Welcome to tyranny.

Trump is doing just splendidly. When this democrat mess is over he will rebuild the economy.

How will he do that when he loses reelection?

Why would he lose re-election? You think people are looking around them right now and saying, "Mmmboy, what we need is a senile old man running things right now"?
What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?
Well, he wouldn't respect them, but I doubt he'd be surprised. It wasn't exactly an uncommon phenomenon in his day, either.

Perhaps, but what great disrespect, I cannot imagine, for the great heroes who fought so hard, and sacrificed so much, for the liberty that so many today are willing to toss aside like garbage.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Selfish bitch.

. . . Says the selfish asshat who thinks the entire economy should collapse and plunge millions of people into years of misery just so he'll feel a little safer.
One fact you can count on is that anyone who supports continuing the shutdown has a gauranteed source of income. There are no exceptions.

Pretty much.
I think even the danger to “high-risk” individuals is being greatly exaggerated. I'm “high-risk” myself, on at least three points—my age, the fact that I am diabetic, and that my immune system has been greatly weakened as a result of idleness and inactivity since my injury last September.

And where did you get your Medical Degree, Mormon Bob?

People who have MEDICAL DEGREES are telling us, this shit is really dangerous.

That you are more worried that the recession that Covid triggered will sink Trump and probably put you guys in the Political Wilderness for 20 years is what worries you, not any concern for the sick or the poor.
What would the great Patrick Henry think of so many in our generation, who are willing to sacrifice nearly all of their liberty, and everyone else's, to avoid an extremely tiny chance of death?
Well, he wouldn't respect them, but I doubt he'd be surprised. It wasn't exactly an uncommon phenomenon in his day, either.

Perhaps, but what great disrespect, I cannot imagine, for the great heroes who fought so hard, and sacrificed so much, for the liberty that so many today are willing to toss aside like garbage.

Again, I don't think any of the Founders would be surprised. Hell, Ben Franklin even said, "IF you can keep it." They all spent a lot of time warning us how easy it would be to lose, which tells me they knew there was a good chance we would.
Perhaps, but what great disrespect, I cannot imagine, for the great heroes who fought so hard, and sacrificed so much, for the liberty that so many today are willing to toss aside like garbage.

Those guys also thought Bleeding was a good treatment for Strep Throat, and shitting in a chamber pot was sanitary.

I'll still listen to the medical experts we have now, thanks.
again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Then move to Canada, if that's the kind of shithole in which you want to live. Don't f••• this country up for those of us who like freedom, when there are so many other countries to which you can move, that are already f•••ed up in the way you want to do to this one.

While this country was founded in defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant, in kissing that tyrant's ass. It's difficult to imagine a better origin that that for a country that would be suitable for your kind.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Selfish bitch.

. . . Says the selfish asshat who thinks the entire economy should collapse and plunge millions of people into years of misery just so he'll feel a little safer.
That's how communists roll. This is the template followed by Mao, Stalin, Castro and every other commie "revolutionary".
Again, I don't think any of the Founders would be surprised. Hell, Ben Franklin even said, "IF you can keep it." They all spent a lot of time warning us how easy it would be to lose, which tells me they knew there was a good chance we would.

Again, hilarious that the same people who supported the Patriot Act and the Prison-Industrial complex are now suddenly concerned about "Freedom".

Wait, I think I have a meme for that.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.

When have you ever read the constitution? When you do let me know what Governor's and the President can do under state of emergencies and national emergencies.

When have YOU ever read the Constitution? When you do, let me know where it says our rights are "unless DebbieDumbass is really scared".
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

Try again.

Oh, the Constitution says the government can shut down your business, close churches, and put you under house arrest? Okay, cite me the clause where it says that.
Then move to Canada, if that's the kind of shithole in which you want to live. Don't f••• this country up for those of us who like freedom, when there are so many other countries to which you can move, that are already f•••ed up in the way you want to do to this one.

While this country was founded in defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant, in kissing that tyrant's ass. It's difficult to imagine a better origin that that for a country that would be suitable for your kind.

George III was not a horrible tyrant... he really wasn't.

I love Freedom. Unlike you, I served my country to protect it. I just define it differently than you do.

When it comes to the freedom to marry who you want or to have an abortion, you aren't really keen on "Freedom". But the right of a business to expose it's employees and customers to risk. Man, you are all about the freedom.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

I heard someone say the other day that he couldn't be forced to wear a mask while shopping at a grocery store. He's right. However, the store management has the right to refuse to allow him to shop there without a mask. As for your freedom, it ends when your behavior is a recognized threat to an individual or the general public. Finally, ALL businesses are licensed by the state, and whether you like it or not, or whether you agree with it or not, the state has both the authority and the power to temporarily suspend the licenses of business if and when their continued operation poses a threat to the general public.

Like it or not, the state doesn't get to just arbitrarily decide those things whenever and however they like.
One fact you can count on is that anyone who supports continuing the shutdown has a gauranteed [sic] source of income. There are no exceptions.

They think they do, anyway.

As hard as it is to imagine, I think a large portion of them truly are so ignorant as to not understand that their “guaranteed source of income” completely depends on enough other people working, producing wealth, and paying taxes, to fund this income for them. Too few people working, producing too little wealth, means that there will not be enough to support all the deadbeats.
Perhaps, but what great disrespect, I cannot imagine, for the great heroes who fought so hard, and sacrificed so much, for the liberty that so many today are willing to toss aside like garbage.

Those guys also thought Bleeding was a good treatment for Strep Throat, and shitting in a chamber pot was sanitary.

I'll still listen to the medical experts we have now, thanks.
Are those the same medical experts who said cigarette smoking was healthy?

Back in the 1700s medical experts thought bleeding was effective. You would have agreed with them.
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Let me put this in terms your ignorant, "I claim the moral high ground by making uninformed pronouncements" ass can understand: if there's no economy, there's nothing for the government to tax to write you checks. You're very willing to loftily sacrifice OTHER people's livelihoods on the altar of you feeling superior; how willing are YOU to be homeless and starving for it?
At no time have I ever said nor written anything that would support your absurd lie that I think any distinction based on race has anything to do with this.

Actually, everything you write indicates that... but never mind.

You keep making this claim, in various forms, trying to project your blatant racist attitudes on me. I've challenged you, many times, to find just one posting by me that you can quote, in which I say anything about race that supports your characterism of me as a racist. Just one.

You can't do it, and you know damn well that you can't do it, and so, of course, you refuse to try, or even to acknowledge the validity of the challenge.

You know damn well that you have no basis at all on which to accuse me of racism, and that you are flat-out lying every time you attempt to do so.

Everyone else knows this as well.

If we really do have so many people so close to poverty that taking one month off of work will devastate them, that's an indication that there's a lot wrong with our economy.

I acknowledge this weakness in our economy. It's nothing new; it's been this way for decades, through several different Presidents, through several different balances of power between the two parties at all levels of government.

Nothing about this weakness justifies the sort of policies that you defend, that can have no possible effect other than to make it much, much worse.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.
Let me put this in terms your ignorant, "I claim the moral high ground by making uninformed pronouncements" ass can understand: if there's no economy, there's nothing for the government to tax to write you checks. You're very willing to loftily sacrifice OTHER people's livelihoods on the altar of you feeling superior; how willing are YOU to be homeless and starving for it?

What makes you think he gives a shit He's so unimaginably ignorant, that he believes that he's not going to be among those who ends up homeless and starving, because Big Brother is going to take care of him. He's too damn stupid to understand that Big Brother can't give him anything unless there's someone else producing it from whom Big Brother can take it.

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