Welfare Queen says Working is Stupid

? I own a business and i talk to other business owners all the time about just the tax right offs you get owning a business. I know many of them that cheat and have zero qualms about it like this woman.

But our resident right wing jack offs can't look down on a business owner abusing the system. He might be their boss.

No they (the right wing jerks on here) need welfare fraud to give them a reason to feel they are better than someone else. Someone to look down on is what repubs need today.

And repubs talk about how they are so inclusive and not divisive.

Nice eh?
One of you right wing wack jobs call this woman and offer her a job. Paying better than welfare.

That will make you all feel so much better about yourselves.
Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not? It's why there needs to be more restrictions and requirements. Some states are now implementing Work Requirement policies.

Folks should be required to give something back to the community. They should be required to perform some type of 'Community Service.' There's many ways to serve a Community. States just need to change some policies and then improve enforcement. But hey, this woman was honest. I gotta give her some props for that. Thanks for the great vid. It was very entertaining.
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Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not? It's why there needs to be more restrictions and requirements. Some states are now implementing Work Requrement policies.

Folks should be required to give something back to the community. They should be required to perform some type of 'Community Service.' There's many ways to serve a Community. States just need to change some policies and then improve enforcement. But hey, this woman was honest. I gotta give her some props for that. Thanks for the great vid. It was very entertaining.

Sure work sucks. That's why they have to pay you to show up.

And, yes, they should be doing something for the free moniez. Make it suck, kinda like work for a good portion of people does....
Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not? It's why there needs to be more restrictions and requirements. Some states are now implementing Work Requrement policies.

Folks should be required to give something back to the community. They should be required to perform some type of 'Community Service.' There's many ways to serve a Community. States just need to change some policies and then improve enforcement. But hey, this woman was honest. I gotta give her some props for that. Thanks for the great vid. It was very entertaining.

Sure work sucks. That's why they have to pay you to show up.

And, yes, they should be doing something for the free moniez. Make it suck, kinda like work for a good portion of people does....

I hear ya, but she did make some valid points about work blowing sometimes. However, there are many ways to give back to the community. States just need to start requiring it.
Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not? It's why there needs to be more restrictions and requirements. Some states are now implementing Work Requrement policies.

Folks should be required to give something back to the community. They should be required to perform some type of 'Community Service.' There's many ways to serve a Community. States just need to change some policies and then improve enforcement. But hey, this woman was honest. I gotta give her some props for that. Thanks for the great vid. It was very entertaining.

Sure work sucks. That's why they have to pay you to show up.

And, yes, they should be doing something for the free moniez. Make it suck, kinda like work for a good portion of people does....

I hear ya, but she did make some valid points about work blowing sometimes. However, there are many ways to give back to the community. States just need to start requiring it.
No, the public needs to quit feeding her. Nothing motivates a human like hunger. There's no reason she should be paid jack shit.

Work can suck but that's called life. Protecting people from life's struggles neither helps them or those forced to help them.
The problem with the system has always been the people making bad decisions or taking advantage and expecting others to bail them out. Of course it's bullshit. Why we don't make those collecting welfare perform a service for society (cleaning streets, cutting lawns, etc) is beyond me. It just makes to much sense.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:


Ha, she actually made some valid points. Work can blow. I can see why many would try to avoid it. If they can get away with it, why not? It's why there needs to be more restrictions and requirements. Some states are now implementing Work Requrement policies.

Folks should be required to give something back to the community. They should be required to perform some type of 'Community Service.' There's many ways to serve a Community. States just need to change some policies and then improve enforcement. But hey, this woman was honest. I gotta give her some props for that. Thanks for the great vid. It was very entertaining.

Sure work sucks. That's why they have to pay you to show up.

And, yes, they should be doing something for the free moniez. Make it suck, kinda like work for a good portion of people does....

I hear ya, but she did make some valid points about work blowing sometimes. However, there are many ways to give back to the community. States just need to start requiring it.
No, the public needs to quit feeding her. Nothing motivates a human like hunger. There's no reason she should be paid jack shit.

Work can suck but that's called life. Protecting people from life's struggles neither helps them or those forced to help them.

Well, she was just being honest. She's getting away with it. She enjoys not having to work. Hey, i can understand where she's coming from. Work can blow bigtime. But the real problem is with Government. States need to enforce stricter requirements.
? I own a business and i talk to other business owners all the time about just the tax right offs you get owning a business. I know many of them that cheat and have zero qualms about it like this woman.

But our resident right wing jack offs can't look down on a business owner abusing the system. He might be their boss.

No they (the right wing jerks on here) need welfare fraud to give them a reason to feel they are better than someone else. Someone to look down on is what repubs need today.

And repubs talk about how they are so inclusive and not divisive.

Nice eh?

Name a business owner who is "abusing the system." I don't mention the violation of some obscure regulation. No business in America can go through a single day without violating government regulations.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

Man, you are one gullible rube if you bleev that woman is for real! :lol:

That's called "denial."

Stop drinking the piss and come back to reality, sucker.

More denial.

Dude, you need to learn the phrase "too good to be true."

What's "good" about this reality? I know liberalism conflicts with it.

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