Well Hillary supporters....will you finally admit that you were wrong?

Admit? They won't admit to anything. That would go against their mantra.
Politicians playing politics......who would have thunk it?

Trump swift boated ALL of his opponents, mostly right on stage with them, or in his relentless accusatory tweets, and in the national enquire or NY Post like the stories he dumped on Ted Cruz with alleged affairs, and his father killing Kennedy....

And Cruz operatives dumping melania naked pictures....right when the people were voting in their state primary....

Trump is a master at swift boating, it's his daily, by the hour, routine.
Politicians playing politics......who would have thunk it?
Well there is some "logic". Let's lower our expectations down to their level rather than demanding they raise their ethics up to our level of expectations.
Trump swift boated ALL of his opponents, mostly right on stage with them, or in his relentless accusatory tweets, and in the national enquire or NY Post like the stories he dumped on Ted Cruz with alleged affairs, and his father killing Kennedy....
And Trump is a dirt-bag. Would you not agree? Why would you attempt to defend your candidate by pointing to another candidate that you despise? :dunno:
Trump is a master at swift boating, it's his daily, by the hour, routine.
Well if Trump is the master, Hitlery Clinton is clearly the protégé...
Of course the left wants to blame everyone other than their own leaders when things go sideways. But James Comey is not to blame for the the latest scandal. The blame is squarely on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and her deep commitment to corruption.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Mr. McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe, received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 from the political-action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of the Clintons and, until he was elected governor in November 2013, a Clinton Foundation board member.
  • In February of this year, Mr. McCabe ascended from the No. 3 position at the FBI to the deputy director post (the No. 2 position). When he assumed that role, officials say, he started overseeing the probe into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server for government work when she was secretary of state.
  • At a meeting early last week of senior Justice Department and FBI officials, a member of the department’s senior national-security staff asked for an update on the Weiner laptop, the people familiar with the matter said. At that point, officials realized that no one had acted to obtain a warrant, these people said.
  • The amount that was steered [Jill McCabe's] coffers was staggering. Nearly $500,000 for a state Senate seat, she apparently had no chance of winning. Since she got the money and then lost, that immediately raised red flags.
  • Was a senior Justice Department official getting special favors for his wife from a Clinton guy, while Mrs. Clinton, under active investigation by his department, including investigations in which he was materially involved.
Basically James Comey was forced to cover his butt because he was caught squarely in the Clinton corruption machine merely by taking a government job. If all of this comes out - the people want to know why a laptop with Clinton emails sat at the F.B.I. for 3 weeks without anyone getting a warrant for the emails.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

What Really Bothers Glenn About the FBI’s Latest Move
Patriot, what other kook propaganda pieces have the Russians given you to parrot?

Such a good Putin-patsy you are. Obviously, you and the other Trump-losers don't realize you're being played by the Russians. That would require intelligence.

Now, your masters are calling. Run along and obey. It''s what you do, stooge, spread cult propaganda because you were ordered to. And what we do is laugh at you. That way, there is balance in the universe.
Patriot, what other kook propaganda pieces have the Russians given you to parrot?

Such a good Putin-patsy you are. Obviously, you and the other Trump-losers don't realize you're being played by the Russians. That would require intelligence.

Now, your masters are calling. Run along and obey. It''s what you do, stooge, spread cult propaganda because you were ordered to. And what we do is laugh at you. That way, there is balance in the universe.
You're a very angry and bitter old woman. Is that why you prefer ideology over reality? Because reality has been too harsh for you?

I can admit that Trump should have never happened (and to their credit - the Republican establishment did everything in their power to stop it). But you can't admit that Hitlery Clinton should have never happened and that the Dumbocrat establishment did everything - up to and including rigging the primary - to make sure it did happen. It shows that you are an immature partisan hack and that your party is completely corrupt.
Here you go mamooth - watch and learn. This is Hitlery Clinton in her own words. You're not afraid of what Hitlery has to say, are you?

Patriot, what other kook propaganda pieces have the Russians given you to parrot?

Such a good Putin-patsy you are. Obviously, you and the other Trump-losers don't realize you're being played by the Russians. That would require intelligence.

Now, your masters are calling. Run along and obey. It''s what you do, stooge, spread cult propaganda because you were ordered to. And what we do is laugh at you. That way, there is balance in the universe.
You're a very angry and bitter old woman. .
Riiiiiight......because you're such a charmer. :badgrin:
Here you go mamooth - watch and learn. This is Hitlery Clinton in her own words.

And there was nothing bad about it. Why did lie and say there was, loser?

If you're not as gutless as you've always appeared, go on and explain the problems with those words. And explain why you lied about "rigging the primary". Did you really think you could be such a proud lhying shitstain without being called on it? You need to understand that we on the left aren't like your wuss cult, the cult that glorifies lying. When we see a liar, right or left, we rip them a new one. Consistent standards, so you wouldn't understand.

So, will you be sticking around after your fascist DearLeader's humiliation, or will you cut and run along with most of the other Trump-losers? Just remember one thing. Stay or go, everyone will be laughing at you, hard, for years to come, along with all of the other whiny Trump-losers.
You Trump supporters have lost yo dang minds.

The truth here, is that Hillary lies.

No more than all the other Lawyers turned Politicians.

What she is lying about here, is that she knew so little about computers and servers, she probably had no idea she was negligent with classified information.

The GOP knows exactly how to gaslight you angry old white guys.

So you're all hysterical and "hate" Hillary.

You might as well hate Grandma for writing letters instead of emailing people

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