Welcome to tyranny.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
People like you need thrown off a cliff!
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
People like you need thrown off a cliff!
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
These asses believe in evolution and abortion as well as euthanasia, yet don't want to put any of those concepts to a test when it comes to themselves!
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
People like you need thrown off a cliff!
You should put your faith in evolution and go lick dirty toilet seats!
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.

Human life, in modern times, depends on the economy, on the ability that it gives us to obtain food and shelter and all the other things that we need for survival.

Destroy the economy, and you will kill people. Literally, people will die.

How many people are you willing to have die, to satisfy your spitefulness toward capitalism?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
Come get us, nazi.
Nobody in this country is going to starve.

When the economy is so collapsed that production and distribution of food is insufficient to feed everyone, then yes, people will starve. People will die. We've seen it happen in other nations, and we are seeing it set up, now, in front of our very eyes, to happen here, even in America.
We are learning more and more everyday about this virus and what it can and can't do and where it came from.....shutting down was the right thing to do at that time...but now if we stay closed the cure will not cure it will destroy.....and now restitution must be the focus....we should not be economically harmed by this without restitution...40,000 dead.....we owe China a lot of money...they need to be made to understand that its in their best interest to relieve us of some of that debt.....offer them a deal they can't refuse...its time to play hard ball....

We don't have a legal leg to stand on. China didn't cause the virus to spread, Trump's inaction did.

Also, we borrowed that money in good faith, we need to pay it back in good faith. Maybe by making the rich pay their fair share, since they got most of the benefits.
Did Rachel tell you that?
Ah, c'mon. You leftists love all this unemployment and free money. Even a mindless commie as yourself understands that this virus and unemployment would go hand in hand no matter who is in the white house.

I don't think ANYONE likes being unemployed. I'm actually on a "Work from home' order right now. Which means I'm still working, just from home, and I really don't like it.

But here's the thing. I'm bringing in less money because I don't have as many customers, but I'm also spending less.
Bullshit. You're too stupid to have a job.
Given the fact a lot of people besides the rich are benefiting from this, we should all repay the money borrowed for this disaster. I'm all for a consumption tax. Ten cents on every dollar spent. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and everybody in between pays it.
Do you have any concept of how devastating a 10% consumption tax would be to the economy? Spending would decline markedly.
You're stupid.
If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

If you prefer a shithole like Canada, then, as I said, move there.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom — go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!—Samuel Adams​
My fear is that we reopen too soon, and have to start back from square one if things get out of control again. I would also like to start seeing "real" Covid death numbers. I think some or maybe half of these Covid numbers are fudged to make it look worse than it is.

At this point, I think that much has become very obvious. On multiple occasions, the authorities in charge of producing these numbers have been caught, red-handed, padding them by counting as COVID-19 deaths, deaths where the decedent is known or even only suspected of having been infected, but dies of some other obvious cause having nothing to do with COVID-19.

I also think that we are severely, by an extreme degree, underestimating the number of people who have been exposed. If the disease is as contagious as being reported, in the manner that is being reported; if anyone who is infected is contagious and spreading the virus for weeks before an symptoms appear, then I do not see any way for it to be possible for most people not to be exposed to it sooner rather than later.

Between these two factors, inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths, and underestimating the number of people infected, I think it is very obvious that any fatality rate calculated from these numbers is going to be greatly exaggerated.

I think it should also be obvious that by imposing these draconian measures, ostensibly to slow the spread of the disease, that we are, in fact, accomplishing no such thing at all. We're only “protecting” people who are, in fact, already infected, or who, in spite of any reasonable measures, are unavoidably going to become infected anyway. We're destroying the economy, we're destroying people's livelihoods, we're destroying people's ability to keep roofs over their heads and food in their stomachs; for nothing.

Well, nothing that is, other than to give the Democraps something that they hope to be able to blame the Republicans for, in order to give themselves an advantage in the next election cycle.

This is not a health issue alone. It is not an economic issue alone. It's a health-economic issue.

The goal of course is to save both, but the questions is if that is possible?

After all, one may come at a cost to the other. Are 500 small businesses worth salvaging at the cost of 300,000 more dead Americans? Are 300,000 dead Americans worth the cost of saving those 500 businesses, and all the jobs associated with them?

I guess the answer would depend on who you are talking to--the business owners, or the families affected by Covid deaths.

The only possible way to determine how many deaths are involved vs how many people were infected lies in antibody testing, which we both know, will not be available for everybody for some time.

No matter which way we decide to go, it will come at a great cost to our country. But which way would be more cost effective?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

Life is a life-threatening risk, that's true, but - and that's a very bigt fat "but" - what is your risk and what's the risk of others? Nobody is able to be happy about the own wrongdoing, who risks the life of others. The mentality is the same like the mentality of murder and not the mentality of family members and/or friends and neighbors.

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." said Immanuel Kant.

So if you will die on covid-19 after 4 weeks of respirations in a clinic - or if you will die earlier and much more suffering in the gutter - do you still think it's okay to say: "Life is a risk". Why do you think your freedom is more important, than the freedom of someone, who is a member of a risk group? And by the way: You don't know what will happen, so: Who pays in case you have to go in a clinic on your own? And who pays your funeral? Should you not first pay this money to your health insurance or to an adequate public institution? And what is with the freedom of the people, who are not able to pay this money? ... "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." ... Do you really think your decision is as easy, fair and good for everyone as you thought?

Why do YOU think that the possibility of MAYBE extending one life is more important than destroying the lives of thousands of other people?

Hä? Why for heavens sake are US-Americans often so excessive and so damned senseless aggressive?

Why do you just ASSume the only risk of death is from the virus, and everything else is "just a little loss of freedom"?

Somehow I spoke about the rule that rules should be always the same for everyone. Example: If you risk the life of others then you have to live in a world where others have the right to risk your life.

I love how you're trying to micromanage other people's financial arrangements,


but declining any effort to think about the grander scale financial arrangements that are actually your business, such as "How the fuck do we keep paying for this if there's no economy for the government to tax?"

Do you really think YOUR decision is easy,

Which decision?

fair and good for everyone at all, or have you just decided that you're so morally pure in your "Save a life, no matter who it hurts!" that you don't have to care about that?

A question: Do you speak with me - or about anything what I said - or did you adress this post to the wrong person? If someone likes to save a life for example, then he has to take care not to risk the own life - otherweise this will help no one. So if you have no money and you need money to buy food for example then you will have to do something now immediatelly. But if you lose a billion dollar - why not? ... The problem you speak about is perhaps not to make money to a god and to lose all forms of love and rationality. Money is an instrument - a tool. And in the current crisis we need people who know this and are nervertheless able to sail into a wide empty horizon for to find a new world.
They think they do, anyway.

As hard as it is to imagine, I think a large portion of them truly are so ignorant as to not understand that their “guaranteed source of income” completely depends on enough other people working, producing wealth, and paying taxes, to fund this income for them. Too few people working, producing too little wealth, means that there will not be enough to support all the @deadbeats.

The Top 1% controls more of the wealth than the bottom 80%. The notion that there isn't enough money to support people forced out of work for a few months is just silly. Most of the big payments in these relief programs went to big corporations, and that's the problem.

You can't do it, and you know damn well that you can't do it, and so, of course, you refuse to try, or even to acknowledge the validity of the challenge.

Naw, man, because you'll just claim that your support of racism and poverty isn't racist at all and it's about "Freedom".

I acknowledge this weakness in our economy. It's nothing new; it's been this way for decades, through several different Presidents, through several different balances of power between the two parties at all levels of government.

Nothing about this weakness justifies the sort of policies that you defend, that can have no possible effect other than to make it much, much worse.

Hey, Mormon Bob, the thing is, when the economy was mostly unionized and you had strong workers rights and a more equitable distribution of wealth, these kinds of shocks didn't devastate the economy. It was only after Reagan started dismantling the Social Safety Net in earnest after 1980 that we had serious problems.

The difference is that while Democrats have tried to establish equality by creating more opportunities for people of color and women, the Republicans have spent the last 40 years undercutting the rights of workers. My Dad has serious health problems in the last years of his life, but the union was there to take care of him and his family.

The thing is, the kind of policies I support actually DID make things better for the working class. The rich paid their fair share, the working class (at least white people) made a fair living wage, we invested in education and infrastructure that strengthened our economy.

Then the GOP figured out they could play on the racism, misogyny and religious fears of people like you, and you totally fell for it.
If you prefer a shithole like Canada, then, as I said, move there.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom — go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!—Samuel Adams

Again, that was great for Adams, who was a rich white property owning male.

If you were black, a woman, a Native American, or poor white trash who didn't own any property, America has been a shit sandwich for most of its history.

America DID become great, not because of the Founding Slave Rapists, but because of progressives like Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, FDR, JFK, LBJ and MLK. Republicans have been spending the last 40 years trying to block progress and reverse it.

Final Point, Mormon Bob... you called Canada a shithole. I've been to Canada... it's actually kind of nice. In fact, the only way you wouldn't know you were in America is that there are a bunch of Maple Leaves instead of the Stars and Stripes. Calgary was a much nicer city than Cleveland was. Cleveland is a shithole. Calgary was kind of nice.

They have less crime than we do, they have universal health care and a higher standard of living. The weather is a bit shitty, which is why I don't particularly want to move.
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Nobody in this country is going to starve.

When the economy is so collapsed that production and distribution of food is insufficient to feed everyone, then yes, people will starve. People will die. We've seen it happen in other nations, and we are seeing it set up, now, in front of our very eyes, to happen here, even in America.

and now that they've had their lockdown dry run, everything is in place for the government to have it's heel on our necks


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