Welfare Queen says Working is Stupid

I actually tend to agree with that considering all of the taxes that we pay. Why work when half is going to the government. It is like we have to support the government. What if we all stopped working. Would the government fall apart.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

Good Lord. What a fat lazy bitch. Wonder how long she'd sit on that fat lazy ass if there were no welfare and she had to support herself??

Talk about a waste of fucking space and air.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.

Not from what I've seen.

My grocery store is loaded with Food Stamp whores. You should see what these people put in their carts.

Yes, they buy the food with their SNAP's cards, but it's never just SNAP food. Afterwards, they load up the belt with greeting cards, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, cigarettes and beer. A carton of cigarettes here cost a little over sixty bucks. And of course, they pull out that wad of cash to pay for those things.

A couple of times I've been behind them and because they walk so slow (due to their weight at times) I see the vehicles they load their goodies in. I wish I could afford some of those vehicles that they own.

I have a work acquaintance that moved in a few doors down from me a couple of years ago. When I seen him at work, we began talking about his move there. It's a HUD house and he gets to live there for free because it's in his girlfriends name. He works full-time and doesn't make bad money.

One day I seen him move out and later asked him what was up? He told me his girlfriend didn't like the house they moved into because it was on a main street, and she didn't like the noise. Poor dear. So HUD found them a house on a quieter street.

It's bad enough we have to keep a roof over their heads, and it's bad enough it's in the suburbs where working people live. But for crying out loud, now we have to custom taylor a home for people like this too????
I actually tend to agree with that considering all of the taxes that we pay. Why work when half is going to the government. It is like we have to support the government. What if we all stopped working. Would the government fall apart.

It's the cart theory.

When a town is pulling an empty cart down the road, the cart moves almost effortlessly.

As people get tired of pulling the cart and jump in the cart instead, the cart moves slower and slower.

When half of the towns people are in the cart instead of pulling, the cart stops, and that's where our country is at today.

Half of the people in this country receive some sort of government goodie. The only threat of losing that goodie(s) is to work and bring home money. Our tax dollars are being used as a deterrent to work. It's not a surprise that in a country of 315 million people, 93 million people of working age are not working nor looking for work.
The problem with the system has always been the people making bad decisions or taking advantage and expecting others to bail them out. Of course it's bullshit. Why we don't make those collecting welfare perform a service for society (cleaning streets, cutting lawns, etc) is beyond me. It just makes to much sense.

Some places tried that years ago, but the unions bitched so they had to put a stop to it.
Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not?

Why not is because working people have to pay for it. Secondly, there are no promotions on welfare. Where you start is where you'll be ten or fifteen years later.

If we force people to work, they would learn to be more responsible as irresponsibility costs money. Currently, they can be irresponsible, but it costs us working people money and not them. That would reduce the amount of children they have.

If a person is working, they have the chance at doing better for themselves. Either they work hard and get raises, or they work very hard and get promoted with an increase in pay.

Like this woman said, she can sit home and smoke pot all day while the rest of us pay her bills. Cutting her off would force her to get off of the drugs and perhaps get some exercise instead.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

As soon as I started listening to this woman, I assumed she was full of crap. Guess what? KLBJ's False Flag

You cons will fall for anything.

She told two different stories, so the second one has to be the truthful one? Why?

She's still an anonymous caller. However, she did give a general location of where she supposedly was from. Do you think she later thought about her call, and figured that people would be contacting their politicians to have something done about her and she got scared? Pot is known to make people paranoid after all.

So she called back to recant her story and took the opposite view to ward off the radio public reaction.
Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not?

Why not is because working people have to pay for it. Secondly, there are no promotions on welfare. Where you start is where you'll be ten or fifteen years later.

If we force people to work, they would learn to be more responsible as irresponsibility costs money. Currently, they can be irresponsible, but it costs us working people money and not them. That would reduce the amount of children they have.

If a person is working, they have the chance at doing better for themselves. Either they work hard and get raises, or they work very hard and get promoted with an increase in pay.

Like this woman said, she can sit home and smoke pot all day while the rest of us pay her bills. Cutting her off would force her to get off of the drugs and perhaps get some exercise instead.

I hear ya, but she was just being honest. She enjoys not working. She chills out and enjoys the time with her family. And she gets paid to do it. Sounds pretty nice, no? It's up to the Government to start enforcing more requirements of welfare recipients. Till that happens, folks like her are gonna enjoy not having to work for their money. It is what it is.
Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not?

Why not is because working people have to pay for it. Secondly, there are no promotions on welfare. Where you start is where you'll be ten or fifteen years later.

If we force people to work, they would learn to be more responsible as irresponsibility costs money. Currently, they can be irresponsible, but it costs us working people money and not them. That would reduce the amount of children they have.

If a person is working, they have the chance at doing better for themselves. Either they work hard and get raises, or they work very hard and get promoted with an increase in pay.

Like this woman said, she can sit home and smoke pot all day while the rest of us pay her bills. Cutting her off would force her to get off of the drugs and perhaps get some exercise instead.

I hear ya, but she was just being honest. She enjoys not working. She chills out and enjoys the time with her family. And she gets paid to do it. Sounds pretty nice, no? It's up to the Government to start enforcing more requirements of welfare recipients. Till that happens, folks like her are gonna enjoy not having to work for their money. It is what it is.

In order for any government official to do something about it, it has to be an issue with people much like it was in the 90's.

In the 90's, Clinton signed Welfare Reform into law against his will. He had no choice because he knew this is what we wanted.

Welfare Reform was changed so many times that today, there is little change than before it was passed. But like the border and illegals issue that sprung Trump to be the front runner, we voters have to make this welfare state paramount once again.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.

Not from what I've seen.

My grocery store is loaded with Food Stamp whores. You should see what these people put in their carts.

Yes, they buy the food with their SNAP's cards, but it's never just SNAP food. Afterwards, they load up the belt with greeting cards, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, cigarettes and beer. A carton of cigarettes here cost a little over sixty bucks. And of course, they pull out that wad of cash to pay for those things.

A couple of times I've been behind them and because they walk so slow (due to their weight at times) I see the vehicles they load their goodies in. I wish I could afford some of those vehicles that they own.

I have a work acquaintance that moved in a few doors down from me a couple of years ago. When I seen him at work, we began talking about his move there. It's a HUD house and he gets to live there for free because it's in his girlfriends name. He works full-time and doesn't make bad money.

One day I seen him move out and later asked him what was up? He told me his girlfriend didn't like the house they moved into because it was on a main street, and she didn't like the noise. Poor dear. So HUD found them a house on a quieter street.

It's bad enough we have to keep a roof over their heads, and it's bad enough it's in the suburbs where working people live. But for crying out loud, now we have to custom taylor a home for people like this too????

Looks can often be deceiving, particular when you're looking for a certain behavior which you seem to be.

SNAP benefits can be as low as $15/mo although the average across the country is about $250/mo. More than 80 percent of adults participants work in the year before or after receiving SNAP. . 44% of all SNAP participants are children and 70% of all benefits go to households with children. Having an EBT card certainly does not make you a welfare queen.
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Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not?

Why not is because working people have to pay for it. Secondly, there are no promotions on welfare. Where you start is where you'll be ten or fifteen years later.

If we force people to work, they would learn to be more responsible as irresponsibility costs money. Currently, they can be irresponsible, but it costs us working people money and not them. That would reduce the amount of children they have.

If a person is working, they have the chance at doing better for themselves. Either they work hard and get raises, or they work very hard and get promoted with an increase in pay.

Like this woman said, she can sit home and smoke pot all day while the rest of us pay her bills. Cutting her off would force her to get off of the drugs and perhaps get some exercise instead.

I hear ya, but she was just being honest. She enjoys not working. She chills out and enjoys the time with her family. And she gets paid to do it. Sounds pretty nice, no? It's up to the Government to start enforcing more requirements of welfare recipients. Till that happens, folks like her are gonna enjoy not having to work for their money. It is what it is.
She called back a few minutes later and said she made the shit up to bring attention to welfare fraud.
KLBJ's False Flag

Welfare fraud and abuse are not as high as one may think. In Florida, from July to Oct 2011, cash welfare recipients were drug tested and only 2.6% came back positive. The Lost Angles Times reported in 2010 that twenty-four percent of new welfare applications in San Diego County contain some form of fraud which was determined to in fact include all forms of inaccuracy rather than just fraud.

Real welfare fraud where significant amounts of money are stolen is relatively rare but highly publicized. Better enforcement means more welfare investigators and more extensive checks, which can significantly raise costs. So is it worth spending the addition money. I think probably not. Most of the states have already determined the amount of enforcement needed.
Welfare fraud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.

She's "contributing to demand?" Bernie Madoff also contributed to demand. Do you defend his activities as well?

Aren't the majority of welfare recipients just like the caller? Do you think they don't know they are sucking off productive people while they do nothing in return?
I responded to your absurd thread with a true statement that is also absurd. When this lady spends, she contributes to demand, it's a simple fact. Every system has people who game it, get over it.
Of course not, the majority work. "Sucking off productive people." Hah, those "productive people" need to realize that the mother receiving food stamps down the street is helping to keep their local walmart up and running.
For Wal-Mart, food stamp cutback adds new challenge
And it's not just walmart that takes a hit. There's absolutely no reason to butcher people's spending power, especially the people who spend most of their income. At a time when we need demand, if anything, we need to be expanding benefits. No one has to pay for it. Deficit spending is a wonderful thing.

To bad you could step outside of yourself and read this post?

You would realize ridiculous this democrat talking point really is.

Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.

Not from what I've seen.

My grocery store is loaded with Food Stamp whores. You should see what these people put in their carts.

Yes, they buy the food with their SNAP's cards, but it's never just SNAP food. Afterwards, they load up the belt with greeting cards, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, cigarettes and beer. A carton of cigarettes here cost a little over sixty bucks. And of course, they pull out that wad of cash to pay for those things.

A couple of times I've been behind them and because they walk so slow (due to their weight at times) I see the vehicles they load their goodies in. I wish I could afford some of those vehicles that they own.

I have a work acquaintance that moved in a few doors down from me a couple of years ago. When I seen him at work, we began talking about his move there. It's a HUD house and he gets to live there for free because it's in his girlfriends name. He works full-time and doesn't make bad money.

One day I seen him move out and later asked him what was up? He told me his girlfriend didn't like the house they moved into because it was on a main street, and she didn't like the noise. Poor dear. So HUD found them a house on a quieter street.

It's bad enough we have to keep a roof over their heads, and it's bad enough it's in the suburbs where working people live. But for crying out loud, now we have to custom taylor a home for people like this too????

Looks can often be deceiving, particular when you're looking for a certain behavior which you seem to be.

SNAP benefits can be as low as $15/mo although the average across the country is about $250/mo. More than 80 percent of adults participants work in the year before or after receiving SNAP. . 44% of all SNAP participants are children and 70% of all benefits go to households with children. Having an EBT card certainly does not make you a welfare queen.

Yes, I do look at behavior. And there is no reason why taxpayers should be feeding people who are using their cash (that they work for) to feed their multiple pets instead of themselves. It reminds me of the family I threw out of my apartment for not paying their rent a couple of years ago.

While these goodies may help a select few people, it precludes others from bettering themselves because they don't want to lose those benefits.

A friend of mine works at a company that uses a lot of temporary help. When things get busy, they ask these workers if they can work more hours. The answer is usually NO. Why? Because they need to keep their income below a certain level before they start losing their SNAP's benefits.

I work in industry and see similar events. Some of our customers only hire temps. They put them to work for several months to sort of try them out. If the worker shows signs of being a good worker, that's who they hire from the agency instead of hiring from outside.

So who do you think they will choose when they need to hire somebody full time--a person who will only work so many hours because of their SNAP's benefits, or a person that's willing to give them their all anytime they need it?
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.

Not from what I've seen.

My grocery store is loaded with Food Stamp whores. You should see what these people put in their carts.

Yes, they buy the food with their SNAP's cards, but it's never just SNAP food. Afterwards, they load up the belt with greeting cards, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, cigarettes and beer. A carton of cigarettes here cost a little over sixty bucks. And of course, they pull out that wad of cash to pay for those things.

A couple of times I've been behind them and because they walk so slow (due to their weight at times) I see the vehicles they load their goodies in. I wish I could afford some of those vehicles that they own.

I have a work acquaintance that moved in a few doors down from me a couple of years ago. When I seen him at work, we began talking about his move there. It's a HUD house and he gets to live there for free because it's in his girlfriends name. He works full-time and doesn't make bad money.

One day I seen him move out and later asked him what was up? He told me his girlfriend didn't like the house they moved into because it was on a main street, and she didn't like the noise. Poor dear. So HUD found them a house on a quieter street.

It's bad enough we have to keep a roof over their heads, and it's bad enough it's in the suburbs where working people live. But for crying out loud, now we have to custom taylor a home for people like this too????

Looks can often be deceiving, particular when you're looking for a certain behavior which you seem to be.

SNAP benefits can be as low as $15/mo although the average across the country is about $250/mo. More than 80 percent of adults participants work in the year before or after receiving SNAP. . 44% of all SNAP participants are children and 70% of all benefits go to households with children. Having an EBT card certainly does not make you a welfare queen.

Yes, I do look at behavior. And there is no reason why taxpayers should be feeding people who are using their cash (that they work for) to feed their multiple pets instead of themselves. It reminds me of the family I threw out of my apartment for not paying their rent a couple of years ago.

While these goodies may help a select few people, it precludes others from bettering themselves because they don't want to lose those benefits.

A friend of mine works at a company that uses a lot of temporary help. When things get busy, they ask these workers if they can work more hours. The answer is usually NO. Why? Because they need to keep their income below a certain level before they start losing their SNAP's benefits.

I work in industry and see similar events. Some of our customers only hire temps. They put them to work for several months to sort of try them out. If the worker shows signs of being a good worker, that's who they hire from the agency instead of hiring from outside.

So who do you think they will choose when they need to hire somebody full time--a person who will only work so many hours because of their SNAP's benefits, or a person that's willing to give them their all anytime they need it?

SNAP benefits phase out gradually as you earn more money. For example a family of 4 (1 adult and 3 kids) living in Texas with an income of $2,000/mo will get $200/mo in SNAP benefits.

Now suppose you have the opportunity to increase your income by $500/mo. Your SNAP benefits will go down $120, but that will be offset by your addition $500 in income. Now suppose you increase your monthly income by $1,000/mo. You would lose all your SNAP benefits, $200 but it will be offset by your addition $1,000 income. The way SNAP benefits are calculated, you will always come out ahead by earning more money.
www.ndhealth.gov/dhs/foodstampcalculator.asp .
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Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.

Not from what I've seen.

My grocery store is loaded with Food Stamp whores. You should see what these people put in their carts.

Yes, they buy the food with their SNAP's cards, but it's never just SNAP food. Afterwards, they load up the belt with greeting cards, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, cigarettes and beer. A carton of cigarettes here cost a little over sixty bucks. And of course, they pull out that wad of cash to pay for those things.

A couple of times I've been behind them and because they walk so slow (due to their weight at times) I see the vehicles they load their goodies in. I wish I could afford some of those vehicles that they own.

I have a work acquaintance that moved in a few doors down from me a couple of years ago. When I seen him at work, we began talking about his move there. It's a HUD house and he gets to live there for free because it's in his girlfriends name. He works full-time and doesn't make bad money.

One day I seen him move out and later asked him what was up? He told me his girlfriend didn't like the house they moved into because it was on a main street, and she didn't like the noise. Poor dear. So HUD found them a house on a quieter street.

It's bad enough we have to keep a roof over their heads, and it's bad enough it's in the suburbs where working people live. But for crying out loud, now we have to custom taylor a home for people like this too????

Looks can often be deceiving, particular when you're looking for a certain behavior which you seem to be.

SNAP benefits can be as low as $15/mo although the average across the country is about $250/mo. More than 80 percent of adults participants work in the year before or after receiving SNAP. . 44% of all SNAP participants are children and 70% of all benefits go to households with children. Having an EBT card certainly does not make you a welfare queen.

Yes, I do look at behavior. And there is no reason why taxpayers should be feeding people who are using their cash (that they work for) to feed their multiple pets instead of themselves. It reminds me of the family I threw out of my apartment for not paying their rent a couple of years ago.

While these goodies may help a select few people, it precludes others from bettering themselves because they don't want to lose those benefits.

A friend of mine works at a company that uses a lot of temporary help. When things get busy, they ask these workers if they can work more hours. The answer is usually NO. Why? Because they need to keep their income below a certain level before they start losing their SNAP's benefits.

I work in industry and see similar events. Some of our customers only hire temps. They put them to work for several months to sort of try them out. If the worker shows signs of being a good worker, that's who they hire from the agency instead of hiring from outside.

So who do you think they will choose when they need to hire somebody full time--a person who will only work so many hours because of their SNAP's benefits, or a person that's willing to give them their all anytime they need it?

SNAP benefits phase out gradually as you earn more money. For example a family of 4 (1 adult and 3 kids) living in Texas with an income of $2,000/mo will get $200/mo in SNAP benefits.

Now suppose you have the opportunity to increase your income by $500/mo. Your SNAP benefits will go down $120, but that will be offset by your addition $500 in income. Now suppose you increase your monthly income by $1,000/mo. You would lose all your SNAP benefits, $200 but it will be offset by your addition $1,000 income. The way SNAP benefits are calculated, you will always come out ahead by earning more money.
www.ndhealth.gov/dhs/foodstampcalculator.asp .

This is true, but people who use SNAP don't think that way. I'll give you a personal example with one of my tenants:

This was an unmarried couple with two children: one about 12 and the other 3. He worked full time but refused to work an hour over 40; a millennial thing from what I understand. She stayed home supposedly home schooling the children even though she was dumb as all hell herself.

They kept getting more and more behind on rent. When it got to the point of over a month away, I called them to my apartment to discuss the situation.

Since she stayed home with the kids all week long, and he didn't work an hour past 40, I suggested that she get a part-time job on the weekends when he was home so somebody could watch the kids. We have all kinds of no-skill jobs around here, so if she worked two 10 hour days a week, that would not only solve their rent problem, but also other problems they had such as their car falling apart.

She didn't even consider it. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps and any income would interfere with that benefit. They didn't have the money to get another apartment with security (since I was keeping theirs) so I had to go to court and evict them.

Bottom line: because of those food stamps, they lost their home, he now has a court record for being evicted which will haunt them for many years to come, he could have lost his job after I forced his company to garnish his wages. All for what? $250.00 a month in food stamps.
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.

She's "contributing to demand?" Bernie Madoff also contributed to demand. Do you defend his activities as well?

Aren't the majority of welfare recipients just like the caller? Do you think they don't know they are sucking off productive people while they do nothing in return?
I responded to your absurd thread with a true statement that is also absurd. When this lady spends, she contributes to demand, it's a simple fact. Every system has people who game it, get over it.
Of course not, the majority work. "Sucking off productive people." Hah, those "productive people" need to realize that the mother receiving food stamps down the street is helping to keep their local walmart up and running.
For Wal-Mart, food stamp cutback adds new challenge
And it's not just walmart that takes a hit. There's absolutely no reason to butcher people's spending power, especially the people who spend most of their income. At a time when we need demand, if anything, we need to be expanding benefits. No one has to pay for it. Deficit spending is a wonderful thing.

You keep trying to claim that being a useless tick on the ass of society is somehow a good thing. Your position is that spending is the only thing that matters and not how a person acquires the funds they spend. According to you a person who works hard is no better than a man who robs liquor stores who swindles investors or who counterfeits the currency. Crime and sloth is no better than honest work, in your world.

That's obvious horseshit. The money the welfare queen spends was looted from the productive people. You attempt to claim the benefit from being looted couldn't be more idiotic or morally reprehensible.
"Lucy" called again a few minutes later to "The Todd and Don Show", where she completely discounted her own story (Wednesday, October 30, Hour 1 at 26:30). The new "Lucy" claimed she had indeed been on welfare, but only for a year. She lifted herself up from her pleather bootstraps and was upset that others hadn't done the same. She invented the welfare queen story to raise awareness of abuses.
KLBJ's False Flag

So which piece a crap is true? However, who really cares since the Welfare Queen stereotyped created by Ronald Reagan about 30 years ago has been widely debunked.

Not from what I've seen.

My grocery store is loaded with Food Stamp whores. You should see what these people put in their carts.

Yes, they buy the food with their SNAP's cards, but it's never just SNAP food. Afterwards, they load up the belt with greeting cards, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, cigarettes and beer. A carton of cigarettes here cost a little over sixty bucks. And of course, they pull out that wad of cash to pay for those things.

A couple of times I've been behind them and because they walk so slow (due to their weight at times) I see the vehicles they load their goodies in. I wish I could afford some of those vehicles that they own.

I have a work acquaintance that moved in a few doors down from me a couple of years ago. When I seen him at work, we began talking about his move there. It's a HUD house and he gets to live there for free because it's in his girlfriends name. He works full-time and doesn't make bad money.

One day I seen him move out and later asked him what was up? He told me his girlfriend didn't like the house they moved into because it was on a main street, and she didn't like the noise. Poor dear. So HUD found them a house on a quieter street.

It's bad enough we have to keep a roof over their heads, and it's bad enough it's in the suburbs where working people live. But for crying out loud, now we have to custom taylor a home for people like this too????
Looks can often be deceiving, particular when you're looking for a certain behavior which you seem to be.

SNAP benefits can be as low as $15/mo although the average across the country is about $250/mo. More than 80 percent of adults participants work in the year before or after receiving SNAP. . 44% of all SNAP participants are children and 70% of all benefits go to households with children. Having an EBT card certainly does not make you a welfare queen.

Yes, I do look at behavior. And there is no reason why taxpayers should be feeding people who are using their cash (that they work for) to feed their multiple pets instead of themselves. It reminds me of the family I threw out of my apartment for not paying their rent a couple of years ago.

While these goodies may help a select few people, it precludes others from bettering themselves because they don't want to lose those benefits.

A friend of mine works at a company that uses a lot of temporary help. When things get busy, they ask these workers if they can work more hours. The answer is usually NO. Why? Because they need to keep their income below a certain level before they start losing their SNAP's benefits.

I work in industry and see similar events. Some of our customers only hire temps. They put them to work for several months to sort of try them out. If the worker shows signs of being a good worker, that's who they hire from the agency instead of hiring from outside.

So who do you think they will choose when they need to hire somebody full time--a person who will only work so many hours because of their SNAP's benefits, or a person that's willing to give them their all anytime they need it?
SNAP benefits phase out gradually as you earn more money. For example a family of 4 (1 adult and 3 kids) living in Texas with an income of $2,000/mo will get $200/mo in SNAP benefits.

Now suppose you have the opportunity to increase your income by $500/mo. Your SNAP benefits will go down $120, but that will be offset by your addition $500 in income. Now suppose you increase your monthly income by $1,000/mo. You would lose all your SNAP benefits, $200 but it will be offset by your addition $1,000 income. The way SNAP benefits are calculated, you will always come out ahead by earning more money.
www.ndhealth.gov/dhs/foodstampcalculator.asp .

This is true, but people who use SNAP don't think that way. I'll give you a personal example with one of my tenants:

This was an unmarried couple with two children: one about 12 and the other 3. He worked full time but refused to work an hour over 40; a millennial thing from what I understand. She stayed home supposedly home schooling the children even though she was dumb as all hell herself.

They kept getting more and more behind on rent. When it got to the point of over a month away, I called them to my apartment to discuss the situation.

Since she stayed home with the kids all week long, and he didn't work an hour past 40, I suggested that she get a part-time job on the weekends when he was home so somebody could watch the kids. We have all kinds of no-skill jobs around here, so if she worked two 10 hour days a week, that would not only solve their rent problem, but also other problems they had such as their car falling apart.

She didn't even consider it. Why? Because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps and any income would interfere with that benefit. They didn't have the money to get another apartment with security (since I was keeping theirs) so I had to go to court and evict them.

Bottom line: because of those food stamps, they lost their home, he now has a court record for being evicted which will haunt them for many years to come, he could have lost his job after I forced his company to garnish his wages. All for what? $250.00 a month in food stamps.
The food stamps weren't responsible for their bad decision. Turning down increased family income because you will lose some or all your SNAP benefits is always a bad financial decision because the increase in income will more than compensate you for any lose of benefits. All this person had to do was contact the local SNAP office, call the toll free SNAP number, or use one of the online SNAP benefit calculators. They would see immediately that it is to their financially advantage to increase their income.

My son and his family were on SNAP for about 8 months. It paid $300 of their $600 grocery bill each month which certainly helps make ends meet if you have a long period of unemployment. However, SNAP cards certainly don't cover everything. For starters, they don;t cover:
toilet paper, tissues, napkins, paper towels, laundry detergents, dish washing soap, toothpaste, denial floss, soaps of any type such hand soap, bath soap, household cleaning soaps and detergents, tampons, pads, and basically anything you can't eat.

Another problem is you can't use EBT cards in all stores. Until recently you could not use them at COSTCO. Many of the deep discount stores do not accept them nor do most online food merchants. Unlike credit cards, if and EBT card is lose or stolen and used, you're out of luck because there will be no refund.

EBT cards help with food purchases but they're no substitute for having cash in bank.

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