Welcome to tyranny.

There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Maybe it's filed under life,liberty& the pursuit of happyness [sic] then Joe

because they're slowing takin' [sic] all 3 away from sm [sic] biz [sic] now

Given how essential working, and earning a living is, to basic survival, I think it is safe to say that even though a right to work is not explicitly found in the Constitution, that it would certainly be among the non-enumerated rights covered by the Ninth Amendment. And as the lockdowns are presently manifesting, I think that they can clearly be seen as a violation of the statement in the Fifth Amendment, prohibiting the deprivation of life, liberty and property without due process of law.
Maybe it's filed under life,liberty& the pursuit of happyness then Joe

because they're slowing takin' all 3 away from sm biz now

Can't get that worked up about it. We just authorized billions of dollars to bail out small business...

The orders that have shut down the economy, and thrown people out of work, did not come from Trump, nor from Republicans in general.

It is Democrats doing this. And everyone except you can clearly see this.

What we all clearly see is that there's a deadly disease out there, and Trump wants to expose us all to it so his rich buddies can get richer.

They did this, hoping that when the election come around, the people will blame Trump and the Republicans, but if they think this is really going to happen, then they are delusional.

Have you checked out Trump's poll numbers lately... they ain't looking good, Mormon Bob.

Of course, when he says stupid shit like we should inject disinfectants, he doesn't help himself.

It's obvious to nearly everyone who is responsible for trashing the economy, and it's obvious to most of us what their true motive is for doing so.

Naw, man, you see, most people don't do that kind of anaylsis. Trump's economy... that's what you guys have been TELLING US FOR THREE YEARS>>>

Ignore the corruption, the racism, the misogyny, the homophobia, the idiotic statements, throwing kids into cages, attacks on the free press. Nope. THE ECONOMY IS AWESOME, so you should ignore all that.

Except, now the economy sucks. And when economies suck they take it out on the President, not the governor and not the mayor or the congressman or the senator, unless they have the bad luck to be in the president's party.
Given how essential working, and earning a living is, to basic survival, I think it is safe to say that even though a right to work is not explicitly found in the Constitution, that it would certainly be among the non-enumerated rights covered by the Ninth Amendment. And as the lockdowns are presently manifesting, I think that they can clearly be seen as a violation of the statement in the Fifth Amendment, prohibiting the deprivation of life, liberty and property without due process of law.

So by your logic, if a "right to work" is so essential, a boss should be prohibited from firing you or laying you off. I mean, right? Since it's like a right and shit?

If you are unemployed, you are getting unemployment insurance, with generous benefits. Basic survival isn't the issue here, Mormon Bob.

But if labor is more important than capital, then why do we have an economy that favors the capitalist over the worker?

You're starting to sound like a Socialist. Don't you know they don't let Socialists into the Celestial Heaven?
So by your logic, if a "right to work" is so essential, a boss should be prohibited from firing you or laying you off. I mean, right? Since it's like a right and shit?

No, it doe s not mean that. Just as freedom of the press doesn't mean that anyone is obligated to provide you, at no cost to yourself, with a working printing press, nor with any other more modern communication devices, it does mean that government is prohibited from impairing you, should you be in possession of any such devices, from using them to communicate whatever message you will.

Likewise, the right to work which I think is implied, would not mean that anyone is obligated to provide you with a job, but that government is prohibited from arbitrarily preventing you from being able to work.

If you are unemployed, you are getting unemployment insurance, with generous benefits. Basic survival isn't the issue here, Mormon Bob.

How long do you think that can be sustained?

Any sort of government handouts depend on taxes, collected from people who are working to generate the wealth out of which those taxes are taken. We simply cannot have, for very a long, a situation where a minority of otherwise employable people are working, and trying to support the majority through tax-funded government handouts, on top of trying to support themselves. This is not, in any way, sustainable.
Marion Morrison , as long as you use that Confederate symbol (a fake Florida Flag) — a symbol of Jim Crow and slavery — all your talk about “fighting Tyranny” and “defending civil liberties” will ring hollow to most Americans. It may mean “rebel pride” to you, but to most Americans today it’s a toxic symbol that belong’s safely buried in our past.
"Toxic" deez nutz, Commie prick!
Southern pride! You don't eat grits, boy. You can't hit a quarter at 35 yards, either. STFU. Soyboy bitch. Your opinion is irrelevant. Who were your ancestors? Bolsheviks that came over in the 1930s?

Mine have been here for centuries, boy. Longer than the US is old. Before Thomas Paine was a sperm in his daddy's penis, even.
That's how long my ancestors have been here.
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What we all clearly see is that there's a deadly disease out there, and Trump wants to expose us all to it so his rich buddies can get richer.
Of course, when he says stupid shit like we should inject disinfectants, he doesn't help himself.
Naw, man, you see, most people don't do that kind of anaylsis. Trump's economy... that's what you guys have been TELLING US FOR THREE YEARS>>>

Ignore the corruption, the racism, the misogyny, the homophobia, the idiotic statements, throwing kids into cages, attacks on the free press. Nope. THE ECONOMY IS AWESOME, so you should ignore all that.

You really need to put the shiny side outward.
Marion Morrison , as long as you use that Confederate symbol (a fake Florida Flag) — a symbol of Jim Crow and slavery — all your talk about “fighting Tyranny” and “defending civil liberties” will ring hollow to most Americans. It may mean “rebel pride” to you, but to most Americans today it’s a toxic symbol that belong’s safely buried in our past.
"Toxic" deez nutz, Commie prick!
Southern pride! You don't eat grits, boy. You can't hit a quarter at 35 yards, either. STFU. Soyboy bitch. Your opinion is irrelevant. Who were your ancestors? Bolsheviks that came over in the 1930s?

Mine have been here for centuries, boy. Longer than the US is old. Before Thomas Paine was a sperm in his daddy's penis, even.
That's how long my ancestors have been here.

Off topic a little but but I've always been curious about this question. You have an obvious love for the confederate flag but I also assume you have a love for the US flag, the flag that defeated the confederacy, is that correct? Do you ever see conflict in having those two loves? If love is the wrong word then admiration would be another way to describe it.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
Marion Morrison , as long as you use that Confederate symbol (a fake Florida Flag) — a symbol of Jim Crow and slavery — all your talk about “fighting Tyranny” and “defending civil liberties” will ring hollow to most Americans. It may mean “rebel pride” to you, but to most Americans today it’s a toxic symbol that belong’s safely buried in our past.
"Toxic" deez nutz, Commie prick!
Southern pride! You don't eat grits, boy. You can't hit a quarter at 35 yards, either. STFU. Soyboy bitch. Your opinion is irrelevant. Who were your ancestors? Bolsheviks that came over in the 1930s?

Mine have been here for centuries, boy. Longer than the US is old. Before Thomas Paine was a sperm in his daddy's penis, even.
That's how long my ancestors have been here.

Off topic a little but but I've always been curious about this question. You have an obvious love for the confederate flag but I also assume you have a love for the US flag, the flag that defeated the confederacy, is that correct? Do you ever see conflict in having those two loves? If love is the wrong word then admiration would be another way to describe it.
Sweety I'm a FL cracker and my people were here in FL before there was a United States. I have family graveyards statewide.
The flag I post used to be the FL flag before PC b-crap perverted things.

I don't care that much about the confederacy, but this was my state flag.

I trust you can see that "Great seal of the state of Florida" in it. There's also "In God We Trust."
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Ready to fight to get your rights back?

OK. Nothing wrong with that.

Now settle back down in your safe space and wait for you personal invitation from your neighborhood Little Hitler.

Don't open a window - some "bug" might fly in and violate that space.....

In fact, seal the windows and doors, even cover the electrical outlets with duct tape just to be sure.

Then inhale deeply.

But don't you DARE exhale.
Actually, that was NEVER the official flag of the State of Florida. Nor is it today. I’m sure you dream of establishing it here.

Why would you specifically impose the symbol of the “Battle flag” of the Confederacy as background to our Florida seal if you “don’t care that much about the Confederacy”? Florida was, only for a few years out its long and interesting history, a part of the Confederate slaveholder’s rebellion. Yet you choose THAT symbol, hated by so many today and removed from public buildings all over Florida, as your symbol of “southern pride.“

I am sorry your “southern cracker” hatred has possessed you so much that you must insult me. I actually feel sorry for you. I too am a Floridian. My parents lived here and are buried here. I pay taxes, have a legal carry permit, and am not in the slightest impressed by your obnoxiousness. I am also a proud American, proud particularly of its genuinely revolutionary heritage, which is why I choose as my avatar the name and picture of Tom Paine — rather than a symbol of treason to our country.

Grace Is Stoked , here is a rather cute and interesting article on the history, and some of the controversy, about our official State Flag of Florida:

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Ready to fight to get your rights back?

OK. Nothing wrong with that.

Now settle back down in your safe space and wait for you personal invitation from your neighborhood Little Hitler.

Don't open a window - some "bug" might fly in and violate that space.....

In fact, seal the windows and doors, even cover the electrical outlets with duct tape just to be sure.

Then inhale deeply.

But don't you DARE exhale.
Actually, that was NEVER the official flag of the State of Florida. Nor is it today. I’m sure you dream of establishing it here.

Why would you specifically impose the symbol of the “Battle flag” of the Confederacy as background to our Florida seal if you “don’t care that much about the Confederacy”? Florida was, only for a few years out its long and interesting history, a part of the Confederate slaveholder’s rebellion. Yet you choose THAT symbol, hated by so many today and removed from public buildings all over Florida, as your symbol of “southern pride.“

I am sorry your “southern cracker” hatred has possessed you so much that you must insult me. I actually feel sorry for you. I too am a Floridian. My parents lived here and are buried here. I pay taxes, have a legal carry permit, and am not in the slightest impressed by your obnoxiousness. I am also a proud American, proud particularly of its genuinely revolutionary heritage, which is why I choose as my avatar the name and picture of Tom Paine — rather than a symbol of treason to our country.

Grace Is Stoked , here is a rather cute and interesting article on the history, and some of the controversy, about our official State Flag of Florida:

You're a liar. It was the flag of FL up until dorks made it change.
This is an actual flag of Florida, dumbass. Can you not grasp that, or what?
Can you not see that it's a real piece of material? Derp!
I bet you have zero personal interest invested in the US period, commie boy. Where should I smack you back to your momma's basement, boy? I'm really sick and tired of traitorous unAmerican pieces of crap like you.

When was the last time you did a day of work? Describe to me the last day of work you did and what it was.
You're nothing but a Commie liar in my book.

Okay, what's your old family name? I know all the names of Fl People, boy. I got 6 private family cemetaries in counties around this state.

I know all the old Florida family names, even the weird ones.

Here's a simple one: Marsh. That came from a line of English doctors.
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Actually, that was NEVER the official flag of the State of Florida. Nor is it today. I’m sure you dream of establishing it here.

Why would you specifically impose the symbol of the “Battle flag” of the Confederacy as background to our Florida seal if you “don’t care that much about the Confederacy”? Florida was, only for a few years out its long and interesting history, a part of the Confederate slaveholder’s rebellion. Yet you choose THAT symbol, hated by so many today and removed from public buildings all over Florida, as your symbol of “southern pride.“

I am sorry your “southern cracker” hatred has possessed you so much that you must insult me. I actually feel sorry for you. I too am a Floridian. My parents lived here and are buried here. I pay taxes, have a legal carry permit, and am not in the slightest impressed by your obnoxiousness. I am also a proud American, proud particularly of its genuinely revolutionary heritage, which is why I choose as my avatar the name and picture of Tom Paine — rather than a symbol of treason to our country.

Grace Is Stoked , here is a rather cute and interesting article on the history, and some of the controversy, about our official State Flag of Florida:

Seriously, yankee commie faggot, that's nothing but a bunch of FUD

Blacks made it to FL to be free, you fucking dumbass.
That's why we have the best black people in the country.

If they could make it South of St. Mary's river, they were accepted as citizens of FL .

There were black crackers, dumbass.

Tell me what a cracker did back in the day boy!

You don't know a damn thing.

Them GA and AL slaveowners didn't care too much to come that far south to retrieve "property" and were met with resistance from Fl people if any did. You fucking punk Commie piece of lying shit!
Actually, that was NEVER the official flag of the State of Florida. Nor is it today. I’m sure you dream of establishing it here.

Why would you specifically impose the symbol of the “Battle flag” of the Confederacy as background to our Florida seal if you “don’t care that much about the Confederacy”? Florida was, only for a few years out its long and interesting history, a part of the Confederate slaveholder’s rebellion. Yet you choose THAT symbol, hated by so many today and removed from public buildings all over Florida, as your symbol of “southern pride.“

I am sorry your “southern cracker” hatred has possessed you so much that you must insult me. I actually feel sorry for you. I too am a Floridian. My parents lived here and are buried here. I pay taxes, have a legal carry permit, and am not in the slightest impressed by your obnoxiousness. I am also a proud American, proud particularly of its genuinely revolutionary heritage, which is why I choose as my avatar the name and picture of Tom Paine — rather than a symbol of treason to our country.

Grace Is Stoked , here is a rather cute and interesting article on the history, and some of the controversy, about our official State Flag of Florida:

You're a liar. It was the flag of FL up until dorks made it change.
This is an actual flag of Florida, dumbass. Can you not grasp that, or what?
Can you not see that it's a real piece of material? Derp!
I bet you have zero personal interest invested in the US period, commie boy. Where should I smack you back to your momma's basement, boy? I'm really sick and tired of traitorous unAmerican pieces of crap like you.

When was the last time you did a day of work? Describe to me the last day of work you did and what it was.
The more you rave on, the more you expose yourself — and whatever “politics” you espouse. Frankly, you seem to need psychological help.
Actually, that was NEVER the official flag of the State of Florida. Nor is it today. I’m sure you dream of establishing it here.

Why would you specifically impose the symbol of the “Battle flag” of the Confederacy as background to our Florida seal if you “don’t care that much about the Confederacy”? Florida was, only for a few years out its long and interesting history, a part of the Confederate slaveholder’s rebellion. Yet you choose THAT symbol, hated by so many today and removed from public buildings all over Florida, as your symbol of “southern pride.“

I am sorry your “southern cracker” hatred has possessed you so much that you must insult me. I actually feel sorry for you. I too am a Floridian. My parents lived here and are buried here. I pay taxes, have a legal carry permit, and am not in the slightest impressed by your obnoxiousness. I am also a proud American, proud particularly of its genuinely revolutionary heritage, which is why I choose as my avatar the name and picture of Tom Paine — rather than a symbol of treason to our country.

Grace Is Stoked , here is a rather cute and interesting article on the history, and some of the controversy, about our official State Flag of Florida:

You're a liar. It was the flag of FL up until dorks made it change.
This is an actual flag of Florida, dumbass. Can you not grasp that, or what?
Can you not see that it's a real piece of material? Derp!
I bet you have zero personal interest invested in the US period, commie boy. Where should I smack you back to your momma's basement, boy? I'm really sick and tired of traitorous unAmerican pieces of crap like you.

When was the last time you did a day of work? Describe to me the last day of work you did and what it was.
The more you rave on, the more you expose yourself — and whatever “politics” you espouse. Frankly, you seem to need psychological help.
You're lying about being from Florida. You're just the average commie lying shill.
I notice you failed to describe your last day of work. You've never done one, huh, comrade? That's for the bourgeousie?

What do you think about excess labor value?

Nobody from FL would post the lies you did, not even the left-leaning girl here would post lies like that.

She's from FL and we disagree on things. You sir are a piece of crap lying garbage boy.
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