Welcome to tyranny.

You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

Just because you use all the right code words to hide your racism doesn't hide your racism, Bob. Ray spends all day whining about how his Section 8 neighbors are getting government checks, but now he seems to think his check is okay. I guess he's "White and Delightsome" like the Book of Mormon says.

The difference between my neighbors and I is I contributed to the system (I was forced into) all of my life. Another difference is it was government who put me in this position. It didn't happen by me making bad choices or playing the system. Unlike my HUD neighbors, I have no children mostly because of the expense. They have children they apparently can't afford, and likely never were able to afford, and knew that fully well when they had those kids.

I live within my means. I don't expect the government to pay for me to live above those means as my HUD neighbors. The police have been to that HUD home the last two years for various problems three times as much as they've been to mine in the 35 years I've lived here. Given their past record, I'm sure they will make it four times as much by the end of the summer.

HUD people don't belong in suburbs at taxpayer expense. They belong in the inner-city. The one thing you on the left never thought of is if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, the only thing you created is a cup of bad milk.

A few days ago, you told me that you’d stop working if you could live the same way you do now while taking in taxpayer dollars.

You are a person who’d mooch off of taxpayer funds if it paid you enough. None of what you just wrote rings true.

I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
You're the only one who ever tries to make any of this about race—the only one that claims that the color of anyone's skin matters.

And ironically, (but not in the least bit unexpectedly), you're the one who is always falsely accusing everyone else of being racist.

Just because you use all the right code words to hide your racism doesn't hide your racism, Bob. Ray spends all day whining about how his Section 8 neighbors are getting government checks, but now he seems to think his check is okay. I guess he's "White and Delightsome" like the Book of Mormon says.

The difference between my neighbors and I is I contributed to the system (I was forced into) all of my life. Another difference is it was government who put me in this position. It didn't happen by me making bad choices or playing the system. Unlike my HUD neighbors, I have no children mostly because of the expense. They have children they apparently can't afford, and likely never were able to afford, and knew that fully well when they had those kids.

I live within my means. I don't expect the government to pay for me to live above those means as my HUD neighbors. The police have been to that HUD home the last two years for various problems three times as much as they've been to mine in the 35 years I've lived here. Given their past record, I'm sure they will make it four times as much by the end of the summer.

HUD people don't belong in suburbs at taxpayer expense. They belong in the inner-city. The one thing you on the left never thought of is if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, the only thing you created is a cup of bad milk.

A few days ago, you told me that you’d stop working if you could live the same way you do now while taking in taxpayer dollars.

You are a person who’d mooch off of taxpayer funds if it paid you enough. None of what you just wrote rings true.

I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

That’s fine. I’m glad that you are able to have that. That’s what it means to be a part of a functioning society

But the way you speak of others who aren’t able to make ends meet....saying that they should be barred from living in places that you deem to be too good for them is bullshit.

You are no better than them and you are no more deserving of having a clean, safe and comfortable place to live.

Just because you use all the right code words to hide your racism doesn't hide your racism, Bob.

What “code words” do you claim I've been using? Quote an example of any such from one of my posts.

And while you're at it, quote anything that I've ever posted that supports any idea of anyone being superior or inferior to anyone else, or deserving of different treatment, because of race. You cannot, and you know it. I've never believed any such thing, and I've never expressed any such thing.

As is obvious to all, you're just full of shit every time you cry “Racist!” Every time, with never an exception.

But, then, you're nearly always full of shit, even when you're not crying “Racist!”
The difference between my neighbors and I is I contributed to the system (I was forced into) all of my life. Another difference is it was government who put me in this position. It didn't happen by me making bad choices or playing the system. Unlike my HUD neighbors, I have no children mostly because of the expense. They have children they apparently can't afford, and likely never were able to afford, and knew that fully well when they had those kids.

Um, Ray, everyone has a sad story... this is the point you don't seem to get. I look at both you and your Neighbors and say 'There by the Grace of an Imaginary Sky Pixie Go I" You've had all the advantages of being white, straight and male in this society, and you still managed to fall on hard times. I could argue you made just as many bad choices, such as not developing an alternative set of job skills.

I live within my means. I don't expect the government to pay for me to live above those means as my HUD neighbors. The police have been to that HUD home the last two years for various problems three times as much as they've been to mine in the 35 years I've lived here. Given their past record, I'm sure they will make it four times as much by the end of the summer.

Again, check your privilege, buddy. The cops treat people differently based on race. You know this, I know this. So your complaint with them is that they are more likely to be abused for a racist system?

HUD people don't belong in suburbs at taxpayer expense. They belong in the inner-city. The one thing you on the left never thought of is if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, the only thing you created is a cup of bad milk.

So why is that 1/4 cup of milk spoiled. Oh, that's right 400 fucking years of racism! The ironic thing is- again, you had all the advantages of being white male and straight, and you STILL Managed to fuck it up with bad decisions. Maybe if your HUD neighbors had the opportunities you had all along, they wouldn't be in the position you are in.
And while you're at it, quote anything that I've ever posted that supports any idea of anyone being superior or inferior to anyone else, or deserving of different treatment, because of race. You cannot, and you know it. I've never believed any such thing, and I've never expressed any such thing.

Go back to the prison thread, choke full of racist dogwhistles there...

And one more time

I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.
Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?

There's no reason to have poverty or famine. This is what we figured out during the New Deal, not to entirely rely on the greed of rich people to sustain ourselves. Sadly, the GOP has been rolling back the New Deal for the last 40 years and here we are.
And while you're at it, quote anything that I've ever posted that supports any idea of anyone being superior or inferior to anyone else, or deserving of different treatment, because of race. You cannot, and you know it. I've never believed any such thing, and I've never expressed any such thing.
Go back to the prison thread, choke full of racist dogwhistles there...

Quote an example, if you can, that shows me expressing a racist opinion.

Of course, you and I both know damn well, that you cannot. As is usual for you, you're lying, and you know that you're lying. It's what you do. It's what you are.
Quote an example, if you can, that shows me expressing a racist opinion.
I don't play this game... because I can waste my time pointing something out, and you'll just say, "That's not racist".
No, you “don't play this game” because you're a lying piece of shit, who repeatedly gets called out on it. Of course you slither away from trying to support any of your lies, because you know damn well that they are lies, and that you cannot support them.

And ironically, even as you falsely accuse others of bigotry, you just can't help yourself, waving your own abject bigotry around, as if it were some kind of proud banner.
…but I expect nothing less from LDS.
No, you “don't play this game” because you're a lying piece of @shit, who repeatedly gets called out on it. Of course you slither away from trying to support any of your lies, because you know damn well that they are lies, and that you cannot support them.

You mean other than you spending a whole thread talking about wanting to murder people of color for committing property crimes, but you are totally not racist.

And ironically, even as you falsely accuse others of bigotry, you just can't help yourself, waving your own abject bigotry around, as if it were some kind of proud banner.

Being a member of a cult is an active choice. At some point, someone presented you with evidence that Joseph Smith was just making it up. You weren't born a Mormon, you decided to be one. Just like you decided to be a homophobe and a racist.
You mean other than you spending a whole thread talking about wanting to murder people of color for committing property crimes, but you are totally not racist.

I have never said any such thing, and you know it. Again, you're just lying.

Being a member of a cult is an active choice. At some point, someone presented you with evidence that Joseph Smith was just making it up. You weren't born a Mormon, you decided to be one. Just like you decided to be a homophobe and a racist.

And your persistent, absurd lies about my religion have never been relevant here, nor anywhere else where you keep using them to try to derail the conversation.

Just another pathetic, Gillettized attempt on your part to cover for the fact that you're a Godless, bigoted lying piece of shit, who is caught in an argument that you have no hope of winning.
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.
America is not a tyranny, it is an outright oligarchy now.

Even huge chucks of the American tax funded stimulus money is being grabbed by the billion club as the unemployed and poor get crumbs.

And the sad thing is both parties are responsible.

Trump does not give a flying and Biden has not one innovative thought or bone in his body when it comes to taking on powerful economic interest.

Even Hope and Change Obama during the global financial crises dolled out tens of billions of dollars to Wall Street and asked for almost nothing in return, no meaningful reform what so ever.

The place is an oligarchy.

The only thing saving any semblance of democracy is federalism, courageous state governors can go their own way on many issues, but there just are not many courageous state governors.

I'm still waiting for someone to show us where judicial review exists in Article III.
I'm still waiting for someone to show us where judicial review exists in Article III.
Well you'll wait forever because it's not in Article III! Read the decision by Chief Justice Marshal in Marbury v. Madison (1803). The doctrine of Judicial Review sprang from that decision. In the Syllabus, part of the reasoning is described thus; "If courts are to regard the Constitution, and the Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply."

That sentence is enough for anyone with avg. intelligence to understand the logic and the basis of Judicial Review.
And your persistent, absurd lies about my religion have never been relevant here, nor anywhere else where you keep using them to try to derail the conversation.

Of course they are relevant. Of course, you never say what I am getting wrong about your cult.

They didn't allow black people to join until 1978.
The religious texts by Joseph Smith called dark skin a curse from God, whether it be the Curse of Ham on black folks or the Lamanites being cursed with dark skin after they killed off the Nephites.
I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

Actually, most people don't have those skills. Can't tell you how many offices I've gone into where people can't put together simple spreadsheets or compose word documents. Contrary to what Mormon Bob thinks, much of my career has been spent teaching people how to use computers because they didn't gain those skills. Before Trump wrecked the economy, they were offering jobs to people with little skills.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Long story short, there are still other things you could do, you just don't want to do them. So please don't tell me you are somehow morally superior to those HUD Neighbors who are gaming the system. You know, the ones you routinely compare to spoiled milk and feral raccoons.

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