Welcome to tyranny.

Most Americans don't want to do construction... Nobody goes to college for four years to work construction.

Most don't go to college for four years either. We still have a sizable blue-collar working class that will take those construction jobs.

You people back yourself into a corner all the time. On one hand, you claim that Americans won't take these jobs, and in the same breath, say that employers avoid hiring minorities. Which is it, because it can't be both. Everybody coming from south of our border is a person of color.

Naw, man, the real problem is that Americans, being fat, lazy and stupid, don't develop the math skills to do IT work. We've spent decades teaching kids about talking snakes instead of math, and it shows.

Well thank your primary school teachers union for that.

Given what I see cross my desk every day.. um, no. Most people born here can't, either.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: You are amazing Joe. You think you have some sort of special talent writing resumes.

Well, that and we have a prison industrial complex that locks kids up. Black kids get prison, white kids get probation and diversion programs. If we started locking up the little white bastards like we do the black kids, we'd get some serious social reform.

No, we have a disproportionate amount of blacks in prison because they commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Statistically, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black in the US than you are a white. It has nothing to do with this phony prison industrial complex.

Yeah, talk to the prisoners, a lot of them had a male in their life that beat them... or worse.

Statistics don't show that. You make shit up as you go along like always.

Uh, he did that when unemployment had dropped to minimal amounts,

Yes he did, so what is your point? My point is many of these people don't really need food stamps. They use them because it's free shit.

They aren't. Most of what we consume is still made here. The Chinese have managed to take certain niches of cheap products, but most of those we lost to the Japanese first.

I only own one Japanese product, and that is my car, which was probably made in the US anyway. No, most of our goods are made in China. Buy from Amazon, go to Walmart, go wherever you like. Remember, I was in the transportation business. I spent a good amount of time picking up Chinese products from warehouses to deliver to companies for processing. Those are your Made In USA products.
If, by sacrificing the solvency of a non-essential company, we save human lives, through lessened exposure, then it's well-worth the sacrifice.

EVERY company, every job, is essential to the one who depends on it to enable him to make his living, to keep a roof over his head, and food on his table.

Your misconception that you can save human lives by sacrificing the economy, is absurd and ignorant nonsense.
Au contraire...

Your misconception that human lives will not be lost (or that they don't matter sufficiently) when re-opening too soon, is absurd and ignorant nonsense.
I merely place a vastly higher value on human life than I do on the solvency of a given company.

False dichotomy.

You're assuming that a company, that the economy as a whole, is something that can be sacrificed to save human lives, and ignorantly disregarding the impact that economic conditions have on human lives.

To sacrifice the economy, you are not saving human lives, you are sacrificing human lives. For what purpose?

If, by sacrificing the solvency of a non-essential company, we save human lives, through lessened exposure, then it's well-worth the sacrifice.

That is unless you work for the company or have your IRA investments in it.
Yep... sux to be them... but if we can save your loved one's life by keeping that business (and similar others) closed, then the financial loss and hardship are well worth it.
I merely place a vastly higher value on human life than I do on the solvency of a given company.

False dichotomy.

You're assuming that a company, that the economy as a whole, is something that can be sacrificed to save human lives, and ignorantly disregarding the impact that economic conditions have on human lives.

To sacrifice the economy, you are not saving human lives, you are sacrificing human lives. For what purpose?

If, by sacrificing the solvency of a non-essential company, we save human lives, through lessened exposure, then it's well-worth the sacrifice.

That is unless you work for the company or have your IRA investments in it.
Yep... sux to be them... but if we can save your loved one's life by keeping that business (and similar others) closed, then the financial loss and hardship are well worth it.

The idea is to salvage both. There is no right or wrong call here because nobody has a crystal ball. I say open up the economy after we have the ability to protect ourselves from the virus like with N-95 masks for everybody, blood donations from those who recovered from it, reliable antibody tests and an ample supply to test anybody and everybody.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.

Only a leftist could think there's a difference.

And what you're displaying is neither.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.

Human life is not separate from the ability to sustain that life, moron, no matter HOW "noble" your talking points sound to you.

Why do I suspect that YOUR income has not disappeared due to this virus?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.

Only a leftist could think there's a difference.

And what you're displaying is neither.
Is that some kind of argument?
The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
The Bill Of Rights takes precedence over the legal code.

Believe me, there will be loads of lawsuits by people who have lost their businesses. And these would-be dictators will receive a judicial smackdown.
The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Let me put this in terms your ignorant, "I claim the moral high ground by making uninformed pronouncements" ass can understand: if there's no economy, there's nothing for the government to tax to write you checks. You're very willing to loftily sacrifice OTHER people's livelihoods on the altar of you feeling superior; how willing are YOU to be homeless and starving for it?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well-being of that company's employees.

As to your juvenile insults...

You are cleared to blow it out your a$$ and may proceed to do so without further delay.

See my last post responding to your parroted talking points, which are obviously already being blown out your ass.
Bad science is a lot like a virus. It starts small, but if it’s shared enough times, it can cause global disruption.
@Bob Blaylock and @bripat9643

Only to make this clear. Both of you know absolutely nothing about me. And I never spoke with any of you. So how are you able to say you like the totally stupid bullshit someone says about me, who also knows nothing about me, although this bullshit has absolutelly nothing to do with me and refered to nothing what I ever said. What for heavens sake is wrong with you?
again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Then move to Canada, if that's the kind of shithole in which you want to live. ....

... You call Canada a shithole? ... Canada is your neighbor. One of two neighbors. And with both neighbors you try to live in a conflict? ... Whooow! ... And what do you call your own country USA? ¿Great? ... What an absurde nation. ...

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The solvency of a given business shut down by the pandemic is not worth the life of a single American citizen.

Is it worth the livelihoods of all the employees who depend on that company for the jobs that allow them to feed and house and otherwise support themselves and their families?

How much poverty, famine, homelessness is your spite toward such a company worth?
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.
Is it more important that the ability of people to feed their families?

What a fucking dumbass.
Nobody in this country is going to starve.



Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company or the economic well-being of its employees.

Human life trumps all of that $hit.

No 'dumba$$' involved... merely eternal truth.

Something that whiny-bitch Trump butt-sniffers are entirely incapable of comprehending.

Basically, I just heard you say, "I can't know about any problems that my talking points didn't tell me to know about."

We'll all get right on ignoring all the experts telling us that food supply chains are breaking down and record numbers of people are flooding into food banks, because you "know" that nothing is going to be any different than always . . . at least until your talking points tell you to start knowing it.

It's amazing how butt-sniffers for the Democrats like you can squawk, "Human life! Human life!" about every topic under the sun, and be shit-stupid enough to think you're saying something real.

It's a good thing your thought masters have ordered you to believe that you have some moral standing, because God knows it's the only way an imbecile like you would ever have that experience.
Bad science is a lot like a virus.

Bad science?

It starts small, but if it’s shared enough times, it can cause global disruption.

... or a solar disruption. But if someone likes to fly to the stars then he may need such powers. By the way: What do you do if Trump likes to wipe out Europe with nukes? Do you like to kill Trump in this case or do you agree with him to kill Europe? I bet you will kill Europe. Trump is more important than some hundred million idiots or enemies. He's an "American". And if you think about this not existing problem now and the possible answers, which you will give to yourselve, then you are perhaps able to find out, why you really live in fear of science: It's perhaps your own pervertered character, which causes this fear.
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If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
Nobody expects responsibility from you, but from your government that tells you no you cannot drive on the sidewalk.

A virus is not comparable to driving on the sidewalk, you moron.
again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Then move to Canada, if that's the kind of shithole in which you want to live. ....

... You call Canada a shithole? ... Canada is your neighbor. One of two neighbors. And with both neighbors you try to live in a conflict? ... Whooow! ... And what do you call your own country USA? ¿Great? ... What an absurde nation. ...

Canadians have some pretty less than complimentary things to say about our country as well. We have a couple on USMB.
Human life is more important than the solvency of a given company.

Human life is more important than the economic well being of that company's employees.

Human life, in modern times, depends on the economy, on the ability that it gives us to obtain food and shelter and all the other things that we need for survival.

Destroy the economy, and you will kill people. Literally, people will die.

Do you like to say the USA has not enough water and food for the people who live there? In the USA farmers for example destroy food. Partially because other US-Americans are not able to buy this food - but also because China and others buy not food from the USA, what's a result of the politics of Donald Trump. Now Corona makes such trends stronger.

How many people are you willing to have die, to satisfy your spitefulness toward capitalism?

I call capitalism sometimes "the socialism of the superrich". The superrich are used to be saved from the taxpayers. And I would say the teacher Corona tells you now, that to try to do an economic war against all other nations of the world, was not a good idea of the USA - or better to say: Trumperica.
Only to make this clear. Both of you know absolutely nothing about me. And I never spoke with any of you. So how are you able to say you like the totally stupid bullshit someone says about me, who also knows nothing about me, although this bullshit has absolutelly nothing to do with me and refered to nothing what I ever said. What for heavens sake is wrong with you?

... You call Canada a shithole? ... Canada is your neighbor. One of two neighbors. And with both neighbors you try to live in a conflict? ... Whooow! ... And what do you call your own country USA? ¿Great? ... What an absurde nation. ...

Canada was founded in kissing the ass of a horrendous tyrant, the same tyrant against whom the United States was founded in courageous rebellion and defiance.

Yes, Canada is a shithole, exactly the kind of shithole that one would expect from such a shameful and cowardly origin.
... You call Canada a shithole? ... Canada is your neighbor. One of two neighbors. And with both neighbors you try to live in a conflict? ... Whooow! ... And what do you call your own country USA? ¿Great? ... What an absurde nation. ...

Canada was founded in kissing the ass of a horrendous tyrant, the same tyrant against whom the United States was founded in courageous rebellion and defiance.

Yes, Canada is a shithole, exactly the kind of shithole that one would expect from such a shameful and cowardly origin.

Alcohol, drugs and homeless - but a proud American?

People in power dont care about poor people dying.

from the trail of tears, to slavery, to corona.

nothing but death. that's the legacy of the United States



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