Welfare Queen says Working is Stupid

"Welfare Queen"


The stupidity common to most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

That this thread is idiocy is beyond dispute.

Once again we see evidence of the right’s politics of fear and division, their attempt to divide Americans, and to use demagoguery and lies for some perceived partisan gain, such as this failed, moronic attempt to oversimplify the difficult, complex issues of poverty and public assistance.

I tried to help someone with 3 kids , she is a second generation on welfare. They are in a shelter, but she will not go out and work..she is young and healthy.
She would rather raise her kids on the street.
There are many people like the one in the video who take advantage of the system meant for poor.
But they system has fail to get the funds to the ones who really need it.

Some old people only get one meal a day from meals on wheels.......vets who live in rat holes.

You can;t say that this fat lady is made up , there are millions abusing the system..

The system that was designed to help the truly needy was hijacked by liberals many years ago when they saw the opportunity to use it to buy votes with from the lazy.
"Welfare Queen"


The stupidity common to most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

That this thread is idiocy is beyond dispute.

Once again we see evidence of the right’s politics of fear and division, their attempt to divide Americans, and to use demagoguery and lies for some perceived partisan gain, such as this failed, moronic attempt to oversimplify the difficult, complex issues of poverty and public assistance.

I tried to help someone with 3 kids , she is a second generation on welfare. They are in a shelter, but she will not go out and work..she is young and healthy.
She would rather raise her kids on the street.
There are many people like the one in the video who take advantage of the system meant for poor.
But they system has fail to get the funds to the ones who really need it.

Some old people only get one meal a day from meals on wheels.......vets who live in rat holes.

You can;t say that this fat lady is made up , there are millions abusing the system..

This is true. My question is how is that any different from corporate welfare abusers? I own a business and i talk to other business owners all the time about just the tax right offs you get owning a business. I know many of them that cheat and have zero qualms about it like this woman.
"Welfare Queen"


The stupidity common to most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

That this thread is idiocy is beyond dispute.

Once again we see evidence of the right’s politics of fear and division, their attempt to divide Americans, and to use demagoguery and lies for some perceived partisan gain, such as this failed, moronic attempt to oversimplify the difficult, complex issues of poverty and public assistance.

I tried to help someone with 3 kids , she is a second generation on welfare. They are in a shelter, but she will not go out and work..she is young and healthy.
She would rather raise her kids on the street.
There are many people like the one in the video who take advantage of the system meant for poor.
But they system has fail to get the funds to the ones who really need it.

Some old people only get one meal a day from meals on wheels.......vets who live in rat holes.

You can;t say that this fat lady is made up , there are millions abusing the system..

The system that was designed to help the truly needy was hijacked by liberals many years ago when they saw the opportunity to use it to buy votes with from the lazy.
It was designed to only help truly needy whites. It took decades before other races were allowed to use it.

When Welfare Was White: What The Fight Over the Safety Net Is Really All About

"At first, welfare was based on a specific, if unarticulated, ideology of gender roles and race. Its framers expected that white women’s primary responsibility would be child rearing and unpaid domestic labor, while white men would engage in paid labor as their families’ “breadwinners.” Based on this division of labor with the family, paid work was expected to provide a “breadwinner wage” – a wage that would support the paid worker, his wife, and their children. With the introduction of welfare, the government assumed financial responsibility when no other breadwinner was available. White widows were cast as “deserving damsels in distress.”
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"Welfare Queen"


The stupidity common to most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

That this thread is idiocy is beyond dispute.

Once again we see evidence of the right’s politics of fear and division, their attempt to divide Americans, and to use demagoguery and lies for some perceived partisan gain, such as this failed, moronic attempt to oversimplify the difficult, complex issues of poverty and public assistance.

I tried to help someone with 3 kids , she is a second generation on welfare. They are in a shelter, but she will not go out and work..she is young and healthy.
She would rather raise her kids on the street.
There are many people like the one in the video who take advantage of the system meant for poor.
But they system has fail to get the funds to the ones who really need it.

Some old people only get one meal a day from meals on wheels.......vets who live in rat holes.

You can;t say that this fat lady is made up , there are millions abusing the system..

The system that was designed to help the truly needy was hijacked by liberals many years ago when they saw the opportunity to use it to buy votes with from the lazy.

I noticed a growth of people on the streets when Reagan shut down all of the mental hospitals in California
The Vietnam vets are the ones who needed help back then,..many are mentally ill..

I once took care of a man for 2 days...He was a crippled Vietnam vet, left to die in the shack of a house.
I will never forget him.
"Welfare Queen"


The stupidity common to most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

That this thread is idiocy is beyond dispute.

Once again we see evidence of the right’s politics of fear and division, their attempt to divide Americans, and to use demagoguery and lies for some perceived partisan gain, such as this failed, moronic attempt to oversimplify the difficult, complex issues of poverty and public assistance.

I tried to help someone with 3 kids , she is a second generation on welfare. They are in a shelter, but she will not go out and work..she is young and healthy.
She would rather raise her kids on the street.
There are many people like the one in the video who take advantage of the system meant for poor.
But they system has fail to get the funds to the ones who really need it.

Some old people only get one meal a day from meals on wheels.......vets who live in rat holes.

You can;t say that this fat lady is made up , there are millions abusing the system..

This is true. My question is how is that any different from corporate welfare abusers? I own a business and i talk to other business owners all the time about just the tax right offs you get owning a business. I know many of them that cheat and have zero qualms about it like this woman.

You start off whining about corporate welfare, and then you switch to talking about businesses cheating on their taxes. The first is legal. The second is a crime. They are entirely separate issues.

The woman in the OP isn't breaking the law. What she does is entirely legal. That's the main problem with it.
"Welfare Queen"


The stupidity common to most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

That this thread is idiocy is beyond dispute.

Once again we see evidence of the right’s politics of fear and division, their attempt to divide Americans, and to use demagoguery and lies for some perceived partisan gain, such as this failed, moronic attempt to oversimplify the difficult, complex issues of poverty and public assistance.

I tried to help someone with 3 kids , she is a second generation on welfare. They are in a shelter, but she will not go out and work..she is young and healthy.
She would rather raise her kids on the street.
There are many people like the one in the video who take advantage of the system meant for poor.
But they system has fail to get the funds to the ones who really need it.

Some old people only get one meal a day from meals on wheels.......vets who live in rat holes.

You can;t say that this fat lady is made up , there are millions abusing the system..

The system that was designed to help the truly needy was hijacked by liberals many years ago when they saw the opportunity to use it to buy votes with from the lazy.
It was designed to only help truly needy whites. It took decades before other races were allowed to use it.

When Welfare Was White: What The Fight Over the Safety Net Is Really All About

"At first, welfare was based on a specific, if unarticulated, ideology of gender roles and race. Its framers expected that white women’s primary responsibility would be child rearing and unpaid domestic labor, while white men would engage in paid labor as their families’ “breadwinners.” Based on this division of labor with the family, paid work was expected to provide a “breadwinner wage” – a wage that would support the paid worker, his wife, and their children. With the introduction of welfare, the government assumed financial responsibility when no other breadwinner was available. White widows were cast as “deserving damsels in distress.”

"unarticulated ideology" means it didn't exist. the author calls it "unarticulated" because he has no evidence to support his claim.
Some people cheat the system and some people don't. Not cheating the system is more nurture than nature.
Some people cheat the system and some people don't. Not cheating the system is more nurture than nature.

You can only "cheat the system" when it's based on other people's money. Get rid of welfare, and you get rid of the welfare cheats. Such creatures couldn't exist under a system of private charity. People don't give their money to vermin like her.
Someone should introduce welfare queen to the concept of lifetime earnings, compare the median income to hers, and see if she still feels like the brainiac in the room.

Better yet, cash flow. Someone handed me a million dollars I'd still be working, cause that doesn't get me through retirement in 2016.

Her kids should be taken before they're too far gone. They're the victims here and we'll be paying for them too.
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.

She's "contributing to demand?" Bernie Madoff also contributed to demand. Do you defend his activities as well?

Aren't the majority of welfare recipients just like the caller? Do you think they don't know they are sucking off productive people while they do nothing in return?
I responded to your absurd thread with a true statement that is also absurd. When this lady spends, she contributes to demand, it's a simple fact. Every system has people who game it, get over it.
Of course not, the majority work. "Sucking off productive people." Hah, those "productive people" need to realize that the mother receiving food stamps down the street is helping to keep their local walmart up and running.
For Wal-Mart, food stamp cutback adds new challenge
And it's not just walmart that takes a hit. There's absolutely no reason to butcher people's spending power, especially the people who spend most of their income. At a time when we need demand, if anything, we need to be expanding benefits. No one has to pay for it. Deficit spending is a wonderful thing.
Looks to me like the douche bag could stand to miss a few meals.
If you think "no one" has to pay for expanding benefits you need professional mental help.
"Socialism works great until you run out of other people's money to spend".
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.
Where did it say a majority? Lots of people are like her, how many examples would you need?
why exactly should everyone work for 50 years and die? I understand wanting to get ahead in life but i believe we can do better.

we can develop a robotic food production system and a hybrid economy that allows people 1. to study in college in order for them to make more money on the job later and 2. to live a few years of their lives outside of work.

yes, the far right in this country that believes you should work or die is kind of dumb.

You believe that the global elites are going to allow 50 percent of the population to sit on their asses and do nothing but squirt out another worthless eater that produces nothing? Guess again.....

The Globalist or what you call elite

are simply observing how all of them are dying because of the vaccines they receive

and the GMO they eat.....

and the water they drink...

it's easy

very easy

the sheeple don't know and don't care ...:dunno:

Very cool......another one that is awake.....nicely done.
why exactly should everyone work for 50 years and die? I understand wanting to get ahead in life but i believe we can do better.

we can develop a robotic food production system and a hybrid economy that allows people 1. to study in college in order for them to make more money on the job later and 2. to live a few years of their lives outside of work.

yes, the far right in this country that believes you should work or die is kind of dumb.
Holy shit.
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.

She's "contributing to demand?" Bernie Madoff also contributed to demand. Do you defend his activities as well?

Aren't the majority of welfare recipients just like the caller? Do you think they don't know they are sucking off productive people while they do nothing in return?
I responded to your absurd thread with a true statement that is also absurd. When this lady spends, she contributes to demand, it's a simple fact. Every system has people who game it, get over it.
Of course not, the majority work. "Sucking off productive people." Hah, those "productive people" need to realize that the mother receiving food stamps down the street is helping to keep their local walmart up and running.
For Wal-Mart, food stamp cutback adds new challenge
And it's not just walmart that takes a hit. There's absolutely no reason to butcher people's spending power, especially the people who spend most of their income. At a time when we need demand, if anything, we need to be expanding benefits. No one has to pay for it. Deficit spending is a wonderful thing.
It only counts as CONTRIBUTES when its HER money.
Otherwise its RE-distribution of OTHER peoples money.
It is literally a contribution to demand. Taxation destroys peoples money.
Taxes are paid via reserves, the bank reducing the account and the reserve balance is debited. Your money is gone.
Oh, now I remember you. LOL
why exactly should everyone work for 50 years and die? I understand wanting to get ahead in life but i believe we can do better.

we can develop a robotic food production system and a hybrid economy that allows people 1. to study in college in order for them to make more money on the job later and 2. to live a few years of their lives outside of work.

yes, the far right in this country that believes you should work or die is kind of dumb.
So that means all the FF workers will no longer have jobs. 90% of FF workers have grade 12 or less education.
Are YOU going to pay more tax to put food in their mouths and clothes on their backs?
In your mythical "hybrid economy" are all these college graduates going to get a good paying decent secure job?
Or are they in fact going to be lining up with job applications at the local Starbucks that just installed fucking robots to pour cream into the burnt coffee.
Do you have the slightest clue how many Starbucks (LIB man-bun) employees have college degrees with their field of study being medieval footwear? And they only owe 80K in student loans.
There are fat asses like this woman who should get cut off financial support ,and there are truly some sick, old people who really need support..

We need a better system to weed out the bloodsucking lazy ones.
That's the problem with many government programs. Spending the budget is more important than effectiveness or efficiency. The creature in the video will simply eat until she get on disability as well, incapable of work. She's to blame but the government acted as enablers, like feeding someone too fat to get out of bed.

I think it serves as a pretty good microcosm of what's wrong with our system.
Human Beings, and in fact all species throughout history, have always had as a first goal, to survive---to Subsist.

And, for the vast majority of humans today--Subsistence is still the first and primary goal. Its in our genes.

So there are plenty of people who, if given a Subsistence, will gladly sit on the Porch...and forego the stress and hassle of a Boss and a Job.

All Americans know this, but only the Vote-Whoring Democrats will put up with it...will pretend its not happening...for votes, while they loot the Treasury and borrow money from our children to pay for it and buy the Votes.

This bitch in the original post is typical, not the exception...and Fuck the Democrats for allowing it....to further their Socialist ends.

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