Well , he signed the NDAA

If nothing else this just codifies a policy that has been in force for years, I got over the outrage years ago. In the meantime someone will certainly introduce a bill to counteract the perceived dangers of this policy and watch the MIC puppets of both parties vote against it.
Here is a clue you silly cons, Obama did NOT write this bill did he?

The house Republicans did huh?
Things are about to get ugly people. You Obama supporters just say one thing against this country and you to might be detained!!! Wonder how you will feel about him if you or one of your family members gets in trouble for free speech!

Those provisions were removed from the bill:

Among the changes the administration secured was striking a provision that would have eliminated executive branch authority to use civilian courts for trying terrorism cases against foreign nationals.

The administration also pushed Congress to change a provision that would have denied U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism the right to trial and could have subjected them to indefinite detention. Lawmakers eventually dropped the military custody requirement for U.S. citizens or lawful U.S. residents.

News from The Associated Press

In his signing statement the president maintains that provisions in the NDAA have already passed Constitutional muster:

Section 1021 affirms the executive branch’s authority to detain persons covered by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) (Public Law 107-40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note). This section breaks no new ground and is unnecessary. The authority it describes was included in the 2001 AUMF, as recognized by the Supreme Court and confirmed through lower court decisions since then. Two critical limitations in section 1021 confirm that it solely codifies established authorities. First, under section 1021(d), the bill does not “limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.” Second, under section 1021(e), the bill may not be construed to affect any “existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.” My Administration strongly supported the inclusion of these limitations in order to make clear beyond doubt that the legislation does nothing more than confirm authorities that the Federal courts have recognized as lawful under the 2001 AUMF. Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.

BREAKING: Obama Signs Defense Authorization Bill | ThinkProgress
In many ways, it is the government that is really scared. They understand that the United States population is increasingly becoming a revolutionary populace as their elected officials continue on with business as usual.
Now tell me again who wrote this into the Bill?

Who wrote this power into the bill for ALL presidents and not just Obama?
In many ways, it is the government that is really scared. They understand that the United States population is increasingly becoming a revolutionary populace as their elected officials continue on with business as usual.

Especially obama. There's trouble ahead for him. This is the calm before the storm.
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

Irrational fear of boogeymen that do not exist is what creates crap like this.

I grew up under the ever present hair-trigger threat of thermonuclear war, this kind of stuff just does not have the power to make me fearful.

And heeeeeerrrrree's your picture...

Here is a clue you silly cons, Obama did NOT write this bill did he?

The house Republicans did huh?

Obama did not have to sign this regardless of who wrote it!

Bill Clinton signed the "Shadow Banking System" into law. Clinton did the same for commodities trading so everyone gets to pay more for fuel, food, water & electricity.

Wallstreet continually screws us day after day for the past 12 years, but it is not Billy's fault for signing those laws?????
Irrational fear of boogeymen that do not exist is what creates crap like this.

I grew up under the ever present hair-trigger threat of thermonuclear war, this kind of stuff just does not have the power to make me fearful.

And heeeeeerrrrree's your picture...


You are acting as if this changes anything, the government has had the power and ability to arbitrarily remove you from the world for a long time. Did you not know that? Is it just shocking to see it in writing? Besides, if war powers are ever used against Americans it will be against leftists, you should be happy.
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

Irrational fear of boogeymen that do not exist is what creates crap like this.

I grew up under the ever present hair-trigger threat of thermonuclear war, this kind of stuff just does not have the power to make me fearful.
A Soviet nuke can't throw you into prison indefinitely and without charges, under the nebulous claim that you're *suspected* of being a "terrorist", you stooge.
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

There's such a thing as healthy fear dipshit. If I'm walking towards the edge of a cliff, I appreciate that feeling within me warning me to stop.

Is the concept of not being ruled by fear so alien that the conservatives here are just incapable of getting my point?

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