Welcome to tyranny.

You're not doing yourself any favors by repeating lies that everyone knows are lies.

It is not Trump that is openly, deliberately attacking the economy, and everyone can see that.

What everyone can see is that Trump's fuckups and neglect caused the economy to crash.

Now, a guy like Bush was able to take a tragedy and work it to sympathy. Trump is too much of a narcissist to do so. He wants to force people back to work when the danger is still out there because it makes HIM look bad. This just makes him look - worse.

Six months of high unemployment, no one is going to care what Trump says.
We are learning more and more everyday about this virus and what it can and can't do and where it came from.....shutting down was the right thing to do at that time...but now if we stay closed the cure will not cure it will destroy.....and now restitution must be the focus....we should not be economically harmed by this without restitution...40,000 dead.....we owe China a lot of money...they need to be made to understand that its in their best interest to relieve us of some of that debt.....offer them a deal they can't refuse...its time to play hard ball....

We don't have a legal leg to stand on. China didn't cause the virus to spread, Trump's inaction did.

Also, we borrowed that money in good faith, we need to pay it back in good faith. Maybe by making the rich pay their fair share, since they got most of the benefits.
Ah, c'mon. You leftists love all this unemployment and free money. Even a mindless commie as yourself understands that this virus and unemployment would go hand in hand no matter who is in the white house.

I don't think ANYONE likes being unemployed. I'm actually on a "Work from home' order right now. Which means I'm still working, just from home, and I really don't like it.

But here's the thing. I'm bringing in less money because I don't have as many customers, but I'm also spending less.
I don't think anyone likes being TOLD to be unemployed Joe

This is the first administration in this countries history to take away our RIGHT TO WORK


Most of the companies shut down volutarily, because they can't risk the liability.

Most followed whatever jackbooted doctrine their state doled out Joe

This is a national emergency, it starts at the top , interpreted via governors, enforced by minions

Construction is being actively monitored , shut down and/or fined here

Again, the right to work has never ever been confronted like this to my knowledge

Most followed whatever jackbooted doctrine their state doled out Joe

This is a national emergency, it starts at the top , interpreted via governors, enforced by minions

Construction is being actively monitored , shut down and/or fined here

Again, the right to work has never ever been confronted like this to my knowledge

Maybe you should look up some of the actions taken during World War II.

There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Now we are in a situation where we have to limit social contact... or hundreds of thousands will die.

The real problem I see is how the one Percent, who are happy to send their workers out to risk infection, will use this to abuse the rest of us, because they will.
There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Maybe it's filed under life,liberty& the pursuit of happyness then Joe

because they're slowing takin' all 3 away from sm biz now

There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Sure there's a recourse. You can file for unemployment if you lost your job for any reasonable reason.

Your comment here exemplifies what's wrong with the lefts thinking about employment. You think people open up companies and provide jobs as a social obligation. That's not why they do it. Nobody owes you a job, just like nobody has to own or operate a business. If you'd come to the realization of what employment is really all about, you'd also understand why employers do what they do and pay what they do.
We are learning more and more everyday about this virus and what it can and can't do and where it came from.....shutting down was the right thing to do at that time...but now if we stay closed the cure will not cure it will destroy.....and now restitution must be the focus....we should not be economically harmed by this without restitution...40,000 dead.....we owe China a lot of money...they need to be made to understand that its in their best interest to relieve us of some of that debt.....offer them a deal they can't refuse...its time to play hard ball....

We don't have a legal leg to stand on. China didn't cause the virus to spread, Trump's inaction did.

Also, we borrowed that money in good faith, we need to pay it back in good faith. Maybe by making the rich pay their fair share, since they got most of the benefits.

Yeah, back to the rich again. Why not? They can pay for everything according to the left: reparations, free college, paid home leave, Medicare for all.......

Given the fact a lot of people besides the rich are benefiting from this, we should all repay the money borrowed for this disaster. I'm all for a consumption tax. Ten cents on every dollar spent. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and everybody in between pays it.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection. So when we spend money, borrow money, nobody has any gripes about it because they won't be the people paying it back. They don't have a dog in the race.

Maybe if we all had to pay, we'd pay more attention to what and how they are spending our money.
There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Sure there's a recourse. You can file for unemployment if you lost your job for any reasonable reason.

Your comment here exemplifies what's wrong with the lefts thinking about employment. You think people open up companies and provide jobs as a social obligation. That's not why they do it. Nobody owes you a job, just like nobody has to own or operate a business. If you'd come to the realization of what employment is really all about, you'd also understand why employers do what they do and pay what they do.
Get with the times.

BlackRock’s push for ‘social responsibility’ highlights this major shift among corporations

Bad news for ya, the election is over six months away.

You really think anything is going to get better in six months? 26 million unemployed. That's not going to bounce back in six months.. It never does. It took nearly four years for unemployment to bounce back to pre-recession levels in 2001 and 2008.

Yes, I do think it's going to get better. With antibody testing, what they are finding is a lot of people already had this virus, and like the flu in most cases, their bodies just fought it off. Other people naturally had the ability to ward it off so they never caught it in the first place.

As we find more people having this virus, two things are surfacing: One is that it's been here longer than we thought, and two is the mortality rate is much lower than we thought. The number of new cases are lowering already.

Now it's suspected that heat may be a factor in this as well. So perhaps global warming will save us this summer. We have new medications we are experimenting with that prove to be working, more testing ability every day, and every day that passes, we are one day closer to a vaccine.

While it might not seem like it, things are improving.
Given the fact a lot of people besides the rich are benefiting from this, we should all repay the money borrowed for this disaster. I'm all for a consumption tax. Ten cents on every dollar spent. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and everybody in between pays it.
Do you have any concept of how devastating a 10% consumption tax would be to the economy? Spending would decline markedly.
Given the fact a lot of people besides the rich are benefiting from this, we should all repay the money borrowed for this disaster. I'm all for a consumption tax. Ten cents on every dollar spent. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and everybody in between pays it.
Do you have any concept of how devastating a 10% consumption tax would be to the economy? Spending would decline markedly.

It's what we do in my state and county. We have an 8 cents per dollar tax for state and county combined. I believe 5 cents to the state and 3 cents to the county, or something very near that figure. We've been doing it for a very long time now.

Look at those blue states and how high their taxes and cost of living are. What's the difference? Does it devastate their economies? We can live with a ten cents on the dollar tax until this loan is repaid in full. Plus the best part is it will make people pay more attention to what we spend our money on in the future.
There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Sure there's a recourse. You can file for unemployment if you lost your job for any reasonable reason.

Your comment here exemplifies what's wrong with the lefts thinking about employment. You think people open up companies and provide jobs as a social obligation. That's not why they do it. Nobody owes you a job, just like nobody has to own or operate a business. If you'd come to the realization of what employment is really all about, you'd also understand why employers do what they do and pay what they do.
Get with the times.

BlackRock’s push for ‘social responsibility’ highlights this major shift among corporations

Good link. Here's the most interesting part, and something I've been saying for years now:

“Over the past few years, there has been an increasing level of activism on the part of consumers, in terms of either supporting a particular company for something that they’re doing,” says Hartman, “or boycotting a particular company because of either a lack of action or the perception that they may be supporting something that a large number of consumers don’t really support.”

In December, the research firm Just Capital released a rating of how the largest U.S. companies perform, based on eight different characteristics that appeal to most Americans. The firm found that the most highly-ranked companies that “do good things,” like Microsoft and IBM, had a higher return on equity than their counterparts.

In other words, it's consumer driven. That's the way it should be, not unions, not higher minimum wages, not new laws. Let us consumer choose.

Of course this philosophy only works in certain sectors. The companies listed in your article are all the companies that made it to the top, and have been there for a long time now. It's not the case with companies that have more competition, and are trying to get to the top.

In most cases, the consumer will choose the lowest priced product. We don't care where it's made, just as long as it's cheap. It's how Walmart became number one and is still there today, although Amazon is giving them a run for their money.
We are learning more and more everyday about this virus and what it can and can't do and where it came from.....shutting down was the right thing to do at that time...but now if we stay closed the cure will not cure it will destroy.....and now restitution must be the focus....we should not be economically harmed by this without restitution...40,000 dead.....we owe China a lot of money...they need to be made to understand that its in their best interest to relieve us of some of that debt.....offer them a deal they can't refuse...its time to play hard ball....

We don't have a legal leg to stand on. China didn't cause the virus to spread, Trump's inaction did.

Also, we borrowed that money in good faith, we need to pay it back in good faith. Maybe by making the rich pay their fair share, since they got most of the benefits.
Trump acted before the WHO Biden and democrat members of congress thought he should so that was a lie you told wasn't it?....and China will be held responsible one way or the other and if you dems keep protecting and siding with China you will lose in November...you will lose the house and Trump will win in a landslide....
We are learning more and more everyday about this virus and what it can and can't do and where it came from.....shutting down was the right thing to do at that time...but now if we stay closed the cure will not cure it will destroy.....and now restitution must be the focus....we should not be economically harmed by this without restitution...40,000 dead.....we owe China a lot of money...they need to be made to understand that its in their best interest to relieve us of some of that debt.....offer them a deal they can't refuse...its time to play hard ball....

We don't have a legal leg to stand on. China didn't cause the virus to spread, Trump's inaction did.

Also, we borrowed that money in good faith, we need to pay it back in good faith. Maybe by making the rich pay their fair share, since they got most of the benefits.
Trump acted before the WHO Biden and democrat members of congress thought he should so that was a lie you told wasn't it?....and China will be held responsible one way or the other and if you dems keep protecting and siding with China you will lose in November...you will lose the house and Trump will win in a landslide....

Joe doesn't understand our system of government with the dozens of bureaucracies we have. In early March, Piglosi was hugging people in Chinatown encouraging Americans to visit there. Around the same time, DeBlahhhzio was encouraging people to be out in the public in New York. The House spent the first two weeks of March trying to strip away the Presidents authority to issue travel bans.
What everyone can see is that Trump's f•••ups and neglect caused the economy to crash.
Six months of high unemployment, no one is going to care what Trump says.

The orders that have shut down the economy, and thrown people out of work, did not come from Trump, nor from Republicans in general.

It is Democrats doing this. And everyone except you can clearly see this.

They did this, hoping that when the election come around, the people will blame Trump and the Republicans, but if they think this is really going to happen, then they are delusional.

It's obvious to nearly everyone who is responsible for trashing the economy, and it's obvious to most of us what their true motive is for doing so.
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