Welcome to tyranny.

Wow... Mormon Bob thinks Poverty is a bad thing now? Really? Um, where were you at when all those people of color were living in Poverty for years and years and still do?

Of course, the only thing he's worried about is that enough white people will be dunked into poverty to the point where they won't vote for the Orange Shitgibbon again...
Poverty is the Democrat's platform. The more people they can make poor and pissed off, the more people will become dependent on their preferred government programs. The Democrat's end game is to end all freedom.
Poverty is the Democrat's platform. The more people they can make poor and pissed off, the more people will become dependent on their preferred government programs. The Democrat's end game is to end all freedom.

Then how come poverty decreases when Democrats are in power and increases when Republicans are in power.

We are approaching 20% unemployment. Lots of people are going to end up poor.
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Are you telling us that the only job that you are qualified for is to drive a truck?
Poverty is the Democrat's platform. The more people they can make poor and pissed off, the more people will become dependent on their preferred government programs. The Democrat's end game is to end all freedom.

I wonder how much arrogance it requires to accept that garbage argument as truth and, at the same time, believe that one is an intelligent person?
Of course, the only thing he's worried about is that enough white people will be dunked into poverty to the point where they won't vote for the Orange Shitgibbon again...

poor white trash is a lifestyle where i hail from Joe

no potus in my lifetime has given a f*ck, nor probably will

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
Yes, but the answer will probably be the same, he made an appointment with his doctor for Monday, we hope that she will give him the certificate but we can doubt it, he will at least ask her for advice because now we don't know what to do.
Wow, that is bad. All I can do is pray for you with my sinner self. I'll give it a shot.
Thank you Marion:), on the other hand don't be too sinful at the forum LOL, it's good to come here and you're still there, do not forget it my bad boy.;)

These global oligarch's are doing the same, the whole planet over.


Yes, throughout the world it will be the peoples of most countries who will pay the bill for the Chinese virus just as for the crash of 2008 the peoples of Europe have paid the bill, austerity was on the menu hopefully we will not 'relive the experience ? a new wave of austerity?
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Are you telling us that the only job that you are qualified for is to drive a truck?

It's the only job I've been doing for over 30 years. At 60 years old, it's a bit late to go to school to learn a new field of work. Even if I could, I would get out of school at 61 or 62, and expect an employer to hire a rookie with several serious medical conditions? That may look good on paper, but it isn't reality.
Wow... Mormon Bob thinks Poverty is a bad thing now? Really? Um, where were you at when all those people of color were living in Poverty for years and years and still do?

We were supporting a party that encouraged immigration both legal and illegal to take those jobs American minorities should have had, or otherwise reduce their salary. We were fighting to stop School Vouchers so those minority children had no opportunities for a better education. We were promoting single-parent households to show solidarity with the women's lib movement, because we know the solution to poverty is a broken family with a single income. We were............oh wait, my bad, that wasn't us, that was another group of people.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.

YOU'RE wrong. Society can impose limited restrictions that are the least invasive to people's rights. As much as your childish ass wants to think "We can have laws, so that means ANY LAW IS OKAY!" that's not how it works.

Note the difference - if your peabrain can grasp that there is one - between passing a law that says you can't drive 100 mph and passing one that says you can't drive at all.

The fact of the matter is, you don't get to demand under the rubric of "imperiling public health" that people's lives be totally shut down to give pansies like you some impossible "perfect safety".

I shouldn't be surprised that the Board Champion of Simpletons, who never met a nuance that he didn't stomp over like a water buffalo with an inner ear infection, wasn't able to tell the difference between "temporary lockdown to slow infections" and "imprison everyone until I can't possibly ever get sick".
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
What hand sanitizer?
If no Purell is available, then frequent soap and water hand washes.

Which actually works better, anyway.
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Are you telling us that the only job that you are qualified for is to drive a truck?

It's the only job I've been doing for over 30 years. At 60 years old, it's a bit late to go to school to learn a new field of work. Even if I could, I would get out of school at 61 or 62, and expect an employer to hire a rookie with several serious medical conditions? That may look good on paper, but it isn't reality.

Damn. I am blown away by this. You are unable to drive a truck....so you refuse to do what it takes to get another job. You are able to read and write....to use a computer. There are jobs that you qualify for right now. Excuses.....excuses.....excuses.

You are ACTUALLY living off of public funds while constantly bashing other people who live off of public funds. It is something.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.

Oh, so if everyone isn't penniless and starving, that means no one is, or is ever going to be? Is the standard now "We do nothing until the suffering starts AND is spread to everyone"?

You taken a look at the numbers of people going to food banks? The numbers of food banks struggling to keep up with demand? The numbers of people in other countries which are dependent on the United States' economy, and who ARE on the brink of starving?

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going . . . and that's because people ARE, or will be, starving without the economy. Don't be a putz and try to act like "the economy's sake" is something separate and divorced from human suffering.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.

The Founders warned us about people who ate lead paint as children and sustained massive brain damage, but wandered around pretending to be regular people?
Actually, most people don't have those skills. Can't tell you how many offices I've gone into where people can't put together simple spreadsheets or compose word documents. Contrary to what Mormon Bob thinks, much of my career has been spent teaching people how to use computers because they didn't gain those skills. Before Trump wrecked the economy, they were offering jobs to people with little skills.

I don't believe you for one minute. One of my tenants is an IT guy, he makes about as much as I did per hour before I left my job. Not only did he have to go to school for over a year, but constantly has to attend classes to learn the advancements that have recently been made.

Getting on the internet and knowing our language does not make you an office person or computer expert. It's something a majority of our population can do, just like sweeping a floor or making french fries.

Long story short, there are still other things you could do, you just don't want to do them. So please don't tell me you are somehow morally superior to those HUD Neighbors who are gaming the system. You know, the ones you routinely compare to spoiled milk and feral raccoons.

I'm very superior to them in every way. You support a party that wants to put as many people on the dole as they can, even if they are young and healthy, but a person who has medical problems so to the extreme of losing his career, that person could do other things.

You people on the left are such hypocrites and void of common sense.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

Well, at the end of the day, if you want to be reckless, no one is stopping you. Just have a little courtesy and don't be around anyone else when you exercise your right to be reckless.
Oh, yeah and by the way, they can tell you what to do. It's a national emergency.

Oh, yeah, and by the way, "national emergency" does NOT suspend Constitutional rights, or the obligation of the government to fulfill its functions with the least amount of infringement possible.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Staying home and social distancing has nothing to do with getting sick. It's to put an end to the massive rallys that Trump has. When Jill Biden could not get ten people together in someone's living room democrats found a way to both conceal Biden's unpopularity and Trump's popularity at the same time. They paid a fortune for this virus. They will get all the mileage they can.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?

Only a leftist could think that the Bill of Rights can be made irrelevant.
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Are you telling us that the only job that you are qualified for is to drive a truck?

It's the only job I've been doing for over 30 years. At 60 years old, it's a bit late to go to school to learn a new field of work. Even if I could, I would get out of school at 61 or 62, and expect an employer to hire a rookie with several serious medical conditions? That may look good on paper, but it isn't reality.
No it's not too late. I was in my 60s when I closed the law office and went back to school to learn to be a dog groomer. When I got out of school No one would give me a job so I opened my own. The business across the street from me was a frame shop. The guy retired from engineering at 65, learned how to make picture frames and created a roaring business. It is very common for older people to have second or even third careers.

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