Welcome to tyranny.

At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...

Here is what I responded to. The words are plain.

Read it, dummy. And shove that strawman between your chubby butt cheeks.

Read it the first time. Still recognized that you were arguing a point that wasn't made. So shove that strawman up YOUR dingleberry-encrusted butt cheeks, since YOU are the one who created it.

You are really making progress.

I've pretty much always thought you had dogshit between your ears, so no real change at all.

Always remember.....if it ain't in the BOR.....it means nothing!

Always remember: that was only ever said in your own vacuous head.
Just got home from Fleet Farm for some "essentials".
Store was far more packed than Christmas season with masses of folks shopping. A small minority of people were wearing masks. Really got the sense seeing so many people there and at the several big box stores nearby, that most have had it with the restrictions and are going about their life.
I seriously doubt they were all Conservative.

That's what the stimulus check was supposed to do, stimulate shopping. I guess another win for Trump.

Problem is that for a lot of people, there's nowhere to shop and nothing to buy, because everything's shut down.

At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

There are 49 other states, and many of them are in worse shape.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.
YOU'RE wrong. Society can impose limited restrictions that are the least invasive to people's rights. As much as your childish ass wants to think "We can have laws, so that means ANY LAW IS OKAY!" that's not how it works.

That was one of the innovative things about this nation, at the time it was founded—the idea that government should exist to serve the needs of the people, to uphold and protect the rights of individuals, rather than the other way around, as in most of Europe, where individuals were subjects of a King, and existed to fulfill the interests of the King.

It of course, leads to the difference between believing that government has authority to impose whatever laws it will on the people, and that the people are obligated to submit to these laws and authority, or whether government only has the authority and right , as a servant and representative of the people, to impose such laws as are necessary and proper to best protect and uphold the interests of the people.

Alas, far to many Americans, these days, have fallen into the mindset of our European forebears, of seeing government as having the ultimate authority, rather than the people; which is, above all else, the one principle that the great men who founded this nation most opposed, and in which they were most in rebellion.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
This might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?
They cannot violate the Constitution. A stay at home order violates the Constitution.

We obey the recommendation by choice. The government may not enact laws that violate the Bill of Rights.

I may give you shit sometimes because you are snarky and smartassed...but I really don't think you are stupid...just misguided. But THIS is fundamental. What we allow of our government cannot be dictated by fear. We CHOSE to obey...the government cannot order us into lockdown.

You are wrong. it is so tiring trying to communicate with people who PRETEND that our system of laws is that fucking simple. It is an argument borne out of convenience and it ignores the facts.

You can, in fact, be compelled to remain quarantined if there is a public health emergency.

You can be compelled to leave a place of business or a public park if the local laws say that you can be compelled to leave a place of business or a public park.

You are denied entry into the White House even though it is considered public property. Does is say anywhere in the BOR that you can legally be denied entry into the WH?

Enough with this INTENTIONAL ignorance.
You can, in fact, be compelled to remain quarantined if you are infected otherwise the state cannot quarantine healthy people.

Wait! Is that in the Bill Of Rights?
No that is common sense... your theory is not in the Bill of Rights either and it does not make any sense at all

“My theory” is that our system of laws is based on the BOR, but that it is hardly the only code of law that we have.

I was called stupid for making that point.

You were called stupid because you DIDN'T make that point. You first tried to make the point that this had nothing to do with the BOR, and when you were called stupid for that, you tried to accuse multiple people of saying that no laws exist outside of the BOR.
YOu got it in reverse, Mormon Bob. For the last four years we've been telling you that Trump is unfit morally, in terms of background, mental health or intellect to be president. And every day, with every deranged tweet he's proven us right.

Outside of how you vote, you don't get to determine who is fit for President, the US Constitution does.

Now the day has come where we have a real crisis, and he's showing himself unfit for dealing with it. Not just because he's too arrogant to listen to the scientists, but because being a malignant narcissist, he lacks the ability to understand people are suffering.

Trump is not only doing just fine, he's doing an outstanding job. Want to hear what his medical experts had to say about this virus in late January? He does listen to his experts, especially now. That's why the plan for action came from the CDC and the FDA. I'd provide links, but I know how reading the truth destroys you.

. . . And destroying him is a bad thing?
That's how many people we lose a year for the flu, and we have shots for that. Remember his staff predicted possibly up to millions.

A YEAR. Not "over four weeks, doubling over the last week".

Yes, his staff warned him, he ignored the warnings and the Governors had to pick up the ball.

BUt not before 22 million people lost their jobs.
Actually we normally have 60,000 flu deaths a season or a cycle. They do not happen all year. This flu season with the Chinese flu is about normal. Democrats are completely responsible for the economic losses. They want to make it worse. Trump is fighting to open everything back up.
If that were true, he'd be making sure the states had more TESTS available.

Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.

A very big part of the problem is that not one of the politicians who is responsible for this unwarranted panic and shutdown is in any danger of having to directly experience the consequences of it. Not one of them is ever going to have to worry about whether he'll be able to keep a roof over his head, or food on his table, or have his other material needs met. Not one of them is in danger of winding up homeless and starving in the streets. Not one of them understands or cares about the impact that the economic disaster that they have created will have on us “little people”.

Out of curiosity, I wonder if any of these little Hitler governors are up for re-election this year. (Sorry, I can tell you when my governor comes up for re-election, but I have no clue about other states'.)
That's how many people we lose a year for the flu, and we have shots for that. Remember his staff predicted possibly up to millions.

A YEAR. Not "over four weeks, doubling over the last week".

Yes, his staff warned him, he ignored the warnings and the Governors had to pick up the ball.

BUt not before 22 million people lost their jobs.
Actually we normally have 60,000 flu deaths a season or a cycle. They do not happen all year. This flu season with the Chinese flu is about normal. Democrats are completely responsible for the economic losses. They want to make it worse. Trump is fighting to open everything back up.
If that were true, he'd be making sure the states had more TESTS available.

So explain how he would do that with the CDC and FDA who held them up so badly at the beginning.

His FDA and his CDC? Kind of moot at this point. That's not the case now and there still isn't enough testing.

So I hear you say, "I'm going to blame him, never mind whether I have any reason to do so!"
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

You go first, bub.
Your freedom of corona is a risk to others, the physical and mental healthy people.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzzzz.

Civil Liberties clearly aren't part of your vocabulary.
You got them your whole life. Now they are restricted for some weeks for your own safety. How stupid can people be to oppose the "lockdown". Heck, your liberty is a joke each morning when you have to go to work and do what others tell you. It´s ridiculous!

You really don't understand the whole concept of "liberty", do you?
Wow... Mormon Bob thinks Poverty is a bad thing now? Really? Um, where were you at when all those people of color were living in Poverty for years and years and still do?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, that you think it makes any kind of sense to condemn me for thinking that poverty is a bad thing. After this current manufactured crisis is over, I think that the hard reality is going to turn out to be that more people will have suffered, and more people will have died, as a result of poverty caused by the destruction of the economy, than as any kind of direct result of the virus itself which is being used as an excuse for causing this economic destruction.

How can poverty be anything other than bad?

Of course, the only thing he's worried about is that enough white people will be dunked into poverty to the point where they won't vote for the Orange Shitgibbon again...

There you go again, projecting your own racism and bigotry on others.

I'd like to say that I do not wish poverty on anyone, but I have to admit that I do harbor sufficient malice against those who could and should work, and contribute to society, but who choose not to, that I would wish poverty on them; and now also against a second group, that it seems bizarre to me that even exists to the degree that I have to acknowledge them, who actively wish to prevent those who are willing and able to work from being allowed to do so, forcing them into poverty.

εἴ τις οὐ θέλει ἐργάζεσθαι μηδὲ ἐσθιέτω

At no time have I ever said nor written anything that would support your absurd lie that I think any distinction based on race has anything to do with this.
At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...


I'm not much into conspiracy theories, however you brought up a point I was discussing with my father a few weeks ago about toilet paper.

He stated he basically grew up without toilet paper, since back in the 40's, there were a lot of poor people. I didn't ask him to elaborate. :laugh: In any case, when I was working, one of our customers (Granger) supplied many businesses. While I have enough toilet paper for the coming weeks, if I couldn't find it anywhere, I would go to Granger and get it from them. Mind you, they are very expensive, but at least I'd have it.

I figure with all the businesses closed up, and the ones open probably have a skeleton crew, Granger would have ample supply of it since businesses were not ordering much.
At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...


I'm not much into conspiracy theories, however you brought up a point I was discussing with my father a few weeks ago about toilet paper.

He stated he basically grew up without toilet paper, since back in the 40's, there were a lot of poor people. I didn't ask him to elaborate. :laugh: In any case, when I was working, one of our customers (Granger) supplied many businesses. While I have enough toilet paper for the coming weeks, if I couldn't find it anywhere, I would go to Granger and get it from them. Mind you, they are very expensive, but at least I'd have it.

I figure with all the businesses closed up, and the ones open probably have a skeleton crew, Granger would have ample supply of it since businesses were not ordering much.

Apparently, a lot of the suppliers for businesses were having the same issues with toilet paper, sanitizer, etc., at least according to my bosses and the maintenance supervisor at my office building. Not really sure if it was because of people with the same idea you had, or what.
Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?
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Wonderful! Thank you.
It is so hilarious to see all the tRUMPettes evoking personal rights now..so noble of them.
But when it comes to others rights, those they don't agree with, they are so right to PUSH their thinking on others.
Be it in the work place or private endeavors.
Once again, thank you for the post.

It's so hilarious to hear leftists, who think the word "rights" means "things I want other people to do for me", tell us how we don't support rights because we don't buy into their fantasies.
Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

My father and I were talking today. He said he's not worried about his own 88 year old ass, but he said he'd feel terrible if he was running around in public unprotected, got this virus, and passed it to another person killing them. He said he would rather die instead of somebody else due to his carelessness. It's simply something he could never live with.

What it all boils down to is how you feel about the situation.
At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...


I'm not much into conspiracy theories, however you brought up a point I was discussing with my father a few weeks ago about toilet paper.

He stated he basically grew up without toilet paper, since back in the 40's, there were a lot of poor people. I didn't ask him to elaborate. :laugh: In any case, when I was working, one of our customers (Granger) supplied many businesses. While I have enough toilet paper for the coming weeks, if I couldn't find it anywhere, I would go to Granger and get it from them. Mind you, they are very expensive, but at least I'd have it.

I figure with all the businesses closed up, and the ones open probably have a skeleton crew, Granger would have ample supply of it since businesses were not ordering much.

Apparently, a lot of the suppliers for businesses were having the same issues with toilet paper, sanitizer, etc., at least according to my bosses and the maintenance supervisor at my office building. Not really sure if it was because of people with the same idea you had, or what.

I guess then I'm not so slick after all. :auiqs.jpg:

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