Welcome to tyranny.

And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?

Only a leftist could think that the Bill of Rights can be made irrelevant.

Only a leftist would try to characterize the Bill of Rights as laws or part of the legal code in any way. The Bill of Rights is a statement of limitation on the government. It's what the government can not do. Democrats have hated it for decades. Even shitstain obama wanted a bill of mandate stating what the government must do for you.
I don't want to keep you awake tonight, so if it must be known, I'm on disability for medical reasons.

Which only shows how the disability system is abused for lazy white people collecting welfare.

Now, as I said, my sister went blind because of a detached retina 10 years ago. She could no longer work as a nurse, something she had 30+ years of experience doing and really no training to do anything else. She had to fight with SS for years to get payments, and had to do other things that didn't pay nearly as well. She fortunately had a daughter who could move in with her and a pension check from her late husband from his union.

You can work in an office and make more than what you would make on disability. You clearly have computer skills and you are articulate. (See, I'm saying something nice about you.) You are CHOOSING to go on disability, you don't have to go on disability.

I thank you for the compliments, but computer skills and being articulate are qualities most people have today. In our country of the present era, if you don't have trade or education at a profession, you are out in the cold. That is where government put me. I had the skills, a trade, a career highly in demand, and they took me out.

You act as if I called SS, told them I was too sick to work (inserting coughs in the conversation) and they said "Sure Ray! No problem! We will put you on disability!" Now I might accept that line of thinking if you had no experience in the matter. However you just expressed how difficult it was for your sister to collect. So you are not ignorant of their strict standards to be applicable for disability. You know they don't just hand it over to anybody over a sore elbow.

While I appreciate the story of your sister as input, my various friends, coworkers, an old girlfriend, tenants who had the exact same experience as your sister, then you also understand what position I must in given they didn't give me the least resistance as they did so many other people. They made their evaluation based on all my age and medical records alone which I happily surrendered to them. And while it usually takes 3 to 6 months to come to the first determination, they accepted my claim in 3 months almost exactly to the date I applied.

Look.......If the federal government called me tomorrow, said because of the shortage of desperately needed drivers, they would greatly lossen their standards so I can return to work, I would be out there putting in applications that day, and perhaps inform my former employer. The truth is, I didn't want to be in this position, I didn't ask to be in this position, and I don't like being in this position. I had no control of my situation.

Are you telling us that the only job that you are qualified for is to drive a truck?

It's the only job I've been doing for over 30 years. At 60 years old, it's a bit late to go to school to learn a new field of work. Even if I could, I would get out of school at 61 or 62, and expect an employer to hire a rookie with several serious medical conditions? That may look good on paper, but it isn't reality.

Damn. I am blown away by this. You are unable to drive a truck....so you refuse to do what it takes to get another job. You are able to read and write....to use a computer. There are jobs that you qualify for right now. Excuses.....excuses.....excuses.

You are ACTUALLY living off of public funds while constantly bashing other people who live off of public funds. It is something.

Damn, I am blown away by this. You want an impossible outcome, and you think OTHER people are unreasonable for not being willing to utterly upend their lives to accommodate you.

You are ACTUALLY being a selfish ass while constantly bashing other people as selfish.
My liberty does NOT end where your fear begins.
Clever memes regurgitated by nitwits in no way changes the constitutional authority of governments to regulate behavior during national emergencies.

But don't let that stop you from stamping your feet and waving your banners. We all can use a little amusement right about now.

Pseudo-clever talking points regurgitated by no-wits in no way change the Constitutional limitations on governments in regards to infringing on rights.

But don't let that stop you from demanding that the entire world shut down until your candy ass feels perfectly safe. We can never use your brand of idiocy, but we're used to that.
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.

Are you telling me that the only truly legal code is the BOR? If it isn’t in there, it isn’t law?

Are you sure you can be consistent on this matter? I doubt it.

Are you telling me there are legal codes which supersede the Constitution?
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?

I just....can't


If it’s not written in the Bill Of Rights, it isn’t a law that one must abide by?

You can’t because you know it’s a stupid thing for you to think.

"Laws have to obey the Bill of Rights = anything not in the Bill of Rights isn't covered by law at all! I'm a genius!"

She can't because she knows everything you "think" is stupid.
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.

Are you telling me that the only truly legal code is the BOR? If it isn’t in there, it isn’t law?

Are you sure you can be consistent on this matter? I doubt it.

Are you telling me there are legal codes which supersede the Constitution?

I am telling you that laws exist which are not enumerated in the BOR, Moron, And you WILL
obey them or face the penalties that society says you will face.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
What hand sanitizer?

Try Everclear 151, 190 or Rubbing alcohol add some fragrance and it is a great and effective hand sanitizer, it drys your hands out but it works well. Might need hand cream to help the skin out a bit.
What is Everclear?

It's a grain alcohol with no flavor of its own and a high proof, basically for the purpose of making things more alcoholic.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
This might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?

Wanna try again to invent a comment no one made and then shove it down people's throats?
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.

Have you seen the food lines? Its like the Great Depression "soup lines" but in cars.
An unemployment check doesn't buy much.
We need to start working as soon as possible.

Actually unemployment is paying pretty well, so well I'm afraid a lot of people are not going to want to return to work.

If you made an average wage in my state, you'll get in the area of 400 bucks a week. The feds are contributing another 600 bucks a week on top of that. When you consider taxation you're not going to pay (SS,FICA, Medicare) that's about what somebody makes working for 60K a year.

You are a mooch. Most people aren’t. They will return to work.

Bullshit. People aren't going to take an income hit by going back to work if they can get out of it, because they aren't as stupid as you are. Why in the Hell should they? Because fools like you decided to incentivize people to stay unemployed in the belief that you'd be able to judge them into working later on?
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.

Are you telling me that the only truly legal code is the BOR? If it isn’t in there, it isn’t law?

Are you sure you can be consistent on this matter? I doubt it.

Are you telling me there are legal codes which supersede the Constitution?

I am telling you that laws exist which are not enumerated in the BOR, Moron, And you WILL
obey them or face the penalties that society says you will face.

And I am telling YOU, moron, that you're arguing against a straw man because your stupid ass either didn't understand the point being made, or you did and were too chickenshit to admit it was right. No one but you ever said, "There are no laws except what's in the Bill of Rights." What we DID say is that laws which contradict the Bill of Rights are Unconstitutional and invalid.

And you can try that dictatorial "You WILL do as you're told, FUCK what you think your rights are" shit on someone who's a nanny-state pansy like you are. It doesn't work on me, and you're going to find out that it doesn't work on most Americans.
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.
You should read that to yourself, pause, and then apologize to the board for abject idiocy.
Are you an idiot, or just a Stalinist douchebag? Of course the Bill of Rights takes precedence over any laws passed by Congress or state and local governments.

Why does it have to be either/or? I'm pretty sure he's both an idiot and a Stalinist douchebag? In fact, I'm pretty sure you can't be the latter without being the former.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

Life has always been a crap shoot, every damned day of it, and the only certainty out there is that eventually, everyone rolls snake eyes.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Look, man. If I want to go out and catch the virus and spread it to all my friends and family, then I am doing a public service!

After we lose a few million America, including some of our loved ones and friends, then we will have herd immunity! Yeah! Let's DO this!

"Can I pick which member of my family should die?"
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
This might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?

Wanna try again to invent a comment no one made and then shove it down people's throats?

Read again. That is the comment I responded to. Ya nasty bitch.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
This might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?
They cannot violate the Constitution. A stay at home order violates the Constitution.

We obey the recommendation by choice. The government may not enact laws that violate the Bill of Rights.

I may give you shit sometimes because you are snarky and smartassed...but I really don't think you are stupid...just misguided. But THIS is fundamental. What we allow of our government cannot be dictated by fear. We CHOSE to obey...the government cannot order us into lockdown.

You are wrong. it is so tiring trying to communicate with people who PRETEND that our system of laws is that fucking simple. It is an argument borne out of convenience and it ignores the facts.

You can, in fact, be compelled to remain quarantined if there is a public health emergency.

You can be compelled to leave a place of business or a public park if the local laws say that you can be compelled to leave a place of business or a public park.

You are denied entry into the White House even though it is considered public property. Does is say anywhere in the BOR that you can legally be denied entry into the WH?

Enough with this INTENTIONAL ignorance.

You CANNOT, in fact, be compelled to remain quarantined, as I think you're going to find out in short order. Also, quarantines aren't actually laws; they're gubernatorial/mayoral orders, and I think you and they underestimate just how voluntary cooperation actually is.

I get that you have the mindset of "My lords and masters in government have told me to march; I must march!" but that isn't actually how the law works. Again, I think you're going to be finding that out very quickly, and most likely, you'll be pissing and moaning about "Republicans on the bench" when courts start dealing with the many cases arising from this.

You didn't REALLY just try to tell us that the ability of the National Park Service and the Secret Service - not to mention the guy who actually lives and works there - to close the White House somehow translates into "Therefore, the government can make any laws it wants!"? And don't even start back up with that straw man of "So you're saying that all the laws are in the Bill of Rights".
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?

Yes. It is OK with him. It is OK with anyone who ignores the social distancing guidelines.

Another straw man.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Since you aren't, you should help out at a hospital or one of the far too many makeshift morgues being set up.

More leftist "Either agree with me, or I demand that you do XYZ to convince you to agree with me." What makes you so sure that Diver is only disagreeing with you because she JUST hasn't seen as much as you have? Maybe she has, and she STILL thinks you're a dumbass. That's usually how yoru conversations work.
Here is what I responded to. The words are plain.

Read it, dummy. And shove that strawman between your chubby butt cheeks.


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