Welcome to tyranny.

All my years working for various companies and clients, I've never had a significant complaint about any company, and only two bosses that I can think of that I've had any real complaint with, and one of those, I think, only because he was beginning influenced in a very bad way by the other.

Find that hard to believe Mormon Bob, you are a pretty hateful person.

I would bet that if I worked for all the same employers that you've worked for, that my opinions about them would be the same as for those that I have worked for, and that if you had worked for all of my employers, your opinion of them would be the same as for those that you did work for.

Well, of course you would. You'd look at bosses abusing people and just conclude they "Deserved it".

It's not the employers that are the difference between your experiences, and mine; it's our own attitudes. And I think these different attitudes, between you and me, show up in many of our postings here, on many different subjects, not just those related to employment.

Naw, guy, the difference is that you are just kind of a suckup. Nobody likes the office suckup.

Judging by the picture you posted after your truck got broken into, you work in the trades. Which means you probably belong to a union, but even if you don't, you probably benefit from labor rules the unions have set up. That's nice. My dad worked in the trades, so did my brothers. I wish I didn't have to deal with the office politics bullshit I've seen in every place I've had to work.

But office politics are really bullshit, and I notice you skipped over the list of abuses by those same bosses on other people that you are equally fine with, like the ladies who got fired after they got pregnant, or the fellow who got let go after he got cancer, or the woman who was fired when the boss found out she was gay.

The difference is you believe in revenge and anger and obedience... I believe in fairness and justice.
When I signed up, they wanted about 1/3 of my net pay to keep my doctor and hospital. It came with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, $50.00 office copay, no prescription, no dental. If I could easily have afforded that, I would have been making double mortgage payments.

Again, that sounds really kind of suspicious based on my own experiences shopping for health care plans. My guess is you found one that got you upset and you stopped looking.

So on top of it being responsible for my employer dropping our coverage, horrible and expensive insurance, because I couldn't afford it, they kept part of my income tax refund to boot.

Your boss dropped your coverage because he's a douchebag...

And too, there is this deception, one out of many, inherent in the ObamaCare scam. People who, before this scam was enacted, either had no health insurance, and weren't paying anything for it, or who had good health insurance, now are forced to pay for health insurance scams that they cannot necessarily afford, and which often have deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs that are so high, that they cannot afford to use them.

Someone who has a worse health insurance plan at a higher cost than he had before, has not been helped.

But one more time, that's what we all had before ACA. Every year, we'd have that wonderful meeting where some HR Person would come out and annouce the "New" health care plan, which always meant less things would be covered, employee contributions would be higher. I would say that was my experience every year from 1992 to 2010, no matter where I worked.

After 2011, we stopped having those meetings, because ACA established a floor of what was acceptable.

Now that said, I'm critical of ACA because Obama SHOULD have just created a public option and been done with it. No more trying to work with big insurance. But he didn't want the kind of fight Hillary had with her plan, so he went along with the insurance companies (even bigger slime than Mormons).

We're going to get to Single Payer some day. Employer based health insurance isn't sustainable, this crisis is proving that with 26 million people losing their jobs and insurance with a major pandemic breaking out.
Again, that sounds really kind of suspicious based on my own experiences shopping for health care plans. My guess is you found one that got you upset and you stopped looking.

They only had one company that dealt with my clinic and hospital. There were some cheaper ones, but then I'd have to give up being treated by people who have been taking care of my all of my life. Thanks government healthcare.
They only had one company that dealt with my clinic and hospital. There were some cheaper ones, but then I'd have to give up being treated by people who have been taking care of my all of my life. Thanks government healthcare.

So the problem wasn't the cost or the availability, they just didn't give you the care you wanted at the locations you wanted.
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.
Yep...the restaurants in my town that have closed down have closed because the workers won't come to work and nobody else wants the job.
Those owners will sure make lots of money from suing their workers.
They only had one company that dealt with my clinic and hospital. There were some cheaper ones, but then I'd have to give up being treated by people who have been taking care of my all of my life. Thanks government healthcare.

So the problem wasn't the cost or the availability, they just didn't give you the care you wanted at the locations you wanted.
Unlike yourself, Ray has standards...so do I.
Okay, just don't criticize your black neighbors when they get their Gummit Check. White people Welfare is still welfare.

You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

Just because you use all the right code words to hide your racism doesn't hide your racism, Bob. Ray spends all day whining about how his Section 8 neighbors are getting government checks, but now he seems to think his check is okay. I guess he's "White and Delightsome" like the Book of Mormon says.
Find that hard to believe Mormon Bob, you are a pretty hateful person.

So far as I've been able to tell, very few people think any such thing of me. The only people who've ever given any indication of any such opinion of me are left wrong-wrong filth such as yourself, who think that I am “hateful” because IO refuse to embrace and support the insane and immoral positions that they demand I support. F••• them, and f••• you along with them. I find no insult, no shame, in being considered “hateful” by such subhuman scum. I'd find it insulting and shameful to not be.

Well, of course you would. You'd look at bosses abusing people and just conclude they "Deserved it".

I've seen very little actual abuse of employees by bosses, and what little I saw was under one particularly bad boss, and another below him who seemed to be grudgingly compelled to perpetrate the abuses demanded by his superior. Interesting, that higher boss didn't end up lasting very long in my department. I guess the bosses above him saw what the effect was of his malfeasance, and shuffled him off to somewhere else where he was able to do less damage.

Naw, guy, the difference is that you are just kind of a suckup. Nobody likes the office suckup.

There's your problem. You think that doing the job you're being paid to do, striving to do it to the best of your ability, getting along with your coworkers, acting in the interests of your employer and your team, and not stirring up trouble where there's no reason for there to be trouble, constitutes being a “suckup”.

And even if it did, I'd much rather be a “suckup” than a f•••up. I've had more than enough experience cleaning up after your kind, on top of doing my own share of the work.
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The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.
Okay, just don't criticize your black neighbors when they get their Gummit Check. White people Welfare is still welfare.

You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

View attachment 328508

Quod erat demonstradum.

Unlike yourself, Ray has standards...so do I.
Um, yeah, his standard is "I'd rather whine about no insurance than take it from the black man!"
So far as I've been able to tell, very few people think any such thing of me.

yeah, guy, the thing is, people who aren't in your cult probably snicker at you behind your back about what a crazy Mormon nut you are.

The only people who've ever given any indication of any such opinion of me are left wrong-wrong filth such as yourself, who think that I am “hateful” because IO refuse to embrace and support the insane and immoral positions that they demand I support. F••• them, and f••• you along with them. I find no insult, no shame, in being considered “hateful” by such subhuman scum. I'd find it insulting and shameful to not be.

Yeah, guy, I think you need to re-read your sentence and realize that you are actually kind of hateful.

No one is making you have an abortion or engage in gay sex. The problem is, you want to keep anyone else from doing that, either.

I've seen very little actual abuse of employees by bosses, and what little I saw was under one particularly bad boss, and another below him who seemed to be grudgingly compelled to perpetrate the abuses demanded by his superior.

Ah, the "I was only following orders" excuse. Hey, funny thing, when I was a supervisor at points in my career, I didn't blindly perpetrate the abuses. I pushed back. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. Never compromised my principles.

There's your problem. You think that doing the job you're being paid to do, striving to do it to the best of your ability, getting along with your coworkers, acting in the interests of your employer and your team, and not stirring up trouble where there's no reason for there to be trouble, constitutes being a “suckup”.

You know what, I've never met any employees who didn't do that, and that's kind of what I've always done. Some jobs, I suspected I cared more about getting stuff done than the manager who took two hour lunches with his drinking buddies. Again, there was the company where they fired a lady to make a job for a guy who was friends with the boss. He had no idea what he was doing so I ended up having to do HIS work as well as hers.

Now that guy was a suckup. Didn't know what he was doing, other people had to carry him. He finally DID get fired because after his fourth DUI, the cops confiscated his car.

And even if it did, I'd much rather be a “suckup” than a @f•••up. I've had more than enough experience cleaning up after your kind, on top of doing my own share of the work.

I'm sure I could put my resume up against yours and come out far better in terms of achievements and accomplishments.
You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

Just because you use all the right code words to hide your racism doesn't hide your racism, Bob. Ray spends all day whining about how his Section 8 neighbors are getting government checks, but now he seems to think his check is okay. I guess he's "White and Delightsome" like the Book of Mormon says.

The difference between my neighbors and I is I contributed to the system (I was forced into) all of my life. Another difference is it was government who put me in this position. It didn't happen by me making bad choices or playing the system. Unlike my HUD neighbors, I have no children mostly because of the expense. They have children they apparently can't afford, and likely never were able to afford, and knew that fully well when they had those kids.

I live within my means. I don't expect the government to pay for me to live above those means as my HUD neighbors. The police have been to that HUD home the last two years for various problems three times as much as they've been to mine in the 35 years I've lived here. Given their past record, I'm sure they will make it four times as much by the end of the summer.

HUD people don't belong in suburbs at taxpayer expense. They belong in the inner-city. The one thing you on the left never thought of is if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, the only thing you created is a cup of bad milk.
Okay, just don't criticize your black neighbors when they get their Gummit Check. White people Welfare is still welfare.

You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

View attachment 328508

The funny thing is as long as I and others have been explaining that to him, he still doesn't understand it.
They only had one company that dealt with my clinic and hospital. There were some cheaper ones, but then I'd have to give up being treated by people who have been taking care of my all of my life. Thanks government healthcare.

So the problem wasn't the cost or the availability, they just didn't give you the care you wanted at the locations you wanted.

Correct, in other words, it was all a lie. You can keep your doctor, if you can afford it. You can keep your hospital, if you can afford it. That's not what was promised to us.

But even if moved to another facility, gave up the clinicians that have taken care of me all of my life, move all my records for new doctors to start all over again, those policies still had a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no dental or prescription. So I would lose out no matter what unless I got hit by a bus or something. Between shitty insurance and being able to afford all my life sustaining medications, I chose the medications. And because I made that wise decision, the commies fined me every year for it.
You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

Just because you use all the right code words to hide your racism doesn't hide your racism, Bob. Ray spends all day whining about how his Section 8 neighbors are getting government checks, but now he seems to think his check is okay. I guess he's "White and Delightsome" like the Book of Mormon says.

The difference between my neighbors and I is I contributed to the system (I was forced into) all of my life. Another difference is it was government who put me in this position. It didn't happen by me making bad choices or playing the system. Unlike my HUD neighbors, I have no children mostly because of the expense. They have children they apparently can't afford, and likely never were able to afford, and knew that fully well when they had those kids.

I live within my means. I don't expect the government to pay for me to live above those means as my HUD neighbors. The police have been to that HUD home the last two years for various problems three times as much as they've been to mine in the 35 years I've lived here. Given their past record, I'm sure they will make it four times as much by the end of the summer.

HUD people don't belong in suburbs at taxpayer expense. They belong in the inner-city. The one thing you on the left never thought of is if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, the only thing you created is a cup of bad milk.

A few days ago, you told me that you’d stop working if you could live the same way you do now while taking in taxpayer dollars.

You are a person who’d mooch off of taxpayer funds if it paid you enough. None of what you just wrote rings true.

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