Well Hillary supporters....will you finally admit that you were wrong?

The progressives like mamooth, rdean, and candycorn right here on USMB are proving this every day...

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Here you go mamooth - watch and learn. This is Hitlery Clinton in her own words.

And there was nothing bad about it. Why did lie and say there was, loser?

If you're not as gutless as you've always appeared, go on and explain the problems with those words. And explain why you lied about "rigging the primary". Did you really think you could be such a proud lhying shitstain without being called on it? You need to understand that we on the left aren't like your wuss cult, the cult that glorifies lying. When we see a liar, right or left, we rip them a new one. Consistent standards, so you wouldn't understand.

So, will you be sticking around after your fascist DearLeader's humiliation, or will you cut and run along with most of the other Trump-losers? Just remember one thing. Stay or go, everyone will be laughing at you, hard, for years to come, along with all of the other whiny Trump-losers.

When did you rip Bitchlery Clinton?
She's a pathological liar

Some people here are pathological liars, and it's all the gutless mewling Trump shitstains.

Stop making excuses for Trump bragging about sexual assault, will you? Lying about the Clintons won't help your pervy assaulting Dearleader, and it makes you look like morally depraved scumbags.

Your boy bragged about committing sexual assaults. Don't deflect from that by lying about us. Own it. Explain why you still support the sexual-assaulting orange shitbag. That issue isn't going away, and least not until you inevitably flee the board after losing.

Trump has an extensive history of being a bad guy.
That seems to be overlooked on this site by his supporters
who are making him out to be a saint and Hillary the devil...
She's a pathological liar

Some people here are pathological liars, and it's all the gutless mewling Trump shitstains.

Stop making excuses for Trump bragging about sexual assault, will you? Lying about the Clintons won't help your pervy assaulting Dearleader, and it makes you look like morally depraved scumbags.

Your boy bragged about committing sexual assaults. Don't deflect from that by lying about us. Own it. Explain why you still support the sexual-assaulting orange shitbag. That issue isn't going away, and least not until you inevitably flee the board after losing.

You are an idiot.

carry it anywhere.jpg
She's a pathological liar and she has set out to destroy women who were victims of sexual assault (in most cases at the hands of her husband)...

Trump is a pathological liar who's going to try to financially destroy the women HE molested.
And there was nothing bad about it. Why did lie and say there was, loser?
There was "nothing bad" about it?!? Are you kidding me?!?

[Blacks] are "super predators" who need to be taught to "heel"

During the Benghazi hearings she says "What difference, at this point, does it make?" shortly after stating that they were all there at the hearing to determine what caused it so that they could avoid a repeat of it in the future. That's a special kind of stupid that could only come from a desperate woman trying to cover up a lie.

"We're going to put a LOT of coal miners out of business". Oh...that's awesome. In some communities (such as areas of West Virginia and Pennsylvania), the coal industry is literally the only industry keeping entire towns fed and functioning. Promising to put people on the unemployment line, ruin their lives, and destroy entire communities just to pander to bat-shit crazy progressive "Global Warming" conspiracy theorists is repulsive. These are real lives and you bat-shit crazy conspiracy theorists are laughing about destroying them.

Calling at least a quarter of America "deplorables". Basically, anyone who won't lick her ass like you do she considers to be her "enemy".

Telling everyone that she "landed under sniper fire" when in fact she was greeted on the tarmac and took her sweet time chatting with everyone and shaking hands.

So to recap - mamooth believes that being racist, causing the deaths of Americans, promising to put people out of work and destroy communities, lying, and calling Americans "deplorables" is "nothing bad". Yep. That could only come from a progressive.
She's a pathological liar and she has set out to destroy women who were victims of sexual assault (in most cases at the hands of her husband)...

Trump is a pathological liar who's going to try to financially destroy the women HE molested.

Hitlery is a pathological liar and a megalomaniac. Trump is a run-of-the-mill liar and a megalomaniac. Your greed for government handouts blinds you to reality (unfortunately).
She's a pathological liar and she has set out to destroy women who were victims of sexual assault (in most cases at the hands of her husband)...

Trump is a pathological liar who's going to try to financially destroy the women HE molested.

Hitlery is a pathological liar and a megalomaniac. Trump is a run-of-the-mill liar and a megalomaniac. Your greed for government handouts blinds you to reality (unfortunately).

Trump is a textbook megalomaniac.
[Blacks] are "super predators" who need to be taught to "heel"

She didn't say that. You said that, so you'll need to justify lying about that. Why did you think you could get away with a lie that brazen?

During the Benghazi hearings she says "What difference, at this point, does it make?".

Yes, she said that about some stupid detail Republicans were bringing up. You're lying again by pretending she was referring to Benghazi as a whole.

"We're going to put a LOT of coal miners out of business".

Yep, and then explained how to get them new jobs. Leaving that out is lying-by-omission on your part.

All the evidence says that you and your extreme-right-wing-kook-fringe conspiracy cult are full of shit when you babble that global warming is a liberal conspiracy. You're entitled to your own stupid whiny opinions, but not your own science. You deniers have all been caught faking data over and over and lying about everything, which is why you're correctly defined as a liars' cult by the whole planet.

Calling at least a quarter of America "deplorables".

Correctly so, given their demonstrated moral depravity on any topic. I know truth-telling offends you PC crybabies, but too bad. Any time you cry, it means good things have happened for the USA.

Basically, anyone who won't lick her ass like you do she considers to be her "enemy".

No, that's just something you made up, so you need again to explain why you did so. You having paranoid fantasies does not make other people liars.

Telling everyone that she "landed under sniper fire" when in fact she was greeted on the tarmac and took her sweet time chatting with everyone and shaking hands.

I agree, that's a lie. Pretty much the only one she's ever told.

So to recap

Okay. You got caught lying about everything, and you are not sorry, because the cult told you that lying for the cause was okay. The only standards you possess are "might makes right" and "the ends always justify the means for my own side."

No matter. In a few days, you and your alt-right-wuss pals go in the dustbin of history. Sucks to be you, loser. How's that losing taste? Understand we'll be ramming it down your throat for a long time. You can either stay here and take it, and probably enjoy it, or run away with the other Trump-cucks.
Your own video shows her not saying that, liar.

Given that you'll lie to everyone's face without a twinge of regret, why should anyone ever engage you on any topic? You're just going to lie in response, so what's the point?
During the Benghazi hearings she says "What difference, at this point, does it make?".

Yes, she said that about some stupid detail Republicans were bringing up. You're lying again by pretending she was referring to Benghazi as a whole.

Once again we see you being a pathological liar. You left out the rest of my quote because you don't have an honest bone in your body. Four Americans were heinously murdered you welfare queen. They were holding the hearing to determine the break down in State Department security, what caused the attack, and what they could do to prevent it. Hitlery herself said so just moments before she contradicted herself with the infamous "what difference does it make" gaffe. Only an idiot like Hitlery and yourself could think that what caused it doesn't make a difference. She lied to the families of those dead Americans. You're as disgusting as she is for supporting that.
Your own video shows her not saying that, liar.

Given that you'll lie to everyone's face without a twinge of regret, why should anyone ever engage you on any topic? You're just going to lie in response, so what's the point?
Well you are the certified USMB expert on lying. It's all you do.
"We're going to put a LOT of coal miners out of business".

Yep, and then explained how to get them new jobs. Leaving that out is lying-by-omission on your part.

Another lie by moose. Yeah....uh....no she didn't. And who said they even wanted new jobs? Maybe they like their jobs. Something you fascist dictators don't care about. You just want to controll everyone else's lives.
All the evidence says that you and your extreme-right-wing-kook-fringe conspiracy cult are full of shit when you babble that global warming is a liberal conspiracy. You're entitled to your own stupid whiny opinions, but not your own science. You deniers have all been caught faking data over and over and lying about everything, which is why you're correctly defined as a liars' cult by the whole planet.

You can't help but laugh at moose here. She even lies about her lies. It was progressives caught lying about data. Not one, but two rounds of Climategate. And then there was the hilarious prediction that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted by 2014. What happened? It expanded an astounding 60% (over 900,000 sq miles).

You can't provide one example of conservatives providing false data. Why? Ecuador you're a liar.
Patriot, are you under the impression you're my first obsessive stalker-bitch?

You're not. I've got quite a collection of butthurt eunuchs following me around. Your weepy stalker routine is nothing new. I collect weepy conservative stalkers as a badge of honor. Every time I get one, I carve another notch in my loser-smacking stick. About to fall apart, that stick is.

So, 5 days until you and the other Trump-cucks flee the board. Get your crying in while you can.
Patriot, are you under the impression you're my first obsessive stalker-bitch?

You're not. I've got quite a collection of butthurt eunuchs following me around. Your weepy stalker routine is nothing new. I collect weepy conservative stalkers as a badge of honor. Every time I get one, I carve another notch in my loser-smacking stick. About to fall apart, that stick is.

So, 5 days until you and the other Trump-cucks flee the board. Get your crying in while you can.
You cry a lot. And you get really upset when people expose you as the liar you are.

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