Welcome to tyranny.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
Yes, but the answer will probably be the same, he made an appointment with his doctor for Monday, we hope that she will give him the certificate but we can doubt it, he will at least ask her for advice because now we don't know what to do.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
Yes, but the answer will probably be the same, he made an appointment with his doctor for Monday, we hope that she will give him the certificate but we can doubt it, he will at least ask her for advice because now we don't know what to do.
Wow, that is bad. All I can do is pray for you with my sinner self. I'll give it a shot.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
Yes, but the answer will probably be the same, he made an appointment with his doctor for Monday, we hope that she will give him the certificate but we can doubt it, he will at least ask her for advice because now we don't know what to do.
Wow, that is bad. All I can do is pray for you with my sinner self. I'll give it a shot.
Thank you Marion:), on the other hand don't be too sinful at the forum LOL, it's good to come here and you're still there, do not forget it my bad boy.;)

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
Yes, but the answer will probably be the same, he made an appointment with his doctor for Monday, we hope that she will give him the certificate but we can doubt it, he will at least ask her for advice because now we don't know what to do.
Wow, that is bad. All I can do is pray for you with my sinner self. I'll give it a shot.
Thank you Marion:), on the other hand don't be too sinful at the forum LOL, it's good to come here and you're still there, do not forget it my bad boy.;)

TY so much for the Charlie Daniels. Yes I love that!
No, it doe s not mean that. Just as freedom of the press doesn't mean that anyone is obligated to provide you, at no cost to yourself, with a working printing press, nor with any other more modern communication devices, it does mean that government is prohibited from impairing you, should you be in possession of any such devices, from using them to communicate whatever message you will.

Likewise, the right to work which I think is implied, would not mean that anyone is obligated to provide you with a job, but that government is prohibited from arbitrarily preventing you from being able to work.

So what you are arguing is that - get this- the right of property and privilege, not a right to work. By the logic you just stated, If I didn't feel comfortable going back to work after they already had to close the place down because four people have tested positive for Covid-19, they would be free to fire me.

The reality is, all "rights" are subject to common sense restrictions. Freedom of the Press is subject to libel and slander laws, commercial liability laws, and of course, you can't have a broadcast license unless you meet certain community standards. (For instance, you can't broadcast porn on open airwaves or drop a bunch of F-bombs on live TV!)

How long do you think that can be sustained?

Any sort of government handouts depend on taxes, collected from people who are working to generate the wealth out of which those taxes are taken. We simply cannot have, for very a long, a situation where a minority of otherwise employable people are working, and trying to support the majority through tax-funded government handouts, on top of trying to support themselves. This is not, in any way, sustainable.

The One Percent control 49% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. Wealth redistribution really isn't the issue here, buddy.

The point being, we can afford a couple of months of keeping people out of work.

The thing is, the restrictions will probably be lifted in June. But capitalists, being capitalists, will try to fuck people over. Instead of calling back the people they let go, they'll try to hire hungry waifs willing to work for less.

The other part of the problem is that we are probably going to see a second wave of layoffs after this because of the Corporate Debt Crisis. American corporations ran up 10 TRILLION in debt in the last few years, despite the huge Trump Tax giveaways. This seemed sustainable because there was consistant growth, but now that we are going to see shrinkage, they are all going to panic and start looking to cut costs.

Easiest place to cut costs? Let people go and make those that stay work harder.
The thing is, the restrictions will probably be lifted in June. But capitalists, being capitalists, will try to fuck people over. Instead of calling back the people they let go, they'll try to hire hungry waifs willing to work for less.

I've read a couple of articles where employers who were gearing up again had a hard time trying to get their employees back on the job. Unemployment (with the fed contribution) is paying a lot of blue-collar workers more than they earned actually going to work.

Unemployment is an insurance whether it's run by the state or private companies. Like all insurance, once you have to use it, up go the premiums for a prolonged period of time until they make some or all of that money back. That being said, it's more advantageous for an employer to bring their experienced employees back to work than hiring rookies and paying them a little less.
Unemployment is an insurance whether it's run by the state or private companies. Like all insurance, once you have to use it, up go the premiums for a prolonged period of time until they make some or all of that money back. That being said, it's more advantageous for an employer to bring their experienced employees back to work than hiring rookies and paying them a little less.

Yeah, not in the real world. In the real world, employers like to hire new people because the old folks already know they are full of shit. Company that let a bunch of us go in 2008.... the one that cured me of Republicanism... They didn't rehire one person when things got "Good".

More to the point, a lot of those companies will be looking to cut costs. Fast way to cut costs? Hire less people, hire people who work for less, or terrorize the people you have left by saying, "Lucky it wasn't you."

Capitalists are evil, and that's pretty much the evil option.
Unemployment is an insurance whether it's run by the state or private companies. Like all insurance, once you have to use it, up go the premiums for a prolonged period of time until they make some or all of that money back. That being said, it's more advantageous for an employer to bring their experienced employees back to work than hiring rookies and paying them a little less.

Yeah, not in the real world. In the real world, employers like to hire new people because the old folks already know they are full of shit. Company that let a bunch of us go in 2008.... the one that cured me of Republicanism... They didn't rehire one person when things got "Good".

More to the point, a lot of those companies will be looking to cut costs. Fast way to cut costs? Hire less people, hire people who work for less, or terrorize the people you have left by saying, "Lucky it wasn't you."

Capitalists are evil, and that's pretty much the evil option.

Your theories and anecdotes are not reality based, they are your opinion. Opinion is not fact. By your own admission, you had grievances with every company you worked for, so is it a surprise if you were never called back?

Financially, employers are more ahead getting their old employees off of Unemployment and back on the job than it is hiring new people that don't really know the job or the company. They have no idea if the person is worth a crap, if they can pickup on doing the job, if they will be at work every day or on time, or otherwise be a problem.

Some of the companies I used to work with hired temp services for just that reason. They wanted to try employees out for a few months before hiring them from the service. It's too costly to have to keep hiring and firing people. It's also disruptive to the business. If they got a temp the was a problem, it was a simple phone call and a new employee would be out the next day. No multiple interviews, nobody trying to get unemployment, nobody suing them, just a simple phone call.
So what you are arguing is that - get this- the right of property and privilege, not a right to work. By the logic you just stated, If I didn't feel comfortable going back to work after they already had to close the place down because four people have tested positive for Covid-19, they would be free to fire me.

No, that's not at all what I am arguing, and I cannot see any way that any sane, rational person, would get that out of anything that I've said.

As usual, you're either lying, or batshit crazy, or most likely, both.

So what you are arguing is that - get this- the right of property and privilege, not a right to work. By the logic you just stated, If I didn't feel comfortable going back to work after they already had to close the place down because four people have tested positive for Covid-19, they would be free to fire me.
The One Percent control 49% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. Wealth redistribution really isn't the issue here, buddy.

The point being, we can afford a couple of months of keeping people out of work.

The thing is, the restrictions will probably be lifted in June. But capitalists, being capitalists, will try to fuck people over.

You really, really, need to put the shiny side outward. Putting it inward, as you are obviously doing, just collects and concentrates the electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers into your brain, eventually (as appears to be the case with you) causing irreversible brain damage.
Yeah, not in the real world. In the real world, employers like to hire new people because the old folks already know they are full of shit. Company that let a bunch of us go in 2008.... the one that cured me of Republicanism... They didn't rehire one person when things got "Good".

More to the point, a lot of those companies will be looking to cut costs. Fast way to cut costs? Hire less people, hire people who work for less, or terrorize the people you have left by saying, "Lucky it wasn't you."

Capitalists are evil, and that's pretty much the evil option.

This all just gets back to a point that was made obvious a long time ago.

I've had the misfortune of working alongside people with your attitude, who were convinced that our joint employer was just screwing them over, even as I, and most of my coworkers had, no such perception.

Your kind are the kind that simply make more work for us sane, honest workers, as we clean up after your willful incompetence and malfeasance, on top of having to do our own share of the work as well as we can.

Of course, when it comes time to start cutting back on the crew on a project, as it reaches later stages of completion, the employer can easily tell my kind from your kind, and its my kind that get kept on, while your kind get cut, reinforcing your perception that the employer is just out to screw you. Once your kind are gone, the project invariably goes much better for those of us who are left,
Some of the companies I used to work with hired temp services for just that reason. They wanted to try employees out for a few months before hiring them from the service. It's too costly to have to keep hiring and firing people. It's also disruptive to the business. If they got a temp the was a problem, it was a simple phone call and a new employee would be out the next day. No multiple interviews, nobody trying to get unemployment, nobody suing them, just a simple phone call.

That's how I got into my current employer. I started out working on solar projects, as a temp through an outfit that provides day laborers. It's a crapshoot what kind of workers you get that way. No dearth of JoeB131 types, along with some very good workers. The good workers, now and then, sometimes get hired directly by the client, as happened in my case. The JoeB131 types get cut as soon as the client can spare them, and eventually, even the agency stops sending them out on jobs, as more and more clients express dissatisfaction with them.
Yeah, not in the real world. In the real world, employers like to hire new people because the old folks already know they are full of shit. Company that let a bunch of us go in 2008.... the one that cured me of Republicanism... They didn't rehire one person when things got "Good".

More to the point, a lot of those companies will be looking to cut costs. Fast way to cut costs? Hire less people, hire people who work for less, or terrorize the people you have left by saying, "Lucky it wasn't you."

Capitalists are evil, and that's pretty much the evil option.

This all just gets back to a point that was made obvious a long time ago.

I've had the misfortune of working alongside people with your attitude, who were convinced that our joint employer was just screwing them over, even as I, and most of my coworkers had, no such perception.

Your kind are the kind that simply make more work for us sane, honest workers, as we clean up after your willful incompetence and malfeasance, on top of having to do our own share of the work as well as we can.

Of course, when it comes time to start cutting back on the crew on a project, as it reaches later stages of completion, the employer can easily tell my kind from your kind, and its my kind that get kept on, while your kind get cut, reinforcing your perception that the employer is just out to screw you. Once your kind are gone, the project invariably goes much better for those of us who are left,

Employers don't like boat rockers. They are too uncomfortable to deal with.

I worked with a guy that all he did was complain. A few of us would come in early so we could stand in the parking lot and BS for a half hour every day. The guy would get out of his car, walk past us shaking his head back and forth while mumbling under his breath, and he didn't even know what his assignment was yet.

I heard him a few times at our customers bitching about our company. I told him he has to cool it with the customers. They didn't want to hear his dirty laundry, especially about our company.

The guy did his job, was there on time every morning, worked late if asked, but complained the entire time. It got to the point nobody talked to him after a while. He was a short stubby guy, and ironically enough, his name was Joe. I used to refer to him as Louie DePalma from the vintage sitcom Taxi. He reminded me so much of that character.

In any case, a guy was retiring from one of our customers who used to load and unload our trucks. It was a partially county run company, so he got to retire at 55. He asked my employer if he needed a driver? My employer didn't think twice about getting rid of Joe, and bringing in somebody that not only had better qualifications, but had the exact opposite personality. He's a bit of a quiet guy, seldom gets pissed, doesn't complain much, and our customers like him very much.

Sometimes doing a good job is not enough. Employers like a team player besides, not somebody working again them. Don't get me wrong, most all of us bitch about our jobs from time to time; employers expect that. But it can't be a daily or weekly thing unless you are so irreplaceable that an employer can't do without your talent.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Absolutely freedom is a precious right in the USA like here in France but here we no longer know where we are going with this virus that spoils our lives like the French government who tells us to go out while being careful or to avoid go outside, we are very angry because my husband has been quarantined being considered as a person at risk by health insurance but we have not received any money in return which was however promised by this rotten government and now he want to return to work to make a living but he can no longer because he is under health insurance. it's really stupid what we live like: can we go out or not? this is what makes us even more sick then this Chinese virus.
I'm so sorry, Dalia. That's very bad.
Yes, now his employer has told him that he could not return to work before he have a certificate from his doctor giving him the right to work, but the doctor will surely not want to give him the certificate because he is a person at risk. this is what has been making us sick for a while now as we wait for health insurance money and we are stuck.
Can you get another doctor?
Yes, but the answer will probably be the same, he made an appointment with his doctor for Monday, we hope that she will give him the certificate but we can doubt it, he will at least ask her for advice because now we don't know what to do.
Wow, that is bad. All I can do is pray for you with my sinner self. I'll give it a shot.
Thank you Marion:), on the other hand don't be too sinful at the forum LOL, it's good to come here and you're still there, do not forget it my bad boy.;)

These global oligarch's are doing the same, the whole planet over.

Your theories and anecdotes are not reality based, they are your opinion. Opinion is not fact. By your own admission, you had grievances with every company you worked for, so is it a surprise if you were never called back?

Nobody else was, either... that was my point. I'm sorry your comprehension of English is so poor you didn't understand that very clear point. That company actually made up for it's losses by 2010, by landing a big old contract with the Post Office, but they didn't call back one employee they had let go.

Another thing about that company... When I was let go, I had senority in the office. Because everyone who worked there when I started was let go except for the managers.

This is why I have no doubt that this recession will be a disaster for working people. Because the One Percenters can fuck them over. Now that Commie Bernie isn't going to be the nominee, they feels safe enough about the election where they can do what they'll do.

Financially, employers are more ahead getting their old employees off of Unemployment and back on the job than it is hiring new people that don't really know the job or the company. They have no idea if the person is worth a crap, if they can pickup on doing the job, if they will be at work every day or on time, or otherwise be a problem.

Quite the contrary, it's better to bring in a new person than an old one who probably has resentment he was let go. This is why employers almost never bring back employees they let go. Otherwise, they would be furloughing these people, not firing them.

Some of the companies I used to work with hired temp services for just that reason. They wanted to try employees out for a few months before hiring them from the service. It's too costly to have to keep hiring and firing people. It's also disruptive to the business. If they got a temp the was a problem, it was a simple phone call and a new employee would be out the next day. No multiple interviews, nobody trying to get unemployment, nobody suing them, just a simple phone call.

Guy, once again, you worked for a company that was such a bunch of shitheels they didn't even offer health insurance. I can't emphasize for you enough how low on the food chain you are.
This all just gets back to a point that was made obvious a long time ago.

I've had the misfortune of working alongside people with your attitude, who were convinced that our joint employer was just screwing them over, even as I, and most of my coworkers had, no such perception.

Well, they probably were...but since you belong to a cult started by kiddy-diddlers, you are probably extra gullible.

Let's leave my own experience to the side for the moment. Let's talk about some of the other horrors I've seen done to other people.

The job I got happened (I found out later) was because the person who preceeded me had cancer and they showed him the door.

That same manager fired two girls after he found out they were pregnant.

Another company, an engineer got fired because his ex-girlfriend was fucking a manager and she pressured him to get the guy fired.

There was the famous case where they fired a coworker of mine when they found out she was gay.

A lady I worked with got let go because they needed to create a slot so the Manager could hire one of his drinking buddies. (This guy eventually got fired after racking up his FOURTH DUI)

So, yeah, a whole lot of shitty behavior by managers I've seen that wasn't directed towards me personally.

But it was still shitty. Let's move on.

Your kind are the kind that simply make more work for us sane, honest workers, as we clean up after your willful incompetence and malfeasance, on top of having to do our own share of the work as well as we can.

Actually, at the company I am talking about, I was tasked with handling our largest and most lucrative account at the time, because other people couldn't be trusted to handle it. (It involved the creation of complex spreadsheets on a weekly basis) When the company lost that account (because the managers got greedy and they figured they could buy directly from manufacturers) I was then tasked with travelling around the US and Canada to train other teams on the new computer system... So you kind of don't know what you are talking about. I was at that company for six years, as I said, longer than anyone else in the office at that point.

What put me in the crosshairs was the year before, I had run up well over $70,000 in medical bills. That was kind of it. This company had a lovely habit of getting rid of people with medical issues (Hence, Cancer Guy and the two pregnant ladies.)

Of course, when it comes time to start cutting back on the crew on a project, as it reaches later stages of completion, the employer can easily tell my kind from your kind, and its my kind that get kept on, while your kind get cut, reinforcing your perception that the employer is just out to screw you. Once your kind are gone, the project invariably goes much better for those of us who are left,

Actually, I never work on a "project" basis... so that's not an issue. I work on ongoing production and manufacturing environments... Should point out that the job that I am still so bitter about (rightfully so) I was at for six years. The one immediately after that I was at for seven, and now I run my own business.
Employers don't like boat rockers. They are too uncomfortable to deal with.

Hmmm.. interesting. What I've found are the boat rockers are the ones who are more likely to speak up about problems managers should be aware of. A group of compliant employees usually means a clueless manager.

n any case, a guy was retiring from one of our customers who used to load and unload our trucks. It was a partially county run company, so he got to retire at 55. He asked my employer if he needed a driver? My employer didn't think twice about getting rid of Joe, and bringing in somebody that not only had better qualifications, but had the exact opposite personality. He's a bit of a quiet guy, seldom gets pissed, doesn't complain much, and our customers like him very much.

Again, we've already established your ex-boss was kind of a shitheel. He cut your insurance and then he fired you, but you just talk the world about how wonderful he was and blame "the government" for your situation.

Stop being a sheep, Ray. The government is the one taking care of you now.

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