Welcome to tyranny.

No, that's not at all what I am arguing, and I cannot see any way that any sane, rational person, would get that out of anything that I've said.

As usual, you're either lying, or bat@shit crazy, or most likely, both.

Naw, man you've made your anti-worker feelings pretty fucking clear, always taking the side of the capitalist.

The problem you have now is that with all these workers getting fired... they are going to turn on Trump when those workers start putting their checkbooks over their bibles.

This is what I figured out in 2008. All this moral majority bullshit means nothing. They use it to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests. It's why the rich always get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned.
Naw, man you've made your anti-worker feelings pretty fucking clear, always taking the side of the capitalist.

The problem you have now is that with all these workers getting fired... they are going to turn on Trump when those workers start putting their checkbooks over their bibles.

This is what I figured out in 2008. All this moral majority bullshit means nothing. They use it to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests. It's why the rich always get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned.

Hey, Mormon Bob.... Check this out.

People realize that having your family's access to health care decided by employers is a really bad idea during a Pandemic.
Again, we've already established your ex-boss was kind of a shitheel. He cut your insurance and then he fired you, but you just talk the world about how wonderful he was and blame "the government" for your situation.

Stop being a sheep, Ray. The government is the one taking care of you now.

Fired me? :laugh: How did you dream up that story? You just make them up as you go along, don't you?

What I will say about my employer is that he has a successful company, but he's a lousy businessman. One time I tried to tell him what was wrong with the way he was doing things, and he told me to go pound salt. That was the last I ever mentioned it to him.

He could have been very successful, but he didn't allow anybody to tell him the mistakes he was making. As far as he was concerned, he started the company, he grew the company, he ran the company, and employees only do their jobs no questions asked. If somebody didn't like the way he was running things, start your own company and do things your way. Of course, if I had the money to do that, I would have taken over half of his business away.

Bottom line is if he didn't want to hear what I had to say, I kept my mouth shut and allowed him to lose tons of money. That's what he wanted from me, and that's what I gave him. I just figured I had my own business, and it requires working with a calculator, something he hated doing apparently. I was only trying to help out, but you can't give help to somebody that doesn't want your help.
Nobody else was, either... that was my point. I'm sorry your comprehension of English is so poor you didn't understand that very clear point. That company actually made up for it's losses by 2010, by landing a big old contract with the Post Office, but they didn't call back one employee they had let go.

Another thing about that company... When I was let go, I had senority in the office. Because everyone who worked there when I started was let go except for the managers.

This is why I have no doubt that this recession will be a disaster for working people. Because the One Percenters can fuck them over. Now that Commie Bernie isn't going to be the nominee, they feels safe enough about the election where they can do what they'll do.

Let me point out how illogical your argument is. First off, if you were not called back, you also didn't know the status of your former coworkers, that is unless you're some sort of weird stalker that was somehow keeping tabs on them. Most former employees don't have time for that. They don't really care.

Secondly, a company doesn't need an excuse for getting rid of somebody. They don't need a recession to do so. They could have done that all along if they wanted. The idea they didn't call people back is likely because they found other jobs.

Quite the contrary, it's better to bring in a new person than an old one who probably has resentment he was let go. This is why employers almost never bring back employees they let go. Otherwise, they would be furloughing these people, not firing them.

Nobody gets fired in a recession. Business simply isn't there, and they are laid off. If somebody is laid off knowing it was the economy that was the cause, they hold no remorse towards the employer. They realize that the employer really had no choice. You can't pay people to come to work when there is no work to do.

Guy, once again, you worked for a company that was such a bunch of shitheels they didn't even offer health insurance. I can't emphasize for you enough how low on the food chain you are.

All employees are low on the food chain. The difference between you and me is I realize that, and you refuse to accept it.

I worked for that company for 25 years. I started with the benefit of health insurance, and I had that insurance for 18 of those years, until that Kenyan lawn jockey of yours put his plans into action. Same with millions of other workers in the country. If not for that, my employer would have had no choice but to find a way to continue that benefit. After Commie Care started, private plan rates went through the roof. Somebody has to pay for all that government discounted coverage.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.

When have you ever read the constitution? When you do let me know what Governor's and the President can do under state of emergencies and national emergencies.
Fired me? :laugh: How did you dream up that story? You just make them up as you go along, don't you?

Oh, I'm sorry, he let you go after you couldn't drive in a straight line anymore. Is that better?

Bottom line is if he didn't want to hear what I had to say, I kept my mouth shut and allowed him to lose tons of money. That's what he wanted from me, and that's what I gave him. I just figured I had my own business, and it requires working with a calculator, something he hated doing apparently. I was only trying to help out, but you can't give help to somebody that doesn't want your help.

Or he just didn't respect you... Frankly, as many problems as I've had with employers over the years, they were receptive to my suggestions when they made sense. At a couple of companies, I even wrote the procedure books.

Let me point out how illogical your argument is. First off, if you were not called back, you also didn't know the status of your former coworkers, that is unless you're some sort of weird stalker that was somehow keeping tabs on them. Most former employees don't have time for that. They don't really care.

Or I remained friends with the people who were let go AND the people who still worked there. Most of them I am connected to on LinkedIn. So I know when they update their employment status. (I also wrote resumes for most of them, but that's another story).

Secondly, a company doesn't need an excuse for getting rid of somebody. They don't need a recession to do so. They could have done that all along if they wanted. The idea they didn't call people back is likely because they found other jobs.

Um. Yeah. That's why at-will, non-union, right to work employment is kind of fucked up. Now, if they were REQUIRED to offer jobs back to the people they laid off FIRST, they probably wouldn't be to keen to pull this shit when there is a recession.

Nobody gets fired in a recession. Business simply isn't there, and they are laid off. If somebody is laid off knowing it was the economy that was the cause, they hold no remorse towards the employer. They realize that the employer really had no choice. You can't pay people to come to work when there is no work to do.

Quite the contrary, people get laid off during recessions, but then the company hires new people because they are cheaper. The employer always has a choice. The thing was in 2008, this jerkoff manager let go of the people who were with him from the beginning and kept the people he had just hired at cheaper rates... This is what I'm still pretty furious about, 12 year later.

Lesson learned. No loyalty to anyone but yourself.

All employees are low on the food chain. The difference between you and me is I realize that, and you refuse to accept it.

No, you are low on the food chain because you never made any effort to improve yourself or gain other skills.

When I got out of the Army, the best job I could get was working in a warehouse. But I knew that was beneath me, so I advanced to a supervisory position. Then I moved into inventory control, and then purchasing... before moving on to running my own business. In short, I made improvements. I hit lots of setbacks because- again- capitalists are evil. I've quit more jobs than I've been let go from, though. I've gone back to school a number of times to gain additional skills and certifications. Every time the anthill gets knocked down, I build a better anthill.

You, on the other hand.. just kind of gave up.

I worked for that company for 25 years. I started with the benefit of health insurance, and I had that insurance for 18 of those years, until that Kenyan lawn jockey of yours put his plans into action.

Again, if the shit insurance you had didn't meet ACA standards, it was probably crap insurance. My opinion, the standards of the ACA weren't tough enough.

Same with millions of other workers in the country. If not for that, my employer would have had no choice but to find a way to continue that benefit. After Commie Care started, private plan rates went through the roof. Somebody has to pay for all that government discounted coverage.

If you believed that when he told you that, that's on you.

I was in the opposite situation. Every year, the Fat HR Cow would come out and tell us how our insurance was going to cost a little more this year and cover a little less. Then lo and behold, after ACA passed, the copays stopped going up and the insurance coverage stopped shrinking. Now, this was working for a British-owned corporation.
Oh, I'm sorry, he let you go after you couldn't drive in a straight line anymore. Is that better?

He had no choice. What could he do with a driver that couldn't legally drive? I was not let go by him, I was let go by the filthy bureaucrats.

Or he just didn't respect you... Frankly, as many problems as I've had with employers over the years, they were receptive to my suggestions when they made sense. At a couple of companies, I even wrote the procedure books.

Some employers are, and some employers not. It depends on who you work for.

Years ago I worked for somebody that called each and every employee in because while our branch was grossing six figures, our actual profit was only a couple thousand dollars. When he called me in his office, I told him what part (or most) of the problem was. He asked why I didn't tell him earlier? I explained that other employers never welcomed any suggestions, and they didn't.

He made me promise him if I ever see problems like I pointed out to him in the future, he would welcome my advice with open arms. But that's not most employers in my experience.

Um. Yeah. That's why at-will, non-union, right to work employment is kind of fucked up. Now, if they were REQUIRED to offer jobs back to the people they laid off FIRST, they probably wouldn't be to keen to pull this shit when there is a recession.

Nobody owes you a job buddy. If they want to call you back, they do. If they want to start anew, they do. What you should be doing after getting laid off is finding another place to work anyhow, instead of sitting back hoping that your previous employer calls you back. That's on you.

Quite the contrary, people get laid off during recessions, but then the company hires new people because they are cheaper. The employer always has a choice. The thing was in 2008, this jerkoff manager let go of the people who were with him from the beginning and kept the people he had just hired at cheaper rates... This is what I'm still pretty furious about, 12 year later.

Lesson learned. No loyalty to anyone but yourself.

You have no idea what their business strategy was. For all you know, they wanted a fresh set of workers and may have even paid them more money than you made. You don't know. But you are taking a personal anecdote and want me to believe this happens all over the country. It doesn't. While I've never been laid off of a job that I planned on returning back to, everybody I know that lost their job because of a recession or whatever always got called back.

No, you are low on the food chain because you never made any effort to improve yourself or gain other skills.

When I got out of the Army, the best job I could get was working in a warehouse. But I knew that was beneath me, so I advanced to a supervisory position. Then I moved into inventory control, and then purchasing... before moving on to running my own business. In short, I made improvements. I hit lots of setbacks because- again- capitalists are evil. I've quit more jobs than I've been let go from, though. I've gone back to school a number of times to gain additional skills and certifications. Every time the anthill gets knocked down, I build a better anthill.

You, on the other hand.. just kind of gave up.

Why would I want other skills when I was perfectly happy doing what I did? The only people that held me up was government. The only people that ended my career was government. With the exception of one job, I always hated working inside. Like my father, I need to work outside to be happy.

You are no different. In an earlier conversation, you stated you can't even stand driving to work yet alone being able to do my job. Everybody is geared differently. You can't make me a happy accountant no more than I could make you a happy truck driver. Oh, you might be able to do the job, but be miserable all of your life.

Again, if the shit insurance you had didn't meet ACA standards, it was probably crap insurance. My opinion, the standards of the ACA weren't tough enough.

It had nothing to do with it. We were well under 50 employees which is all Commie Care had mandates for. Under 50, you could have crappy insurance, great insurance, or no insurance at all. It was the cost that was the problem.

If you believed that when he told you that, that's on you.

I was in the opposite situation. Every year, the Fat HR Cow would come out and tell us how our insurance was going to cost a little more this year and cover a little less. Then lo and behold, after ACA passed, the copays stopped going up and the insurance coverage stopped shrinking. Now, this was working for a British-owned corporation.

Perhaps larger companies were affected differently, I don't know. What I do know is I lost my insurance because of Commie Care. Several other workers of our customers lost their insurance. Hell, one of my former tenants I sued, and then had his wages garnished. I was surprised at the weekly amount I was getting because I knew how much he made. Talking with another tenant that was friends with him, he told me his friend got a raise because they eliminated his healthcare coverage. It was happening all over the country.
He had no choice. What could he do with a driver that couldn't legally drive? I was not let go by him, I was let go by the filthy bureaucrats.

He could have found a job for you working in the office as a dispatcher, since you've been with him for 25 years.

But nope. Go on welfare.

Nobody owes you a job buddy. If they want to call you back, they do. If they want to start anew, they do. What you should be doing after getting laid off is finding another place to work anyhow, instead of sitting back hoping that your previous employer calls you back. That's on you.

And you wonder why all these College kids love Bernie so much? Sorry, man, if you get "laid off", there should be a law you are called back first.

Going back to the 2008 Gig, I actually landed something new within two weeks despite the recession, and worked there for seven years. I was able to find a job a lot faster than most of my coworkers because of my college education and my veteran status. On the other hand, the lady who sucked up to the boss every day who got let go a year later didn't find a job for two years.

You have no idea what their business strategy was. For all you know, they wanted a fresh set of workers and may have even paid them more money than you made. You don't know. But you are taking a personal anecdote and want me to believe this happens all over the country. It doesn't.

Actually, I know capitalists... That's who they are. I can honestly say I've never had an employer who didn't straight up lie to me. Well, maybe the Army didn't, they were pretty straightforward, but man, I've gotten to the point where I can now tell when a Manager is lying.

His lips are moving.

It had nothing to do with it. We were well under 50 employees which is all Commie Care had mandates for. Under 50, you could have crappy insurance, great insurance, or no insurance at all. It was the cost that was the problem.

Again, I was able to get pretty good insurance at my age for just myself... so I kind of don't buy that.

Perhaps larger companies were affected differently, I don't know. What I do know is I lost my insurance because of Commie Care. Several other workers of our customers lost their insurance. Hell, one of my former tenants I sued, and then had his wages garnished. I was surprised at the weekly amount I was getting because I knew how much he made. Talking with another tenant that was friends with him, he told me his friend got a raise because they eliminated his healthcare coverage. It was happening all over the country.

Was it? Then how is it the number of "uninsured" dropped from 2011 (When ACA was implemented) to 2017?

This is where I have to call bullshit on you.
He could have found a job for you working in the office as a dispatcher, since you've been with him for 25 years.

But nope. Go on welfare.

Yeah, that's what he should have done. He should have laid off his brother, the dispatcher, and put me on instead. You don't have a good memory, do you Joe? I belonged to a very small company, under 14 employees.

And you wonder why all these College kids love Bernie so much? Sorry, man, if you get "laid off", there should be a law you are called back first.

You know what it's called when government runs businesses? It's a definition of Socialism or fascism. You need to find another country to live in.

Actually, I know capitalists... That's who they are. I can honestly say I've never had an employer who didn't straight up lie to me. Well, maybe the Army didn't, they were pretty straightforward, but man, I've gotten to the point where I can now tell when a Manager is lying.

His lips are moving.

I'm so confused, I can't figure out why you had such a hard time working for the companies you did. :auiqs.jpg:

Was it? Then how is it the number of "uninsured" dropped from 2011 (When ACA was implemented) to 2017?

Because that was the plot all along. Government provide and mostly pay for french fry makers to have insurance at a more than reasonable cost, and charge middle and upper-class groups to pay for it. French fry makers and floor sweepers generally vote Democrat. Middle-class are split, and upper-class generally vote Republican.

It's the same thing Hussein did with credit cards. He passed law that prohibited credit card companies from fining people and raising their interest rates who were late. The banks had to recoup that money from us responsible very credit worthy customers. Again, irresponsible people generally vote Democrat, and responsible people generally vote Republican.
Yeah, that's what he should have done. He should have laid off his brother, the dispatcher, and put me on instead. You don't have a good memory, do you Joe? I belonged to a very small company, under 14 employees.

Naw, man, I just love how this guy screws you again and again, and you keep making excuses for him. Although I think the guy who really screws you is you.

I'm so confused, I can't figure out why you had such a hard time working for the companies you did.

Because I don't bend over when they screw me like you do? Hey, guess what, yeah, didn't work for the same asshole for 25 years, but I'd put my resume up against yours any day of the week...

Oh, wait, you don't beleive in Resumes...

Because that was the plot all along. Government provide and mostly pay for french fry makers to have insurance at a more than reasonable cost, and charge middle and upper-class groups to pay for it. French fry makers and floor sweepers generally vote Democrat. Middle-class are split, and upper-class generally vote Republican.

Uh, guy, I have been pretty much middle class since I left the Army. My insurance costs didn't go up after ACA, they stabilized. If your creep boss cut your insurance, it's because he wanted to.

It's the same thing Hussein did with credit cards. He passed law that prohibited credit card companies from fining people and raising their interest rates who were late. The banks had to recoup that money from us responsible very credit worthy customers. Again, irresponsible people generally vote Democrat, and responsible people generally vote Republican.

You mean the banks couldn't do predatory things to poor people anymore. OH MY GOD THIS IS A NATIONAL TRAGEDY!!!!

The thing was, most of the people who got into trouble with credit cards often did so because of medical crisis. 62% of bankruptcies were linked to medical crisis.

Keep living in your slum, collecting your welfare, and the rest of us will take care of you, Ray.
Naw, man, I just love how this guy screws you again and again, and you keep making excuses for him. Although I think the guy who really screws you is you.

What can you do when the government screws you? Vote, but that's about it.

This is something a five year old can figure out. My employer can't allow me to operate a CDL vehicle without a medical card. It's against the law. He can be heavily fined by the government, and if caught, they could tow the vehicle away. What did you expect him to do?

Uh, guy, I have been pretty much middle class since I left the Army. My insurance costs didn't go up after ACA, they stabilized. If your creep boss cut your insurance, it's because he wanted to.

Sure he probably wanted to, but couldn't because we would have worked somewhere else. The king Commie made that an option for him in order for government to control one-sixth of our economy, and create an additional 20 million more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

You mean the banks couldn't do predatory things to poor people anymore. OH MY GOD THIS IS A NATIONAL TRAGEDY!!!!

The thing was, most of the people who got into trouble with credit cards often did so because of medical crisis. 62% of bankruptcies were linked to medical crisis.

Keep living in your slum, collecting your welfare, and the rest of us will take care of you, Ray.

Thanks Joe, I appreciate it. :auiqs.jpg:
What can you do when the government screws you? Vote, but that's about it.

This is something a five year old can figure out. My employer can't allow me to operate a CDL vehicle without a medical card. It's against the law. He can be heavily fined by the government, and if caught, they could tow the vehicle away. What did you expect him to do?

Again, find something else for you to do... But that would require you to do something other than wallow in self-pity.

Sure he probably wanted to, but couldn't because we would have worked somewhere else. The king Commie made that an option for him in order for government to control one-sixth of our economy, and create an additional 20 million more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Yeah, no one really wanted to , I don't know, make sure kids got treatment for treatable diseases. It was all a plot to buy votes.

I think the Cornoavirus has shown we need more people covered, not less.
Again, find something else for you to do... But that would require you to do something other than wallow in self-pity.

Self pity? Not at all. I'm retired now. I'm going to enjoy my time off as I have been. If government doesn't want me working, and willing to pay me not to, I'm not going to complain. After all, you can't fight city hall.

I'm going to be doing a lot of yard work, help my parents when they need it, take my mother grocery shopping that was a chore my sister took care of, but she is recovering from knee surgery, and the timing couldn't have been better.

It's not great, but it's not all that bad either. This is the first summer I'm going to have off in over 30 years. So what self pity? I have no reason for it.

Yeah, no one really wanted to , I don't know, make sure kids got treatment for treatable diseases. It was all a plot to buy votes.

I think the Cornoavirus has shown we need more people covered, not less.

Actually, we need everybody covered, but it's not financially possible.
Actually, I know capitalists... That's who they are. I can honestly say I've never had an employer who didn't straight up lie to me. Well, maybe the Army didn't, they were pretty straightforward, but man, I've gotten to the point where I can now tell when a Manager is lying.

His lips are moving.

All my years working for various companies and clients, I've never had a significant complaint about any company, and only two bosses that I can think of that I've had any real complaint with, and one of those, I think, only because he was beginning influenced in a very bad way by the other.

And most of my colleagues, in various trades,have also gotten along just fine with the same employers and bosses that I got along well with. I've had the misfortune to have a few colleagues who were very much like you, who expressed almost exactly the same attitudes that you do, about our employers. They were, without exception the slackers and f•••-ups, who were more of a burden to the employer, and to us their coworkers, than a benefit, and they usually didn't last very long before they either quit, or were fired or laid off.

I would bet that if I worked for all the same employers that you've worked for, that my opinions about them would be the same as for those that I have worked for, and that if you had worked for all of my employers, your opinion of them would be the same as for those that you did work for.

It isn't that I've had the good fortune to have only good employers, and that you've had the bad fortune of having mostly had bad employers.

It's not the employers that are the difference between your experiences, and mine; it's our own attitudes. And I think these different attitudes, between you and me, show up in many of our postings here, on many different subjects, not just those related to employment.
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Was it? Then how is it the number of "uninsured" dropped from 2011 (When ACA was implemented) to 2017?
Because that was the plot all along. Government provide and mostly pay for french fry makers to have insurance at a more than reasonable cost, and charge middle and upper-class groups to pay for it. French fry makers and floor sweepers generally vote Democrat. Middle-class are split, and upper-class generally vote Republican.

And too, there is this deception, one out of many, inherent in the ObamaCare scam. People who, before this scam was enacted, either had no health insurance, and weren't paying anything for it, or who had good health insurance, now are forced to pay for health insurance scams that they cannot necessarily afford, and which often have deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs that are so high, that they cannot afford to use them.

Someone who has a worse health insurance plan at a higher cost than he had before, has not been helped.

Neither is someone who didn't have health insurance at all, and now is being forced to pay for a plan that he cannot afford to actually use. But this latter case now gets to be counted a someone who is no longer “uninsured”, even though, for all practical purposes, he still is.
Was it? Then how is it the number of "uninsured" dropped from 2011 (When ACA was implemented) to 2017?
Because that was the plot all along. Government provide and mostly pay for french fry makers to have insurance at a more than reasonable cost, and charge middle and upper-class groups to pay for it. French fry makers and floor sweepers generally vote Democrat. Middle-class are split, and upper-class generally vote Republican.

And too, there is this deception, one out of many, inherent in the ObamaCare scam. People who, before this scam was enacted, either had no health insurance, and weren't paying anything for it, or who had good health insurance, now are forced to pay for health insurance scams that they cannot necessarily afford, and which often have deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs that are so high, that they cannot afford to use them.

Someone who has a worse health insurance plan at a higher cost than he had before, has not been helped.

Neither is someone who didn't have health insurance at all, and now is being forced to pay for a plan that he cannot afford to actually use. But this latter case now gets to be counted a someone who is no longer “uninsured”, even though, for all practical purposes, he still is.

When I signed up, they wanted about 1/3 of my net pay to keep my doctor and hospital. It came with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, $50.00 office copay, no prescription, no dental. If I could easily have afforded that, I would have been making double mortgage payments.

So on top of it being responsible for my employer dropping our coverage, horrible and expensive insurance, because I couldn't afford it, they kept part of my income tax refund to boot.

They knew all along employers would drop coverage coast to coast. So besides their goal which was to make Americans more dependent on the federal government, if you did buy your own plan, you had to do it with after-tax money. So you make money, have all your taxes deducted, and with much of your remaining check, you had to give to the government healthcare plans.

By the Obama White House claims, they created 20 million more new government dependents on Commie Care. Add to that the additional 20 million they created with food stamps, together with those two programs alone, they created over 40 million new government dependents.

But these dupes on the left think that politicians like DumBama did this because they care so much about your health.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

I heard someone say the other day that he couldn't be forced to wear a mask while shopping at a grocery store. He's right. However, the store management has the right to refuse to allow him to shop there without a mask. As for your freedom, it ends when your behavior is a recognized threat to an individual or the general public. Finally, ALL businesses are licensed by the state, and whether you like it or not, or whether you agree with it or not, the state has both the authority and the power to temporarily suspend the licenses of business if and when their continued operation poses a threat to the general public.
Self pity? Not at all. I'm retired now. I'm going to enjoy my time off as I have been. If government doesn't want me working, and willing to pay me not to, I'm not going to complain. After all, you can't fight city hall.

Okay, just don't criticize your black neighbors when they get their Gummit Check. White people Welfare is still welfare.

Actually, we need everybody covered, but it's not financially possible.

sure it is. We spend more on health care than countries that already cover everyone... they just spend smarter than we do. Our system is more expensive because we DON'T cover everyone.

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