Welcome to tyranny.

Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

Well, he wouldn't respect them, but I doubt he'd be surprised. It wasn't exactly an uncommon phenomenon in his day, either.
Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

My father and I were talking today. He said he's not worried about his own 88 year old ass, but he said he'd feel terrible if he was running around in public unprotected, got this virus, and passed it to another person killing them. He said he would rather die instead of somebody else due to his carelessness. It's simply something he could never live with.

What it all boils down to is how you feel about the situation.

Well, if you were a relative of mine, I would be telling you to continue isolating and social distancing, as well. That's what I'm telling my sister. But I don't, I can't, advocate the destruction of American society and with it the rest of the world on the off chance that it might protect her a little bit better.
At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...


I'm not much into conspiracy theories, however you brought up a point I was discussing with my father a few weeks ago about toilet paper.

He stated he basically grew up without toilet paper, since back in the 40's, there were a lot of poor people. I didn't ask him to elaborate. :laugh: In any case, when I was working, one of our customers (Granger) supplied many businesses. While I have enough toilet paper for the coming weeks, if I couldn't find it anywhere, I would go to Granger and get it from them. Mind you, they are very expensive, but at least I'd have it.

I figure with all the businesses closed up, and the ones open probably have a skeleton crew, Granger would have ample supply of it since businesses were not ordering much.

Apparently, a lot of the suppliers for businesses were having the same issues with toilet paper, sanitizer, etc., at least according to my bosses and the maintenance supervisor at my office building. Not really sure if it was because of people with the same idea you had, or what.

I guess then I'm not so slick after all. :auiqs.jpg:

Just a lot of people who know about business suppliers, I guess.

Side note: my office building had to go to electronic locks with codes on all the doors because people kept wandering in off the street and stealing the toilet paper out of the bathrooms. What the actual hell?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

It's a few short weeks out of a very long life, snowflake.

Not surprised that you don't understand the concept of "principles", or that you're hypocritical enough to call someone a "snowflake" for defending their rights against your whining need for guaranteed perfect safety.
Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

My father and I were talking today. He said he's not worried about his own 88 year old ass, but he said he'd feel terrible if he was running around in public unprotected, got this virus, and passed it to another person killing them. He said he would rather die instead of somebody else due to his carelessness. It's simply something he could never live with.

What it all boils down to is how you feel about the situation.

Well, if you were a relative of mine, I would be telling you to continue isolating and social distancing, as well. That's what I'm telling my sister. But I don't, I can't, advocate the destruction of American society and with it the rest of the world on the off chance that it might protect her a little bit better.

Understood, but if you are not elderly and have a job, when the economy opens back up, you are obligated to return to work. You can only collect unemployment if you are not working through no fault of your own. So high risk people will be forced to get out there and take the huge risks they were trying to avoid.
Given the fact a lot of people besides the rich are benefiting from this, we should all repay the money borrowed for this disaster. I'm all for a consumption tax. Ten cents on every dollar spent. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and everybody in between pays it.
Do you have any concept of how devastating a 10% consumption tax would be to the economy? Spending would decline markedly.

This from (one of) the dribbling fool(s) who wants to extend the lockdown, be damned to any economic damage it causes.
my friends: we need to depose that detestable, ignorant, reckless, vain, malignant tyrant, Trump!
At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...


I'm not much into conspiracy theories, however you brought up a point I was discussing with my father a few weeks ago about toilet paper.

He stated he basically grew up without toilet paper, since back in the 40's, there were a lot of poor people. I didn't ask him to elaborate. :laugh: In any case, when I was working, one of our customers (Granger) supplied many businesses. While I have enough toilet paper for the coming weeks, if I couldn't find it anywhere, I would go to Granger and get it from them. Mind you, they are very expensive, but at least I'd have it.

I figure with all the businesses closed up, and the ones open probably have a skeleton crew, Granger would have ample supply of it since businesses were not ordering much.

Apparently, a lot of the suppliers for businesses were having the same issues with toilet paper, sanitizer, etc., at least according to my bosses and the maintenance supervisor at my office building. Not really sure if it was because of people with the same idea you had, or what.

I guess then I'm not so slick after all. :auiqs.jpg:

Just a lot of people who know about business suppliers, I guess.

Side note: my office building had to go to electronic locks with codes on all the doors because people kept wandering in off the street and stealing the toilet paper out of the bathrooms. What the actual hell?

Believe it or not, those kind of things happened long before the virus. Two of our customers had bathrooms with no toilet paper in them because the employees kept stealing it. One of those customers finally got slick and installed one of those huge tp dispensers where the roll starts off about 10" or so.
Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

My father and I were talking today. He said he's not worried about his own 88 year old ass, but he said he'd feel terrible if he was running around in public unprotected, got this virus, and passed it to another person killing them. He said he would rather die instead of somebody else due to his carelessness. It's simply something he could never live with.

What it all boils down to is how you feel about the situation.

Well, if you were a relative of mine, I would be telling you to continue isolating and social distancing, as well. That's what I'm telling my sister. But I don't, I can't, advocate the destruction of American society and with it the rest of the world on the off chance that it might protect her a little bit better.

Understood, but if you are not elderly and have a job, when the economy opens back up, you are obligated to return to work. You can only collect unemployment if you are not working through no fault of your own. So high risk people will be forced to get out there and take the huge risks they were trying to avoid.

I don't know that that will be the case, and neither do you. I certainly don't think anyone's plan for re-opening includes demanding that everyone go back to normal life as though Covid-19 doesn't exist. I don't know what kind of provisions can be made for high-risk people to continue to isolate, but I'd be very surprised if none were made.
At least in my state, all necessary stores like Walmart and groceries are open. I've ordered through Amazon a half-dozen times since the shutdown. Even our restaurants are open but no dine-in. It's pickup or drive-thru only.

I personally think the government has been / is behind the hoarding of / shortages of toilet paper. There is still note to be found on Wal Mart shelves....it's all a govt ploy. There is no TP to be had by consumers to help businesses open back up:

Gotta go to the bathroom? Then you HAVE to go to a restaurant....and businesses opening back up will entice patrons to come in and get 1 roll of TP per shopper as a free gift...


I'm not much into conspiracy theories, however you brought up a point I was discussing with my father a few weeks ago about toilet paper.

He stated he basically grew up without toilet paper, since back in the 40's, there were a lot of poor people. I didn't ask him to elaborate. :laugh: In any case, when I was working, one of our customers (Granger) supplied many businesses. While I have enough toilet paper for the coming weeks, if I couldn't find it anywhere, I would go to Granger and get it from them. Mind you, they are very expensive, but at least I'd have it.

I figure with all the businesses closed up, and the ones open probably have a skeleton crew, Granger would have ample supply of it since businesses were not ordering much.

Apparently, a lot of the suppliers for businesses were having the same issues with toilet paper, sanitizer, etc., at least according to my bosses and the maintenance supervisor at my office building. Not really sure if it was because of people with the same idea you had, or what.

I guess then I'm not so slick after all. :auiqs.jpg:

Just a lot of people who know about business suppliers, I guess.

Side note: my office building had to go to electronic locks with codes on all the doors because people kept wandering in off the street and stealing the toilet paper out of the bathrooms. What the actual hell?

Believe it or not, those kind of things happened long before the virus. Two of our customers had bathrooms with no toilet paper in them because the employees kept stealing it. One of those customers finally got slick and installed one of those huge tp dispensers where the roll starts off about 10" or so.

Oh, it happened sometimes here. But it got seriously bad during the TP Panic of 2020.
There is no "right to work". I'd be happy if there were, if every American was promised a renumerative job and job protection from abusive bosses. But that's not what we have. We have "at will" employment. You can be fired or laid off for any reason at any time with no recourse.

Maybe it's filed under life,liberty& the pursuit of happyness [sic] then Joe

because they're slowing takin' [sic] all 3 away from sm [sic] biz [sic] now

Given how essential working, and earning a living is, to basic survival, I think it is safe to say that even though a right to work is not explicitly found in the Constitution, that it would certainly be among the non-enumerated rights covered by the Ninth Amendment. And as the lockdowns are presently manifesting, I think that they can clearly be seen as a violation of the statement in the Fifth Amendment, prohibiting the deprivation of life, liberty and property without due process of law.

I think the right to work and to earn the fruits of your own labor is usually classified under the heading of "property rights".
We were supporting a party that encouraged immigration both legal and illegal to take those jobs American minorities should have had, or otherwise reduce their salary.

Minorities didn't want those jobs... Undocumented do the shit jobs no one else wants to do.

We were fighting to stop School Vouchers so those minority children had no opportunities for a better education.

The places that tried vouchers didn't get any better results than public schools. You see, the thing is, if your parents are paying for your school, they're involved. If they are getting a voucher, they aren't. This isn't complicated.

We were promoting single-parent households to show solidarity with the women's lib movement, because we know the solution to poverty is a broken family with a single income.

Naw, you just want to keep that bitch barefoot and preggers.

I don't believe you for one minute. One of my tenants is an IT guy, he makes about as much as I did per hour before I left my job. Not only did he have to go to school for over a year, but constantly has to attend classes to learn the advancements that have recently been made.

Getting on the internet and knowing our language does not make you an office person or computer expert. It's something a majority of our population can do, just like sweeping a floor or making french fries.

Who said anything about an IT Guy. I worked with computers every day... Probably proficient on multiple ERP systems. It doesn't take much to learn one.

I'm very superior to them in every way. You support a party that wants to put as many people on the dole as they can, even if they are young and healthy, but a person who has medical problems so to the extreme of losing his career, that person could do other things.

If people are on the dole, it's because they are disadvantaged by systematic racism...

You got all the privilege of being white, and you are STILL on the dole.
Poverty is the Democrat's platform. The more people they can make poor and pissed off, the more people will become dependent on their preferred government programs. The Democrat's end game is to end all freedom.

I wonder how much arrogance it requires to accept that garbage argument as truth and, at the same time, believe that one is an intelligent person?
Wonder on Garth. I'm totally for the American people.
That was one of the innovative things about this nation, at the time it was founded—the idea that government should exist to serve the needs of the people, to uphold and protect the rights of individuals, rather than the other way around, as in most of Europe, where individuals were subjects of a King, and existed to fulfill the interests of the King.

again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Just can't get that worked up about it.

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

3% of people who get Covid-19 die. A lot of other suffer permanent health damage. Not worried about a Dead Slave Rapist telling me about "Liberty". I'm worried about the here and now.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Selfish bitch.

. . . Says the selfish asshat who thinks the entire economy should collapse and plunge millions of people into years of misery just so he'll feel a little safer.
One fact you can count on is that anyone who supports continuing the shutdown has a gauranteed source of income. There are no exceptions.
That was one of the innovative things about this nation, at the time it was founded—the idea that government should exist to serve the needs of the people, to uphold and protect the rights of individuals, rather than the other way around, as in most of Europe, where individuals were subjects of a King, and existed to fulfill the interests of the King.

again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Just can't get that worked up about it.

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

3% of people who get Covid-19 die. A lot of other suffer permanent health damage. Not worried about a Dead Slave Rapist telling me about "Liberty". I'm worried about the here and now.
That's wrong. It's closer to 0.1%.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, that you think it makes any kind of sense to condemn me for thinking that poverty is a bad thing. After this current manufactured crisis is over, I think that the hard reality is going to turn out to be that more people will have suffered, and more people will have died, as a result of poverty caused by the destruction of the economy, than as any kind of direct result of the virus itself which is being used as an excuse for causing this economic destruction.

How can poverty be anything other than bad?

Oh, it is bad. It's bad when we have the worst wealth disparity, systematic racism you are normally fine with, more young black men in prison than college- which again- you are fine with... I could go on and on and on.

The only person you are worried is going to lose his job in this crisis is Trump. No one believes for a minute you suddenly care about "the poor".

I'd like to say that I do not wish poverty on anyone, but I have to admit that I do harbor sufficient malice against those who could and should work, and contribute to society, but who choose not to, that I would wish poverty on them; and now also against a second group, that it seems bizarre to me that even exists to the degree that I have to acknowledge them, who actively wish to prevent those who are willing and able to work from being allowed to do so, forcing them into poverty.

Guy, here's the thing... you want people to RISK DEATH so that other people can get rich off of them.

Yes, if you doing your job RIGHT NOW runs a risk of spreading this disease with has already killed 55,000 people, I really don't want you doing your job right now. I've curtailed my own business activity because of this crisis, because that's what is required to get us through this. (Fortunately, I've been building up a reserve over the last three years because I knew Trump was going to fuck this up.

At no time have I ever said nor written anything that would support your absurd lie that I think any distinction based on race has anything to do with this.

Actually, everything you write indicates that... but never mind.

If we really do have so many people so close to poverty that taking one month off of work will devastate them, that's an indication that there's a lot wrong with our economy.
Marion Morrison , as long as you use that Confederate symbol (a fake Florida Flag) — a symbol of Jim Crow and slavery — all your talk about “fighting Tyranny” and “defending civil liberties” will ring hollow to most Americans. It may mean “rebel pride” to you, but to most Americans today it’s a toxic symbol that belong’s safely buried in our past.
"Toxic" deez nutz, Commie prick!
Southern pride! You don't eat grits, boy. You can't hit a quarter at 35 yards, either. STFU. Soyboy bitch. Your opinion is irrelevant. Who were your ancestors? Bolsheviks that came over in the 1930s?

Mine have been here for centuries, boy. Longer than the US is old. Before Thomas Paine was a sperm in his daddy's penis, even.
That's how long my ancestors have been here.

Off topic a little but but I've always been curious about this question. You have an obvious love for the confederate flag but I also assume you have a love for the US flag, the flag that defeated the confederacy, is that correct? Do you ever see conflict in having those two loves? If love is the wrong word then admiration would be another way to describe it.

I don't think that Southern pride necessarily has a lot to do with believing in the Confederacy and what it stood for, for most people. It's about heritage and culture, and that doesn't preclude one from also having pride in and affection for the nation that grew up afterward. You don't see Texans, for example, having a conflict between their pride in being Texans and their love for the USA.
The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

I think even the danger to “high-risk” individuals is being greatly exaggerated. I'm “high-risk” myself, on at least three points—my age, the fact that I am diabetic, and that my immune system has been greatly weakened as a result of idleness and inactivity since my injury last September.

My wife came down ill, a few weeks ago, with something that exactly matches the symptoms of COVID-19. Compared to various flu-like illnesses that she routinely catches (her workplace seems to be perfectly optimized for the purpose of making sure that if one worker is sick, with anything contagious, everyone there will be exposed to it), this was very mild, and I didn't get sick from it at all, even though it is almost certain that I was exposed to it and infected by it. Before my injury, I rarely got sick, no matter what illness she brought home to me from work, though since my injury, I nearly always get at least as sick as she does. But not this time.

If this is that horrible scary disease about which everyone is freaking out, then I am not impressed by it at all.

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