... "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." ... Do you really think your decision is as easy, fair and good for everyone as you thought?

Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

I love how you're trying to micromanage other people's financial arrangements, but declining any effort to think about the grander scale financial arrangements that are actually your business, such as "How the fuck do we keep paying for this if there's no economy for the government to tax?"

Do you really think YOUR decision is easy, fair and good for everyone at all, or have you just decided that you're so morally pure in your "Save a life, no matter who it hurts!" that you don't have to care about that?
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Are you telling us that the only job that you are qualified for is to drive a truck?

It's the only job I've been doing for over 30 years. At 60 years old, it's a bit late to go to school to learn a new field of work. Even if I could, I would get out of school at 61 or 62, and expect an employer to hire a rookie with several serious medical conditions? That may look good on paper, but it isn't reality.
No it's not too late. I was in my 60s when I closed the law office and went back to school to learn to be a dog groomer. When I got out of school No one would give me a job so I opened my own. The business across the street from me was a frame shop. The guy retired from engineering at 65, learned how to make picture frames and created a roaring business. It is very common for older people to have second or even third careers.

Yes, that's possible when you were a former lawyer or engineer and have excess capital and your health. Not the same as when you don't and only made the wages of a local truck driver with many limitations that prevented me from making the average or top wage truck drivers make. As I have stated, I am a landlord, and while only supplementary income, it keeps me pretty busy.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

You MUST remain in your home.
You MUST use a mask.
You MUST wear gloves.
You can NOT 'peacefully assemble'
You can NOT gather in groups of more than 5 people.
You must close your business
You can NOT cut someone's hair or do their nails.
You can NOT take your child to an abandoned park.
You can NOT worship any way you like, even if it complies with Social Distancing rules / mandates
You WILL 'Shelter In Place'
You will not 'Go For A Drive', even in the car by yourself

Life IS a 'risk'
...but the federal nanny state has decided for you the risk is too great without them dictating your choices
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
This might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?

Wanna try again to invent a comment no one made and then shove it down people's throats?

Read again. That is the comment I responded to. Ya nasty bitch.

Always assume that if I disagree with you, it's not because I didn't understand you; it's because I DID understand you, and you're just a jackass.

That is certainly what you've been responding to, but that is NOT what anyone said. Hence my objection to you making shit up and then trying to force people to defend it. Ya ignorant twat.
Here is what I responded to. The words are plain.

Read it, dummy. And shove that strawman between your chubby butt cheeks.

Read it the first time. Still recognized that you were arguing a point that wasn't made. So shove that strawman up YOUR dingleberry-encrusted butt cheeks, since YOU are the one who created it.
Here is what I responded to. The words are plain.

Read it, dummy. And shove that strawman between your chubby butt cheeks.

Read it the first time. Still recognized that you were arguing a point that wasn't made. So shove that strawman up YOUR dingleberry-encrusted butt cheeks, since YOU are the one who created it.

You are really making progress.
It is not okay that millions of people have their lives disrupted and everything they worked for taken from them.
Blame the virus, not the authorities trying to prevent it from destroying more people's lives.

Actually, I blame people like you, who think this lockdown was and should have been about everyone staying home until you're guaranteed perfect safety.
we need to test everyone in the US and everyone in the world, every single soul! only then can we think about opening up, my friends!
Actually, I blame people like you, who think this lockdown was and should have been about everyone staying home until you're guaranteed perfect safety.

EVERYONE had to be force-quarantined due to the fact that Joe Biden proved from his Bunker that he 1) does not know how to 'Elmo' and 2) Keeps touching his face constantly....

Here is what I responded to. The words are plain.

Read it, dummy. And shove that strawman between your chubby butt cheeks.

Read it the first time. Still recognized that you were arguing a point that wasn't made. So shove that strawman up YOUR dingleberry-encrusted butt cheeks, since YOU are the one who created it.

You are really making progress.

I've pretty much always thought you had dogshit between your ears, so no real change at all.
Here is what I responded to. The words are plain.

Read it, dummy. And shove that strawman between your chubby butt cheeks.

Read it the first time. Still recognized that you were arguing a point that wasn't made. So shove that strawman up YOUR dingleberry-encrusted butt cheeks, since YOU are the one who created it.

You are really making progress.

I've pretty much always thought you had dogshit between your ears, so no real change at all.

Always remember.....if it ain't in the BOR.....it means nothing!
That's an old talking point. Get with the program. With over 600K cases in the US that false narrative has been replaced with blaming China, the WHO, and with Trump hypocritically encouraging nitwits to break with social distancing protocols in contradiction to official government policy.

When did Trump do that? I've watched several of his news conferences, and anytime social distancing came up, he said we will have to be doing that for a while, even when the restrictions are loosened.

And the vast majority of Americans are okay with and fully intend to continue social distancing. They just don't want to become broke, homeless, and starving while they do it.
Just got home from Fleet Farm for some "essentials".
Store was far more packed than Christmas season with masses of folks shopping. A small minority of people were wearing masks. Really got the sense seeing so many people there and at the several big box stores nearby, that most have had it with the restrictions and are going about their life.
I seriously doubt they were all Conservative.

That's what the stimulus check was supposed to do, stimulate shopping. I guess another win for Trump.

Problem is that for a lot of people, there's nowhere to shop and nothing to buy, because everything's shut down.
What happened to the geniuses who tried to argue that only laws that are in the Bill Of Rights are laws that citizens must obey?

They all left without leaving even a weak argument. How odd.

They were all in your imagination, because no actual people besides you ever said that. Not at all odd, when one understands what a piss-brained lunatic you are.
What happened to the geniuses who tried to argue that only laws that are in the Bill Of Rights are laws that citizens must obey?

They all left without leaving even a weak argument. How odd.

They were all in your imagination, because no actual people besides you ever said that. Not at all odd, when one understands what a piss-brained lunatic you are.

OK, Karen. I didn't read what I read. You must be right.
I fear for the US. Such a patchwork of different approaches to lockdown and reopening .
If 'you' blame Trump for the lockdown and demand the govt be opened back up....if you come down with COVID-19 symptoms, will 'you' blame Trump / the govt opening back up to soon?
Just got home from Fleet Farm for some "essentials".
Store was far more packed than Christmas season with masses of folks shopping. A small minority of people were wearing masks. Really got the sense seeing so many people there and at the several big box stores nearby, that most have had it with the restrictions and are going about their life.
I seriously doubt they were all Conservative.

That's what the stimulus check was supposed to do, stimulate shopping. I guess another win for Trump.

Problem is that for a lot of people, there's nowhere to shop and nothing to buy, because everything's shut down.

At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

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