Welcome to tyranny.

Again, hilarious that the same people who supported the Patriot Act and the Prison-Industrial complex are now suddenly concerned about "Freedom".

What does the Patriot Act have to do with freedom? I didn't lose any freedoms, did you???
The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

I think even the danger to “high-risk” individuals is being greatly exaggerated. I'm “high-risk” myself, on at least three points—my age, the fact that I am diabetic, and that my immune system has been greatly weakened as a result of idleness and inactivity since my injury last September.

My wife came down ill, a few weeks ago, with something that exactly matches the symptoms of COVID-19. Compared to various flu-like illnesses that she routinely catches (her workplace seems to be perfectly optimized for the purpose of making sure that if one worker is sick, with anything contagious, everyone there will be exposed to it), this was very mild, and I didn't get sick from it at all, even though it is almost certain that I was exposed to it and infected by it. Before my injury, I rarely got sick, no matter what illness she brought home to me from work, though since my injury, I nearly always get at least as sick as she does. But not this time.

If this is that horrible scary disease about which everyone is freaking out, then I am not impressed by it at all.

Well......we currently have over 56,000 Americans die of this already, and of course, it's not ending anytime soon. Serious? Only to a point. Some years we had way more people die from the flu, however the weather usually stops that come summer.

Let's say you had a natural immunity to this, or your wife had it and you were protective enough not to get it. What about all the people she came in contact with during that time? Even when you feel better, it's still contagious until it's totally out of your system.

My idea is only keep this partial shutdown until there are enough N-95 masks for everybody, plenty of hand sanitizer, and then partially reopen. When we have enough antibody test kits, that will at least tell us who has had it, probably can't get it again, and who never had it. People who became immune for one reason or another, those who got blood transfusions from somebody that developed the immunity, can work and go about their lives as always. Those who are not in those categories still remain very protective.

My fear is that we reopen too soon, and have to start back from square one if things get out of control again. I would also like to start seeing "real" Covid death numbers. I think some or maybe half of these Covid numbers are fudged to make it look worse than it is.
Minorities didn't want those jobs... Undocumented do the shit jobs no one else wants to do.

Some, but most do take jobs Americans do want, some of them that would pay a pretty good wage if not for immigrants. Need the list of jobs they take and percentage? Just ask, and I'll be happy to post it. I'd post it now, but I don't want to waste my time providing an education you refuse to accept, like so many times in the past.

The places that tried vouchers didn't get any better results than public schools. You see, the thing is, if your parents are paying for your school, they're involved. If they are getting a voucher, they aren't. This isn't complicated.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The reason the parent doesn't get involved in their children's eduction is because schools are funded by property taxes. When you get a voucher, you still have to come up with cold hard cash to fund the remainder of the cost. THAT DOES get parents more involved. You can't put them on a bus and send them off like you can with your local schools. You need to also provide transportation to the school you chose to send your kid to.

Naw, you just want to keep that bitch barefoot and preggers.

Even if that was the case, aren't children better off raised in that environment than a mother that's never home, and the kids living off of TV dinners?

Who said anything about an IT Guy. I worked with computers every day... Probably proficient on multiple ERP systems. It doesn't take much to learn one.

Point is that even an IT guy can only make an average living. People who don't have that education are not paid very well.

If people are on the dole, it's because they are disadvantaged by systematic racism...

You got all the privilege of being white, and you are STILL on the dole.

It has nothing to do with it. You are so full of excuses. Prior to the virus, these people would be home half of the day. They had kids they never could afford. I have seen them smoking dope, and that prevents you from getting better jobs because of drug testing. I've seen them multiple times throwing parties in the backyard with 20 to 30 people. Do you know how much that must cost? They come home at nights 12:00 to 2:00 am, laughing their ass off and slamming car doors because they are so loaded during the weeknights, and I had to pay for their stay in the suburbs.

As I stated many times, in my line of work, they will take anybody willing to do the job there is such a shortage of professional drivers. They don't care if they are a minority or not. Some will train and get you licensed if you sign a one year contract with them.

Don't give me this racism BS. We've had laws against racial discrimination for decades now, and even reverse discrimination decorated as Affirmative Action.
Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people? Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?

The chance of death is on the individual, not the population. In my particular situation, if I get this thing, I am at a high risk of death. When I was 25, working out, had no real health problems, I wouldn't have thought twice about getting it.

My father and I were talking today. He said he's not worried about his own 88 year old ass, but he said he'd feel terrible if he was running around in public unprotected, got this virus, and passed it to another person killing them. He said he would rather die instead of somebody else due to his carelessness. It's simply something he could never live with.

What it all boils down to is how you feel about the situation.

Well, if you were a relative of mine, I would be telling you to continue isolating and social distancing, as well. That's what I'm telling my sister. But I don't, I can't, advocate the destruction of American society and with it the rest of the world on the off chance that it might protect her a little bit better.

Understood, but if you are not elderly and have a job, when the economy opens back up, you are obligated to return to work. You can only collect unemployment if you are not working through no fault of your own. So high risk people will be forced to get out there and take the huge risks they were trying to avoid.

I don't know that that will be the case, and neither do you. I certainly don't think anyone's plan for re-opening includes demanding that everyone go back to normal life as though Covid-19 doesn't exist. I don't know what kind of provisions can be made for high-risk people to continue to isolate, but I'd be very surprised if none were made.

If that were the case, then it wouldn't be much of a problem, as long as your employer doesn't hold it against you. If a company reopens, and is short employees, those employees would have to be replaced in order for the organization to function properly.
That's how many people we lose a year for the flu, and we have shots for that. Remember his staff predicted possibly up to millions.

A YEAR. Not "over four weeks, doubling over the last week".

Yes, his staff warned him, he ignored the warnings and the Governors had to pick up the ball.

BUt not before 22 million people lost their jobs.
Actually we normally have 60,000 flu deaths a season or a cycle. They do not happen all year. This flu season with the Chinese flu is about normal. Democrats are completely responsible for the economic losses. They want to make it worse. Trump is fighting to open everything back up.
If that were true, he'd be making sure the states had more TESTS available.


How what, your douchness? How does he make more tests available? Golly, I dunno...it's not like he has the power of the fucking Federal goddamn government behind his fat orange ass or anything. :rolleyes:
That's how many people we lose a year for the flu, and we have shots for that. Remember his staff predicted possibly up to millions.

A YEAR. Not "over four weeks, doubling over the last week".

Yes, his staff warned him, he ignored the warnings and the Governors had to pick up the ball.

BUt not before 22 million people lost their jobs.
Actually we normally have 60,000 flu deaths a season or a cycle. They do not happen all year. This flu season with the Chinese flu is about normal. Democrats are completely responsible for the economic losses. They want to make it worse. Trump is fighting to open everything back up.
If that were true, he'd be making sure the states had more TESTS available.

So explain how he would do that with the CDC and FDA who held them up so badly at the beginning.

His FDA and his CDC? Kind of moot at this point. That's not the case now and there still isn't enough testing.

So I hear you say, "I'm going to blame him, never mind whether I have any reason to do so!"

You hear what you hear because you have shit for brains. Trump is responsible for the Federal Government's response to COVID 19. Is that plain enough to permeate the bitchiness in your ears?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

You go first, bub.
Your freedom of corona is a risk to others, the physical and mental healthy people.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzzzz.

Civil Liberties clearly aren't part of your vocabulary.
You got them your whole life. Now they are restricted for some weeks for your own safety. How stupid can people be to oppose the "lockdown". Heck, your liberty is a joke each morning when you have to go to work and do what others tell you. It´s ridiculous!

You really don't understand the whole concept of "liberty", do you?

Do you understand the concept of Supreme Court precedent? Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.
My fear is that we reopen too soon, and have to start back from square one if things get out of control again. I would also like to start seeing "real" Covid death numbers. I think some or maybe half of these Covid numbers are fudged to make it look worse than it is.

At this point, I think that much has become very obvious. On multiple occasions, the authorities in charge of producing these numbers have been caught, red-handed, padding them by counting as COVID-19 deaths, deaths where the decedent is known or even only suspected of having been infected, but dies of some other obvious cause having nothing to do with COVID-19.

I also think that we are severely, by an extreme degree, underestimating the number of people who have been exposed. If the disease is as contagious as being reported, in the manner that is being reported; if anyone who is infected is contagious and spreading the virus for weeks before an symptoms appear, then I do not see any way for it to be possible for most people not to be exposed to it sooner rather than later.

Between these two factors, inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths, and underestimating the number of people infected, I think it is very obvious that any fatality rate calculated from these numbers is going to be greatly exaggerated.

I think it should also be obvious that by imposing these draconian measures, ostensibly to slow the spread of the disease, that we are, in fact, accomplishing no such thing at all. We're only “protecting” people who are, in fact, already infected, or who, in spite of any reasonable measures, are unavoidably going to become infected anyway. We're destroying the economy, we're destroying people's livelihoods, we're destroying people's ability to keep roofs over their heads and food in their stomachs; for nothing.

Well, nothing that is, other than to give the Democraps something that they hope to be able to blame the Republicans for, in order to give themselves an advantage in the next election cycle.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.
Is it more important that the ability of people to feed their families?

What a fucking dumbass.
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Let me put this in terms your ignorant, "I claim the moral high ground by making uninformed pronouncements" ass can understand: if there's no economy, there's nothing for the government to tax to write you checks. You're very willing to loftily sacrifice OTHER people's livelihoods on the altar of you feeling superior; how willing are YOU to be homeless and starving for it?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well-being of that company's employees.

As to your juvenile insults...

You are cleared to blow it out your a$$ and may proceed to do so without further delay.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

You go first, bub.
Your freedom of corona is a risk to others, the physical and mental healthy people.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzzzz.

Civil Liberties clearly aren't part of your vocabulary.
You got them your whole life. Now they are restricted for some weeks for your own safety. How stupid can people be to oppose the "lockdown". Heck, your liberty is a joke each morning when you have to go to work and do what others tell you. It´s ridiculous!

You really don't understand the whole concept of "liberty", do you?

Do you understand the concept of Supreme Court precedent? Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.
Meaningless mumbo jumbo.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.
Is it more important that the ability of people to feed their families?

What a fucking dumbass.
Nobody in this country is going to starve.



Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company or the economic well-being of its employees.

Human life trumps all of that $hit.

No 'dumba$$' involved... merely eternal truth.

Something that whiny-bitch Trump butt-sniffers are entirely incapable of comprehending.
That's how many people we lose a year for the flu, and we have shots for that. Remember his staff predicted possibly up to millions.

A YEAR. Not "over four weeks, doubling over the last week".

Yes, his staff warned him, he ignored the warnings and the Governors had to pick up the ball.

BUt not before 22 million people lost their jobs.
Actually we normally have 60,000 flu deaths a season or a cycle. They do not happen all year. This flu season with the Chinese flu is about normal. Democrats are completely responsible for the economic losses. They want to make it worse. Trump is fighting to open everything back up.
If that were true, he'd be making sure the states had more TESTS available.

So explain how he would do that with the CDC and FDA who held them up so badly at the beginning.

His FDA and his CDC? Kind of moot at this point. That's not the case now and there still isn't enough testing.

So I hear you say, "I'm going to blame him, never mind whether I have any reason to do so!"

You hear what you hear because you have shit for brains. Trump is responsible for the Federal Government's response to COVID 19. Is that plain enough to permeate the bitchiness in your ears?
That doesn't make him responsible for every person that dies, moron. It also doesn't absolve Dims of all the dumbass things they say.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.
Is it more important that the ability of people to feed their families?

What a fucking dumbass.
Nobody in this country is going to starve.



Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company or the economic well-being of its employees.

Human life trumps all of that $hit.

No 'dumba$$' involved... merely eternal truth.

Something that whiny-bitch Trump butt-sniffers are entirely incapable of comprehending.
Sorry, turd, but it most definitely does not.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
Nobody expects responsibility from you, but from your government that tells you no you cannot drive on the sidewalk.

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